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23,675 Article Results

Simplified Gauss Hermite Filter Based on Sparse Grid Gauss Hermite Quadrature
Gao Fu Quan , Chen Li Rong , Ding Chuan Hong , Liu Jian Feng
In order to improve estimation accuracy of nonliear system with linear measurement model, simplifed gauss hermite filter based on sparse grid gauss hermite quadrature (SGHF) is proposed. Comparing to conventional Gauss-Hermite filter (GHF) based on tensor product gauss quadrature rule, simplified SGHF not only maintains GHF's advantage of precission controllable, high estimation accuracy, but also relieves the curse of dimension problem by reduce the number of gaussian intrgration points to the number of sigma points that scaled unscented transform uses. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that estimation base on new filter performs significantly beter than extended kalman filter (EKF), and slightly better than unscented kalman filter (UKF) on estimation accuracy and convergence speed, and computational burden is significantly reduced comparing with traditional GHKF. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7138-7145
Publish at: 2013-12-01

A Mobile Ecotourism Recommendations System Using Cars-Context Aware Approaches

Neny; Bogor Agricultural University Rosmawarni , Taufik; Bogor Agricultural University Djatna , Yani; Bogor Agricultural University Nurhadryani
The requirements to fullfill mobility of ecotourism activities have been urgent to support each traveler with the mobile gadget application. The objective of this research is to develop an application of recommendation system based on online user personalization. This application provided features to recommendation of ecotourism based on profile user and current location, then supplied information about distance and facilities in each ecotourism place. The main of computation worked online which was based on approach called as CARS (Context Aware Recommender Systems) algorithm. The result showed that the application framework succeeded to give appropriate recommendations and explaination on a mobile platform both in the form of profile based spatial data and user preferences.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 845-852
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Wavelet Neural Network-based Short-Term Passenger Flow Forecasting on Urban Rail Transit
Xiaojie Zhang , Baohua Mao , Yongliang Wang , Jia Feng , Minggao Li
Accurate forecasting of short-term passenger flow has been one of the most important issues in urban rail transit planning and operation. Considering the shortcomings of traditional forecasting methods, and in order to improve forecasting accuracy of passenger flow, this paper presents a wavelet neural network (WNN) for short-term passenger flow forecasting. One real urban rail transit station with large and significantly changed passenger flow is chosen to be the example. The proposed method and BP neural network have been compared with the results, which show that the WNN model has more advantages. The WNN model features higher learning speed and drastically less convergence time, showing that it is meaningful in practical application. Furthermore, the calculated relative errors using BP neural network are nearly in the range [-0.4, 0.3] and the calculated relative errors are in the range [-0.25, 0.1] using the WNN, which demonstrate the superior accuracy of using this approach. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7379-7385
Publish at: 2013-12-01

A Design Study of Dual-Stator Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor

Wang; Shandong University Yaling , Xu Yanliang; Shandong University Xu Yanliang
Dual-stator permanent magnet brushless DC Motor (DSBLDC) features high efficiency and torque-density. As DSBLDC could operate in various states according to different winding connection modes, it is fully qualified for electric vehicle (EV) drive. Unfortunately, due to the particular dual-stator structure, this kind of motor is difficult to be designed by available design methods. However, this paper demonstrates that a DSBLDC with series magnetic circuit structure can be regarded as being consisted of two independent BLDCs, an inner-rotor BLDC and an outer-rotor BLDC. Thus, the DSBLDC can be divided into two single-stator BLDCs. Based on this demonstration, the design method is verified by finite element analysis (FEA), and the basic design steps are given. Furthermore, experimental results of the prototype motor have verified the correction of the method, which also indicates that the motor with superior performance is adapted to EV drive.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 653-660
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Clustering-boundary-detection algorithm based on center-of-gravity of neighborhood
Wang Gui Zhi
The cluster boundary is a useful model, in order to identify the boundary effectively, according to the uneven distribution of data points int the epsilon neighborhood of boundary objects, this paper proposes a boundary detection algorithm S-BOUND. Firstly, all the points in the epsilon neighborhood of the data objects are projected onto the boundary of the convex hull of the neighborhood, and then calculate the center of gravity of the neighborhood. Finally, detect the boundary object according to the degree of deviation of the center of gravity of the neighborhood with the object. The experimental results show that the S-BOUND algorithm can accurately detect a variety of clustering boundary and remove the noises, the time of performance is also better. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7302-7308
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Time Series Based for Online Signature Verification

Pande; Udayana University Sutawan , Darma; Udayana University Putra
Signature verification system is to match the tested signature with a claimed signature. This paper propose time series based for feature extraction method and dynamic time warping for match method. The system made by process of testing 900 signatures belong to 50 participants, 3 signatures for reference and 5 signatures from original user, simple imposters and trained imposters for signatures test. The final result system was tested with 50 participants with 3 references. This test obtained that system accuracy without imposters is 90,45 % at threshold 44 with rejection errors (FNMR) is 5,2% and acceptance errors (FMR) is 4,35 %, when with imposters system accuracy is 80,13 % at threshold 27 with error rejection (FNMR) is 15,6% and acceptance errors (average FMR) is 4,26 %, with details as follows: acceptance errors is 0,39%, acceptance errors simple imposters is 3,2% and acceptance errors trained imposters is 9,2%.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 739-748
Publish at: 2013-12-01

NCStorage: A Prototype of Network Coding-based Distributed Storage System
Wang Lei , Yang Yuwang , Zhao Wei , Lu Wei
Recent studies have shown that network coding can improve the performance of the distributed storage systems. However, most of these studies are theoretical which mainly focus on the bandwidth efficiency. This paper aims to provide a practical system, so NCStorage, a network-coding-based distributed storage system, is implemented. NCStorage implements network coding on the Internet, so users from all over the world can access it. Unlike traditional technologies such as erasure coding and fountain coding, re-encoding operation at storage servers is required by NCStorage. We observe that, benefiting from the re-encoding at the storage servers, the required repair bandwidth employed to repair a failed storage server is reduced, the computation overhead is balanced, and the security is enhanced. Both the encoding at the clients and the re-encoding at the storage servers are based on a deterministic algorithm. Finally, we deploy 8 storage servers in different places to evaluate the performance of the NCStorage, and the experimental results validate the analysis results.  DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7689-7698
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Effect of Voltage on Radiation Characteristics of Triggered Vacuum Diode
Wei Tian , Shixiu Chen , Jixiong Xiao , Kun Chen , Fei Gai
Based on the conduction mechanism of vacuum trigger diode, an experimental scheme has been designed to research on the effect of voltage parameters on radiation characteristics of vacuum trigger diode. The factors affecting radiation characteristics of vacuum trigger diode were analyzed. With increase of charging voltage, the trigger current increases, the radiation enhances and radiation band moves up. With increase of anode-cathode voltage, more high density plasma of anode is generated by the electron bombardment anode, the radiation enhances and upper frequency limit is expanded. So the theoretical analysis is proved. Because of trigger electrode, the vacuum diode can be controlled more flexibly and conveniently. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7118-7124
Publish at: 2013-12-01

The Design of Wild Animals Monitoring System Based on 3G and Internet of Things
Jiang Xiao , Chenying Zeng , Zhouyan Yu
As the rapid growth of economy and population, the wild animals’ habitat is badly damaged by the development and utilization of wild animals living environment by people. To carry out the research on wildlife monitoring technology is of great significance. Along with the advent of the era of 3G, 3G transmission technology is more and more advanced, and the Android operating system is currently the most popular operating system. The advantages and disadvantages of the existing monitoring technology are summed up, then wireless multimedia sensor network monitoring technology solutions which is a collection of 3G technology, Android platform and Zigbee short-range wireless communication technology is put forward in this paper. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7762-7768
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Circularly Polarized Proximity-Fed Microstrip Array Antenna for Micro Satellite

Muhammad; Darma Persada University Darsono , Endra; Darma Persada University Wijaya
Design of circular polarization microstrip antenna array was developed to support micro-satellite technology. Circular polarization antenna array used for data transmission applications operating in the S band frequencies from the satellite to the ground station. In this study of the patch array using proximity coupling techniques in this study to obtain high gain and wide of bandwidth. The structure of the antenna array design consists of four identical square patch elements and to use the concept of corporate transmission line fed power divider network uses three transformers quarter-lambda T-junction.  Bandwidth impedance matching for resonance between two patches is ¾ l antenna system for center frequency of 2.25 GHz.  The antenna is designed using the method of moments through simulation with microwave office software applications. The results of simulations and measurements obtained antenna parameters, such as: bandwidth of return loss <-10 dB above 100 MHz resonant frequency shifted to 1.75%, VSWR (1 to 2), the bandwidth of axial ratio <3 dB is 1.6% (narrowband) and the maximum directivity (gain) is 9.128 dB. Overall study results showed good performance antenna array with circular polarization properties, high gain and operates in the S band frequency micro satellite system.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 803-810
Publish at: 2013-12-01

External Biomedical Device Relaying BSN Scheme
Xidong Zhang , Guixia Kang , Ping Zhang , Heng Zhang , Xiangyi Li
Biological parameters acquiring devices are very important in Ubiquitous Medical/Health Care system as they are responsible for gathering physical parameters for further analyze. It is natural that they form a wireless network when they transmit the collected data, and the network is referred to as BSN. Energy efficiency is vital in BSN because that the replacement of power resources of the devices implanted in human body is extremely costly. Considering the difference between In-body channel and special channel, a novel BSN transmission scheme, Coop BSN, is proposed in this paper. In Coop BSN, The transmission of IBDs is divided into two steps as the external devices are treated as relays. The first step is the IBD-EEBD transmission, in which IBDs transmit the data they collected with modified cooperative algorithm, DDF. The second step is EEBD-Coordinator transmission, in which multiuser diversity is exploited. With the division of the transmission, the overall transmission energy efficiency is optimized. Theoretical analyze and experimental results showed that, the scheme can prolong the life time of devices, especially devices implanted in human body in BSN, which improve the feasibility of BSN. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7102-7109
Publish at: 2013-12-01

A Camera Self-Calibration Method Based on Plane Lattice and Orthogonality

Yue; Yunnan University Zhao , Jianchong; Yunnan University Lei
 The calibration using orthogonal line is one of the basic approaches of camera calibration, but it requires the orthogonal line be accurately detected, which makes results of error increases. This paper propose a novel camera self-calibration technique using plane lattices and virtual orthogonal line. The rigorous analytical relations among the feature point coordinates of the plane lattice, the corresponding image point coordinate, intrinsic parameters, relative pose are induced according to homography matrix of the central projection. Let a slope of non-parallel and non-orthogonal virtual line in the lattice plane, and the slope of its orthonormal line can be calculated. In at least three photographs taken, vanishing points can be solved in two groups of orthogonal directions by using the homography matrix, so the camera intrinsic parameters are linearly figured out. This method has both simple principle and convenient pattern manufacture, and does not involve image matching, besides having no requirement concerning camera motion. Simulation experiments and real data show that this algorithm is feasible, and provides a higher accuracy and robustness.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 767-774
Publish at: 2013-12-01

A New Method for Intrusion Detection using Manifold Learning Algorithm
Guoping Hou , Xuan Ma , Yuelei Zhang
Computer and network security has received and will still receive much attention. Any unexpected intrusion will damage the network. It is therefore imperative to detect the network intrusion to ensure the normal operation of the internet. There are many studies in the intrusion detection and intrusion patter recognition. The artificial neural network (ANN) has proven to be powerful for the intrusion detection. However, very little work has discussed the optimization of the input intrusion features for the ANN. Generally, the intrusion features contain a certain number of useless features, which is useless for the intrusion detection. Large dimensions of the feature data will also affect the intrusion detection performance of the ANN. In order to improve the ANN performance, a new approach for network intrusion detection based on nonlinear feature dimension reduction and ANN is proposed in this work. The manifold learning algorithm was used to reduce the intrusion feature vector. Then an ANN classifier was employed to identify the intrusion. The efficiency of the proposed method was evaluated with the real intrusion data. The test result shows that the proposed approach has good intrusion detection performance. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7339-7343
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Study of an Improved Fuzzy Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor

Dong; Hunan University of technology Ming , Tang; Hunan Institute of Engineering Yong-qi , Song; Hunan University of technology Hai-liang , Wang; Hunan Institute of Engineering Bing-jie
The conventional direct torque control will inevitably produce torque ripple because of its way of flux estimates. For the purpose of handling this problem, a new control strategy was presented in this paper. This strategy combined subdivides control with voltage vector and fuzzy logic control in traditional direct torque control. In this model, the fuzzy logic combined the phase angle of the flux, the flux error and torque error as fuzzy variables and classified these fuzzy variables, in order to optimize the choice of voltage space vector, and the same time the traditional PID regulator is replaced by a fuzzy regulator. Simulation results show that, a great improvement torque responses , a great reduction of torque ripples is achieved and the strategy has a better dynamic and steady performance, especially in low-speed area.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 691-698
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Improved Harmony Search Algorithm with Chaos for Absolute Value Equation

Longquan; Xidian University, Shaanxi University of Technology Yong , Sanyang; Xidian University Liu , Shouheng; Xidian University Tuo , Kai; Xidian University Gao
 In this paper, an improved harmony search with chaos (HSCH) is presented for solving NP-hard absolute value equation (AVE) Ax - |x| = b, where A is an arbitrary square matrix whose singular values exceed one. The simulation results in solving some given AVE problems demonstrate that the HSCH algorithm is valid and outperforms the classical HS algorithm (HS) and HS algorithm with differential mutation operator (HSDE).
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 835-844
Publish at: 2013-12-01
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