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23,598 Article Results

Design of a Parallel and Distributed Network Security Simulation Platform
Songchang Jin , Songhe Jin , Shuqiang Yang , Xiang Zhu
With the rapid development of computer science and technology, network attack and defense has become an important research topic in the field of information security. Teaching on network attack and defense technology in universities and research institutions has a very strong experimental characteristic, but due to the special nature and the destructive characteristic of network attack and defense technology, it is difficult to carry out experiments. In this paper, we designed and implemented a parallel and distributed network security experiments platform on which experiments can be carried out through a web interface and network simulation scripts. We believe that it is also an excellent platform for teaching courses in operating systems and networking. The results of experiments in this paper show that the platform could provide the laboratory personnels with independent experimental environment, perfect experimental control functions, excellent data collection and analysis services, etc. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3178-3186
Publish at: 2013-06-01

RS-485 Bus Design of a Missile Simulation Training System

Xinjie Ji; The First Aeronautical College of Air Force Xinyang Xinjie Ji , GuozhouWang; The First Aeronautical College of Air Force Xinyang GuozhouWang , FangLiu; The First Aeronautical College of Air Force Xinyang FangLiu
In a missile simulation training system with one-master and multi-slaves distributed system structure, a universal controller is necessary due to the system composed with several controllers. In this research, the designed controllers communicate with each other and upper control computer through RS-485 field bus. RS-485 bus including interface circuits, transmission protocol, Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) method and upper control test software is designed and proposed. The universal controller adopting the designed RS-485 interface circuits is connected through twisted-pair and makes the simulation system, then the controller is tested in line. The results show that the RS-485 bus communicates effectively using the protocol and CRC method, data transmission rates reaches 115.2 kbps, and has a good stability.
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 291-296
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Fault-tolerant and QoS based Network Layer for Security Management

Kais; National Engineering School of Gabes Mekki , Ahmed; National Engineering School of Gabes Zouinkhi , Mohamed Naceur; National Engineering School of Gabes Abdelkrim
Wireless sensor networks have profound effects on many application fields like security management which need an immediate, fast and energy efficient route. In this paper, we define a fault-tolerant and QoS based network layer for security management of chemical products warehouse which can be classified as real-time and mission critical application. This application generate routine data packets and alert packets caused by unusual events which need a high reliability, short end to end delay and low packet loss rate constraints. After each node compute his hop count and build his neighbors table in the initialization phase, packets can be routed to the sink. We use FELGossiping protocol for routine data packets and node-disjoint multipath routing protocol for alert packets. Furthermore, we utilize the information gathering phase of FELGossiping to update the neighbors table and detect the failed nodes, and we adapt the network topology changes by rerun the initialization phase when chemical units were added or removed from the warehouse. Analysis shows that the network layer is energy efficient and can meet the QoS constraints of unusual events packets.
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 363-372
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Lag Synchronization of a Class of Time-delayed Chaotic Neural Networks by Impulsive Control
Jing Wan , Jianliang Ai
The paper studies the exponential lag synchronization of a class of delayed chaotic neural networks with impulsive effects via the unidirectional linear coupling. Some sufficient conditions are derived by establishing impulsive differential delay inequality and using M-matrix theory. An illustrative example is also provided to show the effectiveness and feasibility of the impulsive control method. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3341-3348
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Study of Social Integrity Behavioral Mode Based On Multi-agent System
Yu Wang , Haiyang Wang , Yadi Wang , Xin Gu
Social integrity deficiency has become the main obstacle and prominent bottleneck to the construction of a harmonious society. Under this serious circumstance, paying attention to the problem and finding a solution has become an important issue we are faced with contemporarily. Former studies by some scholars have mainly centered on the basis of regime and education and some conclusions have been made. This paper, from the perspective of Multi-agent system, analyses the behavioral mode of the social integrity system and describes the process of emergence from the micro level to the macro one. Based on the Multi-agent system stimulus-response principle, it constructs the basic behavioral mode of social integrity; based on the adaptive-learning theory, it constructs the whole behavioral mode; and based on the evolution of agent, it constructs the level-emerge mode, which will provide a new point of view for the research of the social integrity system. According to this, some resolutions can be achieved to the issue mentioned above, which builds scientific reasonable policy basis and gives theoretical guidance for the central and local government in solving the widespread lack of social integrity. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3103-3108
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Comprehensive use of Hip Joint in Gender Identification Using 3-Dimension Data
Sajid Ali , Zhou Mingquan , Wu Zhongke , Abdul Razzaq , Mohamed Hamada , Hafeez Ahmed
Way of walking is a spatio-temporal phenomenon that typifies the motion characteristics of human. In this paper, we propose a human gender identification method based on the outdoor surveillance of human gait using statistical techniques and geometrical function applied to three-dimensional (3D) joint movement data. The statistical techniques are used to define the features of the joint of the human gait, and the geometrical function applied for gender recognition. Our proposed scheme is based on extraction of the concern joint (hip joint) data that provides plentiful information for gender recognition. Here the rotation angle data of a hip joint were computed from the Biovision Hierarchical data (BVH file). The use of BVH file for human gender recognition is a novel feature of our work. The results indicated that the proposed approach is highly reliable for gender recognition. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 2933-2941
Publish at: 2013-06-01

A personification heuristic Genetic Algorithm for Digital Microfluidics-based Biochips Placement
Jingsong Yang
A personification heuristic Genetic Algorithm is established for the placement of digital microfluidics-based biochips, in which, the personification heuristic algorithm is used to control the packing process, while the genetic algorithm is designed to be used in multi-objective placement results optimizing. As an example, the process of microfluidic module physical placement in multiplexed in-vitro diagnostics on human physiological fluids is simulated. The experiment results show that personification heuristic genetic algorithm can achieve better results in multi-objective optimization, compare to the parallel recombinative simulated annealing algorithm. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3187-3193
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Job Stress among Academic Staff : A Cross-cultural Qualitative Study
Triantoro Safaria
The aim of this study is to explore the sources of job stress and type of coping among academic staff from two countries; namely Pahang, Malaysia and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study used qualitative design, and phenomenology technique  conducted to analyze the data. Twenty two academic staffs were involved in this study. The result found several interesting findings. Seven stressors categories were found; (1) inadequate role occupancy, (2) increasing work demands, (3) deficient role preparedness, (4) insufficient role support, (5) role ambiguity, (6) role conflict and (7) work-family conflict. There were four responses of stress that was showed by university academic staffs, namely: (1) behavioral responses, (2) emotional responses, (3) cognitive responses, and (4) physiological responses. The reason that lead respondents still continue work as academic staff are (1) being a lecturer was the choice of his/her life, (2) teaching was noble work, (3) could share knowledge with others/students, (4) love the profession as a lecturer, and (5) feel happy to teach and discuss with students. The coping strategy that always used  by academic staffs  to cope with job related stress were five coping strategy patterns, namely: (1) problem focused coping, (2) emotion focused coping, (3) seeking social support, (4) using religious coping, and (5) making meaning.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 43-58
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Selection and Simulation of Electric Steering Gear Control System
Xin Wang , Jun Yao
For the electric steering gear control systems, the principle of the system is introduced. Specific model and parameters are selected to deduce the optimal combination of control system and choices method of the steering system model is determined. The transfer function of motor according to the parameters is achieved and simulation results are gained based on MATLAB. Simulation results show that this method can meet the performance requirements of electric steering gear, the control method is simple and easy to work to achieve. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3092-3097
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Object Descriptor Combining Color and Detection
Yun Gao , Guo-wu Yuan , Hao Zhou , Xue-jie Zhang
Object descriptor has become one of the key factors for a robust and accurate tracker. In this paper, we propose an object descriptor combining color information and motion detection. A tracked object can be described by its hue histogram excluding the background pixels around the tracked object for restraining the disturbing of complex background environments. During the tracking process, we model the object descriptor by Gaussian Mixture Model for adapting the appearance variation of the tracked object. Tracking experiments in the frame of particle filter show that our proposed object descriptor can effectively improve the robustness and accuracy of object tracking under the situations of complex environments and appearance variations. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3072-3079
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Dengue Knowledge and Preventive Practices among Rural Residents in Samar Province, Philippines
Leodoro Jabien Labrague , Begonia C Yboa
The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies dengue as a diseaseimportant in public health. The epidemiology and ecology of dengueinfections are strongly associated with human habits and activities. Thepresent study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and practices regardingdengue infections among rural residents in Samar Province, Philippines. Across sectional design was adopted for this investigation A conveniencesamples of six hundred forty six (646) residents who were visiting the ruralhealth units in different municipalities of Samar, Philippines were taken asparticipants in study. More than half of the respondents had good knowledge(61.45%) on causes, signs and symptoms, mode of transmission, andpreventive measures about dengue. More than half of the respondents useddengue preventive measures such as fans (n = 340, 52.63%) , mosquito coil(n = 458, 70.90%), and bed nets (n = 387, 59.91%) to reduce mosquitoeswhile only about one third utilized insecticides sprays (n = 204, 31.58%) andscreen windows (n = 233, 36.07%) and a little portion used professional pestcontrol (n = 146, 22.60%). There was no correlation between knowledgeabout dengue and preventive practices (p=0.75). Television/Radio was citedas the main source of information on dengue infections. Findings suggest thatbetter knowledge does not necessarily lead to better practice of denguemeasures. Educational campaigns should give more emphasis on costeffective ways of reducing mosquito and preventing dengue such asenvironmental measures and control. Furthermore, wide range ofinformation, skills and support must be provided by the government toincrease dengue awareness among residents. DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 59-66
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Orthogonal Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Application in Circuit Design
Xuesong Yan , Qinghua Wu , Hammin Liu
In this paper, aim at the disadvantages of standard Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm like being trapped easily into a local optimum, we improves the standard PSO and proposes a new algorithm to solve the overcomes of the standard PSO. The new algorithm keeps not only the fast convergence speed characteristic of PSO, but effectively improves the capability of global searching as well. Experiment results reveal that the proposed algorithm can find better solutions when compared to the standard particle swarm optimization algorithm. We use the proposed algorithm for digital circuit optimization design, and the final circuit is optimized in terms of complexity (with the minimum number of gates). DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 2926-2932
Publish at: 2013-06-01

The Planning and Digital Design for Welding Production Line of the Car Rear Floor
Zhang Chun-Yan , Qiao Yin-Hu , Li Feng , Chen Jie-Ping
The last two sub-assembly welding production line of the car rear floor is designed in this paper. Firstly, the welding production line of the car rear floor is complete planned and designed from global aspect by analysis the structure of body-in-white and the car rear floor; Secondly, each working position fixture are designed and the location of all fixture are arranged according to location and spot welding requirements with the CATIA software. Finally, the conveying appliance of welding production line for the car rear floor are detailed planed, according to the production program, the economic requirements to complete a three-dimensional design of delivery devices, ergonomic simulation and dynamic interference checking in the process of material transportation are realized in virtual simulation platform DELMIA software, to ensure the production line design is reasonable and feasible from theory. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3293-3297
Publish at: 2013-06-01

Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Spectroscopy Based on the Feature Selection Approach of the Genetic Algorithm
Shao-qing Wang , Qiang Liu , Dong-yue Yu , Guang-ju Liang
This paper aims to study the application of medical imaging technology with artificial intelligence technology on how to improve the diagnostic accuracy rate for hepatocellular carcinoma. The   recognition method based on genetic algorithm (GA) and Neural Network are presented. GA was used to select 20 optimal features from the 401 initial features. BP (Back-propagation Neural Network, BP) and PNN (Probabilistic Neural Network, PNN) were used to classify tested samples based on these optimized features, and make comparison between results based on 20 optimal features and the all 401 features. The results of the experiment show that the method can improve the recognition rate. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 6
Page: 3159-3164
Publish at: 2013-06-01

An Evaluation to Assess the Knowledge regarding Palliative Care in Neonatal Nursing among Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals at Bangalore
Jemy Joseph
The neonatal unit frequently occupied by newborns that are marginally viable or critically unwell and could be considered as terminally ill. It is a busy, highly technical environment with advanced life saving medical equipments, at its disposal. The technology has had a profound effect on neonatal nursing practice. The escalation of technology and medical advances has been followed by an increase in later disabilities. Many devices have altered from being one of the supporting clinical practices to that of being an essential requirement in treatment delivery. Even after the use of all settings.  Some newborns will die in the NICU. The mortality and morbidity rate is still high. This has given rise to many ethical issues including withdrawal of intensive care therapies. The conceptual framework for the study is based on Health Belief Model. Health Beliefs are person’s knowledge, ideas and attitude, about health and illness. In this study various literature was reviewed which includes, the research design selected for the study was Descriptive research design. The dependent variable and independent variable were selected for the research.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 67-74
Publish at: 2013-06-01
Show 1496 of 1574

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