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23,675 Article Results

DTN Routing Algorithm Based on Perceptions of Node Mobile Information
Wang En , Yang YongJian , Chen Xi , Wu FangMing
Due to the high mobility of nodes in DTN, the topology is changing forever. On this base, putting forward an efficient routing protocol becomes a hot topic in this area. Focus on the moving character of nodes, putting forward a routing algorithm in DTN (BMI) based on perceptions of node mobile information. This algorithm improved from the classical routing protocol spray and wait. First, change the wait phase to active routing. Then consider the moving information of meeting nodes and purpose nodes, choose a node which has a higher possibility to meet the purpose node. Simulation results show that, this algorithm can significantly improve the delivery ratio and reduce the delay. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4491-4497
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Research of CamShift Algorithm to Track Motion Objects
Li Zhu , Tao Hu
At present, objects detection, identification and tracking are the very popular research areas in computing vision. A real-time objects tracking system was proposed in this paper. This paper focuses on improve CamShift algorithm, which can track the motion objects with high a accuracy. An Adaptive Gaussian Background Model is proposed in the system , which was established in order to automatically update the background and detect the outline of moving objects. By analyzing different algorithms, this paper brings out approaches to promote the performance.The CamShift algorithm to complete motion detection and objects tracking, which applied for static background video sequences. And the experimental results show that this algorithm can detect all motion objects and track almost motion objects. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4372-4378
Publish at: 2013-08-01

A Low Power 32 Bit CMOS ROM Using A Novel ATD Circuit
Siddhant Kukreti , Gurmohan Singh , Vemu Sulochana
A low power high speed 32 Bit ROM circuit implemented on 0.18µm CMOS process has been presented in this paper. The circuit is build using a parallel ROM core structure and runs on 1.8 V supply voltage. A novel Address Transition Decoder (ATD) circuit is proposed which energizes the ROM components such as Row Decoder, Column Decoder, ROM core etc, for short time intervals when there is a transition in input address bits. The power consumed in ROM with proposed ATD circuit is 0.78 mW, which corresponds to 82.27% reduction in power as compared to ROM without ATD circuit (4.46 mW). At the output almost full signal swing has been achieved without using any sense amplifier. The implemented ROM has a very low latency of 0.56 ns.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 4
Page: 509-515
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Determining the Minimal Software Reliability Test Effort by Stratified Sampling
Li Qiuying , Luo Lei
Software reliability testing provided the necessary guarantee for improving software reliability level and estimation. The traditional method for generating software reliability test cases could be seen as a simple random sampling, which was randomly choosen according to the operational profile defined by Musa. The stratified sampling was well known as a complex but more accurate sampling approach which could make the sampling results more accurate and less variance by dividing the population into several subsets and randomly sampling from each subset respectively. First, this paper introduced the traditional approach to determine the number of test cases in the discrete software reliability demonstration testing. Second, the background of the stratified sampling and necessary condition for the minimal test effort based on the stratified sampling were put forward. Third, the new method’s principle and details were analyzed and a sample was given to show the method’s effectiveness.Finally, the future work was discussed. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4399-4406
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Development and application of On-line Monitoring Device of Transformer Vibration
Yang Yongming , Duan Xu
A real time on-line transformer vibration monitoring system based on the Labview is proposed and applied in the monitoring of abnormal vibration of transformer caused by DC bias in this paper. The monitoring of the transformer body vibration and the signal online analysis can be well performed by this system. The vibration signals of the transformer body are detected by three acceleration sensors, and the signal features are studied in both the time domain and the frequency domain, which provides the data for the operation condition assessment and fault diagnostics. Combined with the background data base, a virtual instrument technology has been used to realize man machine interface and the real time multifunction and multi-channel monitoring. Compared with the previous similar installations, this monitoring system makes the best use of powerful computer, the flexibility of Labview in the instrument development, and the new data store technology. The experiment results suggest that the installation fully meets the requirements of real time monitoring. Some conclusions of transformer abnormal vibration under the condition of DC bias are gained. The system facilitates the detection of the early signs of transformer mechanical failures. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4721-4728
Publish at: 2013-08-01

An Optimal Semantic Network-Based Approach for Web Service Composition with QoS
Naji Hasan.A.H , Gao Shu , AL-Gabri Malek , Jiang Zi-Long
As the spread of web services, the composition of web services becomes a hot topic on both the academia and IT domains. The composition of services depends on the semantic descriptions, which describe the functionality of the services, provided by the owners of services and on the description of the consumer’s requests. The composition also depends on non-functional descriptions (QoS). In this paper, we present an approach of web services composition based on both semantic description and QoS. The proposed approach builds a network of web services by matchmaking the semantic concepts in OWL-S, using the outputs-inputs similarity between services. Then, many composed assemblies can be created by combining web services in the semantic network according to consumer’s needs. Those composed assemblies will be ranked by the QoS that provided by the consumer and the suitable one will be sent back to the consumer. This approach takes the advantages from Pellete DL Reasoner, depth-first and forward chaining algorithms. A prototype and a study case are presented to illustrate the efficiency of our approach. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4505-4511
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Study on Software Quality Improvement based on Rayleigh Model and PDCA Model
Ning Jingfeng , Hu Ming
As the software industry gradually becomes mature, software quality is regarded as the life of a software enterprise. This article discusses how to improve the quality of software, applies Rayleigh model and PDCA model to the software quality management, combines with the defect removal effectiveness index, exerts PDCA model to solve the problem of quality management objectives when using the Rayleigh model in bidirectional quality improvement strategies of software quality management, and puts it into the application to achieve good results. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4609-4615
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Removal of Atmospheric Particles in Poor Visibility Outdoor Images
Yaseen Al-Zubaidy , Rosalina Abdul Salam
The visibility of a scene is degraded by weather phenomena such as rain drizzle, fog and haze. The degradation of image scene is due the substantial presence of particles in the atmosphere that scatter and absorb light. As the light spreads from object to the observer, the color and intensity is changed by the atmospheric particles. In this research, we suggest new methods to precisely detect airlight and correctly estimate the atmospheric veil from image that captured in bad weather. The result of suggested methods will be used in scattering atmospheric model to remove atmospheric particles namely, rain drizzle, fog and haze from a single image. Therefore a higher visibility image will be produced. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4244-4250
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Design and Compared of Two Types of Microwave Moisture Instruments
Xibin Bu , Zelun Li
In this paper, two types of microwave moisture measurement instruments were designed and compared with microwave dryness method and attenuation method separately. Compared with traditional moisture measurement instruments, the moisture instrument with microwave dryness method can detected the moisture content rapidly with high precision. On the other hand, the moisture instrument with microwave attenuation method can detect the moisture content with much higher speed but low precision, which can be used in the online measurement system. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4512-4516
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Vibration Analysis of the Steam Turbine Shafting Caused by Steam flow
Ge Li-juan , Zhang Chun-hui , Hao Min , Zhang Yong
This thesis analyzes vibration test signal of TUOKETUO Power Plant 600 MW steam turbine unit through vibration monitoring and signal analysis on the basis of TN8000 Steam Turbine Vibration Analysis Software. Fault characteristics which is raised by Steam Flow Excitations is reproduced by acceleration constant speed test and load test. Steam flow mechanism of excitation caused by vibration fault and fault-sensitive parameter are analyzed, measures reducing unit vibration has been proposed in line with the conditions. Test results show that: the vibrations caused by the vapor stream excitation occurs mainly in the high-pressure rotor steam inlet end. However, the vibration signal, which occupies a large percentage of the rotor frequency of a first critical speed is sensitive to the changes in the load. Problems can be early identified, the maintenance program and maintenance means can be determined in the plant operation through analysis of vibration mechanism and sign. Security and reliability of the steam turbine running should be guaranteed. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4422-4432
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Bioelectricity in Standing Trees - A Potential Energy For Wireless Sensor Networks
Zhibin Hao , Wenbin Li , Jiangming Kan , Liyuan Jiang , Chao Feng
It has been observed that there are sustained electrical potential difference and current between a tree trunk and its surrounding soil, which have bright application prospects for powering wireless sensor networks in forests. But the mechanism of the bioelectricity has remained controversial. In order to provide more comprehensive data for further researches and to analyze the relationship between the bioelectricity in tree trunks and their surrounding environmental parameters, an experiment has been made. The output power of selected trees, xylem pH, as well as the environmental parameters such as air temperature, air relative humidity, soil temperature, soil moisture and soil pH were measured. Results supported the hypothesis that bioelectricity in xylem has a significant relativity with soil pH. Moreover, it was found that air relative humidity, soil temperature and material of electrode affected the bioelectricity in the xylem. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4841-4846
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Orthogonal Test Data Analysis on Visual Platform Based on C++ Builder
Jianhua Ren , Chuan Li , Zhengang Liang , Ziyong Zhai
The design method of orthogonal test is commonly used in engineering test. It is very effective when many factors’ influences on one test .Orthogonal table experimental design is necessary to simplify the test procedure, to reduce the number of tests, and to improve test efficiency. By the orthogonal test, a level of each factor can be chosen to form the optimal production conditions. But in the current orthogonal experiment data analysis, we always adopt the manual calculation, and we will make big errors when we have a complex calculation. Therefore we consider the development by using computer programming of c++ computer Builder to solve this problem. As long as the programming completed, the test data can be input to calculation, analysis, and the visual interface, more intuitively and simply. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4656-4661
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Improved Algorithm of LTE Random Access Preamble Detection under the High Speed Condition
Liu Jinhu , Ma Jian Ting
This paper improves the algorithm of preamble detection in LTE system random access under the condition of high speed. Improved algorithm mainly adopts peak filter to estimate noise and to set dynamic threshold, concerning that the constrained cyclic shift ZC array used in high speed subdistrict accumulate the useful correlated energy in incoherent way in order to avoid missing condition caused by frequency offset to increase detection rate. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4646-4650
Publish at: 2013-08-01

SOC EKF Estimation based on a Second-order LiFePO4 Battery Model
Zheng Zhu , Wei Jin Sun , Yongbing Rong , Dan Liu
An accurate battery State of Charge (SOC) estimation has great significance in improving battery life and vehicle performance. An improved second-order battery model is proposed in this paper through quantities of LiFePO4 battery experiments. The parameters of the model were acquired by the HPPC composite pulse condition under different temperature, charging and discharging rates, SOC. Based on the model, battery SOC is estimated by Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Comparison of three different pulse conditions shows that the average error of SOC estimation of this algorithm is about 4.2%. The improved model is able to reflect the dynamic performance of batteries suitably, and the SOC estimation algorithm is provided with higher accuracy and better dynamic adaptability. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4208-4213
Publish at: 2013-08-01

Formal Modeling of Trust Web Service Composition Using Pi-calculus
Bensheng YUN
To enhance the credibility of Web service composition, Pi-calculus based formal modeling of trust Web service composition is proposed. Trust Web service composition is firstly defined abstractly; then Pi-calculus is used to depict structure and internal interaction of Trust Web service composition, the mapping relation between trust entity and Pi-calculus is provided. Automatic reasoner MWB is adopted to analyze and reason the Trust Web service composition system, which is aimed at finding and correcting the faults before the implementation of trust authentication of Web service composition. It thus meets the users’ demands on trust quality effectively. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 8
Page: 4385-4392
Publish at: 2013-08-01
Show 1482 of 1579

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