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23,675 Article Results

Shunt Active Power Filter System Design for Inter-harmonic
Zhang Chao , Ren Zi-Hui , Zhang Yi-Jun , Ma Xiao-Ping
Given the complex situations of the grid with inter-harmonics, three-level model of shunt active power filter (SAPF) was built. For the harmonics accurate detection, the CPT principle was used to detect the fundamental component of the grid. The inter-harmonics, parameter fluctuation of APF and the deadband effect were considered as the non-periodic disturbance to the controller. To eliminate the non-periodic disturbance impact on the controller and to improve the control system performance, equivalent input-disturbance (EID) was used based on the traditional repetitive controller. With Matlab and three-level test platform, the SAPF control system was built. The performance of detection and compensation for harmonic and inter-harmonic was verified by the simulation and experiment.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 4
Page: 373-383
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Siting and Sizing of DG for Loss Reduction and Voltage Sag Mitigation in RDS Using ABC Algorithm
Kuruva Siva Ramudu , M. Padma Lalitha , P. Suresh Babu
In order to reduce the power loss and to improve the voltage profile in the distribution system, distributed generators (DGs) are connected to load bus. To reduce the total power loss in the system, the most important process is to identify the proper location for fixing and sizing of DGs. This paper  presents a new methodology using a new population based meta heuristic approach namely Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (ABC) for the placement of Distributed Generators (DG) in the radial distribution systems to reduce the real power loss,  to improve the voltage profile & voltage sag mitigation. While these power loss reduction, voltage profile improvement and voltage sag mitigation has significant role in lessoning imposed expenditures to utility companies. The power loss reduction is important factor for utility companies because it is directly proportional to the company benefits in a competitive electricity market, while reaching the better power quality standards is too important as it has vital effect on customer orientation. In this paper an ABC algorithm is developed to gain these goals all together. In order to evaluate sag mitigation capability of the proposed algorithm, voltage in voltage sensitive buses is investigated. An existing 20KV network (32-bus system) has been chosen as test network and results are compared with the proposed method in the radial distribution system.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 814-822
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Vein Texture Extraction Using the Multiscale Second-Order Differential Model
Xiong Xinyan , Fu Bin , Wang Kejun , Liu Fangming , Lv Zuowen
In order to analyze the back of hand vein pattern rapidly and effectively, a novel approach based on multi-scale second-order differential model is proposed to extract the vein texture from vein samples directly, which is made up of two section: one is the foundation of local second-order differential model of vein texture(VLSDM), the other is texture extraction based on the multi-scale VLSDM. This paper analyzes the vein extraction using the multi-scale VLSDM and handles the filter response using the method of multi-scale analyzed noise filtered. This new algorithm has achieved good results for the vein texture, which is fuzzy, uneven distributed and cross-adhesion. Additionally this method keeps the original form of local shape and achieves orientation and scale information of the vein texture. The experiment result getting from this new method has also compared with another method and shown its outstanding performance. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7470-7475
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Research on the Information Security Problems in Cloud Calculation's Environment
Xia Hu , Min Zhou
With the development of technology, cloud calculation becomes a widely used technology and is regarded as the third IT revolution following the computers and the Internet. Then only after resolving its security issues, it is able to operate successfully. This paper at first introduces the concept and characteristics of cloud calculation and then elaborates the current situation of cloud calculation's security.Then it analyzes the security risks of cloud calculation. According to these risks, the solution is proposed. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7316-7323
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Intelligent Pillow for Heart Rate Monitor
Everlyn Chiang , Muthukumar Vellaisamy
The aim of the project is to develop intelligent pillow to monitor the heart rate by using fiber optical sensor. The research is focused upon allowing more automation of patient care, an especially important matter for the elder population or bedridden patients, which is a rapidly growing fraction of much of the world population today. The fiber-optical sensor is built into pillow. Patients can determine their heart rate by just lying on the pillow and the device will not cause any disturbance to patients and at the same time still monitoring the heart rate. ECG electrodes and finger clip / ear lobe clip probes (using IR LED and photodiode technology) are commonly used for monitoring heart rate. Unfortunately, they are inconvenient and inadequate for long-term, everyday measurements. Fiber-optical sensing overcomes many of these challenges by using light rather than electricity and standard optical fiber in place of copper wire. Optical fibers are nonconductive, electrically passive, immune to electromagnetic interference (EMI)-induced noise, and able to transmit data over long distances with little or no loss in signal integrity. Using the concept of light and the benefits of using fiber optical sensors to detect the heart rate, PPG(photoplethysmogram) is being used in this project. A photoplethysmogram (PPG) is an optically obtained plethysmogram, a volumetric measurement of an organ. A PPG is often obtained by using a pulse oximeter which illuminates the skin and measures changes in light absorption (Shelley and Shelley, 2001).DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 791-796
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Fuzzy Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Large Erecting Mechanism
Li Liang , Xie Jian , Huang Jian Zhao
Sincethe large erecting mechanism has nonlinearities, parameter uncertainties andexternal disturbance, it is difficult to realize a model-based sliding modecontrol design. So a fuzzy adaptive sliding mode control scheme which combinedfuzzy control with sliding mode control is proposed to achieve nonlinearcontrol of the erecting mechanism. This control scheme is mainly use the fuzzysystem to approximate the equivalent control of the sliding mode controllerwithout knowing the system dynamic model. And it also releases thetrial-and-error work of establishing the fuzzy inference rules. The update lawsfor the fuzzy tuning parameters and the switch control parameter are derivedbased on the Lyapunov stability analysis. The simulation results show that comparedto the PID control and conventional sliding mode control, the fuzzy adaptivesliding mode control has nicer robustness and more accurate tracking ability,and the stability of the erecting process has improved. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7259-7268
Publish at: 2013-12-01

The Quality Evaluation Method of Instrument Flight Procedure Design Scheme Based on Fuzzy Linguistic Assessments
Chen Ken
The quality of Instrument Flight Procedure Design Scheme (QIFPDS) is directly related to the terminal area airspace capacity, quality, efficiency of air traffic management, and even the safety of aircraft. Hence, the evaluation of QIFPDS has great significance in real life. However, the evaluation of QIFPDS in real work is mainly done by experts through their specific knowledge and experience, which usually leads to a bias result and inevitably contains subjectivity and arbitrary defects. In this paper, a multi-attribute group decision-making method is proposed. This method makes full use of evaluation information; objectively and effectively evaluate QIFPDS. Also in this paper, a mathematical model for this method is introduced and a detailed step to solve this model is listed. At the end of this paper, an example is given to show the effectiveness and feasibility of the method. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7611-7616
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Maximum Power Point Tracking in PV System with Industry Applications
Rajendra Aparnathi , Ved Vyas Dwivedi
The paper work is the new maximum power point tracking method using in voltage controller in photo-voltaic system for Stand-Alone industry Applications with battery energy storage. The output of the PV array is unregulated DC supply due to change in weather conditions. The maximum power is tracked with respect to temperature and irradiance levels by using DC-DC converter. The perturbation and observes algorithm is applied for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) purpose. This algorithm is selected due to its ability to withstand against any parameter variation and having high efficiency.  The solar cell array powers the steady state energy and the battery compensates the dynamic energy in the system. The aim of the control strategy is to control the SEPIC converter and bi-direction DC-DC converter to operate in suitable modes according to the condition of solar cell and battery.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 4
Page: 417-423
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Development of RFID EPC Gen2 Tag for Multi Access Control System
Evizal Evizal , Tharek Abd. Rahman , Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim , Sri Listia Rosa
A Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) use radio waves to identify an object, this technology become useful for the future because of the advantages. Access system using RFID card is commonly used in a building, parking area, housing complex, etc. This paper explore and develop the use of RFID EPC Class1 Gen2 tag for multipurpose access system for   identification and access control, such as personal identity identification, door access control and gate entry permit or access control. With the same tag Identity (ID) user can access many areas. RFID EPC Class1 Gen2 tag working at UHF band 902-928 MHz, this type of tag more suitable for multi access control because of scaterring technique in reading for the tag, as for gate access need longer distance read range. All users ID and information stored at the one central database, every transaction at the controlled were recorded in a control system.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 724-731
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Control Structure Design for Man-Function Humanoid Robot
Yifeng Cui , Jun Ho Lee , Hee Jung Byun , Su Goog Shon
This paper presents a new humanoid robot control structure - Man-Function humanoid robot. The sensing devices worn on the human body, these devices will produce signals of joints’ change when people move. Computer of the control system receiving the signals and processing them, then issue control signals to the servos of the robot at the same time, control the robot’s behavior. For this reason, a control structure of human’s behavior to determine the robot’s behavior formed. The humanoid robot has 17 servos and two pressure sensors, the rotation of these servos’ steering gears lead to the robot’s behavior changes, and 12 servos corresponding to the human body sensing devices, other 5 servos used for the stability control of the robot combined with the pressure sensors. Based on this control structure, some pilot tests of the sensing device or servo have been done, the closed-loop position control mode has been chosen and the Kalman filter smoothing optimization method been used, the initial static walking control of the robot been realized. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7745-7753
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Performance of Grid-connected Photovoltaic System in Equatorial Rainforest Fully Humid Climate of Malaysia

Mohamad Zhafran Hussin , A. M. Omar , Z. M. Zain , S. Shaari
This paper presents a result obtained from a comparative study among three different photovoltaic (PV) module technologies for grid-connected photovoltaic system (GCPV) under Malaysia’s real operating conditions. The obtained results were slightly different from the performance ratio (PR) investigation which showed the average annual performance of 78.2% for polycrystalline, 94.6% for a-Si thin-film and 81% for monocrystalline PV technologies over four years monitored period. The outdoor evaluation results showed that a-Si thin-film PV modules demonstrate the highest and better in terms of final yield, performance ratio and PV array/system efficiency over the entire monitored period. In other hands, a-Si thin-film demonstrated the reliability and better in system performance
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
Page: 105-114
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Multiple Objective Optimizations for Energy Management System under Uncertainties
Mian Xing , Ling Ji , Baiting Xu
Recently, micro-grid gains more and more concerns, because it is flexible and environmentally friendly. Optimization of the distributed generators operation in micro-grid is a complicated and challenging task, a multi objective optimal model was designed to cut off the operation cost, improve the economic benefits and reduce the emission. However, the randomness of the renewable energy generation and load demand makes the decision process much more complicated. Chance constrained programming (CCP) was employed to deal with these uncertainties. Besides, the satisfaction degree of the decision was taken into consideration to coordinate the conflicts among different targets. Through the weighted satisfaction degree and coordinate degree, the multi-objective programming can be transformed into single-objective programming. To gain the solution of the optimization problem, genetic algorithm was utilized to search for the optimal strategy. To verify the validity of the proposed model, an energy management system of micro-grid with five types distributed generators was taken as the case study. The results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7044-7051
Publish at: 2013-12-01

An Adequacy Evaluation Model for Power System
Nian Liu , Buxiang Zhou , Bo Lin , Luofang Zhu , Ming Liu
The variety of the weather condition in which a transmission and distribution hybrid system resides has a significant impact on the reliability results of power systems; therefore, model is the key point of reliability evaluation when considering weather change. This paper illustrates a model that can be utilized for the evaluation of adequacy in weather conditions, and presents a calculation method for system component failure rate in the adverse weather conditions. Using Monte-Carlo simulation which based on component state duration sampling to get the evaluation results of the power system, and provide the basis for power system adequacy analysis. Results of calculation examples show that the proposed model is feasible and effective in power system. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7793-7800
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Model of Bi-directional Flyback Converter for Hybrid AC/DC Distribution System
Riku Pasonen
In this article, a simulation model and concept of two switch bi-directional isolated DC/DC converter is presented. Converter is based on flyback converter type. Also control method for voltage regulation with bi-directional power transfer is presented. Target application of the proposed converter was selected to be a hybrid AC/DC distribution system concept of which was briefly described. The requirement of galvanic isolation in the hybrid AC/DC concept comes from use of shared neutral wire; DC current runs with unbalanced part of AC current in neutral wire. Without galvanic isolation grounded neutral would cause short circuit if DC/DC converter is connected to three phase rectifier or inverter. Simulation was carried out with PSCAD electromagnetic transient simulator.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 4
Page: 444-449
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition Based on the Depth Map for Human Robot Interaction
Minoo Hamissi , Karim Faez
In this paper, we propose and implement a novel and real-time method for recognizing hand gestures using depth map. The depth map contains information relating to the distance of objects from a viewpoint. Microsoft’s Kinect sensor is used as input device to capture both the color image and its corresponding depth map. We first detect bare hand in cluttered background using distinct gray-level of the hand which is located near to the sensor. Then, scale invariance feature transform (SIFT) algorithm is used to extract feature vectors. Lastly, vocabulary tree along with K-means clustering method are used to partition the hand postures to ten simple sets as: "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" and "ten" numbers based on the number of extended fingers. The vocabulary tree allows a larger and more discriminatory vocabulary to be used efficiently. Consequently, it leads to an improvement in accuracy of the clustering. The experimental results show superiority of the proposed method over other available approaches. With this approach, we are able to recognize 'numbers' gestures with over 90% accuracy.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 770-778
Publish at: 2013-12-01
Show 1445 of 1579

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