Enhancing engineering education through virtual reality: a systematic study on immersive engineering education practices
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

This article explores the integration of virtual reality (VR) and associated technologies in engineering education, focusing on the pedagogical approaches adopted in this integration, which we refer to as immersive engineering education. This study considers the application possibilities and the transformative impact of VR on engineering education. The article addresses the critical collection and analysis of VR applications in engineering education. It covers main VR-related papers published from 2015 to February 2024 and indexed in Scopus, Web of Sciences, or both, and discussing design, development challenges, and collaborative tools. Empirical evidence showcases improved engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. The findings offer modern insights for educators and researchers on leveraging VR for impactful learning experiences, while also noting the need for further research in this evolving field.
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