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23,598 Article Results

Cotton Pests and Diseases Detection Based on Image Processing
Qinghai He , Benxue Ma , Duanyang Qu , Qiang Zhang , Xinmin Hou , Jing Zhao
Extract the damaged image form the cotton image in order to measure the damage ratio of the cotton leaf which caused by the diseases or pests. Several algorithms like image enhancement, image filtering which suit for cotton leaf processing were explored in this paper. Three different color models for extracting the damaged image from cotton leaf images were implemented, namely RGB color model, HSI color model, and YCbCr color model. The ratio of damage (γ) was chosen as feature to measure  the degree of damage which caused by diseases or pests. This paper also shows the comparison of the results obtained by the implementing in different color models, the comparison of results shows good accuracy in both color models and YCbCr color space is considered as the best color model for extracting the damaged image. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3445-3450
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Fuzzy Logic Closed Loop Control of 5 level MLI Driven Three phase Induction motor
Mulukutla Venkata Subramanyam , P.V.N. Prasad , G.Poornachandra Rao
This paper deals about fuzzy logic control of closed loop controlled five level Multi Level Inverter (MLI) driven three phase induction motor. Three phase Induction motor is most widely used drive in Industries, so needs proper control of speed. Induction motor is fed from five level multilevel inverter which is controlled by fuzzy logic. The closed loop consists of two loops. First inner loop is current loop and second outer loop is speed loop. The torque is varied at different times and corresponding change in speed and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is observed. The MLI is controlled by Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) Technique.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Page: 200-208
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Digital Dental X-Ray Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction
Abdolvahab Ehsani Rad , Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim , Alireza Norouzi
The process of analysis of such images is important in order to improve quantify medical imaging systems. It is significant to analysis the dental x-ray images we need features of image. In this paper we present a method for segmentation and feature extraction of dental x-ray images. The proposed method has been implemented by using level-set method for segmentation after image enhancement and illustrate contour for teeth to complete the segmentation step. Furthermore, we extracted multiple features of dental x-ray images using texture statistics techniques by gray-level co-occurrence matrix. Extracted data can perform to obtain the teeth measurements for automatic dental systems such human identification or dental diagnosis systems. Preparatory experiments show the significance of the proposed method to extract teeth from an x-ray image. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3109-3114
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Method for the Solution of Interval Systems of Linear Equations

Sarangam Majumdar , S Chakraverty
System of linear equation (crisp) can be solved in a various way .In the real world problem parameters are in interval form .In this paper we discuss the solution of interval system of linear equations and proposed a new method for handling this type of system of linear equations. In this model we consider the coefficient matrix and the right vector as interval. Example problems are given to have the efficiency and powerfulness of the proposed method.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 73-76
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Study of Mechanical and Physical Properties for SiC/ Al Composites

Amera G. Baker
The micro-structural changes and mechanical properties were investigated in an Al reinforced with SiC particles which synthesized using powder technology technique. SiC/Al composites containing four different weight percentages 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% of SiC.  X-ray diffraction was used to characterization and observes the phases formed in the process of sintering at different temperatures (800 0C, 1100 0C). Crystallite sizes calculated from Scherer relation, the grain size of the SiC/Al are observed to increase with the increasing in the sintering temperature of the samples.  The hardness tests were conducted in the suitable Hardness Testing Apparatus by choosing appropriate scales of loading and measurement. The test revealed a marked increase in the Vickers hardness with respect to the base composites as well as silicon carbide. It was found from the experimentation that the hardness rate increases with increasing weight fraction of silicon carbide (SiC) and sintering temperature. The best results have been obtained at 70% weight fraction of SiC particles at 1100 0C. The aim of this investigation is to obtain the fundamental understanding of the micro structural changes of the Al matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles and mechanical properties.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 67-72
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Modeling Technology in Traveling-Wave Fault Location
Tang Jinrui , Yin Xianggen , Zhang Zhe
Theoretical research and equipment development of traveling-wave fault location seriously depend on digital simulation. Meanwhile, the fault-generated transient traveling wave must be transferred through transmission line, mutual inductor and secondary circuit before it is used. So this paper would maily analyze and summarize the modeling technology of transmission line and mutual inductor on the basis of the research achievement. Firstly several models of transmission line (multiple Π or T line model, Bergeron line model and frequency-dependent line model) are compared in this paper with analysis of wave-front characteristics and characteristic frequency of traveling wave. Then modeling methods of current transformer, potential transformer, capacitive voltage transformer, special traveling-wave sensor and secondary cable are given. Finally, based on the difficult and latest research achievements, the future trend of modeling technology in traveling-wave fault location is prospected. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3333-3340
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Self-fertility of Four Female Parent Clones of Ananas comosus L., involved in a 6x6 Complete Diallel Mating System with Selfings using the Typological Approach

Issali Auguste Emmanuel , Nguessan Angelo Evariste Badou , Mpika Joseph , Adiko Amoncho , Sangare Abdourahamane , Saraka Didier Martial , Deffan Zranseu Ange Bénédicte
To determine the cropping type to apply to four clones of Ananas comosus in farms, their behaviour under hand selfings was analysed. 103-104-6, 410-106-33 and 410-200-15 hybrid female clones and RE43 Queen Victoria clone as well as HA10 and HA25 as controls were involved in a 6 x 6 complete diallel crossing system with selfings. The total seeds number derived from self hand-pollinations per week, mean seeds number obtained per self-pollinated flower and per week, weight of ripe fruit and bloomed flowers number per week were measured. The Anova, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were successively run. Results showed that 410-200-15 was revealed self-incompatible, while RE43 is found to be self-sterile. In the same way, 410-106-33 expresses self-sterile behaviour, whereas 103-104-6 shows the self-fertile one. The behaviour under selfings of both 410-200-15 and 410-106-33 comes from their HA10 Smooth Cayenne female parent which was previously characterised like self-incompatible. The structurings provided by the Anova and HCA are globally comparable. The 410-200-15 hybrid clone can already be recommended for on-farm trials under mono-crop. Nonetheless, the multi-crop will be envisioned once panmixia results will have demonstrated its inter-sterility. The 410-106-33 and 103-104-6 must be first subjected to successive back crosses before their on-farm trials. The RE43 clone must be cultivated in one crop. The morphological relatedness of five clones is discussed.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 95-104
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Design and Construction Optical Fiber Sensor System for Detection the Stress and Fine Motion

Bushra R. Mhdi , Nahla A.Aljabar , Suad M.Ali , Abeer H.Khalid
Two main concepts in design and construction of stress and fine motion detection system using fiber optic sensor was included in this project. The first is design and construction concept using Intensity Modulation techniques using plastic multimode optical fiber(125μm dim)and has NA(0.27) with losses rate (2.1 db)and directionality about(25 db),and we used (He-Ne)laser source(632.8 nm)with (LLM-2 light power meter) to detect the variation in output laser power due to micro-displacement for movement body under test. The second concept include Modeling for laser beam tracking through fiber and that which reflected for mirror to detector. Variation in output power due to target movement was theoretical analyzed from study of variation of Gaussian front wave profile of using (MATLAB) program within displacement range from(0-5 mm).Non-linear relation between separated distance and beam intensity was investigated. Finally our design are evaluated in comporizim with published research which found compatible in Theoretical and experimental results.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 59-66
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Sedimentology and Tectonic Setting of Sachun Formation in Folded Zagros Zone (SW Iran)

Mohammad Bahrami , Solmaz Arzaghi , Mohammad Sahraeyan
The Sachun Formation (Paleocene- Lower Eocene), has been formed in Zagros basin, and has 1415 meters thickness in its type section. Sachun Formation sequence at the southern part of Kuh- E- Mianjangal, in Folded Zagros Zone in southwest of Iran, with a thickness of 580 meters was formed of two members. The Lower Member consists of about 280 meters thin to medium bedded of marl, marlstone and argillaceous, silty and sandy limestone with color of light gray to bluish gray, and associated with gypsum inter- layers, which are repeated continuously upward. In each of the alternations or cycles, the terrigenous grains size increase upward which is due to the depth decreasing in each cycle. The Upper Member consists of about 300 meters alternation of gypsum and marl, light gray to bluish gray associated with inter- layers of argillaceous and silty limestone. Microscopic studies of argillaceous limestone, in both members, have showed micrite and pelmicrite microfacies. No distinct fossils, either microscopic or macroscopic, are found in these members in the studied section. Sachun Formation facies have been deposited in a shallow depositional basin which has been controlled by a permanent sea level changes. Among the marine environments, peritdal environments show the most and the best correlation with the Sachun Formation facies. According to the sedimentary records, Sachun Formation has been deposited in a tectonically instable basin.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 89-94
Publish at: 2013-06-01

FPGA Based Optimized Discontinuous SVPWM Algorithm for Three Phase VSI in AC Drives
Tole Sutikno , Nik Rumzi Nik Idris , Auzani Jidin , Mohd Hatta Jopri
The discontinuous space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) has well-known that can reduce switching losses. By simplifying the thermal management issues, the discontinuous SVPWM can potentially reduce the inverter size and cost. However, using the modulation due to different time interval equations for each sector can introduce glitches at the points when the sector is changed. The more main problem, it can increase unwanted harmonic content and current ripple. Consider the decrease in switching losses associated with discontinuous modulation allows the system to utilize a higher switching frequency, this paper present high frequency switching of optimized discontinuous SVPWM based on FPGA to overcome the problems above. The proposed SVPWM has been successfully implemented by using APEX20KE Altera FPGA to drive on a three phase inverter system with 1.5 kW induction machine as load. The results have proved that the method can reduce harmonic content and current ripple without glitches.DOI :
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Page: 228-240
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Cost effective and Monodispersed Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesis and their Characterization

Rohit Saraf
Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanoparticles are most widely used in the field of Biotechnology and Nanoelectronics due to their good transparency, high electron mobility, strong room-temperature luminescence and nontoxic. Due to their increasing demand, highly specified and monodispersed nanoparticles formation is a revolutionary field. Here ZnO nanoparticles are prepared by modified sol-gel method and are characterized using UV-Vis Absorption Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Modified sol-gel mediated ZnO nanoparticles are proved to synthesize the highly stable, monodispersed and cost effective nanoparticles. The results are quite appreciable and wide band gap- long range ordered ZnO nanoparticles are obtained than the conventional route.
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 85-88
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Architecture Design of the Vehicle Tracking System Based on RFID
Jianxin Deng
Vehicle tracking plays more important roles in modern transportation and logistics operation. This paper deals with a new approach to track vehicles based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. The vehicle tracking system is designed overallly  supported by Axiomatic Design theory.The basic steps of vehicle tracking based on RFID are developed and a six-layered architecture for the vehicle tracking system integrating databases, RFID tags, RFID readers, data centers, networks and user interface is presented, where the positions of vehicles are attained directly by compared the RFID readers collecting vehicle RFID tags their position information in the database. It is shown that this vehicle tracking method uses RFID more fully, the architecture with clear levels, adapts to the future technical and practical requirements, and can help fuse more complicated applications like intelligent charging and cargo tracking. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 2997-3004
Publish at: 2013-06-01

An Attempt to Relate Consolidation Properties: A Case Study in Baghdad Cohesive Soil

Abbas Jawad Al-Taie , Bushra S. Al-Busoda
The main focus of this study is on the soil properties (preconsolidation pressure (Pc), and overconsolidation ratio (OCR)), that are critical in the determination of the settlement behavior of the structure. Prior knowledge of these properties, even approximate values, will be assets during the planning stages to determine the suitability of structure site. Conducting laboratory tests for the determination of (Pc) will be costly both in terms of time and money. In the present study a specific empirical correlation models are proposed to estimate the (Pc) and (OCR) of undisturbed cohesive soil of Baghdad city using large number of consolidation data. The (Pc) and (OCR) are dependent variables and are treated as functions of natural void ratio (eo), natural moisture content (wo), total unit weight (gt) , dry unit weights (gd), and overburden pressure (Po) which are termed as independent variables. The regression analysis revealed that (eo) and (Po) yielded sufficiently reliable correlation to estimate (Pc). Also, a good estimation was obtained for (OCR
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 77-84
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking Algorithm in Traffic Video
Shisong Zhu , Min Gu , Jing Liu
Aiming at the defects and shortages of traditional moving vehicles detection algorithms, by the analysis and comparison of the existing detection algorithms, we propose an algorithm that combined with frames with symmetric difference and background difference to detect moving vehicle in this paper. First, two different difference images by using frames with symmetric difference and background difference are gained respectively and two binary images can be gained by the appropriate threshold, then the contour of moving vehicles can be extracted by applying OR operation in the two binary images. Finally, the precise moving vehicles will be gained by mathematic morphological methods. In this paper we use Harris operator, Feature Points such as edges and corners are extracted, followed by block-matching to track the Feature Points in successive viedo frames. Many vehicles can be tracked at the same time automatically since  the  information is obtained from video sequences. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3053-3059
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Investigation of FPGA Based PWM Control Technique for AC Motors
Valantina Stephen , Padma Suresh
This paper proposes a Random Frequency PWM synchronized for a three phase inverter implemented with use of FPGA and applied to a 1-hp induction motor drive system for the reduction of harmonics and improvement of fundamental peak voltage. For providing alternating output voltage with a specific magnitude and frequency to industrial applications, three-phase inverter is preferred.  The gating signals to the inverter are produced by means of Random Frequency PWM to significantly reduce harmonics in comparison to currently used PWMs.  FPGA is used to produce gating signals to the switches in a three-phase bridge inverter since a faster speed of operation is needed. The simulation is carried on VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) using ModelSim. Then, this VHDL model is imported into Matlab environment and co-simulated using HDL Cosimulation toolbox. The simulation and experimental results are presented with a view to determine whether Random Frequency PWM performs better in terms of fundamental voltage and Total Harmonic Distortion.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Page: 193-199
Publish at: 2013-06-01
Show 1490 of 1574

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