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23,675 Article Results

The Research of Granular Computing Applied in Image Mosaic

Xiuping; Tonghua Normal University Zhang
Based on the existing image mosaic technology, this paper introduces the granular computing and obtains a simplified new algorithm. The image mosaic executed by this algorithm at first establishes correlation model on the basis of granular computing theory, and obtains edge map of each image needing mosaic. The new calculation method is used to calculate gradient of in different columns of edge map, to obtain the feature point coordinates with the maximum gradient; meanwhile, all feature points of two images are matched with each other, to acquire the best matching point. In addition, the error-correcting mechanism is introduced in the matching process, which is used to delete feature points with matching error. The correlation calculation is carried out for the matching pixels acquired by the above processing, to get the feature transformational matrix of the two images. According to the matrix, two separated image maps map into the same plane. The slow transitional mosaic method is applied in the aspect of image addition plus overlap removal, so that images have no bulgy boundary after mosaics. The whole image mosaic process shows that the given granular computing algorithm is superior to the traditional one both in the number of processed images and the number of processing, and the mosaic image gained has high quality.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 537-546
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Electricity Consumption Forecasting in the Age of Big Data
Xiaojia Wang
In the age of big data, information mining technology has undergone tremendous change; traditional forecasting mining technology has not been able to solve the information mining problems under a large scale of data. this paper put forward a modeling mechanism of information analysis and mining under the age of big data, the modeling mechanism is, first, construct the model of task decomposition of information by MapReduce tool, then, make data preprocessing and mining operation according to the single task data sheet, use mathematical model, artificial intelligence and other methods to construct the new ideas of information analysis and data mining under the age of big data, finally, a case study presented to demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of our approach. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5262-5266
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Balanced the Trade-offs Problem of ANFIS using Particle Swarm Optimization

Dian Palupi; Sriwijaya University Rini , Siti Mariyam; UTM Shamsuddin , Siti Sophiayati; UTM Yuhaniz
Improving the approximation accuracy and interpretability of fuzzy systems is an important issue either in fuzzy systems theory or in its applications . It is known that simultaneous optimization both issues was the trade-offs problem, but it will improve performance of the system and avoid overtraining of data. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is part of evolutionary algorithm that is good candidate algorithms to solve multiple optimal solution and better global search space. This paper introduces an integration of PSO dan ANFIS for optimise its learning especially for tuning membership function parameters and finding the optimal rule for better classification. The proposed method has been tested on four standard dataset from UCI machine learning i.e. Iris Flower, Haberman’s Survival Data, Balloon and Thyroid dataset. The results have shown better classification using the proposed PSO-ANFIS and the time complexity has reduced accordingly.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 611-616
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Research on Relay-Assisted Cellular System Coordination Mechanism Based on Energy-Efficient
Xue Jianbin , Zhao Yanqin , Qin Lijing , Liang Bo
Multi-user and multi-business lead to dense deployment relay stations in the relay-assisted cellular system. When active relay stations exceed actual needs, decreasing the network energy efficiency has direct correlation with web users, business, distribution and other parameters. In the case that satisfying requirements of service quality, such as delay and rate are satisfied, this paper mainly research on how to dynamically adjust the activation time and the number of relay stations according to the location of relay stations in the networks. In the meantime, we research on improving the efficiency of system energy and resource matching through the data forwarding of relay stations which have been activated. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5502-5508
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Bionic Intelligent Optimization Algorithm Based on MMAS and Fish-Swarm Algorithm
Jingjing Yang , Benzhen Guo , Jixiang Gou , Xiao Zhang
With large number of ants, the ant colony algorithm would always take a long time or is rather difficult to find the optimal path from complex chapter path, further more, there exists a contradiction between stagnation, accelerated convergence and precocity. In this paper, we propose a new bionic optimization algorithm. The main idea of the algorithm is to introduce the horizons concept in the MMAS fish swarm algorithm, so it would take shorter time to find the optimal path with numerous ants, and the introduction of the concept of fish swarm algorithm congestion level would enable the ant colony find the path of global optimization with a strong crowding limit which avoids the emergence of local extreme and improves the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5517-5522
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Controlling Chaos and Voltage Collapse using Layered Recurrent Network-based PID-SVC in Power Systems

I Made; Mataram University Ginarsa , Agung Budi; Mataram University Muljono , I Made Ari; Mataram University Nrartha
Chaos and voltage collapse occurred in critical power systems due to disturbing of energy. PID-SVC layered reccurrent neural network-based (LRN-based PID-SVC) was proposed to solve these problems. The PID is used to control chaos and voltage collapse. Meanwhile, an SVC LRN-based is used to maintan the load voltage. By using the proposed controller, chaos and voltage collapse are able to suppress and maintain the load voltage around the setting value. When the maximum load isforced to load bus, the reactive power supplied by SVC, SVC additional voltage and load voltage are at the values of j0.1127, 4.0095´10-3 and 0.980010 pu, respectively. Furthemore, the proposed controller gives better response than PI-SVC controller. 
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 451-462
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Agricultural Knowledge Grid Construction
Tan Cuiping , Zheng Huaiguo , Zhang Junfeng , Sun Sufen , Li Guangda
In order to eliminate the ambiguity in semantic understandings during the retrieval of the users, as well as mining the relationship between the concept of agricultural knowledge, the association of knowledge among heterogeneous databases needs to be set up, which enable users to discover useful knowledge clues, and gradually form solution for the ultimate question. Based on the characteristics of agricultural knowledge and the achievements of knowledge grid research, with a combination of traditional agricultural thesauri and ontology technology, the agricultural knowledge grid was constructed with the resource layer, semantic layer and user level. It has been applied for semantic extension on retrieval, knowledge links, and knowledge reasoning diagnosis. It gains some achievements, which provide technical support and experience for the deeply agricultural knowledge services. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5224-5228
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Relationships between Excitation Voltage and Performance of AFWR Synchronous Generator

Abdul; Universitas Indonesia Multi , Iwa; Universitas Indonesia Garniwa
            The axial flux wound rotor generator has field winding that should be connected to a dc voltage source. Varying the excitation voltage, its electric performance might  be controlled to meet the need of a load voltage attached to its terminal. The generator designed is small-scale capacity which has 1 kW, 380 V and 750 rpm. The generator has a single double-sided slotted wound stator sandwiched between twin rotor. The effect of excitation voltage changes on its performance can be seen from the result of calculations using the given equations.The calculation results reveal electric quantities suited with respect to performance of the machine. If the voltage is higher then the losses will be lower. However, the higher the voltage, the higher the efficiency and the torque.It has been found out that for the excitation voltage11 V, the efficiency and the torque are 85.12 % and 13.04 Nm respectively.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 495-502
Publish at: 2013-09-01

The Predictive Control Method of VAV Air Conditioning System
Jiejia LI , Xiaofeng LI , Yang CAO
Aiming at the characteristics which variable air volume air conditioning system is multi-variable, nonlinear and uncertain system, normal fuzzy neural network is hard to meet the requirements which dynamic control of multi-variable. In this paper, we put forward a recursive neural network predictive control strategy based on wavelet neural network model. Through recursive wavelet neural network predictor on line established controlled object’s mathematical model, and using Elman neural network controller on line corrected information we get, thus to improve control effect. The simulation results show that recursive wavelet neural network predictive control has stronger robustness and adaptive ability, high control precision, better and reliable control effect and other advantages. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5030-5036
Publish at: 2013-09-01

A New Transcoding Scheme for Scalable Video Coding to H.264/AVC

Zhenyu Wu; University of Electronic Science and Technology Zhenyu Wu , Daiying; University of Electronic Science and Technology Zhou , Hong Hu; University of Electronic Science and Technology Hong Hu
Requests from various video terminals push video servers to equip with scalability for video contents distribution in different ways. Scalable Video Coding (SVC) as the extension of H.264/AVC standard can provide the scalability for video servers by encoding videos into one base layer and several enhancement layers. To enable mobile devices without scalability receive videos at their best extent, converting bit-streams from SVC into H.264/AVC becomes the key technique. Bit-stream rewriting is the simplest way without quality loss. However, rewriting is not a real transcoding scheme, since it needs to modify SVC encoders. This paper proposes a novel transcoding approach to support spatial scalability by minimizing the distortions generated from re-encoding process. The proposed scheme keeps the input bit-streams’ information at maximum and adopts the hybrid upsampling method to do residue scaling, which can reduce the transcoding distortion into minimization. Experimental results demonstrate that the loss of the rate-distortion (RD) performance of the proposed transcoding scheme is better than Full Decoding Re-encoding (FDR) which can get the highest video quality in general sense, by achieving up to 0.9 dB Y-PSNR gain while saving 95%~97% processing time.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 575-582
Publish at: 2013-09-01

H-Bridge based Five-Level Current-Source Inverter for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power Conditioner

Suroso; Jenderal Soedirman University Suroso , Daru Tri; Jenderal Soedirman University Nugroho , Toshihiko; Shizuoka University Noguchi
         This paper presents an application of a new circuit configuration of H-bridge based five-level current-source inverter (CSI) used for grid connected photovoltaics system. In this topology, the intermediate level currents of the five-level current waveform are generated by connecting DC current module to the H-bridge CSI. Some new features can be derived using this new topology such as reducing the switching power device count, and reducing the inductor conduction losses of the inverter. The proposed five-level CSI is tested for grid connected photovoltaic system through computer simulation using PSIM software. Furthermore, the experimental test results of the proposed five-level CSI are presented. The results show that the inverter works properly generating a five-level current waveform and injecting a sinusoidal current into power grid with less harmonics distortion and with unity power factor operation.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 489-494
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Fabrication and Characterization of n-ZnO/n-Si Heterojunction
Chao Xiong , Weihong Li , Hailin Xu , Lei Chen , Hongchun Yuan , Xifang Zhu , Yan Zhang , Xiangcai Zhou
The n-ZnO/n-Si heterojunction are fabricated by depositing ZnO films on n-Si (111) films substrate using magnetron sputtering Al doped ZnO ceramic target. The structures of n-ZnO films, analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy, and the preferential orientation of the ZnO grains is observed along the (101) and (100) axis aligning with the growth direction. The photoelectric properties, charge carrier transport properties and conductive mechanism were studied by testing the I-V, C-V characteristics with illumination and without illumination. Current-voltage (I-V) measurements of n-ZnO/n-Si heterojunctions show good diode characteristics and photovoltaic effects with illumination. The forward conduction is respectively determined by carrier recombination in the space charge region, defect-assisted tunneling and exponential distribution trap-assisted space charge limited current mechanism with the increase of forward voltage. Also, a band diagram of n-ZnO/n-Si heterojunctions has been proposed to explain the transport mechanism. As the conduction band and valence band offset in the ZnO/n-Si heterojunction is too big, the current transport mechanism is dominated by the space-charge limited current (SCLC) conduction at the forward voltage exceed 0.8 V. The results suggest the existence of a large number of interface states in ZnO/n-Si heterojunction, and the interface states can be reduced and the photoelectric properties can be further improved. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5195-5199
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Color Clustering in the Metal Inscription Images Using ANFIS Filter

Susijanto T.; STMIK Surabaya Rasmana , Yoyon K.; ITS Surabaya Suprapto , Ketut E.; ITS Surabaya Purnama
Ancient inscriptions are historical records of the past age made on stone or metal media. Currently many ancient inscriptions were damaged because it is too long buried in the ground. This research is the first step to repairing the damaged inscription using Image processing. Efforts to restorations using color clustering with ANFIS method are an early stage to perform letters segmentation in the ancient inscription. The Results of ANFIS clustering method are compared to the spatial fuzzy clustering method (SFCM). The clustering performance measurement is done by measuring root mean square error (RMSE). From RMSE measurements, the average values obtained with ANFIS clustering method is smaller 21.80% than with SFCM. This means there is an increase in clustering performance with ANFIS method compared to SFCM.  
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 529-536
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Characters Feature Extraction Based on Neat Oracle Bone Rubbings
Lei Guo
In order to recognize characters on the neat oracle bone rubbings, a new mesh point feature extraction algorithm was put forward in this paper by researching and improving of the existing coarse mesh feature extraction algorithm and the point feature extraction algorithm. Some improvements of this algorithm were as followings: point feature was introduced into the coarse mesh feature, the absolute address was converted to relative address, and point features have been changed grid and position relationship integrating into the feature vector. The recognition effect has been improved greatly using this algorithm to recognize oracle characters on the neat bone rubbings. At the same time, it could supply some help to recognize words of the neat handwriting instruments. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5427-5434
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Study on Control Strategy of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Loading System
Ju Tian
Since extraneous torque is the key factor to affect the accuracy of electro-hydraulic servo loading system, the forming mechanism of extraneous torque was discussed in this work. And then several design methods of loading system controller based on modern control theory were introduced, such as internal model control, Cerebella model articulation control and adaptive backstepping control. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5044-5047
Publish at: 2013-09-01
Show 1478 of 1579

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