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23,598 Article Results

A Dynamic Hashing Algorithm Suitable for Embedded System
Li Jianwei , Chen Huijie
With the increasing of the data numbers, the linear hashing will be a lot of overflow blocks result from Data skew and the index size of extendible hash will surge so as to waste too much memory. This lead to the above two Typical Dynamic hashing algorithm don’t suitable for embedded system that need certain real-time requirements and memory resources are very scarce. To solve this problem, this paper was proposed a dynamic hashing algorithm suitable for embedded system combining with the characteristic of extendible hashing and linear is no overflow buckets and the index size is proportional to the adjustment number. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3220-3227
Publish at: 2013-06-01

A New CFAR Detector Based on Automatic Censoring Cell Averaging and Cell Averaging
Yuhua Qin , Huili Gong , Ting Liu
In order to improve the interference immunity of the detector, a new CFAR detector (ACGCA-CFAR) based on automatic censoring cell averaging (ACCA) and cell averaging (CA) is presented in this paper. It takes the greatest value of ACCA and CA local estimation as the noise power estimation. Under swerling II assumption, the analytic expressions of  in homogeneous background are derived. In contrast to other detectors, the ACGCA-CFAR detector has higher detection performance both in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous backgrounds, while the sample sorting time of ACGCA is only quarter that of OS and ACCA. DOI:  
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3298-3303
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Aménagement de l’acquisition: du trilinguisme fonctionnel à la pédagogie convergente
Alain Takam
Social bilingualism, unlike official bilingualism, is very common. In most countries, the official language/s and tens or hundreds of other languages coexist; many such unofficial languages facing extinction. What is noticeable is that when language planning does not follow the ecological approach, i.e., when it emphasizes the strengthening of a particular language rather than the “structured diversity” of all the languages that make up a particular linguistic ecosystem, that can negatively impact the survival of minority languages. This study, which was carried out from the perspective of ecolinguistics, was aimed at promoting linguistic diversity through the protection of minority languages. It was essentially based on acquisition planning. The protection referred to here could be ensured, among other means, through the progressive acquisition of three or more languages in the education system. In Cameroon, a French – English bilingual country, the minority official language and many local languages are taught in school with varying degrees of success. It was interesting to critically look at some teaching approaches of those languages with the objective of showing how it could be possible, for those whose first language is neither French nor English, to better learn French and/or English, through convergent pedagogy, an educative approach based on the development of bilingualism or multilingualism.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 93-106
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Modeling and Control of 5DOF Robot Arm Using Fuzzy Logic Supervisory Control

Mohammad Amin Rashidifar , Ali Amin Rashidifar , Darvish Ahmadi
Modeling and control of 5 degree of freedom (DOF) robot arm is the subject of this article. The modeling problem is necessary before applying control techniques to guarantee the execution of any task according to a desired input with minimum error. Deriving both forward and inverse kinematics is an important step in robot modeling based on the Denavit Hartenberg (DH) representation. Proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is used as a reference benchmark to compare its results with fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and fuzzy supervisory controller (FSC) results. FLC is applied as a second controller because of the nonlinearity in the robot manipulators. We compare the result of the PID controller and FLC results in terms of time response specifications. FSC is a hybrid between the previous two controllers. The FSC is used for tuning PID gains since PID alone performs not satisfactory in nonlinear systems. Hence, comparison of tuning of PID parameters is utilized using classical method and FSC method. Based on simulation results, FLC gives better results than classical PID controller in terms of time response and FSC is better than classical methods such as Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) in tuning PID parameters in terms of time response.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 56-68
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Peer Feedback: Its Quality and Students’ Perceptions as a Peer Learning Tool in Asynchronous Discussion Forums
Alcuin Ivor Mwalongo
The study examined two aspects, namely the quality of peer feedback in asynchronous discussion forum when such peer feedback is used as a formative learning tool, i.e. not for assigning grades; and students’ perceptions about the process of peer feedback. Twenty four students enrolled in higher education were involved. They were assigned two tasks. In the first task, they contributed lessons learnt about the course on the learning management system, Moodle, via the asynchronous discussion forum. Thereafter they read the comments posted by their colleagues and critiqued them.In the final task that was given at the end of the course, students wrote reflections about peer feedback process. Thus all data collected were in the form of posts. Using NVivo, the posts generated in the first task were used to examine the quality of peer feedback, while the posts generated from students’ reflection about peer feedback were used to examine students’ perceptions about peer feedback. Results indicate that peer feedback is a useful tool for formative learning as well as assessment purposes. Future research could involve a larger sample, a diverse population, and a range of other courses.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 69-77
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Mathematical Analysis and Application on Mechanical Image of Hybrid Wavelet Transform Algorithm
Fuzeng Yang , Qiong Liu , Mengyun Zhang , Yuanjie Wang , Yingjun Pu
To overcome the shortcomings such as significantly de-noising effect and easily losing the details of the image characteristics of the existing image de-noising methods, an image de-noising algorithm based on the hybrid wavelet transform was proposed. The algorithm integrated the advantages of wavelet de-noising retaining image details features and Wiener filter obtaining the optimal solution, and took the images processed by wavelet transform and Wiener filter as male and female of the initial population. The steps of the algorithm are as follows: mapping from image space to coding space, iterating to parents through selection, crossover and mutation operation until the offspring meeting the constraints was obtained, reducing the superior offspring to image space, gaining the approximate optimal solution. Theoretical analyses were made on the core of the algorithm, coding, crossover and mutation. The algorithm was applied to agricultural machinery parts image de-noising such as plough and disk harrow. The results showed that it had the advantages of high peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), obvious edge characteristics, good vision effect, and so on. The result of the present work implied that the proposed algorithm is an effective and feasible exploration. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3463-3472
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Novel Key Storage and Management Solution for the Security of Wireless Sensor Networks
Ali Hassan Sodhro , Ye Li , Madad Ali Shah
As wireless sensor networks continue to grow in usage for distinct applications. Storage (memory) requirement and security are major problems for these resource limited networks. This paper present a novel and an efficient key establishment and management scheme for WSNs, named Random Initial and Master Key (RIMK).We showed that our proposed technique, manages keys randomly with less storage (i.e. only two keys), less communication and computation overhead compared to existing Localized Encryption and Authentication Protocol (LEAP), in which every node uses four different  keys in a static pattern and occupy greater storage space, which increases overhead and complexity in the network. Simulation results show that RIMK is more efficient and robust than LEAP. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3383-3390
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Depth Level Control System using Peripheral Interface Controller for Underwater Vehicle

Muhamad Fadli Ghani , Shahrum Shah Abdullah
This research explained on a design and development of an Automatic Depth Control System for underwater vehicle. Definition of underwater vehicle is a robotic sub-sea that is a part of the emerging field of autonomous and unmanned vehicles. This project shows the implementation’s development of an Automatic Depth Control System on a test prototyping vehicle especially involved small-scale and low cost sub-sea robots. The Automatic Depth Control System assembled with mechanical system and module of electronic system for development of a controller.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 69-72
Publish at: 2013-06-01

UAV Controller Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and PID

Ali Moltajaei Farid
ANFIS is combining a neural network with a fuzzy system results in a hybrid neuro-fuzzy system, capable of reasoning and learning in an uncertain and imprecise environment. In this paper, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is employed to control an unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV).  First, autopilots structure is defined, and then ANFIS controller is applied, to control UAVs lateral position. The results of ANFIS and PID lateral controllers are compared, where it shows the two controllers have similar results. ANFIS controller is capable to adaptation in nonlinear conditions, while PID has to be tuned to preserves proper control in some conditions. The simulation results generated by Matlab using Aerosim Aeronautical Simulation Block Set, which provides a complete set of tools for development of six degree-of-freedom. Nonlinear Aerosonde unmanned aerial vehicle model with ANFIS controller is simulated to verify the capability of the system. Moreover, the results are validated by FlightGear flight simulator.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 73-82
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Student Satisfaction in Private and Public Universities in Bangladesh
Quamrul H Mazumder
To compare and contrast the quality of higher education in public and private universities of Bangladesh, a study was conducted, to evaluate student satisfaction in these institutions. The study used a modified Noel-Levitz student satisfaction survey, consisting of twenty two questions which measured student satisfaction levels in four different areas: faculty, curriculum, resources, and campus environment. The survey also measured the students’ overall level of satisfaction with the institution. Data collected from different private and public universities showed overall satisfaction level to be higher among private university students than public university students.  The data also indicated that students from private universities are more satisfied than those of public universities. Finally, comparison of data from male and female students showed higher level of satisfaction among female students.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 78-84
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Deterministic key distribution scheme based on the non-locality of unentangled states
Xiaoyu Li , Qiuyu Zhao
In this paper we provide a deterministic key distribution scheme based on the non-locality of untangled states in which people can share a predeterministic string as the key. The fundamental Laws of quantum mechanics guarantee that the scheme is unconditionally secure. There are no entangled states or complex quantum operations needed in our scheme. We show that our scheme is easy to carry out in practice. Moreover our scheme is robust against possible noise and attacks. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3036-3043
Publish at: 2013-06-01

The Effects of Service Quality Towards Consumer Responses Through Private University Image in East Java
Hotman Petrick Panjaitan
Private universities should realize the appropriate quality requirements demanded by consumers. Where quality is the issue in a consistent and efficient way to deliver what is desired and expected by consumers. Consumer response is reflected in the prospective student's decision to choose private Universities that provide the best quality service in the academic field.The result of tested model from this research, was able to explained the relation between service quality on consumer responses through private University’s image in east java.With using proporsional random sampling, analysis structural equation model (SEM), and the help from Amos software, on 200 private University student samples, showed that service quality affects towards private University image’s. Private University image’s affects towards consumer response. Meanwhile service quality indirect effects towards consumer responses through private University image’s.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 51-59
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Investigation In Two Wheels Mobile Robot Movement: Stability and Motion Paths

Abdulrahman A.A. Emhemed
This paper deals with the problem of dynamic modelling of inspection robot two wheels. Fuzzy controller based on robotics techniques for optimize of an inspection stability. The target is to enhancement of robot direction and avoids the obstacles. To find collision free area, distance-sensors such as ultra-sonic sensors and laser scanners or vision systems are usually employed. The distance-sensors offer only distance information between mobile robots and obstacles. Also the target are shown can be reached by different directions. The fuzzy logic controller is effect to avoid the abstacles and get ideal direction to “the target box”.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 45-49
Publish at: 2013-06-01

A Mixed Two-dimensional Linear Discriminate Method
Shuang Xu , Min Li , Yanqiu Cui
Feature extraction is one of key technologies of the palmprint identification. In the light of the characteristics subspace palmprint identification technology, the two-dimensional principal component analysis, two-dimensional fisher linear discriminant and two-way two-dimensional principal component analysis algorithm is deeply analyzed. Based on two-dimensional subspace palmprint identification algorithm is a direct projection of the palmprint image matrix and is achieved very good results for dimension reduction. This paper proposed a mixed two-dimensional linear discriminant dimension reduction algorithm which can eliminate the relevance of rows and columns to get the best projection vector and extract optimal discriminant information. Experimental results show that the proposed method has faster extraction speed, higher recognition rate and better robustness. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3012-3019
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Parallel Graph Transformation based on Merged Approach

Asmaa Aouat , El Abbassia Deba
Graph transformation is one of the key concepts in graph grammar. In order to accelerate the graph transformation, the concept of parallel graph transformation has been proposed by different tools such as AGG tool. The theory of parallel graph transformation used by AGG just allows clarifying the concepts of conflict and dependency between the transformation rules. This work proposes an approach of parallel graph transformations which enables dependent transformation rules to be executed in parallel.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 50-55
Publish at: 2013-06-01
Show 1491 of 1574

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