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23,675 Article Results

Study of an Improved Fuzzy Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor

Dong; Hunan University of technology Ming , Tang; Hunan Institute of Engineering Yong-qi , Song; Hunan University of technology Hai-liang , Wang; Hunan Institute of Engineering Bing-jie
The conventional direct torque control will inevitably produce torque ripple because of its way of flux estimates. For the purpose of handling this problem, a new control strategy was presented in this paper. This strategy combined subdivides control with voltage vector and fuzzy logic control in traditional direct torque control. In this model, the fuzzy logic combined the phase angle of the flux, the flux error and torque error as fuzzy variables and classified these fuzzy variables, in order to optimize the choice of voltage space vector, and the same time the traditional PID regulator is replaced by a fuzzy regulator. Simulation results show that, a great improvement torque responses , a great reduction of torque ripples is achieved and the strategy has a better dynamic and steady performance, especially in low-speed area.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 691-698
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Improved Harmony Search Algorithm with Chaos for Absolute Value Equation

Longquan; Xidian University, Shaanxi University of Technology Yong , Sanyang; Xidian University Liu , Shouheng; Xidian University Tuo , Kai; Xidian University Gao
 In this paper, an improved harmony search with chaos (HSCH) is presented for solving NP-hard absolute value equation (AVE) Ax - |x| = b, where A is an arbitrary square matrix whose singular values exceed one. The simulation results in solving some given AVE problems demonstrate that the HSCH algorithm is valid and outperforms the classical HS algorithm (HS) and HS algorithm with differential mutation operator (HSDE).
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 835-844
Publish at: 2013-12-01

A Service Management Mode Dealing with Information Leakage Risk in the Online Payment
Wu Xiao Gang , Zhou Wei Feng , Du Rong Wei
In view of personalinformation leakage risk in the process of online payment, this study putsforward a cloud protection system which can improve personal informationsecurity. The system includes two modules: personal information security modeland cloud service providers trust evaluation system. Among them, the personalinformation security model includes four layers design: the user, interface,platform and management layers. User layer is used to complete the userauthentication and login, interface layer is used for the classification andencryption of complex personal information, platform layer is used to completethe data storage, and the management layer is used to guarantee the overalleffectiveness of the system work. The cloud serviceproviders trust evaluation system based on the Theory of Membership Degree, canimprove the trust assessment level to cloud service providers. This study canensure the personal information security in the online sales, and be beneficialto the healthy development of e-commerce. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7351-7357
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Analytical Calculation of Coupled Magnetothermal Problem in Gas Insulated Transmission Lines

Guoxia; Wuhan University Sun , Xiangchao; Wuhan University Jin , Zhiyang; Wuhan University Xie
Gas insulated transmission lines (GIL) are a new technology for transmitting power over long distances. In this paper, an analytical method (AM) is proposed to investigate the coupled magnetothermal problem in GIL. Kelvin functions are employed to calculate the skin effect coefficients of the conductor and the enclosure. The calculated power losses are used as heat source input for the thermal analysis. Considering the convective and radiation heat transfer effects, the heat balance equations on the surface of the conductor and the enclosure are established, respectively. Temperature rise of the GIL at different operation conditions are investigated. The proposed method is validated against the finite element method (FEM). The simplicity of the approach makes it attractive for self-made software implementation in the thermal design and the condition monitoring of GIL.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 645-652
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Research of Strategic Alliance Stable Decision-making Model Based on Rough Set and DEA
Zhang Yi
This article uses rough set theory for stability evaluation system of strategic alliance at first. Uses data analysis method for reduction, eliminates redundant indexes. Selected 6 enterprises as a decision-making unit, then select 4 inputs and 2 outputs indexes data, using DEA model to calculate, analysis reasons for poor benefit of decision-making unit, find out improvement direction and quantity for changing, provide a reference for the alliance stability. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7295-7301
Publish at: 2013-12-01

High SNR Gain by Stochastic Resonance in a Tristable System
Pin Wan , Yi-Ju Zhan , Hui Zheng , Luo-Ya Zeng , Qin Deng
We report that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be improved by the stochastic resonance (SR) in a tristable system. The system is driven by Gaussian white noise and a sinusoidal signal, and studied by using the second-order Runge-Kutta method. We find that the SNR gain exhibits the stochastic resonance behavior, and greatly exceeds unity on some occasions. This result is the latest development of the tristable stochastic resonance, and has potential applications in the signal detection, processing and communications.  DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7738-7744
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Two-phase Flow Visualization Employing Gauss-Newton Method in Microchannel

Yonghong; Yanshan University Liu , Mingyan; Yanshan University Zu , Xiantao; Yanshan University Wang , Je-Eun; College of Science and Technology Nihon University Choi
Flow behaviour monitoring on the micro-scale is very important in many industrial and biochemical process. Electrical resistance tomography (ERT), as an alternative technique to visualize multi-phase flows, has high temporal resolution for monitoring fast transient processes. However, the complexity of microchannel fabrication end up with the difficulty of electrical data sampling and the non-linearity and ill-posedness of the inverse problem often cause the poor spatial resolution of the reconstructed images. Inthis paper, Agilent based data acquisition hardware was set up for reliable data retrieval from a novel microchannel. Gauss-Newton method with adaptive threshold (GNAT) technique was presented to improve the spatial resolution of ERT images.Preliminary experimental results reveal that ERT system based on Agilent data acquisition unit and GNAT method can effectively visualize the solid-liquid two-phase flow in microchannel.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 733-738
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Clustering-boundary-detection algorithm based on center-of-gravity of neighborhood
Wang Gui Zhi
The cluster boundary is a useful model, in order to identify the boundary effectively, according to the uneven distribution of data points int the epsilon neighborhood of boundary objects, this paper proposes a boundary detection algorithm S-BOUND. Firstly, all the points in the epsilon neighborhood of the data objects are projected onto the boundary of the convex hull of the neighborhood, and then calculate the center of gravity of the neighborhood. Finally, detect the boundary object according to the degree of deviation of the center of gravity of the neighborhood with the object. The experimental results show that the S-BOUND algorithm can accurately detect a variety of clustering boundary and remove the noises, the time of performance is also better. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7302-7308
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Biomass Gasifier Energy Cyber-Physical System Design with Coupling of the Wind and Solar Energy
Zhihuan Zhang
The air pollution in China has been quite serious, and biomass is extremely rich in large agricultural country. In the view of current situation, highly efficient solar collectors, wind energy and solar energy coupled heating straw gasification system is studied. The stability of continuous gas production is analyzed in various weather conditions including windy, calm, sunny and cloudy. Highly efficient solar panels, wind energy and solar energy coupled heating straw gasification control system is raised. This system overcomes the time variability of the weather conditions to ensure the stability of the continuous gas production under a variety of weather conditions. It has high quality of gas production, strong anti-interference ability and robustness. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7038-7043
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Ovarian Cancer Identification using One-Pass Clustering and k-Nearest Neighbors

Isye; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Arieshanti , Yudhi; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Purwananto , Handayani; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Tjandrasa
 The identification of ovarian cancer using protein expression profile (SELDI-TOF-MS) is important to assists early detection of ovarian cancer. The chance to save patient’s life is greater when ovarian cancer is detected at an early stage. However, the analysis of protein expression profile is challenging because it has very high dimensional features and noisy characteristic. In order to tackle those difficulties, a novel ovarian cancer identification model is proposed in this study. The model comprises of One-Pass Clustering and k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier.  With simple and efficient computation, the performance of the model achieves Accuracy about 97%. This result shows that the model is promising for Ovarian Cancer identification.
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 797-802
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Camera Self-Calibration in the AUV Monocular Vision Navigation and Positioning
GAO Jun-chai , LIU Ming-yong
Camera calibration is essential to obtain 3D information from 2D image, for underwater camera self-calibration, because the linear model can not accurately describe the imaging geometry of real cameras, the underwater camera nonlinear model and its calibration method are studied. According to the relationship between underwater and air in the camera focal length, principal point and no vertical factors, the underwater camera imaging geometry is modeled. Underwater camera nonlinear imaging geometry is modeled with the radial distortion. The constraint equation of the nonlinear model parameters are set up with linear imaging model and fundamental matrix of the matching points, which realize the camera self-calibration of nonlinear parameters. For the linear parameters of the camera, with the principal point and no vertical factor known, the self calibration of the focal length can be realized with two images, according to the Kruppa equation. Simulation and real image experiments show that the method given is feasible, and has certain practical value. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7151-7158
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Fuzzy Optimization of Construction Engineering Project Schedule Based on Critical Chain Management
Jianbing LIU , Hong REN , Junshu DU
Critical chain management was the very important theory innovation in the development of construction project schedule management field in recent years. Compared with the traditional methods of construction project schedule management, the methods of critical chain management considered resource constraints into construction project schedule management, the construction project cycle was shortened and the efficiency was enhanced by using the dynamic thinking and circulation pattern to manage whole project. In view of the progress of critical chain management of the article, fuzzy theory  was used to calculate and optimize the buffer zone sizes with the determination of the buffer size of  the existing resources in certain critical chain management so as to shorten the cycle. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7277-7283
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Network Coding Based Reliable Multi-path Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
Zhao Wei , Tang Zhenmin , Yang Yuwang , Wang Lei
This thesis proposes a network coding based and easily-realizable composite network topologic model. It is composed of disjoint multi-path routing (DMR) and braided multi-path routing (BMR) in wireless sensor network, and network coding technology is also employed in our multi-path routing. With the use of the Node Coding technology and the multi-path technology, NC-RMR (Network Coding based Reliable disjoint and braided Multipath Routing) strengthens the network reliability, and meanwhile reduces the number of desired sub paths and helps to balance the network loads. Finally, its theoretic correctness and performance superiority was verified in the simulation. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7754-7761
Publish at: 2013-12-01

A Novel HVS-based Watermarking Scheme in Contourlet Transform Domain
Hongbo BI , Xueming LI , Yubo ZHANG
In this paper, a novel watermarking technique in contourlet transform (CT) domain is presented. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of a multiscale framework and multi-directionality to extract the significant frequency, luminance and texture component in an image. Unlike the conventional methods in the contourlet domain, mask function is accomplished pixel by pixel by taking into account the frequency, the luminance and the texture content of all the image subbands including the low-pass subband and directional subbands. The adaptive nature of the novel method allows the scheme to be adaptive in terms of the imperceptibility and robustness. The watermark is detected by computing the correlation. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate the imperceptibility and the robustness against standard watermarking attacks. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7516-7524
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Role of Health Check-Ups in Non-Communicable Diseases’ Detection at Primary Health Care
Nargiza Egamova , Rano Turdievna Sabitova , Yusuf Malikov , Fazliddin Usmanov , Utkir Bakhronov
Uzbekistan has been conducting the pioneering health care reform activities for the last 15 years. One of the main aims of the reform was creating accessible and quality primary health care (PHC) services. If in first years of the reform the attention was paid to prevention of infectious diseases and maternal and child health issues currently the focus has shifted to prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCD). While country has building a national stratedy to combat NCD Navoi Regional Health Administration (NOHA) has implemented a study to reveal a true frequence of NCD in region that might be applicable for whole country. The purpose of the research was to conduct basic health check-up at the 4 rural Primary Health Care (PHC) facilities in Navoi region and timely detect non - communicable diseases, with special emphasis on the diabetes mellitus. In general, the quantity of NCD increased for 1012 new (24,6%) cases. According the diabetes mellitus, it was detected that 35 people were registered as “D” category of chronic patients and received appropriate care. In the frame of the health check-up there were 24 new cases detected, the total number of patients with diabetes mellitus is 59 people. This exceeded the available rates of DM in 1,7 times. Our results are comparable with NCD situation in other countries developed and non-developed as well. There was high number of people with hidden forms and higher risks for the DM development. Mass screening of our rural population in the PHC facilities has confirmed that the global DM incidence tendencies are true for our population as wellDOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 129-136
Publish at: 2013-12-01
Show 1453 of 1579

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