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23,675 Article Results

Community Structure Detection Algorithm Based on the Node Belonging Degree
Jian Li , Huiwen Deng
In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to identify communities in complex networks based on the node belonging degree. First, we give the concept of the node belonging degree, and then determine whether a node belongs to a community or not according to the belonging degree of the node with respect to the community. The experiment results of three real-world networks: a network with three communities with 19 nodes, Zachary Karate Club and network of American college football teams show that the proposed algorithm has satisfactory community structure detection. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7649-7654
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Positioning of Logistics based on RFID and Integrated Sharing System
Qi Xu , Zheng Liu
As logistics system becomes more complex, identifying and tracking a certain product or pallet in the whole process based on RFID in a real-time manner has played an important role. This study is focusing on identification, locating, tracking and dynamic management on logistics by using RFID technology. Firstly, an innovative scheme for the identification of an individual physical object through Web service is proposed. Then, an anti-collision framed slotted Aloha algorithm for the multiple tags simultaneously sensing is discussed. In addition, a selection sequence optimizing model via RFID technology is developed, and numerical analysis is made to explain the model. Finally, an RFID-based framework of dynamic logistics management system is put forward in order to realize logistics processes automatically verified and operation optimized. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7500-7508
Publish at: 2013-12-01

State-Of-Charge Estimation of Li-Ion Battery Using Extended Kalman Filter
Feng Jin , He Yong-ling
The Li-ion battery is studied base on its equivalent circuit PNGV model. The model parameters are identified by HPPC test. The discrete state space equation is established according to the model. The basic theory of extended Kalman filter algorithm is studied and then the filtering algorithm is set up under the noisy environments. Finally, a kind of electric car is used for testing under the UDDS driving condition. The difference between the simulation value using extended Kalman filter under the noisy environment and the theoretical value is compared. The result indicated that the extended Kalman filter keeps an excellent precision in state of charge estimation of Li-ion battery and performs well when disturbance happens. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7707-7714
Publish at: 2013-12-01

SOC Estimation of LiFePO4 Battery based on Improved Ah Integral Method
Zheng ZHU , Chongyang LIU , Dan LIU , Jinwei SUN
State of charge (SOC) is the most important status parameters of energy storage system, which is able to predict the available mileage of electric vehicle. In fact, the accuracy of SOC estimation plays a vital role in the usability and security of the battery. To fully consider the practical demands, a novel method to predict SOC of LiFePO4 battery is presented in this paper, which defines the correct coefficient separately under two working conditions of charging and discharging. Based on effective factors such as coulombic efficiency, charge and discharge current, and temperature, an Ah integral SOC estimation method with two kinds of efficiency correct coefficients is established by performing massive experimental study. Experiments prove that the estimated error of SOC is less than 5%. Compared with the original Ah method, the improved Ah method is more advantageous in the accuracy and reliability. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7058-7064
Publish at: 2013-12-01

The Role of Community in Malaria Vector Control
Solikhah Solikhah , Lina Handayani , Nooria Sukmaningtyas
There are 40% (3 billion) of the world's population at risk of suffering from malaria with the addition of some 300-500 million cases and 1.5 to 1.7 million people died from suffering from malaria. In Indonesia to date, infectious disease, especially diseases that are transmitted by animals, especially insects, are still a public health problem. This study aimed to determine the role of the community in the prevention, control and eradication of malaria. This research was a qualitative study. Subjects of the study were public, community leaders, and health care providers. Data were analyzed by using content analysis and theory validation source. Community participation in malaria vector control through several ways to eradicate mosquito breeding, usage of mosquito nets, use of insect repellent, avoiding a night out and a survey of patients who return from leave. The community plays an active role in malaria vector control efforts by closing puddles, community service every week, and some people are already using nets.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 151-158
Publish at: 2013-12-01

An Auditory Model of Improved Adaptive ZCPA
Jinping Zhang , Yungong Li , Hongqi Ni , Yanchun Zhao , Zai Yaoqiang
An improved ZCAP auditory model with adaptability is proposed in this paper, and the  adaptive method designed for ZCPA model is suitable for other auditory model with inner-hair-cell sub-model. The first step in the implement process of the proposed ZCPA model is to carry out the calculation of inner product between signal and complex Gammatone filters to obtain important frequency components  of signal. And then, according to  the result of the first step, the parameters of the basilar membrane sub-model and frequency box are automatically adjusted, such as the number of the basilar membrane filters, center frequency and bandwith of each basilar membrane filter, position of each frequency box, and so on. Lastly  an auditory model is built, and the final output is auditory spectrum.The results of numerical simulation and experiments have showed that the proposed model could realize accurate frequency selection, and the auditory spectrum is more distinctly than that of conventional ZCPA model. Moreover, the proposed model can completely avoided the influence of the number of filter on the shape of auditory spectrum existing in conventional ZCPA model so that the shape of auditory spectrum is steady, and the data quantity is small. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7407-7414
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Research on Mixed Data Rate in WDM Networks
Li Li , Chu Ze-nan , Dong Zhao
To meet the growing data traffic demands in the telecommunication applications, the number of wavelengths is to be increased in a fiber-optic backbone of the telecommunication network. The exponential growth of internet services, transmission capacity is a tremendous challenge to networks. Nowadays, 10 Gbps transmission systems are being used for commercial applications. At the same time, the non-linear effects such as FWM, SRS, XPM, SPM, and Dispersion are also increased, when the number of wavelengths passing through the single fiber is increased. The analysis of efficient modulation formats for DWDM system and long-haul transmission system, we go for various modulations for DWDM system. The maimum data rate for NRZ-OOK modulation format is 10 Gbps. For RZ-OOK the maximum rate is 50 Gbps. Since RZ-OOK modulation uses twice the band width when compared to NRZ-OOK modulation. The modulation format is partially upgraded from OOK to PSK, the influence of OOK signals on the updated PSK signals must be considered when using multi-channel wavelength conversion. The PSK modulation is also analyzed. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7431-7437
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Analysis of Impact Fatigue Life for Valve Leaves in Small Hermetic Reciprocating Compressors
Dong Zhang , Ming Xu , Jiang-Ping Gu , Yue-Jin Huang , Xi Shen
Impact fatigue life of valve leaves has great influence on energy saving performance and lifetime of small hermetic reciprocating compressors. This paper presented a test system that intended to analysis and evaluate of impact fatigue life of valve leaves used in small hermetic reciprocating compressors. Firstly, an incentive system was designed to simulate real work condition for valve leaf. Then, a data acquisition system was built to collect the sound signal while valve leaf was being under test. Simultaneously, the system could control the working state of incentive system so that test could be terminated automatically once fatigue was detected. Finally, fatigue detection system was designed to detect fatigue of valve leaf. Fatigue detection was the key point of this test system. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) were applied to analyze sound signal, both of which were effective in detecting the damage through analyzing. Facts showed that the test system provided a feasible approach to evaluate impact fatigue life for valve leaf manufacturing. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7548-7554
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Research in Residential Electricity Characteristics and Short-Term Load Forecasting
Haixia Feng , Zhongfeng Wang , Weichun Ge , Yingnan Wang
In this paper we make research in Residential short-term load forecasting. Different application scenes have different affecting factors of short-term load, so we should specifically analysis of factors that affect the load of the residential electricity. We use SPSS (Statistic Package for Social Science) to figure out the relationship between the daily load and temperature, weather conditions and other factors, finding the main factors among the impacting factors, and analyzing residential electricity consumption habits and load characteristics. Then, the paper introduces the common prediction methods. Combining with the above analysis to choose short-term load forecasting methods for residential users, we create automatic linear regression model and artificial neural network model to predict the future electricity load, calculating the residual between the predicted values and the actual values and mean square deviation of the values, and evaluating the accuracy of the load forecasting. The results prove that automatic linear regression model is effective in residential short-term electricity load forecasting. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7021-7026
Publish at: 2013-12-01

The Kalman Filter Performance for Dynamic Change in System Parameters
Hisham Alrawashdeh , Johnson A Sumadu
This paper studies the performance of the simple kalman filter for dynamic changes of the system variables. The kalman filter was used to detect the fundamental component of power system signal contained harmonics. First the performance of the kalman filter was examined for a sudden change in the amplitude of the fundamental component, then for a frequency variation. The noise covariance matrices were assumed to be unknown, the values of these matrices were changed to study the.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 713-723
Publish at: 2013-12-01

RFID based Attendance Management System
Shashank Shukla , Shailee Shah , Pooja Save
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called RFID tag or label, attached to an object, through a reader for the purpose of identifying and tracking the object. RFID technology is a matured technology that has been widely deployed by various organizations as a part of their automation systems. In this project, an RFID based system has been built in order to produce an attendance management system. An automated attendance management software will not only make the entire process simple, but will also provide a well-structured and analyzed report of the pattern of student attendance and time management, which can further help in allocating and using the human resources in an organization to the maximum possible benefit. This system consists of two main parts which include: the hardware and the software. The hardware consists of a motor unit and RFID reader. The RFID reader, which is a low-frequency reader (125 kHz), is connected to the host computer via a serial to USB converter cable. The Time-Attendance System GUI is developed using Visual Basic.Net. The Attendance Management System provides the functionalities of the overall system such as displaying live ID tags transactions, registering ID, deleting ID, recording attendance and other minor functions. This interface was installed in the host computer.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 784-790
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Temperature Monitoring System Based on PLC
Shoucheng Ding , Wenhui Li
The programmable controller is an industrial control computer; it is the new automatic device inherited computer, automatic control technology and communication technology. System temperature signal detected by the temperature sensor. The temperature transmitter will be the temperature value converted into a voltage signal of 0-10V into PLC. PLC voltage signal setting compared to the temperature deviation after PID operation; the system will issue a temperature control signal to reach the electric heater voltage control. So that it implements a continuous control of the temperature. The temperature monitoring system in the industrial field has a certain value. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7251-7258
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Research of Marine Oil Well Testing Technology
DENG Yong-hong , ZHAO Li-yong , ZHANG Quan-zhu , HUANG Cheng-yu
For marine oil well testing equipment totally depending on ground long-distance power supply, this article designed a set of DC power supply with small size, light weight, strong versatility, simple operation, electromagnetic compatibility and high intelligence, etc. It realized closed loop coordinated control of PI regulator of voltage and current , rapid adjustment of current , continuous adjustment of voltage and current and output of constant-voltage and constant-current. The power supply is composed of many link voltage power unit which achieved the continuous adjustable transform from single-phase low voltage AC 110V to DC voltage 0—1000V and current 0—10A through square wave pulse phase shifting control for IGBT inverter. The power supply design has innovative designing,advanced technology, superior performance, and has been applied in marine oil well testing industry. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7033-7037
Publish at: 2013-12-01

The Security of Arithmetic Compression Based Text Steganography Method
Reihane Saniei , Karim Faez
Security of a modern design of steganography on lossless compression isstudied in this paper. Investigation of a set of methods presented hereindicates that there are various approaches to establish a hidden and saferelationship with the minimum cost for text files. Although, steganography of information in text is one of the most difficult areas of steganography, many efforts were made in this regard. With regard to the spread of this category and existence of wide volume of approaches, this paper deals with comparison and evaluation of steganography security by a statisticalcompression method called arithmetic coding and other methods of textsteganography. Moreover, this method is available for audio-visual and video files. In addition, stego key was placed in a format that it would not arouse any suspicions. It is notable that this new method of steganography or rewriting and syntactic and semantic review does not reveal the secret message and results in 82.88% improvement in security.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 797-804
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Adaptive Cancellation of Light Relative Intensity Noise for Fiber Optic Gyroscope
Zhongxiao Ji
In order to reduce the relative intensity noise (RIN) in the interferometric signal of the fiber optic gyroscope (FOG), an adaptive noise subtraction method is presented, which aims to overcome to the drawbacks that the fixed delay time and gain of the digital noise subtraction method. The drawbacks will make the performance of FOG to be degraded greatly in the changing environment. In the paper the adaptive noise subtraction system based on the recursive least squares algorithm (RLS) is formed in FPGA, in which the interferometric signal is regarded as the signal source, and RIN in the free end of the optical fiber coupler of FOG is looked as the noise reference signal. The two critical parameters that minimum delay time and its varying range result from measuring the minimum and maximum delay times of the interferometric signal in a certain temperature range. The off-line and on-line temperature experimental results verify the capability of adapting to the environmental temperature.  DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7490-7499
Publish at: 2013-12-01
Show 1455 of 1579

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