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23,598 Article Results

Energy and Exergy Analyses of Egyptian Cement Kiln Plant with Complete Kiln Gas Diversion through by Pass

Laila M. Farag
The present article deals with evaluation of energy and exergy efficiences of an Egyptian  dry process cement kiln plant  with precalciner  characterized by that  the whole kiln gas is diverted through  by pass . Such diversion is necessary to break the intense cycles of   secondary constituents  Cl, alkalis and sulfur that may arise  between precaciner -preheater and kiln due to the high content of the raw materials of such secondary constituents. Based on average actual operation data  of the process, energy and exergy balances have been established around the  preheater-precalciner, the rotary kiln , the rotary cooler and the whole process. Energetic- and exergetic efficiency of the process attains  40%  and 25.7%  respectively . Sum of the exergy outputs attains about 49% of total exergy input and   irreversibility loss = 2354 kJ/kg clinker which represents about 51 % of total exergy input.  Energy and exergy of the by pass gases are the largest output loss items (  ~770 and 416 kJ/kg cli respectively) followed by those of the preheater exit gases (~ 622 and 152 kJ/kg cli respectively). For comparative purpose , the process was evaluated with considering no diversion of kiln gas  through by pass  . Energetic- and exergetic efficiency has been estimated in this case as  52%  and  34 %  respectively and the irreversibility attains  1840 kJ/kg clinker which represents about 52 % of total exergy input.
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 35-44
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Dynamic Scientific Method for Predicting Shelf Life of Buffalo Milk Dairy Product

Sumit Goyal , Gyanendra Kumar Goyal
Feedforward multilayer machine learning models were developed to predict the shelf life of burfi stored at 30oC. Experimental data of the product relating to moisture, titratable acidity, free fatty acids, tyrosine, and peroxide value were input variables, and the overall acceptability score was the output. Bayesian regularization algorithm was used for training the network. The transfer function for hidden layers was tangent sigmoid, and for the output layer it was purelinear function. The network was trained with 100 epochs, and neurons in each hidden layers varied from 3:3 to 20:20. Excellent agreement was found between the actual and predicted values establishing that feedforward multilayer machine learning models are efficient in predicting the shelf life of burfi.
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 29-34
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Finite Element Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer Effects on Unsteady MHD Free Convection Flow past a Vertical Permeable Moving Plate with Radiation

Gundagani Murali
The paper examined the radiation effect on unsteady MHD free convection heat and mass transfer flow on a viscous, incompressible, electrically conducting fluid past a vertical permeable moving plate with radiation. The non-linear partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using finite element method. Graphical results for velocity, temperature and concentration profiles have been obtained, to show the effects of different parameters entering in the problem. Such flow problems are important in many processes, in which there is combined heat and mass transfer with radiation. It has been observed that the velocity increase with the increase in the radiation parameter and there is a increase in temperature with the increase in the value of radiation parameter.Keywords: Heat and Mass transfer, MHD, Radiation, FEM
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 19-28
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Design and Experiments of Low Cost Teleoperation System
Adha Imam Cahyadi , Ng Khin Hooi , Anugrah Persada , Rubiyah Yusof , Yoshio Yamamoto
In this work, a teleoperation system consists of two planar SCARA manipulators is developed. The manipulators are constructed using basic low cost aluminum bars as well as cheap electronic circuitry and software. Modeling, system identification, individual control and teleoperation control are proposed. Finally, experiments are also performed to verify the effectiveness of the design.Index Terms—Teleoperation systems, PID control, System identification, position control.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 1-12
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Design and Development of Vision Based Blockage Clearance Robot for Sewer Pipes
Krishna Prasad Nesaian , M. Bala Karthikeyan
Robotic technology is one of the advanced technologies, which is capable of completing tasks at situations where humans are unable to reach, see or survive. The underground sewer pipelines are the major tools for the transportation of effluent water. A lot of troubles caused by blockage in sewer pipe will lead to overflow of effluent water, sanitation problems. So robotic vehicle that is capable of traveling at underneath effluent water determining blockage using ultrasonic sensors and clearing by means of drilling mechanism is done. In addition to that wireless camera is fixed which acts as a robot vision by which we can monitor video and capture images using MATLAB tool. Thus in this project a prototype model of underground sewer pipe blockage clearance robot with drilling type will be developedDOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 64-68
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Reduced Search Space Algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Mobile Robots
Hesam Omranpour , Saeed Shiry
In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for simultaneous localization and mapping in mobile robots which uses evolutionary algorithm and particle swarm optimization. The proposed method is based on both local and global heuristic search methods. In each step of robot movements, the local search is applied in the small search space of odometry errors to improve the map accuracy. A global search method is applied for loop closing. The proposed algorithm detects loops and closes them, detects and solves correspondence and avoids local extremums. With a proper representation of problem parameters in chromosome, the dimensionality of search space is reduced. The proposed algorithm utilizes occupancy grid and does not require land marks which are not available in most natural environments. A new fitness function is proposed that is computationally efficient and eliminates the need for complex statistical calculations as used in current approaches. Results of experiments on real datasets exhibit the superior performance of the proposed method compared to the current methods.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 49-63
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Towards Behavior Control for Evolutionary Robot Based on RL with ENN
Jingan Yang , Yanbin Zhuang , Chunguang Li
This paper proposes a behavior-switching control strategy of anevolutionary robotics based on Artificial NeuralNetwork (ANN) and Genetic Algorithms (GA). This method is able not only to construct thereinforcement learning models for autonomous robots and evolutionary robot modules thatcontrol behaviors and reinforcement learning environments, and but also to perform thebehavior-switching control and obstacle avoidance of an evolutionary robotics (ER) intime-varying environments with static and moving obstacles by combining ANN and GA.The experimental results on thebasic behaviors and behavior-switching control have demonstrated that ourmethod can perform the decision-making strategy and parameters set opimization ofFNN and GA by learning and can escape successfully from the trap of a localminima and avoid \emph{"motion deadlock" status} of humanoid soccer robotics agents,and reduce the oscillation of the planned trajectory betweenthe multiple obstacles by crossover and mutation. Some results of the proposed algorithmhave been successfully applied to our simulation humanoid robotics soccer team CIT3Dwhich won \emph{the 1st prize} of RoboCup Championship and ChinaOpen2010 (July 2010) and \emph{the $2^{nd}$ place}of the official RoboCup World Championship on 5-11 July, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey.As compared with the conventional behavior network and the adaptive behavior method,the genetic encoding complexity of our algorithm is simplified, and the networkperformance and the {\em convergence rate $\rho$} have been greatlyimproved.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 31-48
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Robot Kinematics, using Dual Quaternions
Mahmoud Gouasmi , Mohammed Ouali , Fernini Brahim
From the point of view of classical mechanics, deriving the equations of motion for systems of coupled rigid bodies is regarded as a straightforward procedure: once a suitable set of generalized coordinates and reference frames have been chosen, what remains is to either apply Lagrange’s equations or Newton and Euler’s equations to obtain the differential equations of motion. As the complexity of multibody system increases, the need for more elegant formulation of the equation of motion becomes an issue of paramount importance. Our primary focus is on the kinematic analysis of rigid bodies and serial manipulators (robotic systems)  using simultaneously, both homogeneous transformations (4x4) matrices and Dual Quaternions, for the sake of results comparisons (cost,complexity,storage capacity etc.) . This paper has been done mainly for educational and peadagogical purposes, hoping that the scientific community will finally adopt and use Dual Quaternions at least when dealing with multibody systems and specially robotics.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 13-30
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Performance Analysis for Bit-Error-Rate of DS-CDMA Sensor Network Systems with Source Coding

Ali M.; University of Basra Fadhil , Haider M.; University of Basra AlSabbagh
One of the distinguished techniques used with wireless sensor networks to access the network is utilizing direct sequence-code division multiple access. However, amount of consumed energy and multiple access interference are still considered as the main problems with employing such networks. The consumed energy and interference are rising when number of users (receivers) increases. Therefore, this paper is conducted to investigate mitigating influence these factors through analyzing the minimum energy coding which exploits redundant bits for saving power with employing radio frequency link and on-off-keying modulation. These factors are analyzed and discussed for several levels of expected errors in the utilizing channel, through the bit error rates and amount of signal to noise ratio for different number of users. 
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Page: 165-170
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Demand Shifting Bidding in a Hybrid System with Volatile Wind Power Generation

D.K. Agrawal; Maulana Azad National Institute Of Technology D.K. Agrawal , N.P. Patidar; Maulana Azad National Institute Of Technology N.P. Patidar , R.K. Nema; Maulana Azad National Institute Of Technology R.K. Nema
Price responsive demand shifting bidding mechanism is discussed as an alternative solution to deal with intermittency in wind generation. This paper proposes a formulation of social welfare equation with price responsive demand shifting bidding and economic emission dispatch with emphasis on integration of wind power. The analysis is based on the IEEE 30 bus test system generation data, with conventional and wind generation plant over a period of 24 hours. It has been demonstrated that the proposed approach leads to reduction in emission as well deal with intermittency in wind generation.
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Page: 33-42
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Gabor-based Face Recognition with Illumination Variation using Subspace-Linear Discriminant Analysis

Hendra; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Kusuma , Wirawan; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Wirawan , Adi; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Soeprijanto
            Face recognition has been an active research topic in the past few decades due to its potential applications. Accurate face recognition is still a difficult task, especially in the case that illumination is unconstrained. This paper presents an efficient method for the recognition of faces with different illumination by using Gabor features, which are extracted by using log-Gabor filters of six orientations and four scales. By Using sliding window algorithm, these features are extracted at image block-regions. Extracted features are passed to the principal component analysis (PCA) and then to linear discriminant analysis (LDA). For development and testing we used facial images from the Yale-B databases. The proposed method achieved 86–100 % rank 1 recognition rate.
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Page: 119-128
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Comparasion between Oil Immersed and SF6 Gas Power Transformers Ratings

Osama Elsayed; Cairo University Gouda , Mohamed Dessoky; Cairo University Ali , Ali-Hassan; Cairo University Ali-Hassan
           Power transformers present the largest portion of the capital investment in addition the power transformer remains oil immersed which presents a fire hazard that is particularly objectionable in urban and metropolitan environment. After careful studies of various alternatives to conventional transformer technology to produce a gas insulated power transformer with increased mega volt-ampere ratings, gas insulated power transformer has been developed with a use with non flammable SF6 gas. For changing the insulating material from oil to SF6 gas a comparative study between these types of transformers should be made. In this paper two mathematical models are suggested and simulated by computer programs to calculate the temperature of the cooling mediums and transformer windings. The obtained results are in agreement wit the measured values in the field.
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Page: 43-54
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Temperature Control System in Closed House for Broilers Based on ANFIS

Alimuddin; University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Bogor Agricultural University Alimuddin , Kudang Boro; Bogor Agricultural University Seminar , I Dewa Made; Bogor Agricultural University Subrata , Nakao; University of Tsukuba Nomura , Sumiati; Bogor Agricultural University Sumiati
 Indonesia is a tropical country with high ambient temperatures for broilers since daily temperature reaches an average daily temperature of 360C (maximum) and 320 C (minimum); whereas the optiml temperature for broilers is in the range of 28-300C. Thefefore, midle or large scale broiler industries have been using a control system to maintain the optimal temperature within a broiler house. Therefore, the role of a control system for regulating environmental parameters, not only temperature but also humidity, light intensity, and amonia content level, is very critical and relevant for better broiler production. This study aims to design an ANFIS control system for controlling the temperature inside a broiler house (closed house) for broiler. Data is collected at three different periods of the starter period (5 days): 29.50C-30.900C, a period of 25 days is a grower-29.0C 34.20C, and the finisher of 30 days is obtained 33.20C. Set point control simulation using the same temperature 290C for starter, grower and finisher period. The simulation results show the output in a closed house temperature fluctuates around set point the 290C-340C.
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Page: 75-82
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Intelligent Monitoring System on Prediction of Building Damage Index using Neural-Network

Mardiyono; Politeknik Negeri Semarang Mardiyono , Reni; University of Riau Suryanita , Azlan; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Adnan
An earthquake potentially destroys a tall building. The building damage can be indexed by FEMA into three categories namely immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS), and collapse prevention (CP). To determine the damage index, the building model has been simulated into structure analysis software. Acceleration data has been analyzed using non linear method in structure analysis program. The earthquake load is time history at surface, PGA=0105g. This work proposes an intelligent monitoring system utilizing artificial neural network to predict the building damage index. The system also provides an alert system and notification to inform the status of the damage. Data learning is trained on ANN utilizing feed forward and back propagation algorithm. The alert system is designed to be able to activate the alarm sound, view the alert bar or text, and send notification via email to the security or management. The system is tested using sample data represented in three conditions involving IO, LS, and CP. The results show that the proposed intelligent monitoring system could provide prediction of up to 92% rate of accuracy and activate the alert. Implementation of the system in building monitoring would allow for rapid, intelligent and accurate prediction of the building damage index due to earthquake.
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Page: 155-164
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Five-Level Common-Emitter Inverter Using Reverse-Blocking IGBTs

Suroso; Jenderal Soedirman University Suroso , Toshihiko; Shizuoka University Noguchi
In a high switching frequency operation of current-source inverter (CSI), a conventional way to obtain unidirectional power switches is by connecting discrete diodes in series with the high speed power switches, i.e. power MOSFETs or IGBTs. However, these discrete diodes will cause extra losses to the power converter. This paper presents experimental test results of high switching frequency five-level common-emitter CSI using the emerging unidirectional power switches, i.e. reverse blocking (RB)-IGBTs. Experimental tests were also conducted to compare the performance between power MOSFETs in series with the discrete diodes, and the RB-IGBTs having inherent reverse blocking capability. The results show that using RB-IGBTs, the efficiency of the power converter increase. However, it is also confirmed that the recently available RB-IGBTs have slow reverse recovery current than the discrete fast-recovery diodes connected in series with power MOSFETs.
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Page: 25-32
Publish at: 2012-03-01
Show 1549 of 1574

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