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23,598 Article Results

The Realization of LED Display System Based on the Embedded
Xiaohong Ni , Zhou Yan , Liu Dan , Yanling Zhou
In this paper, a design of LED display control system based on ARM and FPGA is proposed, according to module structure characteristics of the RGB three colors LED display and the dynamic scanning display of the LED display which is achieved by FPGA technology, this system uses ARM chip S3C2240 as the control core. with the help of the programmable logic device auxiliary, it completed the data storage and update, display refresh, animation, cycle display; and achieved communication through Ethernet and PC; the system supports text’s and picture’s display of full color LED screen which is separated in 256 grayscale, and a remote data transmission. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2626-2633
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Train Schedule Adjustment Strategies for Train Dispatch
Huaqing Mao , Zhu Li
Train schedule adjustment is the identity of key components of Train Dispatch System. Manually arranging the time table is a time-consuming and error-prone process. In this work, we mainly discuss three strategies of train schedule adjustment in train dispatch. First, we propose a new algorithm to calculate the maximum traffic capacity of freight-train in Beijing-Shanghai railway. We use a VMM (Vacancy Maximum Matching) grid to find the vacancy time table of freight-train base on the passenger train schedule, and solve the possible time sequence of freight-train by searching the bottleneck of freight-train traffic capacity. Second, we study the special circumstances in China when the spring transport or the Golden Week comes. It is necessary to put on extra passenger trains, and in order to arrange the extra passenger trains, we set up a double objective model, and the experiment shows that all the extra passenger trains arrive at the terminus within 20 hours. Finally, for the speed raising adjustment or train reschedule, we propose the SIA (Schedule inherited adjustment) algorithm to reschedule the freight-train time table. We compare the results of the SIA algorithm with that of the regular method, and find that the SIA leads to better results. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2526-2534
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Patent Evaluation Technology used in Automobile Steering Product Development
Automobile steering product development is based on the research basis. By using the existing patent technology as an example is one of the effective ways to realize rapid product development. In this article, through similarity algorithm, the patent technology of car steering screening was selected, and then through the Analytic Hierarchy Process, the patent technology was analyzed to find the most suitable product development, and examples for the development of automobile steering products were provided. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2791-2799
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Variable Weights in Assessment of Survival System
Jinhui Zhao
Weight is one of key parameters in survival assessment. Its veracity will directly affect the final evaluation result. After analyzed the relationships between survival incidents and induced factors, this paper draw into the natural weight, based on impact probability, to dynamically calculate the weights of assessment indexes. Based on membership of susceptible degree, appropriate distribution function is selected to describe the weight change of specific index. Combined with examples, the application process is present in detail. Experiments and analysis show that proposed method can truthfully and objectively reflect the impact of each index on survival system.It is valuable to apply and popularize in a variety of industries. 
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2284-2290
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Raman Slow Light in Distributed Raman Fiber Sensors
Dapeng Wang , Ning Li , Aimei Yan , Yingxin Xie , Fengyu Wang
Distributed Raman sensor offers a number of advantages to the implementation of smart grid, which is aimed to improve reliability and energy efficiency as compared with traditional power grid. However, the fantastic properities of slow light are rarely considered in the former studies on the Raman sensor systems. In this paper, the effects of Raman slow-light on room-temperature single-mode optical fiber sensors are examined by extracting the Raman pulse-delay terms from extended nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). Numerical study shows that pulse parameters such as pulse position, frequency chirp, and envelope distortion may be greatly affected by slow light. Two important points of pump power are show clearly keeping the Raman pulse zero walk-off or chirp free, respectively. We demonstrate a method based on pump power adjustment for compensating the slow light induced impairment. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2442-2447
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Soure and Transmission Control for Wireless Visual Sensor Networks with Compressive Sensing and Energy Harvesting
Lei You , Yutong Han , Sumei Li , Xin Su
The lifetime of the emerging Wireless visual sensor network (WVSN) is seriously dependent on the energy shored in the battery of its sensor nodes as well as the compression and resource allocation scheme. In this paper, the energy harvesting technology was adopted to provide almost perpetual operation of the WVSN and compressed-sensing-based encoding was used to decrease the power consumption of acquiring visual information at the front-end sensors. A Dynamic Source and Transmission Control Algorithm (DSTCA) was proposed to jointly determine source rate, source energy consumption, and the allocation of transmission energy and available bandwidth under energy harvesting and queue stability constraints. A virtual energy queue was introduced to control the resource allocation and the measurement rate in each time slot. The algorithm can guarantee the stability of the visual data queues in all sensors and achieve near-optimal performance. The distributed implementation of the proposed algorithm was discussed and the achievable performance theorem was also given. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2468-2474
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Features Extraction for Object Detection Based on Interest Point
Amin Mohamed Ahsan , Dzulkifli Bin Mohamad
In computer vision, object detection is an essential process for further processes such as object tracking, analyzing and so on. In the same context, extraction features play important role to detect the object correctly. In this paper we present a method to extract local features based on interest point which is used to detect key-points within an image, then, compute histogram of gradient (HOG) for the region surround that point. Proposed method used speed-up robust feature (SURF) method as interest point detector and exclude the descriptor. The new descriptor is computed by using HOG method. The proposed method got advantages of both mentioned methods. To evaluate the proposed method, we used well-known dataset which is Caltech101. The initial result is encouraging in spite of using a small data for training. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2716-2722
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Real-time Pose Measurement of Parallel Robot Based on GRNN
Gao Guoqin , Zhang Zhigang , Niu Xuemei
The real-time pose measurement of parallel robot helps to achieve the closed loop pose control and improve the control and operating performance of parallel robot. But it is difficult to implement the real-time pose measurement directly. In order to solve the pose measurement problem of a 6-DOF parallel robot, the kinematics analysis of the parallel robot is made, and a Generalized Regression Neural Network  which has fast convergence and strong nonlinear mapping ability is established by setting the desired pose and its inverse kinematics results as the neural network training samples to implement the map of parallel robot from the joint variable space to the work variable space. Finally, the real-time pose measurement of parallel robot is achieved by using the trained neural network and the actual motion states of the active joints easily detected. The simulation experiment results show that the method of measuring the parallel robot pose based on the GRNN has the faster convergence rate and higher measurement accuracy than those of the BPNN and RBFNN methods. The research establishes the basis for the direct closed control of parallel robot pose. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2315-2322
Publish at: 2013-05-01

The Modular Design of Turn-milling CNC for Special Stones
Yuhou Wu , Dehong Zhao , Xuan Mu
Stone products' processing technologies, processes and types have essential differences with metal's, which makes the traditional machine design method can not perform well in the design of processing equipment for special shaped stones. A new design method was used in this paper, which through the establishment of stone typical products and tool mathematical model. The needs of the motion axes was solved by kinematics equations application and the feasible design scheme of the machine tool's function was established. Thus, a new turn-milling combined NC machine tools, which have 8 movement axis and Double 5 axis linkage processing function is designed. Its modular structure design can meet the needs of the most stone material processing.  DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2845-2852
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Simulation of Wear Particles on Electric-field Intensity Distribution Around Conductors
Zhao Meiyun , Liu Zhenglin , Zhao Xinze , Zhang Shaoqing
Taking LGJ150/25 as the study object, a finite element simulation model of space around the wire with fretting wear particles was built, which was used to study the influence of the size, the shape and the distribution of the fretting wear particles on electric-field intensity distribution around transmission wires. It is of important the theoretical significance and application prospects for this work to reduce the energy loss and the electromagnetic interference. The simulation result are as follows: in the case of the same loading voltage, when particles is higher than wire maximum diameter, the maximum field intensity around the wire is sharply increased; Along with increase of the radius of curvature of the particles, the maximum field intensity will be reduced; The degree of irregularity of particles distribution is larger, the maximum field intensity value is bigger. According to the relationship between the field intensity distribution and the corona inception voltage, it can be concluded that with the increase of the maximum field intensity, the corona inception voltage can be reduced, so corona inception voltage will be directly affected by fretting wear particles. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2692-2698
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Drop-drop Microextraction Enhanced by Two Opposite Surface Acoustic Waves
Fu Xiang-ting , Zha Yan , Zhang An-liang
A droplet-droplet microextraction enhanced by two surface acoustic waves in opposite propagation directions is proposed. A 2×2 interdigital transducer array with 27.5MHz center frequency was fabricated on a 1280 yx-LiNbO3 piezoelectric substrate using micro-electric technology. Two surface acoustic waves in opposite propagation direction were generated when a RF signal was applied to diagonal interdigital transducers. The movement of extractive matter particles within microextraction solution was accelerated due to the radiation of the surface acoustic waves. Then, the mass transfer between two phases was enhanced. An ionic liquid and an organic dye (acid green-25) solution were used for extraction experiments. Results show that the extraction was greatly enhanced by two surface acoustic waves in opposite propagation directional, and almost finished within 160 seconds when the RF signal power was 27.8dBm.The stability of microextraction solution was also improved due to the two opposite surface acoustic waves. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2671-2678
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Encoding Performance of Orthogonal Space-Time Coded Continuous Phase Modulation System
Wenli Shen
The orthogonal space-time coded continuous phase modulation (OST-CPM) system shows attractive performance over fading MIMO channels. In this paper, the Chernoff bound on pair-wise error probability (PWEP) is studied for two transmit antennas over spatially correlated quasi-static Rayleigh-fading channel. The maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) algorithm is applied to the OST-CPM system. Approximate bound for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived to evaluate the encoding performance in correlated channel. The effects of correlation coefficient matrices on the coding performance are simulated. Both analytical and simulation results show that the coding performance of this system decreases as the fading coefficients between the antennas increases. And the penalty on the coding performance increases a lot in fully correlated channel. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2415-2423
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Wavelet Cesptral Coefficients for Isolated Speech Recognition
T. B. Adam , M. S. Salam , T. S. Gunawan
The study proposes an improved feature extraction method that is called Wavelet Cepstral Coefficients (WCC). In traditional cepstral analysis, the cepstrums are calculated with the use of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Owing to the fact that the DFT calculation assumes signal stationary between frames which in practice is not quite true, the WCC replaces the DFT block in the traditional cepstrum calculation with the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) hence producing the WCC. To evaluate the proposed WCC, speech recognition task of recognizing the 26 English alphabets were conducted. Comparisons with the traditional Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) are done to further analyze the effectiveness of the WCCs. It is found that the WCCs showed some comparable results when compared to the MFCCs considering the WCCs small vector dimension when compared to the MFCCs. The best recognition was found from WCCs at level 5 of the DWT decomposition with a small difference of 1.19% and 3.21% when compared to the MFCCs for speaker independent and speaker dependent tasks respectively. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2731-2738
Publish at: 2013-05-01

A Robot Control System Based on Gesture Recognition Using Kinect
Biao MA , Wensheng XU , Songlin WANG
The Kinect camera is widely used for capturing human body images and human motion recognition in video game playing, and there are already some research works on gesture recognition. However, to achieve the anti-interference performance, the current recognition algorithms are often complex and tardiness, and most of the applications are based on the incomplete gesture library and not all hand gestures can be recognized. This paper explores a new method and algorithm which can describe all five fingertips for each hand in any time for hand gesture recognition with the Kinect system. The hand images are processed to build the hand models which are then compared with the gesture library for gesture recognition. After hand gestures are recognized with high accuracy and less computing, control commands corresponding to hand gestures are sent from the hand gesture recognition system to a hexagon robot controller wirelessly, the hexagon robot can then be controlled wirelessly and change its shape according to the hand gesture command. Thus the robot can interact with humans promptly through the gesture recognition system. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2605-2611
Publish at: 2013-05-01

Electromagnetic Vector Sensor array parameter estimation method
Lanxiang Zhu , Yaowu Shi , Yiran Shi , Life Deng , Hongwei Shi
Joint estimation method for DOA and polarization parameters of single electromagnetic vector sensor is mostly concerned in radar signal processing now. This paper presents a new algorithm which uses the cyclostationary property of signal. It gets the estimation of DOA and polarization parameters from the noise subspace with minimum norm method. This method can reduce the estimate error of noise subspace vector. At the same time, it is immune to the additional stationary noise of any distribution and interference signals with different cyclic frequencies. Method has been tested by computer simulation and the test result is show in the paper. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2860-2868
Publish at: 2013-05-01
Show 1502 of 1574

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