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23,446 Article Results

Social networking behaviour and psychological distress among Malaysian undergraduates during the COVID-19 pandemic

Liang Jing Teh , Su Luan Wong
This study investigated the extent of social networking sites usage and its relationship with the undergraduate students’ psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this quantitative correlational study, 212 students completed questionnaires assessing their social networking site use and psychological distress. Descriptive analysis revealed that the students were avid users of social networking sites. On average, almost half of the students used social networking sites more than six times per day while more than onethird of them spent more than three hours each day using social networking sites. Findings also showed that entertainment was the primary purpose of social networking site usage, followed by academic, social, and informational uses. Notably, nearly half of the students reported high levels of anxiety, and approximately one-third experienced significant depression and stress. However, correlational analyses found no significant associations between the length, frequency, and all purposes (social, academic, information, or entertainment) of social networking site usage and the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. These findings suggest a complex interplay between these variables. Given the ever-increasing use of social networking sites and the alarming prevalence of mental distress among students, further studies are needed to delve deeper into this multifaceted relationship.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1689-1695
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Sexual violence mitigation in realizing a violence-free campus

Aulia Nursyifa , Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri , Francisia Saveria Sika Ery Seda
Sexual violence occurs in higher education institutions. Sexual violence mitigation studies have a theoretical novelty using Giddens' structuring of the problem of sexual violence. The research aims to determine the relationship between policy stakeholders, lecturers, students, and education staff; know the obstacles and challenges; and know the model of sexual violence mitigation in higher education. The research used qualitative with case studies of three higher education in Indonesia. The informant consisted of 27 respondents: students, lecturers, and education staff. Data collection through interviews, documentation, observation, and focus group discussion (FGD). Data processing using the NVivo 12 Plus application; Publish or Perish; and VOSviewer. Data analysis using: data reduction; present data; and conclusion. This research shows that the relationship is very important between policymakers and lecturers, students, and education staff in efforts to prevent and handle sexual violence. Cooperation of all parties in facing challenges in handling and prevention of sexual violence on campuses that have obstacles, to realize a campus free from violence. This study concludes that realizing a campus that is free from sexual violence can be implemented on campuses in Indonesia. Recommendations for participatory and gender-responsive sexual violence mitigation policy models are applied in higher education in Indonesia.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 2005-2016
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Patient safety culture as a mediator between healthcare personnel's psychological empowerment and patient outcome

Eldaa Prisca Refianti Sutanto , Ferdi Antonio , Roy G.A. Massie
Preventing healthcare errors and reducing damage are becoming the basic concepts of patient safety development. Healthcare personnel need to be more careful and minimize complications that can occur during patient care. Psychological empowerment is important to support a safety culture and patient outcomes. This study investigates the relationship between psychological empowerment (PE) and patient outcome (PO) mediated by patient safety culture (PSC). A cross-sectional survey study was conducted in private hospitals accredited by Joint Commission International. A total of 150 healthcare personnel as participants who met the requirements were obtained by distributing the questionnaires in March 2023. Significant results in mediating patient safety culture have been analyzed using partial least square-structural equation modeling (SEM). The dimensionality of PE and PSC was assessed by a new method that is a disjoint two-stage approach. The role of PSC was found to fully mediate the positive relationship between psychological empowerment and patient outcome (=0.436, p-value 0.05). This study contributes to growing the value of developing a safety culture and the function of psychological empowerment in healthcare staff to enhance patient outcomes.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1912-1923
Publish at: 2024-12-01

The impact of COVID-19 on dengue cases in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review

Ajeng Rahastri , Sulistyawati Sulistyawati
The WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020, impacting infectious disease surveillance in low-resource, low-income countries, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Governments are focusing on COVID-19 reduction, including healthcare workers and epidemiological teams. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to assess this impact. After examining over 19,000 studies, only six were found to provide relevant data. Our analysis revealed that the pandemic substantially affected dengue incidence. The total number of articles obtained was 19,382. Out of the 136 articles screened based on their abstracts, only six were selected for data extraction. The databases utilized in this article were Pubmed and NCBI. Based on the chosen papers, we discovered that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a notable impact on the occurrence of dengue compared to the period before the pandemic emerged. The occurrence of dengue varied in several nations, such as Peru, Brazil, Sri Lanka, India, and Malaysia. This variation can be attributed to factors such as reliance on traditional approaches, for example community health volunteers in epidemiological investigations. Additionally, misdiagnoses by healthcare professionals due to the similarity of symptoms with COVID-19 have been reported during the pandemic. While the prevalence of dengue fever cases has generally declined in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), one country has experienced an increased case. This trend is possibly linked to heightened pandemic surveillance and changes in mosquito populations. To improve monitoring and surveillance, a digital approach is proposed.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1560-1567
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Structural equation modeling: exploring relationships of body mass index, waist circumference, and hypertension in elderly

Wahyu Tri Sudaryanto , Isnaini Herawati , Wahyuni Wahyuni , Ika Yuli Ayuningrum , Bhisma Murti , Rizki Setiawan , Nuristiqomah Dwi Putri
Waist circumference (WC) measurements in the elderly are uncommon and erratic. Furthermore, its correlation to hypertension has received less attention in Indonesia. This study attempted to investigate direct and indirect risk factors for high blood pressure in the elderly using structural equation modeling (SEM). A cross-sectional study was conducted in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The 297 elderly aged ≥60 is eager to take part. The path model of factors associated with blood pressure was analyzed using Stata 13. Male (b=-0.43; 95% CI=-5.67 to 4.81; p=0.872), age (b=0.52; 95% CI=0.12 to 0.93; p=0.012), and WC (b=0.35; 95% CI=0.17 to 0.53; p<0.001) directly affected systolic blood pressure (SBP). Male (b=1.83; 95% CI=-1.17 to 4.82; p=0.231), age (b=-0.03; 95% CI=-0.26 to 0.20; p=0.790), BMI (b=0.40; 95% CI=-0.03 to 0.83; p=0.067), and WC (b=0.04; 95% CI=-0.09 to 0.16; p=0.571) directly affected diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Increasing age, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference (WC) are the important variables that influence blood pressure in older people. This study supports the evidence that body composition and weight control are necessary to prevent and control blood pressure in the elderly.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1599-1608
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Risk analysis of adolescent sexual activity in college Surabaya, Indonesia: cross-sectional study

Eny Qurniyawati , Zida Husnina , Jayanti Dian Eka Sari , Asma Azzahra , Izzah Nur Shabrina , Prima Kartika , Nayla Mohamed Gomaa Nasr
Adolescence is characterized by active sexual hormones that can lead to sexual urges with the opposite sex. These urges, in turn, may trigger risky sexual behavior. College students, in a transitional period from adolescence to early adulthood, exhibit diversity in addressing sexual activity. This research aimed to analyze the risks associated with adolescent sexual activity in a college in Surabaya, Indonesia. The study utilizes a cross-sectional design with accidental sampling of active students aged 18-24 years. The total number of participants in this study was 221 people who filled out a questionnaire in the form of a Google Form, distributed through social media. The results show that, among all the factors identified, dating status has a significant relationship with PR 11.688 (95%CI 5.048-27.061) in engaging in risky sexual activities among adolescents. Reproductive health education at the university level is needed to reduce risky sexual activities among students.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1794-1802
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Self-regulation and resilience: the role on active procrastination of young adults

Ivy Josiah Vincent , Mei-Yui Law , Zariv Long-Kwan Chew , Chooi-Seong Lai
Our current dynamic digital era has generated active procrastination which is a popular trend of behaviour among young adults. Deciphering this reckless habit reveals a fascinating truth in which active procrastination thrives on strategic planning for task completion. This study examined i) self-regulation and resilience as the significant predictors of active procrastination among young adults, ii) the significant difference in active procrastination among university students and working young adults, iii) significant gender differences among university students, and iv) among working young adults. A total of 192 respondents completed the questionnaires, Self-Regulation Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, and Active Procrastination Scale. Through quantile regression, results show that self-regulation is a significant predictor of active procrastination among young adults. Independent t-tests shows there is no significant differences in active procrastination among university students and working young adults. However, there are significant gender differences in active procrastination among university students, but not among working young adults. These findings indicate that self-regulation plays a significant role in cultivating active procrastinating among young adults. Furthermore, interesting findings are discovered for gender differences as males have relatively higher active procrastination scores. Hence, the findings emphasize the need for workshops to transform young adults to become active procrastinators through enhancing self-regulation.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1538-1547
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Effect of combining oketani and oxytocin massage towards breast milk production: a quasi-experimental study

Adinda Putri Sari Dewi , Kusumastuti Kusumastuti
Challenges in achieving exclusive breastfeeding often emerge during the initial days when complete establishment of breast milk production may not occur. In this vulnerable period, infants might receive supplementary foods or drinks, creating barriers to exclusive breastfeeding. This study seeks to integrate oketani and oxytocin massage with a suggestive approach to evaluate their impact on breast milk production among mothers. Employing a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post-test control group, the research focuses on postpartum mothers at PKU Muhammadiyah Gombong Hospital, with a sample size of 60 respondents chosen through purposive sampling. Demographic data and observation sheets were utilized to document breast milk production before and after the intervention. Data analysis involved Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests. The study revealed a significant difference between pre- and post-intervention phases within the intervention group (p-value <0.005), indicating noteworthy changes following the implementation of oketani and oxytocin massages. The interventions demonstrated potential in enhancing breast softness, nipple and areola elasticity, and overall milk production, offering valuable insights into non-pharmacological approaches for supporting breastfeeding.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1881-1887
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition criteria for predicting surgical site infection in elective laparotomy patients

Pauline Octaviani , Yohannessa Wulandari , Febiansyah Ibrahim , Diyah Eka Andayani
Laparotomy surgery patients are at risk for complication including surgical site infections (SSI) which are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Malnutrition has been identified as a risk factor for the occurrence of SSI but preoperative malnutrition identification remains low. The Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) has published a new, practical, and easily applicable definition of malnutrition. This study aims to evaluate whether malnutrition according to GLIM criteria is a predictor of SSI in elective laparotomy patients. This prospective cohort study involved 123 subjects aged 18-65 years undergoing elective laparotomy, without diabetes history. Their malnutrition status was assessed using GLIM criteria with bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to evaluate muscle mass. A total 62 subjects were categorized into the malnutrition group and the remaining into nonmalnutrition group and then monitored for the presence of SSI up to 10 days postoperatively. SSI occurred in 13.8% of the subjects. The analysis showed a strong association between malnutrition and SSI in elective post laparotomy (RR 4.6; 95%CI 1.4-15.1; p=0.005). Malnutrition according to GLIM criteria is a significant predictor of SSI in elective post laparotomy patients.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1895-1902
Publish at: 2024-12-01

The effect of murottal Al-Quran therapy on pain intensity and oxygen saturation in active phase parting women

Yustiari Yustiari , Wahida Wahida , Khalidatul Khair Anwar , Hasmia Naningsi , Melania Asi , Endah Saraswati
Anxiety in women increases with the start of labor and has a negative impact on mothers and newborns. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of listening to murottal Al-Quran on increasing oxygen saturation and reducing pain in mothers in the active phase of labor. This research was quantitative research with a quasi-experimental design and a preexperimental design one-group pretest-posttest. This study was conducted at the Kendari City Hospital. The sample was determined as a total population, considering that the number of mothers during the first active phase was only 30. The data analysis technique in this study went through two calculation stages: the data normality test by Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Paired Sample Statistics, and all calculations using SPSS. The results of the statistical tests using the Wilcoxon test yielded a p-value of 0.000. Statistically, it can be concluded that there are differences in oxygen saturation values before and after the administration of murottal intervention. It was also found that 27 respondents experienced an increase in oxygen saturation after receiving murottal intervention. In conclusion, murottal intervention increased oxygen saturation.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1834-1840
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Exploring fertility differentials between tea and ex-tea garden laborers of Assam

Lipika Kalita , Hari K. Choudhury
Addressing the issue of high fertility rates among tea garden laborers in Assam is critical due to its adverse effects on the health of both mothers and children, diminished investment in human capital, stunted economic growth, and exacerbated environmental challenges. To effectively tackle this challenge, we need to delve into two key questions: What perpetuates high fertility rates, and how can we mitigate them? The solution lies in a comprehensive analysis of the immediate and underlying factors influencing fertility. Fertility is a multifaceted demographic phenomenon influenced by both direct and indirect determinants. In this study, we investigate the impact of various proximate and distant factors on fertility among two groups: The tea garden labor community in Assam and the ex-tea garden labor community, comprising individuals who have transitioned to other forms of employment. Our research identifies significant factors such as wife's age at marriage, breastfeeding duration, educational attainment, family size, duration of married life, child mortality, respondent category, and wife's occupational status that affect fertility levels in Assam's tea garden community. The study's findings indicate the need for implementing targeted family planning and reproductive health education programs within tea garden communities. These programs should offer comprehensive information and resources to assist individuals in making informed decisions regarding family size and reproductive health.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1855-1863
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Correlation of climate factors and the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases at Semarang, Central Java

Mochamad Rizal Maulana , Eko Naning Sofyanita , Adita Puspitasari Swastya Putri
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new type of coronavirus that has symptoms of acute respiratory distress in general. In more severe, it can cause kidney failure, pneumonia, and death. Environmental conditions that cannot be anticipated, such as climate factors, can have an impact on the transmission and survival of viruses, including the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) viruses, which are responsible for the emergence of respiratory diseases. This research is a quantitative study using an ecological approach with secondary data from the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (temperature, humidity, and precipitation), and SARS-CoV-2 cases were sourced from the Semarang City COVID-19 Task Force in 2021 were univariate and bivariate analyzing. The highest temperature average occurs in October (29.8 ⁰C), the humidity average occurs in February (91.4%), and the average precipitation occurs in February (1,130 mm). Analysis of the correlation found that there was a correlation between the SARS-CoV-2 cases with humidity (p=0.000; r=-0.245) and temperature (p=0.016; r=-0.127), but there was no correlation between precipitation (p=0.403; r=-0.044). Analysis of the influence of meteorological elements related to temperature, humidity, and precipitation on the incidence of COVID-19 in Semarang City in 2021, it can be concluded that there is correlation between temperature and humidity on COVID-19 cases except for precipitation.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1946-1951
Publish at: 2024-12-01

A systematic literature review on the impact of participation in sport and physical activities on psychological resilience

Haslinda Husain , Shamsulariffin Samsudin , Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub , Mohamad Firdaus Ahmad , Nur Syazwani Zulaikha S afwan
Participation in sports and physical activity (PA) is often considered a potential contributor to psychological resilience due to its physical, cognitive, and social benefits. This review aims to synthesize an extensive overview of the existing knowledge landscape, shedding light on the mechanisms through which sport and PA may contribute to psychological resilience among students. Guided by the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement review method, we comprehensively searched key databases, including EBSCOhost and Scopus. Note that a total of 353 publications were initially determined. The final finding data concludes that 15 met the selection criteria. The findings were synthesized based on three themes: enhancing positive mental health, reducing negative emotions, and mitigating depression and anxiety. These outcomes highlight the transformative potential of sports and PAs in nurturing a robust psychological foundation among student populations. However, it calls for more robust and standardized research approaches. This is with implications suggesting the integration of sports and PA into comprehensive mental health programs, emphasizing their multifaceted benefits beyond psychological resilience. Tailoring interventions, recognizing the social aspects, and emphasizing the personalized approach can contribute to more effective mental health promotion strategies for students.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1727-1737
Publish at: 2024-12-01

Cross-culture adaptation and validation of Indonesian language version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index

Achmad Fauzi , Fatimah Ahmedy , Rosidah Rosidah
Hemodialysis (HD) patients have a high rate of poor sleep. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is the most popular self-reported instrument to measure sleep quality. No study has tested the psychometric efficiency of the Bahasa (Indonesian language) PSQI in hemodialysis (HD) patients, and no cross-cultural adaptation has been done. The purpose of this research was to translate the PSQI into Bahasa and improve its psychometric properties for use in evaluating HD patients in Indonesia. This study used instrument translation, cultural adaptation, content validation, and equivalence to crossculturally validate and adapt an instrument. The hemodialysis center at a West Java medical facility served as a source of potential HD patients throughout the period of October 2022 to February 2023. A content validity index (CVI) was calculated for each item and the entire scale. The factor structure of the Bahasa PSQI has been evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach's alpha. The online survey received a response rate of 62.8% from a total of 220 patient with HD (about ten responders each item). The level of language clarity was 87.8%, and the level of cultural relevance was 84.5%. The CVI varied from 0.92 to 1.00. Each factor had factor loading ranging from 0.51 to 0.62. that Cronbach alpha for total score was 0.803, and the subscale ranged from 0.771 to 0.863. Our research provides preliminary evidence of the validity and reliability of the translated and adapted tool using data from HD patients in Indonesian hospitals.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1672-1678
Publish at: 2024-12-01

The influence of social support, perception, and maternal behavior in preventing stunting cases in Indonesia

Eko Mindarsih , Muhammad Akhyar , Budiyanti Wiboworini , Suminah Suminah
The research aims to analyze the simultaneous influence of social support, perception and maternal behaviour in preventing stunting cases in Indonesia. The research adopts the quantitative cross-sectional approach to provide an explanatory survey. The sample was taken based on proportional random sampling. A sample size of 220 pregnant women in the second and third trimesters participated in this study. The research instrument employed was a questionnaire, which underwent validation by 12 experts using Aiken's V content validity index. The collected data were analyzed utilizing the Lisrel program, employing multiple linear regression tests and structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The findings of this study revealed that the perception, social support, and behavior of pregnant women were reasonably categorized. Social support has a significant positive influence on perception. Social support and perception simultaneously have a significant positive influence on the behaviour of pregnant women. In conclusion, the behavior of pregnant women can be recommended as the solution in the primary prevention of stunting.
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Page: 1872-1880
Publish at: 2024-12-01
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