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24,883 Article Results

Two-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm Based on Linear Prognosis for Space Target in Bistatic ISAR System

Xueping; Shaoxing University Lu , Shapu; Shaoxing University Ren
In bistatic inverse synthetic aperture radar (Bi-ISAR) system, its image resolution is lower than monostatic ISAR system. In order to solve this problem, the linear prognosis algorithm is adopted in the imaging process and the imaging algorithm based on linear prognosis is proposed. Space target Bi-ISAR imaging is taken as example in the research. The one-dimensional range profile is created through pulse compression method. Before the azimuth compression, burg entropy maximum algorithm in Levions recursive method is used to estimate the prognosis coefficients and the azimuth echo data. Then Fourier transformation is used to compress the azimuth data in order to get the high resolution azimuth image. This imaging method can obtain the two-dimensional image with the resolution equal to the monostatic ISAR or even higher than it. Simulation experiments have verified the effectiveness and availability of the algorithm.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 933-941
Publish at: 2014-12-01

OWLS-CSM: A Service Profile Based Similarity Framework for Web Service Discovery

Naji; Wuhan University of Technology Hasan.A.H , Gao; Wuhan University of Technology Shu
This paper presents OWLS-CSM framework, an OWL-S Service Profile based framework for web service discovery in cloud environment. In the proposed framework, services are presented as advertisements; their concepts are semantically defined and described in a hierarchal ontology to facilitate service matchmaking. In matchmaking process advertisements and query are represented as objects and three levels of similarities are used, based on OWL-S Service Profile, to matching, namely taxonomical similarity, functional similarity and non-functional similarity. Milestone method is adopted in the matchmaking algorithm to match the concepts according to their position in the hierarchal ontology. The results obtained from OWLS-CSM are analyzed and compared with other similar works to prove and evaluate the efficiency of our work. 
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 1079-1087
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Information Support Technology of Ship Survey Based on Case-based Reasoning

Jiyin; Wuhan University of Technology Cao , Shidong; Wuhan University of Technology Fan , Wen; Wuhan University of Technology Lu , Haiyun; Wuhan University of Technology Liu
Recently, the significance of ship inspections hasbeen increasingly recognized because sea pollution andsafety problems are occurring more and more frequently. However, current ship inspections rely on the experience ofthe workers. Therefore, it is difficult to understand, and hence to improve, the state of ship inspections. The present problemsare that the ship inspection technical support level in China is not balanced, especially as to the current situation with low level, poor technologyin under-developed areas. In this paper, the case technology about the case-based reasoning to the ship inspection is proposed. The methods of normative inspection case representation are discussed.This is considered to be the basis of case-based reasoning. Then the tertiary case structure with the index is defined, in which the K-nearest neighbor method to calculate the similarity between caseswas used so that the ship’s inspection information can be searched effectively. In addition, animproved retrievalstrategy of the nearest neighbor method is introduced. Therefore, in the inspection site,the inspectors can acquire support information by the case bases, and then the new cases are calculated automatically. Further, a ship inspection case managementwereintroduced to improve the stability of the system. By carrying the case-based reasoning into an inspection, an inspector can generate fault information and inspection information simply and easily. Some examples of the organization and retrieval are shown at the end of the paper.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 985-996
Publish at: 2014-12-01

A Model of Vertical Crawler Based on Hidden Markov Chain

Ye; School of Computer Science and Technology, Hubei University of Technology Hu , Jun; School of Computer Science and Technology, Hubei University of Technology Tu , Wangyu; School of Computer Science and Technology, Hubei University of Technology Tong
The large size and the dynamic nature of the Web make it necessary to continually maintain Web based information retrieval systems. In order to get more objects by visiting few irrelevant web pages, the web crawler usually takes the heuristic searching strategy that ranks urls by their importance and preferentially visits the more important web pages. While some systems rely on crawlers that exhaustively crawl the Web, others incorporate “focus” within their crawlers to harvest application or topic-specific collections. In this paper, using the Hidden Markov Model(HMM) learning ability to solve the problem of the theme of the crawler drift, has obtained the certain effect.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 1105-1112
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Clustering Algorithm Combined with Hill Climbing for Classification of Remote Sensing Image
B.Sai Chandana , K. Srinivas , R. Kiran Kumar
Clustering is an unsupervised classification method widely used for classification of remote sensing images.  As the spatial resolution of remote sensing images getting higher and higher, the complex structure is the simple objects becomes obvious, which makes the classification algorithm based on pixels being losing their advantages. In this paper, four different clustering algorithms such as K-means, Moving K-means, Fuzzy K-means and Fuzzy Moving K-means are used for classification of remote sensing images. In all the traditional clustering algorithms, number of clusters and initial centroids are randomly selected and often specified by the user. In this paper, a hill climbing algorithm for the histogram of the input image will generate the number of clusters and initial centroids required for clustering.   It overcomes the shortage of random initialization in traditional clustering and achieves high computational speed by reducing the number of iterations. The experimental results show that Fuzzy Moving K-means has classified the remote sensing image more accurately than other three algorithms.DOI:
Volume: 4
Issue: 6
Page: 923-930
Publish at: 2014-12-01

The Development of Windows Communication Foundation Application as Middleware for Banyumas Tourism and Culinary Information System

Yuli; STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto Purwati , Fandy Setyo; STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto Utomo
Banyumas located in the southwest of Central Java province. Banyumas is a tourist destination that serves a variety of interesting attractions to visit which include natural attractions, arts and culture, as well as culinary tourism. Business growth in the culinary and hospitality sectors in Banyumas region since 2011 experienced a significant increase in terms of quantity. Two of the business sector is a potential contributing factor for the tourism sector in Banyumas. In this study, an attempt to introduce and market potential for tourism, arts and culture, as well as culinary Banyumas done through WCF as a middleware application development that can be used by client applications to provide information about the potential of tourism, arts and culture, as well as culinary Banyumas. Step study conducted starting from data collection, analysis of functional requirements, system design, implementation, and testing of WCF applications. WCF application consists of several services, namely download service information lists attractions, arts and cultural information, culinary information, lodging information, and download the tourism image data from the server. Based on the test results of the service, it can be concluded that the service to function properly and is able to distribute information to the client.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 1031-1038
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Complex Optimization problems Using Highly Efficient Particle Swarm Optimizer

Kaiyou; Southwest University Lei , Changjiu; Chongqing University of Education Pu
Many  engineering problems are the complex optimization problems with the large numbers of global and local optima, due to its complexity, general particle swarm optimization methods are slow speed on convergence and easy to be trapped in local optima. In this paper, a highly efficient particle swarm optimizer is proposed, which employ the dynamic transition strategy of inertia factor, search space and velocity in each cycle to plan large-scale space global search and refined local search as a whole according to the fitness change of swarm in optimization process of the engineering problems, and to quicken convergence speed, avoid premature problem, economize computational expenses, and obtain global optimum. Several complex benchmark functions are used to testify the new algorithm and the results showed clearly the revised algorithm can rapidly converge at high quality solutions.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 1023-1030
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Research on Image Splicing and Fusion Processing Algorithm in Large Visual Field

Wu; Xi'an Jiaotong University Jie , Zuren; Xi'an Jiaotong University Feng , Xiaoru; Xi'an Technological University Song
To obtain wide area and a large field of view image, splicing and fusion algorithm is presented. Single image is preprocessed by utilizing rough matching algorithm, which can narrow down the matching range to improve the speed and precision of image stitching and fusion, at the same time, Single image is preprocessed by filter processing algorithm, which will reduce interference noise, improve SNR and enhance the effective character information of image; the best matching position is found by using a combined splicing algorithm, which are ratio template matching algorithm and template matching algorithm, and the images are spliced at the best matching position; we take the neighborhood weighted average fusion algorithm to eliminate the distinct splicing trace. The captured images are processed by using correlation algorithm, a large field of view and high quality image is obtained. The experimental results verify the validity of the algorithm.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 839-846
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Improved Reaching Law Sliding Mode Control Algorithm Design For DC Motor Based on Kalman Filter
Li Liu
Aiming at the inaccurately modeling and some uncertain existing in servo system seriously affected the control quality and the instability problem, sliding mode control algorithm with improved reaching law is proposed in this paper. The improved reaching law is used to weaken the chattering problem existing in the sliding mode control. Also the kalman filter is used to inhibit the interference, which make the servo system have strong anti-interference ability and the ability of weakening the chattering problem existing in the sliding mode control. The simulation results show that the algorithm can effectively inhibit the external disturbance and noise existing in the system, and make the system have strong anti-interference ability. At the same time, the chattering also is obviously inhibited, and the method makes the system stability and control quality been further improved. 
Volume: 12
Issue: 12
Page: 8193-8199
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Face Recognition Using Invariance with a Single Training Sample

Qian; Southeast University Tian
For the limits of memories and computing performance of current intelligent terminals, it is necessary to develop some strategies which can keep the balance of the accuracy and running time for face recognition. The purpose of the work in this paper is to find the invariant features of facial images and represent each subject with only one training sample for face recognition. We propose a two-layer hierarchical model, called invariance model, and its corresponding algorithms to keep the balance of accuracy, storage and running time. Especially, we take advantages of wavelet transformations and invariant moments to obtain the key features as well as reduce dimensions of feature data based on the cognitive rules of human brains. Furthermore, we improve usual pooling methods, e.g. max pooling and average pooling, and propose the weighted pooling method to reduce dimensions with no effect on accuracy, which let storage requirement and recognition time greatly decrease. The simulation results show that the proposed method does better than some typical and nearly-proposed algorithms in balancing the accuracy and running time.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 921-932
Publish at: 2014-12-01

RBFNN Variable Structure Controller for MIMO System and Application to Ship Rudder/Fin Joint Control

Han Yao Zhen , Hairong Xiao
Aiming at a class of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system with uncertainty, a sliding mode control algorithm based on neural network disturbance observer is designed and applied to ship yaw and roll joint stabilization. The nonlinear disturbance observer is finished by radial basis function neural network and with that a terminal sliding mode control algorithm is proposed. The asymptotic stability of closed-loop system is proved based on Lyapunov theorem. The proposed control law is applied to anti-roll control under simulative wave disturbances. Simulation results verified robustness and effectiveness of the suggested algorithm. A good anti-rolling effect is achieved and yaw angle is also reduced greatly with less mechanical loss.
Volume: 12
Issue: 12
Page: 8166-8174
Publish at: 2014-12-01

An Improved Entity Similarity Measurement Method

LV; Anhui University Gang , Chen; Anhui University Sheng-bing
To facilitate the integration of learning resources categorized under different ontology representations, the techniques of ontology mapping can be applied. Through many algorithms and systems have been proposed for ontology mapping, they do not have an automatic weighting strategy on class features to automate the ontology mapping process. A novel method of computing the feature weights is proposed by feature semantic analysis, defining characteristics of the different entities similarity calculation model and weight calculation model. The results show that it makes the ontology mapping process more automatic while retaining satisfying accuracy. Improve ontology mapping effectiveness.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 1017-1022
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Unambiguous Acquisition for Galileo E1 OS Signal Based on Delay-And-Multiply

Deng; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Zhongliang , Xi; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Yue , Jiao; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Jichao , Yin; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Lu
Galileo E1 Open Service (OS) signal is transmitted with the modulation of Composite Binary Offset Carrier (CBOC). CBOC has a main drawback that is the autocorrelation function has multiple side-peaks, which will lead to ambiguous acquisition. The high rate of data bit and secondary code makes it very difficult to increase coherent integration time. This paper will propose a new scheme based on the delay-and-multiply concept. And also this scheme combines the data channel and pilot channel. Finally, the theoretical results will be given to prove that the new scheme will accomplish unambiguous acquisition and also eliminate the influence of bit transition.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 950-962
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Development of Wireless Electric Field Mill for Atmospheric Electric Field Observation

Muhammad Abu; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Bakar Sidik , Hamizah; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Shahroom , Zolkafle; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Buntat , Yanuar; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Zulardiansyah Arief , Zainuddin; Universitas Sriwijaya Nawawi , Muhammad; Universitas Sriwijaya Irfan Jambak
Rotating-vane electric field mill (REFM) sensor is one of the popular methods to measure atmospheric quasi-static electric field. Lightning incident occasion can be predicted by observing electric fields strength in atmosphere. In this paper an integration of REFM with an online wireless data monitoring system for long distance observation and data collection is presented. This method reduces the required man-hour to gather data from the REFM as well as system costs by removing the computer and data logger on-site. The development includes hardware and software design in order to improve efficiency the atmospheric electric field measurement system. The contribution of this work is the design of the electronic circuit which converts the ac signal from the REFM sensor to dc signal and then correlates the signal to the electric field strength in the vicinity. Subsequently the information is transmitted via a wireless data transmission system, using the Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) network. Using the proposed method, all the data from sensors can be observed and analysed immediately from any location.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 1113-1122
Publish at: 2014-12-01

Resolution Improvement in Fabry-Perot Displacement Sensor Based on Fringe Counting Method

Nur Izzati; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Ismail , Nor Hafizah; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Ngajikin , Nor Fadzlina; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mohd Zaman , Maisarah; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Awang , Asrul Izam; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Azmi , Nik Noordini; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Nik Abd. Malik , Norazan; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mohd Kassim
This paper presents an improved Fringe Counting Method (FCM) technique in order to enhance the displacement resolution of a Fabry-Perot Displacement Sensor (FPDS). A simulation model of a FPDS based on the improved FCM has been developed and simulated for nanometer displacement range by using MATLAB mathematical software. Unlike conventional FCM that analyzed the number of fringes produced over one time period, the improved FCM analyzed the number of fringes for one largest Free Spectral Range (FSR). In this work, the initial length of Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) cavity has been set at 75 μm due to limitation of the machining precision equipment. For the displacement analysis, the improved FCM technique is used as an algorithm. The research results prove that this FPDS could detect displacement at 10nm resolution over a working range of 40 nm. It showed that the improved FCM technique managed to enhance the capability of the conventional FCM in detecting nanometer displacement. 
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Page: 811-818
Publish at: 2014-12-01
Show 1429 of 1659

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