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23,675 Article Results

An Efficient Reverse Converter for The New High Dynamic Range 5-Moduli Set
Xiaolan Lv , Ming Xiao
In this paper, an efficient residue to binary converter design for the new high dynamic range moduli set {2n-1,2n+1,22n,22n+1,22n-1-1} is presented. The reverse conversion in the four-moduli set {22n, 22n+1, 2n+1, 2n-1} has been proposed in literature. Hence, the converters are based on the new moduli set {22n-1-1, (2n-1)(2n+1)(22n+1)22n} and propose its residue to binary converter using New Chinese Remainder Theorem 2 ( New CRT 2). The new moduli set is proposed with a dynamic range 8n-1 bits and has the same features of the popular one. When compared to the common five moduli reverse converters, this enhanced moduli set has more dynamic range, and it useful for high performance computing. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6577-6583
Publish at: 2013-11-01

K Nearest Neighbor Path Queries Based on Road Networks
Lulin Chen , Guofeng Qin
The Island is a k nearest neighbor query algorithm of moving objects based on road networks and can effectively balance the performance of query and update. But the algorithm doesn’t consider the direction of moving object which is required in many scenarios. It traverses vertexes from all directions, meaning wasting a lot of time in visiting useless vertexes. Besides, it doesn’t return query path. In this paper, we propose an improved Island algorithm which takes full account of moving direction. It takes best point estimate and heuristic search method, effectively reducing the number of traversal vertexes. At the same time, we optimize the data structure and let it return the query path. Results show that the improved algorithm outperforms the original one. Finally, we describe electric vehicle charging guidance system based on the improved Island algorithm. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6637-6644
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Application of Radio Frequency Identification in construction intelligent home furnishing network
Huijuan Sun , Dongfang Luo
Intelligent home furnishing network is to build a communication network in a home furnishing, various appliances connected to each other, to realize the remote use and control of intelligent home furnishing all devices on a network and any required information exchange. First of all to establish a communication network in a home furnishing, provide the necessary pathway for family information, in the control of home network operating system, the corresponding hardware and actuator, control and monitoring of home appliances and equipment all family network. The paper puts forward the novel application of radio frequency identification technology in construction intelligent home furnishing network. In view of the advantages of RFID devices in the software and hardware cost, RFID positioning solution has a wide practical potential.  DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6907-6915
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Control for Wind Power Generation Based on Inverse System Theory
Jiyong Zhang , Guohai Liu
Traditional Double-fed Wind Generation systems are based on the vector control method, and it is dependent on motor parameters. The performance of the control system will be affected with the parameters changing,. This paper proposes a new control method based on inverse system and variable structure sliding mode(VSS) theories, through the inverse system theory, the structure of its state’s equation, obtaining the structure of the inverse system, the establishment of Wind Power Generation closed-loop control system is established. The VSS controller, designed with exponential reaching law, can improve the dynamic performance in normal operation range effectively. When the system operates with variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) and the phase voltage drops, the simulations show that the control system can control the DC link voltage steabily, maintain unity power factor, achieve the decoupling of the active and reactive power. And experiments show that the control method used in  VSCF wind power system is feasible. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6815-6824
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Route Optimization of Stacker in Automatic Warehouse Based on Genetic Algorithm
Cui Changqing , Wang Yiqiang
Today, automatic warehouse system gradually replaced manual labor, and played an important role in the production work, especially in the cargo handling work. It was important to research the time-consuming and efficiency of stacker in the automated warehouse system. This paper researched the path of stacker in automated warehouse and calculated the operation time of stacker working path according to actual working condition, and then put forward a route optimization method of stacker based on genetic algorithm, finally simulated this algorithm by using MATLAB. The simulation results showed that this algorithm could shorten the way of stacker, and increase the working efficiency of the warehouse. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6367-6372
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A Rate Control Algorithm in JPEG2000 Based on Code Content Prediction
Fengmei Liang , Jianqing Xing , Xiaoliang Li
In order to accelerate the coding process of JPEG2000 and avoid encoding useless codes, a new algorithm is proposed for JPEG2000 rate control. This algorithm is improved by the model prediction algorithm.The code passes transmit the lowest frequency sub-band without distortion after wavelet decomposition. Then the proposed algorithm allocates the rate for the current code block accords to the number of coding passes and the weight of wavelet quantization. At last, it encodes the code block which brings the greatest amount of information preferentially, accords to the code block bit-plane relationship in the sub-band; In addition, the algorithm truncates the code-stream in real time during the encoding procedure. Compared with the PCRD algorithm, the experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm can greatly reduce the computation operation and encoding time. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6992-6998
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Wideband Tuning of Impedance Matching for actual RF Networks using AQPSO
Yin Xin , Tan Yang Hong , Liao Jiwang
An adaptive wideband impedance matching technique using a passive PI-network is presented in the paper on the basis of adaptive quantum particle swarm optimization algorithms (AQPSO), which  avoiding the drawbacks of the standard particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The Wideband Tuning technique is for actual RF chips. So on-chip models for RF capacitors and inductors are considered. And the effects of the parasitic component loss in the PI-network are analyzed. Then the circuit is simplified according to the sensitivities of the elements. Therefore, the computational complexity is dramatically reduced. Finally, the AQPSO algorithm is adopted to maximize the power transmission efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed tuning technique can achieve good accuracy of impedance matching and load power. The reflection coefficient and VSWR obtained are also satisfactory. Moreover, the proposed method can be useful for software defined radio systems using a single antenna for multiple mobile and wireless bands. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6600-6610
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A Simple Compound Control Method for Flexible-link Manipulator
Sanxiu Wang , Li Yu , Jianming Xu , Kexing Xu
This paper presents a composite control scheme based on singular perturbation theory, which decouples the system of flexible-link manipulator into rigid motion (slow subsystem) and flexible vibration (fast subsystem) two different time scale subsystems. For the slow subsystem, a controller combined computer torque method and robust control is employed to track the desired trajectory, while, a state feedback control is used to stabilize the fast subsystem to suppress the vibration. The simulation results show that the proposed control strategy has good tracking performance and suppress the flexible-link vibration effectively. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6679-6685
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Detecting and Tracking Hair Impurities in Mushroom Semi-product Images
Wang Xiuping , He Zhongjiao
A new area operator was proposed to extract axes feature of hair impurity in mushroom semi-product images. This operator was based on the local intensity comparison, and it had two advantages: 1) its outputs reached local maxima at the hair axes; 2) the accurate direction information of the hair axes could be derived by it. After the axes feature of the hairs was extracted using the proposed operator, an extended Kalman filter was applied to track the hairs. The searching path was established when a cost function was minimized. Starting points of the tracking path were found using dyadic wavelet analysis. The proposed algorithm had good adaptivity for the arbitrary orientation of the hairs. The experiment results showed that hairs could be tracked accurately. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6841-6847
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A Novel Self-adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transform Digital Watermarking Algorithm
Ma Chi , Zhu Yongyong
On the basis of the research of wavelet transform and digital watermarking technology,this paper proposed a self-adaptive discrete wavelet transform(DWT) digital watermarking algorithm, which can achieve the purpose of embedding hidden watermarks by decompose three-level wavelet of image and decompose bit-plane of watermarking gray scale image by Arnold scrambling transformation. Layer adaptive threshold and quantizer were referenced in this algorithm, and which adaptive selected coefficient of detail subbands of embedded watermarking to improve the robustness of the watermarking. In testing of semi-blind watermarking, renewing of watermarking based on the embedding sequence of point locations and the quantizer sequence without participation of the original image. Experimental results show that the algorithm is effective to improve the robustness of the cut, adding noise, filtering, and compression image attack treatment.DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6281-6289
Publish at: 2013-11-01

In the Network Communication An Improved Algorithm of Image Watermarking Based on DWT
Yun KE
This paper discussed an improvement algorithm of image digital watermarking based on the discrete wavelet transform(DWT)and singular value decomposition(SVD). In this algorithm, a good characteristics of multiresolution and time-frequency local analysis of discrete wavelet transform combining with image intrinsic algebraic properties of SVD. After decomposing the original host image into four bands, we apply the SVD to watermark image and modify DWT coefficients of the host image with the singular values of the watermark image.Experimental results show that this new image watermarking algorithm has a good imperceptibility of embedded watermark image, security and robust against common attacks such as filtering, geometric, attack, JPEG compression and rotation. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6304-6308
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Automatic Detection and Processing of Attributes Inconsistency for Fuzzy Ontologies Merging
Yonghong Luo , Zhou Yu , Yanhao Zhuang , Zhaopeng Zheng
Semantic fusion of multiple data sources and semantic interoperability between heterogeneous systems in distributed environment can be implemented through integrating multiple fuzzy local ontologies. However, ontology merging is one of the valid ways for ontology integration. In order to solve the problem of attributes inconsistency for concept mapping in fuzzy ontology merging system, we present an automatic detection algorithm of inconsistency for the range, number and membership grade of attributes between mapping concepts, and adopt corresponding processing strategy during the fuzzy ontologies merging according to the different types of attributes inconsistency. Experiment results show that with regard to merging accuracy, the fuzzy ontology merging system in which the automatic detection algorithm and processing strategy of attributes inconsistency is embedded is better than those traditional ontology merging systems like GLUE, PROMPT and Chimaera.  DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6514-6520
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Autonomy Domain Trust Model in Manufacturing Grid Based on User Trust Agent
Junyu Xiao , Zhangwei Yang , Feng Jiang
Trust security is one of the hotspot in manufacturing grid. The paper proposes a trust model to suit for manufacturing grid, based on domain trust model. It manages trust value of grid user from the introducing of user trust agent in autonomy domain. Furthermore, it considers the impact of time decay and the punishment of malicious transactions. The model is effective in reducing the malicious transaction of grid user to improve security of manufacturing grid through analysis and experiment simulation. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6534-6539
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A Multi-agent Supply Chain Information Coordination Mode Based on Cloud Computing
Wuxue Jiang , Jing Zhang , Junhuai Li
 In order to improve the high efficiency and security of supply chain information coordination under cloud computing environment, this paper proposes a supply chain information coordination mode based on cloud computing. This mode has two basic statuses which are online status and offline status. At the online status, cloud computing center is responsible for coordinating the whole supply chain information. At the offline status, information exchange can be realized among different nodes by using the pre-backup supply chain information and network address of other nodes. This coordination mode coordinates the whole supply chain information through the cloud computing center at the online status and maximizes the overall benefit. Meanwhile, the offline status effectively avoids the risks to the whole supply chain brought by the overdependence of cloud computing on network and the high information concentration. The two statuses have good customers’ satisfaction and higher order finished rate in supply chain. The simulation experiment based on multi-Agent verifies the effectiveness of this mode in this paper. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6427-6433
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A Simple Line Drawing Definition and Transfer Model for Facial Animation Generation
Qingxiang Wang , Changlin Gao , Mengmeng Han
 The Line Drawing Animation is an active research area in Non-Photorealistic Rendering. Many researchs are focused on the skech abastract, like such as portrait drawing of human and animation generation. However most of the model are too complex to calculate or pay attention to the details which are not stable that are not suitable for realtime transfer for continuous sequence of video. This paper proposes a simple line drawing definition and transfer model with Bézier Curves and the core of the AAM fit parameters. The facial line drawings have seven basic emotions include neutral, happiness, anger, disgust, fear, sadness and surprised. Each of the drawing in a specific model is consisted of a same set of cubic Bézier curves. The proposed model is suitabl for shape conbination anmition. In the experiment, the AAM method is used to get the facial features of the face and then find the nearest combination of the emotion to transfer to the line drawing model. The result shows that the method is simple and fast. Only a few of the parameters are needed to transfer that is suitable to record and communication. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6978-6985
Publish at: 2013-11-01
Show 1459 of 1579

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