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23,675 Article Results

Embedded Linux Based Shopping Assistance System

Ayanabha Chakraborty , Prashant Konaje , Prabha Kasliwal
In a view to streamline shopping system and facilitate access to required commodities among innumerable varieties in a super market, personalized service can be exploited in automated manner through interactive graphical user interface. Implementation of location based several touch screen modules with a centralized database can provide easy, accurate and timely information in regards to query generated by the users. Availability of an item and its location with absolute identification are displayed on the screen to facilitate users to get access to it immediately. This not only saves valuable time and cumbersome manual procedure in finding desired products but also provides an easy-to-use interactive shopping experience without any effort. Personalized Shopping Assistance maintains a centralized database for all products in the super market with user-friendly graphical user interface touch screen modules at various locations.
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
Page: 122-126
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Design of the Remote Wireless Meter Reading System Based on GPRS
Na Wu , Yinjing Guo , Yongqin Wei , Aying Wei
Smart grid is the focus development direction of the national power grid construction, and remote power information collection is the important part of smart grid. The existing automatic meter reading system of remote electric power information collection has such problems as high cost, big power consumption, small networking and big line interference etc. Aim at these features, this paper proposes a new scheme of wireless meter reading based on GPRS, that is, the wireless communication module MC55 of SIMENS and STC89C58RD single chip are adopted as the core to develop a set of remote wireless meter reading system. The paper mainly introduces the overall design of the system, the hardware circuit and software design of each component, and the major software flow chart is given. The system has the characteristic of low cost, low power consumption, ad-Hoc network, self adaption, etc, and it has the strong portability and compatibility. Field test results show that the wireless meter reading system can finish the data collection and transmission task quickly and accurately, and has strong anti-interference ability and wide applicability. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6358-6366
Publish at: 2013-11-01

A New Detection Model for Saliency Map
Zhongshan Chen
Visual attention is a mechanism which filters out redundant visual information and focus on the most relevant parts when observing an image,many bottom-up computational models of visual attention have been devised to get the saliency map for an image.In this paper, a new visual attention model is proposed.Based on the experimental results obtained in this study, as compared with existing bottom-up visual model, the proposed model has better visual detection performance and low computational complexity. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6956-6963
Publish at: 2013-11-01

Blind Evaluation of Image Scrambling Degree based on the Correlation of Adjacent Pixels
Congli Wang , Zhibin Chen , Ting Li
The correlation of adjacent pixels is one of the important parameters for measuring the distribution of adjacent pixels’ gray value. And it is widely used to evaluate the scrambling degree of digital image. Distribution figures are always plotted to show the relation of adjacent pixels’ gray value, but only subjective and qualitative analysis has been applied to explain the uniformity of dots in these figures so far. In order to evaluate their uniformity quantitatively and objectively, two approaches are advanced: average gray difference method and block uniformity method. And, two blind evaluating methods on the image scrambling degree are presented further according to the former. Simulation results show that both of the two approaches can describe the uniformity of distribution figures of adjacent pixels’ gray value quantitatively and objectively. They can be operated with just a little data of a cipher image and without using any data of plain image. These two evaluation methods on image scrambling degree are in a good agreement with the Human Vision System, and they can achieve the goal of objective and fast blind evaluation. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6556-6562
Publish at: 2013-11-01

On Electricity Spot Price Properties by t-innovation GARCH Model
Wang Jin
The modeling of heteroskedasticities and kurtosises of electricity prices is crucial to forecast the future distribution of electricity prices, to understand the behavior of derivatives pricing and to quantify the risk in electricity markets. A GARCH model with t-innovations, which is solved by maximum likelihood estimation, is proposed. The model can explicitly address the relationship with system loads, seasonalities, heteroskedasticities, and kurtosises of electricity prices. The empirical analysis based on the historical data of the PJM electricity market shows that the system load squares have a significant effect on the average daily electricity prices, there exist volatility clustering and weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly and semi-annual periods, and the variances and kurtosises of electricity prices manifest clearly time-varying characteristics. The model holds parsimonious scale of estimated parameters, less computational costs, easy to select the orders and high practical application value. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 10
Page: 5675-5683
Publish at: 2013-10-01

A Novel Method to Optimize the Structure of BP Neural Networks
Changming Qiao , Shuli Sun
It has been a long time that there is not a so good method to determine the number of neurons in hidden layer for BP neural network. For this problem, a novel algorithm based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) to optimize the structure of the BP neuron networks is proposed in this paper. At the same time, this paper gives the upper and lower bounds for classical AIC to overcome its shortcomings. The simulation experiment shows that this method can select a more suitable network structure, and can ensure the minimal output error with the optimal structure of the network. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 10
Page: 5588-5593
Publish at: 2013-10-01

Design and Simulation of Cascaded Class-A Microwave Power Amplifier
Muhammad Faheem Siddique , Syed Haider Abbas , Hussnain Haider , Ali Bin Tahir
Microwave power amplifiers are the most significant components in wireless communications systems. As the technology continue to progress, the designers are facing new challenges and opportunities. The purpose of this work is to push the limits of efficiency and bandwidth of power amplifiers. The objective of this research is to design and build a prototype two stage Microwave power amplifier operated at 2.4 GHz with a linear region of operation up to our desired output of 0.5 watt or 27 dBm. The transistor used in the first stage is BFP540 while the output power of the first stage is the input of the second stage in which the ATF50189 transistor is used to for amplification. All the simulations and readings are taken by using AWR Microwave Office software. By using the load line Rl and the biasing points are achieved for both stages. The applications of our proposed device include many products in the field of microwave communications. One of the important applications of a Microwave power amplifier is in the output stage of a transmitter where a signal needs amplification before it is transmitted.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 5
Page: 635-639
Publish at: 2013-10-01

Intelligent Detection of Intrusion into Databases Using Extended Classifier System (XCS)
Navid Moshtaghi Yazdani , Masoud Shariat Panahi , Ehsan Sadeghi Poor
With increasing tendency of users to distributed computer systems in comparison with concentrat-ed systems, intrusion into such systems has emerged as a serious challenge. Since techniques of intrusion into systems are being intelligent, it seems necessary to use intelligent methods to en-counter them. Success of the intrusion systems depends on the strategy employed in these sys-tems for attack detection. Application of eXtended Classifier Systems (XCS) is proposed in this paper for detection of intrusions to databases. The extended classifier systems which are known as one of the most successful types of learning agents create a set of stochastic rules and com-plete them based on the methods inspired from human learning process. Thereby, they can grad-ually get a comprehensive understanding of the environment under study which enables them to predict the correct answer at an acceptable accuracy once encountered with new issues. The method suggested in this paper an improved version of extended classifier systems is “trained” using a set of existing examples in order to identify and avoid attempts to intrude computer sys-tems during phases of application and encountering these attempts. The proposed method has been tested on several problems to demonstrate its performance while its results indicate a 91% detection of various known intrusions to the databases.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 5
Page: 708-712
Publish at: 2013-10-01

Energy Transfer by Resonance Coupling
Heinz Zenkner , Werachet Khan-Ngern
This paper presents the research work focusing on the possibility to transmit power with a high power densitiy and a high efficiency. The applications of power supply require a smaller size, lower weight with a good energy on-board management. This work shows not only the possibility of wireless power transfer, but also the biological effect is taken into account for the safety precaution of human use. The system is described and set up using the resonance coupling effect and impedance adaption for multi-stage conversion. The transmitting power up to 180W is applied at a frequency of 6.78 MHz across a gap in the range between 30 mm to 80 mm. The experimental results show that the maximum efficiency up to 88 % has been achieved. The maximum transmitted power density reaches up to 0.14 W/mm2. High power can be transmitted using resonant coupling with high efficiency. Coupling coil characteristics significantly affect wireless power system losses. High power density of the active areas can be in the high range of 0.14 W/mm2. Resonance coupling can be applied in short range applications keeping EMC and EMF restrictions.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 5
Page: 668-682
Publish at: 2013-10-01

A Topology-Based Algorithm for Directed Network Alignment
Qingyu Zou , Fu Liu , Tao Hou , Yihan Jiang
Network alignment has brought significant advances to our understanding of complex networks, for example, the Worldwide Web, biological networks, and social networks. Triangles comprised of three nodes are the simplest subnet in the directed network. The distribution of triangles is an important indicator of understanding the dynamics and function of directed networks. In this paper, we present a novel alignment algorithm for directed networks only based on topology structure, which can be used for any two networks. The transcriptional regulatory networks (TRNs) of E. coli and S. cerevisiae are used to evaluate the algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm proposed is efficient for aligning directed networks.DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 10
Page: 6202-6208
Publish at: 2013-10-01

Design of Fuzzy Adaptive PID Temperature Controller Based on FPGA
Gang Qin , Yanni Ma , Xiangzhou Zhang , Ming Zhang
Aiming at the characteristics of a certain thermostat control system such as non-linear and time varying, combining the traditional PID controller with modern fuzzy control theory, and using the EP1C12 FPGA as the core controller, the fuzzy adaptive PID temperature controller is going to be designed and achieved. The deviation and deviation rate are the inputs of fuzzy PID controller. PID parameters are the outputs of fuzzy PID controller. A set of fuzzy rules is used to achieve the online optimal regulation for the PID parameters. The simulation results of the system show that this method can significantly improve the control effect. With the simplification of the design, the computational speed and reliability of the system are also improved. DOI:  
Volume: 11
Issue: 10
Page: 6008-6016
Publish at: 2013-10-01

SAW Filter Modelling in Matlab for GNSS Receivers
Syed Haider Abbas , Hussnain Haider , Muhammad Faheem Siddique , Awais Ahmed
Satellite navigation has enabled a great amount of new application for many users, but a lot of limitations have been observed regarding precision and integrity of navigation signals. Overall signals of different navigation systems (GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS signals) compose Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Signal. Each of the satellite system has separate signal characteristics, but each signal needs to be compatible with the others to prevent interferences and attenuations between signals. The processing of all the signals is performed in same receiver. Hence, complex receiver design is required. In GNSS signals different frequencies are used for different satellite navigation systems such as GPS, Galileo and Glonass. When the group delay response is observed in SAW filters it shows that the signals lie on different frequencies have different delays. Manufacturers carried out measurements with respect to carrier wave but they have ignored the spreading codes or modulation. In this research, we will design a model for GNSS SAW filter in Matlab. This model can be use to obserce the delay of the signals. This model will allow the manufacturers to address these problems in the SAW filter software to optimise slope and magnitude of the design which will benefit the users of GNSS all over the world to get more precise positioning.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 5
Page: 660-667
Publish at: 2013-10-01

An Image Sparse Representation for Saliency Detection
Jun Yang , Tusheng Lin , Xiaoli Jin
This paper presents a novel method for detecting saliency in static images based on image sparse representation. For each color channel, first, the image is partitioned into non-overlapping patches and each patch is represented by the way of sparse coding from a learned dictionary of patches from natural scenes. Then, global saliency and local saliency are calculated and fused to attain saliency of each patch. Local saliency is shown by popping out a patch from its surrounding patches. Global saliency is indicated by the rarity of a patch in the overall patches of the image. The final saliency map is attained by normalizing and fusing local and global saliency maps of all color channels. Experimental results in the benchmark image dataset demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a superior performance compared with most of state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, both robustness and the low computational complexities make the presented algorithm feasible for subsequent applications. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 10
Page: 6143-6150
Publish at: 2013-10-01

Gross Error Denoising Method for Slope Monitoring Data at Hydropower Station
Wei Hu , Xingguo Yang , Jiawen Zhou , Huige Xing , Jian Xiang
There are mainly two types of errors existed in monitoring displacement of a rock slope: gross errors and random errors. Monitoring data is very important for the safety construction and operation of the Hydropower Station. The use of slope monitoring data for safety evaluation is influenced by the gross errors during the monitoring process. This paper presents a gross error denosing method for a nonlinear time series based on the three-standard-deviation rule (3-σ rule), and then reconstructing the time series by a first-order Lagrange interpolation method. The present method is applied to the gross error analysis of the slope displacement monitoring data collected at the Jinping I Hydropower Station. Computed results show that the first-order difference values of the gross errors can be above or below the upper or lower three-standard-deviation boundary, and the gross errors can be removed effectively. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 10
Page: 5545-5552
Publish at: 2013-10-01

Impedance Mathing Improvement of Half-Cut Broadband Printed Monopole Antenna with Microstrip Feeding
Teguh Prakoso , Mochammad Facta , Razali Ngah , Tharek A. Rahman
The requirement of wireless access networks and user equipments to support coexistence of many communication standards and frequency bands poses challenge on antenna to be broadband and small. The application of half-cut technique to broadband printed monopole with microstrip feeding worsens the resulted antenna’s impedance. To improve the half-cut antenna impedance mathing, two methods were investigated in this paper: (1) monopole and ground extension, (2) the application of microstrip line transformer and ground extension. The first approach only produces limited improvement, whereas method #2 can enhance the return loss significantly. The application of the second approach potentially produces antenna pair that has low mutual coupling, good return loss, and small size. Considering its radiation pattern, the antenna is suitable for diversity and MIMO. Its application in broadband microwave-photonic access point need special arrangement due to radiation null at 5 GHz band at right side.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 5
Page: 612-617
Publish at: 2013-10-01
Show 1463 of 1579

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