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23,675 Article Results

Symbol Error Rate Analysis of M-QAM with Equal Gain Combining Over A Mobile Satellite Channel
Zachaeus Kayode Adeyemo , Isaac A. Ojedokun , Damilare O. Akande
Mobile Satellite Communications (MSC) have become an essential part of the world telecommunication infrastructure. However, the systems suffer from multipath propagation effects. In this paper, error analysis of M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) with Equal Gain Combiner (EGC) over mobile satellite channel was carried out. The satellite channel was modelled as the product of Rayleigh and Ricians. This was then used to develop a system model for the received signal which was simulated and evaluated in terms of Average Symbol Error Rate (ASER) using the exact closed-form expression derived from moment generating function (MGF) and Padé Approximants (PA) theory. The results showed that at 16dB, Rician factor ‘k’=0, ASER obtained are 41.83%, 18.56% and 10.81% for paths ‘L’ = 2, 3, 4 respectively. ASER values reduced as ‘k’ increased. The results are in agreement with the simulation.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 849-856
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Research on bridge cranes Energy-saving index reduction based on rough set theory
Wei Ye , Yifei Tong , Dongbo Li , Xiangdong Li , Xucheng Yuan
Bridge crane is one of the most widely used cranes in our country, which is indispensable equipment for material conveying in the modern production. The most important indicator of crane performances is energysaving. So it is of importance to research on the bridge cranes energysaving assessment. Thus the establishment of assessment index system is a necessary task. Rough set theory is applied widely for researching on incomplete and uncertain information processing. Through reducing the  properties by rough set theory, redundant properties are removed and an optimized index assessment system can be obtained.In this paper,establishing  the index system of the bridge crane based on  the full life cycle of the bridge crane firstly. Secondly,defining the decision attribute and the condition attributes. Thirdly,using rough set theory to reduce  the index system of the bridge crane.Finally,an optimized index assessment system of the bridge can be obtained. The research lays the foundation for solving weight for the next step. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7269-7276
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Research of Strategic Alliance Stable Decision-making Model Based on Rough Set and DEA
Zhang Yi
This article uses rough set theory for stability evaluation system of strategic alliance at first. Uses data analysis method for reduction, eliminates redundant indexes. Selected 6 enterprises as a decision-making unit, then select 4 inputs and 2 outputs indexes data, using DEA model to calculate, analysis reasons for poor benefit of decision-making unit, find out improvement direction and quantity for changing, provide a reference for the alliance stability. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7295-7301
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Comparative Study of Electricity Generation Fueled by Gasoline, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Biogas from Municipal Solid Waste
Seno Darmawan Panjaitan , Yandri Yandri , Sukandar Sukandar , Berlian Sitorus
This paper presents a comparative study in terms of power quality and fuel consumption in electricity generation using three kinds of fuel: gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and biogas from anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste. The electrical parameters measured and compared are voltage, current, frequency, active power, apparent power, reactive power, power factor, displacement power factor, current harmonics, voltage harmonics, transient, sags and swell. From the experiment, resistive loads (100 W bulb and 2 x 100 W bulbs) and resistive-inductive load (125 W water pump) were used as loads of generator set. It can be seen that in general, the power quality among those three fuels shows almost the similar performance. The problem on using combustible gases, either LPG or biogas, significantly appears at the frequency with greatly difference to the standard (i.e. 50 Hz).DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 6
Page: 762-769
Publish at: 2013-12-01

A Joint Synchronization and Channel Estimation Algorithm for MIMO-OFDM System
JingPeng Gao , DanFeng Zhao , ChaoQun Wu
As conventional methods deal with channel estimation and synchronization separately, they can’t achieve the best performances because the unknown parameters will interfere with each other. Besides, the convergence speed is slow using expectation maximization algorithm. Thus in this paper, we propose a joint synchronization and channel estimation method in MIMO-OFDM systems. The algorithm achieves coarse estimation by using a preamble. Then by combining this algorithm with SAGE algorithm and using joint iteration technology, time-frequency synchronization and channel estimation is achieved. Consequently, the performance of the system is enhanced. Theoretical researches and simulation results show that the algorithm can obtain relatively perfect result of time-frequency synchronization and channel estimation with fewer iterative times. Meanwhile our algorithm can approach the ideal case of perfect channel estimation and synchronization with lower complexity. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7571-7579
Publish at: 2013-12-01

The deformation prediction of mine slope surface using PSO-SVM model
Sunwen Du , Jin Zhang , Jingtao Li , Qiaomei Su , Wenbo Zhu , Yuejuan Chen
Based on the main factors with important influence on thedeformation of the mine slope, a new methodintegrating support vector machine (SVM) and particleswarm optimization (PSO) was proposed to predict thedeformation of mine slope surface. Themeteorological factors and the deformation data of the research area are acquired using the advanced deformation monitoring equipment GroundBased-Synthetic Aperture Radar (GB-SAR).Then the SVM is used to predict the mine slope deformation. The PSO is employed to optimize the structure parameters of the SVM. The proposed newmethod was applied to predict the mine slope surface deformation of theAnjialing diggings in China. The obtained experiments results indicated thatthe proposed method can provide precise prediction of the mining slope surfacedeformation and its performance is superior to its rivals. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 12
Page: 7182-7189
Publish at: 2013-12-01

Visualization of License Plate Recognition System
Zhiyi Ruan , Ying Zou , Dongming Hong , Lurong Wu
The image of the license plate is located and segmented by some digital-image processing technologies such as gray-scale processing, gray-scale stretching and filtering, edge detection, morphological processing, Hough transformation etc. According to the characteristics of the license plate, binary matrix of character image sets the fuzzy matrix, and based on the principle of proximity computing space of closeness to get the fuzzy pattern recognition of characters. On the basis of the data of image pixels, the samples which are randomly selected under noisy condition and which are treated by morphological processing are randomly selected, and then the samples are used to test the simulation and identification of Back Propagation (BP) Neural Networks. With the mathematical software-Matlab programming, the license plates are recognized. The aim is to develop the Visualization of user interface in License Plate Recognition System. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6714-6721
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Traffic Images Based on Horizontal Edges
Hongjin Zhu , Honghui Fan , Shuqiang Guo
This paper presents a moving vehicle detection and tracking system, which comprising of Horizontal Edges method and Local AutoCorrelation. Horizontal Edges characteristic can be strengthened and the influence of weather condition is reduced by using Local AutoCorrelation, so the detection rate of extracting and tracking moving vehicles with horizontal edge can be raised. Local AutoCorrelation images are generated for vehicle detection and based on Horizontal Edges method. The distance of the gravity center of Horizontal Edges is used to track vehicles in traffic video. We verify the system using a variety of weather (in fog, car shadow existence, morning and evening) traffic video. Experimental results have shown that the high detection rate of moving vehicles be obtained by using the proposed method. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6477-6483
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Decontamination and Decommissioned Small Nuclear AIP Hybrid Systems Submarines
Guangya Liu , Daping Qiu
Being equipped with small reactor AIP is the trend of conventional submarine power in 21st century as well as a real power revolution in conventional submarine. Thus, the quantity of small reactor AIP Submarines is on the increase, and its decommissioning and decontamination will also become a significant international issue. However, decommissioning the small reactor AIP submarines is not only a problem that appears beyond the lifetime of the small reactor nuclear devices, but the problem involving the entire process of design, construction, running and closure. In the paper, the problem is explored based on the conception and the feasible decommissioning and decontamination means are supplied to choose from. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6855-6861
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Linear Unbiased Optimal Filter for Discrete-Time Systems with One-Step Random Delays and Inconsecutive Packet Dropouts
Jian Ding , Shuli Sun
This paper is concerned with the linear unbiased minimum variance estimation problem for discrete-time stochastic linear control systems with one-step random delay and inconsecutive packet dropout. A new model is developed to describe the phenomena of the one-step delay and inconsecutive packet dropout by employing a Bernoulli distributed stochastic variable. Based on the model, a recursive linear unbiased optimal filter in the linear minimum variance sense is designed by the method of completing the square. The solution to the linear filter is given by three equations including a Riccati equation, a Lyapunov equation and a simple difference equation. A sufficient condition for the existence of the steady-state filter is given. A simulation shows the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6737-6745
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A Hybrid Structured Multistage Wiener Filter for GPS Interference Suppression
Qing-Dong Huang , Guang-Yue Lu , Zhi-Qiang Bao , Yong-Zhi Zhai , Sheng-Li Pang
To suppress the influence of impulsive noise spikes (outliers) from the direction of arrival of the desired GPS signals, a combination of the Householder multistage Wiener filter (HMSWF) and the recently introduced Minimum Module Cascaded Canceller (MMCC) is employed to compose a hybrid structured HMSWF (HS-HMSWF) method. The enhanced algorithm is employed by space-time anti-jamming processing in GPS receiver, with the ability of natural protection against the impulsive noise spikes influence of weights calculation. In space signal processing, it can avoid the zero pitch formed at the direction of target signal, and prevent the desired signal be diminished. Simulation results demonstrated the favorable anti-jamming performance of the proposed algorithm. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6922-6927
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A New Evidence Combination Method Based on Consistent Strength
Changming Qiao , Shuli Sun
A lot of practical applications show that DS (Dempster-Shafer) theory of evidence cannot deal with highly conflicted evidence. For this problem, Murphy proposed a method to solve it by modifying source model of evidence. But this method just calculated the mean of the conflicted evidence and didn’t pay much attention on their correlation. Based on the combination method of Murphy, a new method to calculate the weighted average of the conflicted evidence using consistent strength is proposed by taking the correlation into account. The proposed combination method can combine highly conflicted evidences to be more satisfactory. A numerical example shows the effectiveness of the proposed method. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6972-6977
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A New BP Neural Network Algorithm and Its Application in English Education Evaluation
Yu Zhike
BP neural network algorithm is a non-linear optimal method and is a hot research field for its powerful simulation calculation ability in various disciplines in recent years, but the algorithm has some shortages such as low convergence which limited the application of the algorithm. The paper improves original BP neural network with immune genetic algorithm to speed up its calculation convergence and presents a new BP neural network algorithm for evaluating English education performance. Firstly, an indicator system for evaluating English education performance is constructed through four aspects of university, teacher, student and teaching effect; Secondly, immune genetic algorithm is used to improve standard BP neural network algorithm, in which the specific measures are taken to integrate BP neural network algorithm and immune genetic algorithm, and the calculation procedures of the improved algorithm is redesigned. Finally data from of three universities are taken for examples to verify the validity and feasibility of the improved algorithm and the experimental results indicate that the algorithm has favorable evaluation results in evaluation accuracy and calculation convergence. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6441-6446
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Using the Lifting Wavelet
Yuelin Zou , Xiaoqiang Liang , Tongming Wang
In recent years image fusion plays a vital role in the image processing area. Fused images would help in doing many applications in image processing like segmentation, image enhancement and many.In order to improve the effect of fusion visible and infrared image images of the same scene, this paper presents an image fusion method based on lifting wavelet domain. Firstly, the source images are decomposed using lifting wavelet domain transform (LWT). Secondly, a weighted average approach based on normalized Shannon entropy is used to fuse low frequency lifting wavelet coefficients of the visible and infrared images. The fusion rule of local energy maximum is used to combine corresponding high frequency coefficients. After fusing low and high frequency coefficients of the source images, the final fused image is obtained using the inverse LWT. The experiments show that the proposed method provides improved subjective and objectives results as compared to previous image fusion methods such as Laplacian transform and traditional Wavelet transform. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6290-6295
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Electronically Tunable Impedance-Matching Networks for Intelligent RF Power Amplifiers
Liang Li , Taijun Liu , Yan Ye , Xiaojun Luo , Gang Cao , Xiaofeng Guo , Ming Hui
This paper presents the simulation and optimization design of the electronically tunable impedance-matching networks for intelligent RF power amplifiers in a cognitive radio system. Reconfigurable elements, such as varactors and RF switches are utilized to achieve the dynamic impedance matching both in the input and output matching circuit, providing coarse and fine tuning of the target impedances with low loss and excellent impedance coverage from 500MHz to 800MHz. The topology of varactor model is illustrated to ensure the precision of simulation. In addition, high-precision bias voltage controlling system is designed to improve the nonlinear problem caused by the varactor. The simulation results demonstrate the excellent performance of the tunable networks, satisfying the requirement of the cognitive radio systems. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6673-6678
Publish at: 2013-11-01
Show 1456 of 1579

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