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23,598 Article Results

Design of Micro Robot for Minimally Invasive Surgery

Deiva Ganesh A
Micro robots for medical applications need to be compatible with human body, remotely controllable, smooth in movement, less painful to the patients and capable of performing the designated functions. In this paper, state of the art in the design, fabrication and control of micro robots are presented. First the benefits of micro robots in medical applications are listed out. Second, the predominantly used micro robot designs are discussed. Third, the various fabrication process used in micro robot construction are presented. Fourth, the different approaches used for its operation and control in micro robot technology are narrated. Next based on the review we have designed a swimming micro robot driven by external magnetic fields for minimally invasive surgery. The advantage of EMA is that it can generate a wireless driving force. Then, the locomotive mechanism of the micro robot using EMA is presented. Using the EMA system setup various experiments have been conducted. Finally, the performance of the swimming micro robot is evaluated.  
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Page: 35-44
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Electromyographic Grasp Recognition for a Five Fingered Robotic Hand

Nayan M. Kakoty , Mantoo Kaiborta , Shyamanta M. Hazarika
This paper presents classification of grasp types based on surface electromyographic signals. Classification is through radial basis function kernel support vector machine using sum of wavelet decomposition coefficients of the EMG signals. In a study involving six subjects, we achieved an average recognition rate of 86%. The electromyographic grasp recognition together with a 8-bit microcontroller has been employed to control a fivefingered robotic hand to emulate six grasp types used during 70% daily living activities.
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Page: 1-10
Publish at: 2013-03-01

A VR Based Anti-accident Training System for Airport’s Power
Gu GuoDong , Mao XinLong , Tang ZhenMin
A virtual environment of airport’s power supply is very useful for anti-accident training. In this paper, an effective method of anti-accident training for airport’s power supply based on Delta3D VR engine was proposed. The architecture of airport’s power supply training system was introduced. The electric closet’s operating simulation was accomplished based on the device’s operation logic. The model of fault and relay protection was designed according to electrical characteristics. A finite automaton model of diesel engine was presented based on operating conditions for virtual operation. Finally, a VR based airport’s power supply system was built and verified in worker’s training. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 5
Page: 2663-2670
Publish at: 2013-03-01

SOPC Based Multi-Channel Sliding Correlation Processing System
Xin Liu , Dajun Sun , Tingting Teng
Real time multi-channel sliding correlation processing is widely applied in underwater communication system or underwater positioning system. The traditional implementation in FPGA always employs parallel method which reduces the design work, however wastes considerable FPGA resources. This paper described a new kind of SOPC structure which based on AVALON bus, taken NIOS CPU as system controller, DMA used for accurate data transmission between computing units. This kind of time-multiplexed processing structure improved controlling flexibility and saved FPGA resources. System stability was proved by lake experiments. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1579-1586
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Smart Telerobotic Surveillance System via Internet with Reduced Time Delay

Ashesh Vasalya , Rohit Agrawal
This work provides an imperial solution to the problems faced by man while enduring hazardous tasks like handling and disposal of nuclear wastes, monitoring nuclear power plants, mining operations etc .which have to be aborted if expertise group running it is unavailable or on a run. This paper presents a distributed platform that allows the special group of user to control a gadget (possibly a robot) through internet as a medium. An advanced version of this technology is capable of transmitting graphic images and other surrounding information as required, via internet back to the user to facilitate the effective monitoring of the existent situation using appropriate software tools. The project uses the SRV-1 Mobile Surveillance Robot which is a fully integrated system standard designed and other related technology for surveillance purposes. It is driven via web browser using JAVA based control applications with live video feeds. Specialised user group will be given separate account from where they can control and monitor the system even when they are not present at the site. End user will be connected to the gadget (robot) through a central server which acts as a single channel for both sending and receiving information. But the subject of remote control over the internet has some possible anomalies namely network freezing, delay between host and recipient, congested network and many others. This system enables asynchronous object passing so that network bandwidth is used effectively and such parameters as the network condition and server states have less effect on the system. To resolve this issue, a fuzzy logic controller is used to control the robot’s motion along a predefined path with the necessary manipulation of the normal course. The robot was first modelled in Matlab Simulink and the fuzzy logic rules were optimized for the best results possible. In accordance with the fuzzy rules developed the fuzzy interference system generates the output map for operating IR ranger sensor data. This system was developed to actuate as an auxiliary intelligence in the teleoperation system developed for the mobile robot, and the Grid Scanning algorithm was induced to enhance accuracy to cope up with the unexpected delays from the internet data communication. The logic in the internet based controlling of robotics can be expanded to a very large field, like speed control, trajectory control, obstacle avoidance and so on.
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Page: 11-16
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Improving the Levels of Geometric Thinking of Secondary School Students Using Geometry Learning Video based on Van Hiele Theory
Mohd. Salleh Abu , Zaid Zainal Abidin
An educational video called Video Pembelajaran Geometri (Geometry Learning Video = VPG) is developed in this study. The video is aimed to help year 9 students in improving their level of Van Hiele geometrical thinking. VPG is designed as an alternative aids to overcome the limitation of information and communication technology (ICT) usage in Parepare, South Celebes, Indonesia. Based on Van Hiele learning model, all topics in geometry for Indonesian Secondary School (Sekolah Menengah Pertama = SMP) are included in VPG in order to support the students who are going to continue their study further. The effectiveness of VPG was tested on 180 students categorized as 90 students from level 0 (L0), 60 students from level 1 (L1), and 30 students from level 2 (L2). Comparative Analyses on the results of adapted Van Hiele Geometry Test (VHGT) pre and post VPG usage indicated that there is a significant difference between the mean scores. It was also discovered that a significant improvement in geometric thinking level is occurred in the majority of the students.DOI: 
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Page: 16-22
Publish at: 2013-03-01

A Framework of Fingerprint Scaling
Chunxiao Ren , Jianmin Guo , Dong Qiu , Guolei Chang , Yuxiao Wu
Fingerprint scaling refers to the adjustment of fingerprint images to solve the problem of sensor interoperability. In this paper, we present an innovative framework of fingerprint scaling with minimum modification to existing systems. For the purpose of facilitating system configuration, we have developed a series of scaling methods, including scaling factors, graph- and template-based scaling methods. In graph-based scaling methods, we have explored the application of various technologies in estimation of the average inter-ridge distance. In template-based scaling methods, we have developed an estimation method using Delaunay triangulation algorithm. The experiments show that the performance achieved by using this framework is better than that of original system. With a scaling module, the average EER in our experiments drops from 27.78% to 13.89%. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1547-1559
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Economic Growth and Coal Consumption in China
Peng Tian , Herui Cui
In this paper, we used the methods of cointegration and granger causality estimation to test the relationship between China’s coal consumption and real GDP based on the data of 1978~2010, the results show that the real GDP and coal consumption have no granger causality, and do not have a long run cointegration, which is different from the existing discovery. Because of following reasons, first of all, this paper selected on the basis of the existing economic data since reform and opening up, and for the first time increased the time span to more than 30 years and the inspection of the data generation process (DGP) to ensure that there is no structural break point; secondary, with the deepening of China's reform and opening up, economic growth dependence on coal consumption is not stable, so the GDP and coal consumption does not exist the long-term cointegration; thirdly, hidden problem of inefficient use of coal in the  rapid economic growth, resulting in economic growth and coal consumption  causality is not obvious. Finally, policy recommendations are offered according to the analysis of this study. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1449-1455
Publish at: 2013-03-01

The Non-equidistant Multivariable New Information Optimization NMGRM (1,n) Based on New Information Background Value Constructing
Youxin LUO , Qiyuan Liu , Xiaoyi CHE
Applying the principle in which new information should be used fully and modeling method of Grey system for the problem of lower precision as well as lower adaptability in non-equidistant multivariable MGM(1,n)model, taking the mean relative error as objective function, and taking the modified values of response function initial value as design variables, based on accumulated generating operation of reciprocal number, a non-equidistant multivariable new information optimization MGRM(1,n) model was put forward which was taken the mth component as the initialization. Based on index characteristic of grey model, the characteristic of integral and new information principle, the new information background value in non-equidistant multivariable new information optimization MGRM(1,n) was researched and the discrete function with non-homogeneous exponential law was used to fit the accumulated sequence and the formula of new information background value was given. The new information optimization MGRM(1,n) model can be used in non-equal interval & equal interval time series and has the characteristic of high precision as well as high adaptability. Example validates the practicability and reliability of the proposed model. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1205-1212
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Analysis on Service Life of Hot-end Components of Gas Turbine Using Equivalent Operation
Taixing Wang , Xiaoqing Lv
The reliability of the gas turbine depends on the technical status and the maintenance level of the hot-end components in a large part.The three main factors influencing on the service life of the hot-end components of the gas turbine were analyzed first.On this basis,various common service life assessment methods for gas turbine were discussed in detail.Aiming at the features of the M701F gas-steam combined cycle unit in Huizhou LNG power plant,a gas turbine life assessment method based on equivalent operation time analysis was put forward.The calculation result of an example shows that the equivalent operation time analysis method is a simple and practical assessment method. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1473-1477
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Modified Allan Variance Analysis on Random Errors of MINS
Bin Fang , Xiaoqi Guo
Allan variance method is a useful tool for analyzing the random errors, but the confidence on the estimate would be lower when the data length became shorter, therefore the modified Allan variance is deduced to analysis the random errors of MEMS inertial sensors (MINS). The definition and limitation of Allan variance are presented first, and then the modified Allan variance is deduced. Allan variance method is compared with modified Allan variance by identifying the simulated 1/f noises, meanwhile the results are illuminated. In the end, the random errors of MEMS inertial sensors were analyzed by the proposed methods. The characteristics of MEMS accelerometers’ and MEMS gyros’ stochastic errors are identified and quantified. The derived error model can be applied further to our attitude and heading reference system of the underwater robot. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1227-1235
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Dynamic Virtual Resistance Droop Control Scheme for Distributed Generation System
Junping He , Ning Wu , Liang Liang
The power quality of a low voltage distributed network is vulnerable to the plunge of a large number of distributed power sources, which could be at serious risk due to high circulating current. In order to overcome this problem, this paper proposes an active power-magnitude and reactive power-frequency droop control scheme for distributed voltage source inverters without a communication line. A novel dynamic virtual resistance control solution is demonstrated to minimize dynamic circulating current based on satisfied output voltage accuracy and stability. Differential and integral terms are added to the droop formulas to enhance the dynamic performance of the inverter and improve the stability for voltage magnitude and frequency. MATLAB simulations show that stable output voltage and small circulating current can be achieved in both grid connected mode and islanding mode by using the proposed scheme. This result is further verified by an experimental testing with two parallel voltage source inverters. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1134-1141
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Multi-pattern Matching Methods Based on Numerical Computation
Lu Jun , Zhang Zhuo , Mo Juan , Lv Xingfeng
Multi-pattern matching methods based on numerical computation are advanced in this paper. Firstly it advanced the multiple patterns matching algorithm based on added information. In the process of accumulating of information, the select method of byte-accumulate operation will affect the collision odds , which means that the methods or bytes involved in the different matching steps should have greater differences as much as possible. In addition, it can use balanced binary tree to manage index to reduce the average searching times, and use the characteristics of a given pattern set by setting the collision field to eliminate collision further. In order to reduce the collision odds in the initial step, the information splicing method is advanced, which has greater value space than added information method, thus greatly reducing the initial collision odds. Multiple patterns matching methods based on numerical computation fits for large multi-pattern matching. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1497-1505
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Performance Evaluation of Bonding Techniques at Wireless 802.11n

Guruh Fajar; Universitas Dian Nuswantoro UDINUS Shidik , Zul Azri bin Muhamad; Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka UTeM Noh
Demands for high throughput bandwidth, encourage Point to Point wireless to serve more bandwidth for many kind application such as real-time multimedia services. We conduct research with testbed experimental at Point to Point topology use wireless 802.11n in LAB environment. The aim is to studying the performance that would be achieved by Interface Bonding and Channel Bonding techniques. We proposed experiment process and design to evaluate the performance of those techniques. Several parameters such as delay, jitter, data loss rate and throughput applied on TCP/UDP protocols with different Packet Sizes and Directional Traffic Flows. The results experiment showed that Channel Bonding has significant throughput improvement. However, the Interface Bonding results are far from expectation, we found that the performance is least than single normal link. As our finding we analyze it caused by Media Independent Interface (MII), and Scheduling Algorithm unable to work properly at wireless 802.11n using Point to Point connection.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 181-190
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Facial Animation Based on Feature Points
Beibei Li , Qiang Zhang , Dongsheng Zhou , Xiaopeng Wei
This paper presents a hybrid method for synthesizing natural animation of facial expression with data from motion capture. The captured expression was transferred from the space of source performance to that of a 3D target face using an accurate mapping process in order to realize the reuse of motion data. The transferred animation was then applied to synthesize the expression of the target model through a framework of two-stage deformation. A local deformation technique preliminarily considered a set of neighbor feature points for every vertex and their impact on the vertex. Furthermore, the global deformation was exploited to ensure the smoothness of the whole facial mesh. The experimental results show our hybrid mesh deformation strategy was effective, which could animate different target face without complicated manual efforts required by most of facial animation approaches. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1697-1706
Publish at: 2013-03-01
Show 1515 of 1574

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