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23,598 Article Results

Finite Element Approach for Coupled Striplines Embedded in Dielectric Material

Sarhan M.; Prairie View A&M University Musa , Matthew N.O.; Prairie View A&M University Sadiku
In this paper, we present finite element method (FEM) to investigate the quasi-static analysis of two dimensional (2D) shielded two coupled stripline structures for microelectronic devices. In the proposed method, we specifically determine the values of capacitance per unit length and inductance per unit length of shielded two vertically coupled striplines and shielded two coupled striplines embedded in dielectric material. Extensive simulation results are presented, and some comparative results are given by other methods and found them to be in excellent agreement. Furthermore, we determine the quasi-TEM spectral for the potential distribution of these shielded two coupled striplines.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 47-54
Publish at: 2013-03-01

EIT based on virtual instrument
Ma Jun , Wang Wenglong , Zhang Jianguo
Design of a electrical impedance tomography system based on virtual instrument, the author firstly introduced the virtual instrument into the electrical impedance imaging from the perspective of hardware and software. The system use DAQ of NI to simplify the hardware structure and improve the stability. Software of system combines the advantages of LABVIEW and MATLAB, and verify some algorithms. Using NI virtual instrument, the system has strong expansion and do good basis for enhancing the performance of electrical impedance imaging system. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1639-1645
Publish at: 2013-03-01

The Inherited Traditional Culture of Automobile Molding DNA Design Research
Song Qiang
Design of automobile modeling DNA is the core that makes enterprises establish a good and unique brand image to win on market. This paper described the definition and meaning of production DNA, also discussed the composition of production DNA and researched the design ideas of production DNA from both macro and micro aspects. Finally, it recommended would research the traditional culture into the past, present and future of three periods, explored the idea of traditional culture that the automobile modeling DNA inherited under these three periods and analyzed with the red flag car as an example. This research provided a guideline to help automotive corporations to implement brand strategies, and helped to design autos with Chinese elements, sense of the times and fashion trends and can perform the modern mental outlook of Chinese people. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1189-1196
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Active RFID Technology for Asset Tracking and Management System

Evizal; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Evizal , Tharek Abdul; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Rahman , Sharul Kamal Abdul; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Rahim
 Asset is one of valuable item in the industry or institution, missing or lose of asset may have problem in asset management system. The advantages of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology have made this technology useful for asset management and tracking system. The use of active RFID technology for asset tracking is by attaching the tag at the asset or item with assigned a unique ID for identification. A few of active RFID readers install at strategic points or location to track asset movement and collect information when anyone of item pass by in reader coverage area, reader collect information with in reading range and send to backend system. Integration every single system by using wires or wireless methods to keep centralize data processing system. Alert message will be send to representative department to give warning. This asset tracking and management system that use active type of RFID technology is working at ISM band frequency of 433 MHz. The backend systems consist of application software, middleware and database. All the information have been sent from every single system recorded in one central database.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 137-146
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Inferring Gene Regulatory Network from Bayesian Network Model Based on Re-Sampling

Qian; Dalian university Zhang , Xuedong; Dalian university Zheng , Qiang; Dalian university Zhang , Changjun; Dalian university Zhou
Nowadays, gene chip technology has rapidly produced a wealth of information about gene expression activities. But the time-series expression data present a phenomenon that the number of genes is in thousands and the number of experimental data is only a few dozen. For such cases, it is difficult to learn network structure from such data. And the result is not ideal. So it needs to take measures to expand the capacity of the sample. In this paper, the Block bootstrap re-sampling method is utilized to enlarge the small expression data. At the same time, we apply “K2+T” algorithm to Yeast cell cycle gene expression data. Seeing from the experimental results and comparing with the semi-fixed structure EM learning algorithm, our proposed method is successful in constructing gene networks that capture much more known relationships as well as several unknown relationships which are likely to be novel.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 215-222
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Analysis of Contact Characteristic of Overhead Line and Suspension Clamp
Zhao Xinze , Zhao Meiyun , Peng Wei , Yang Zhicheng , Yang Zhenxing
In this paper, a LGJ150/25 type ACSR transmission line and a CGU-3 type suspension clamp are taken as research objects. A contact model of the conductor and the clamp was established by using finite element method. The effects of sag angle of the conductor, holding force and tension force in section are analyzed. The results showed that the contact area in the middle of the clamp is of belt-like type. The extreme values of tress were observed on the edge of the contact area and near the edge of keeper. In clamp section, suspension angle had the greatest influence on contact stress, and then the clamp force. The tension force in section played a most important role in these affecting factors. In the exit section of clamp, the biggest impact factor was tension force in this section, then the suspension angle, the third was clamp force. The results provide theoretical basis on reducing corona loss, optimization the clamp. Doubtlessly, the conclusion has important theoretical significance and application value. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1456-1464
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Performance Evaluation of MMA7260QT and ADXL345 on Self Balancing Robot

Hany; Petra Christian University Ferdinando , Handry; Petra Christian University Khoswanto , Djoko; Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Purwanto
A self balancing robot (SBR) controller needs to detect platform inclination. For this purpose, an accelerometer is used. From various types of accelerometer, we can divide into digital and analog ones. The problem is how to select the right type for the SBR. This paper evaluates the performance of the ADXL345, 3-axis digital output accelerometer and the MMA7260QT, 3-axis analog output accelerometer. The Arduino is used to read data from the sensor and send it to PC for plotting. Both sensors use the lowest sensitivity. The sensors are evaluated with three criteria, i.e. stationary, dynamical response and collaborating with ITG3200 3-axis gyroscope for Kalman filter fusion. For stationary criterion, the ADXL345 is better than the other sensor for all stationary position. For dynamical response, both sensors suffer from the noise due to acceleration of the platform. The sensors do not only sense the gravity but also the acceleration of the platform when it is moved. But the noise level for the ADXL345 is lower than the other. Using Kalman filter makes both sensors show good performance for a SBR application. If three criteria are combined with hardware aspect, then the authors recommend using the ADXL345. Besides, it has several useful features to handle abrupt acceleration.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 1-10
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Vibration Characteristics of the Platform in high-speed Railway Elevated Station
Wang Tie , Wei Qingchao
 Aiming at a large number construction of high-speed railway and elevated railway passenger station, make a dynamics simulation study on the law of platform vibration characteristics on the situation of high-speed train passing through. First, make a brief introduction on the theory of the interaction of the vehicle-elevated station structure in vertical and transverse directions. Secondly, on the background of the actual elevated station structure form, selecting relevant model parameters, establish the train-elevated station coupling dynamics simulation analysis model and calculate it. Finally, based on the calculation results, make an analysis of vibration characteristics of the platform structure, and obtain relevant study conclusions. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1383-1392
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Stabilization of Unmanned Air Vehicles over Wireless Communication Channels

Qing-Quan; Shenyang Ligong University Liu
This paper addresses the stabilization problem for unmanned air vehicles over digital and wireless communication channels with time delay. In particular, the case with band-limited channels is considered. An observer-based state feedback control policy is employed to stabilize the linear control system of unmanned air vehicles. A sufficient condition on the minimum data rate for mean square stabilization is derived, and a new quantization, coding, and control policy is presented. Simulation results show the validity of the proposed scheme.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 79-86
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Fault Diagnosis for Substation with Redundant Protection Configuration Based on Time-Sequence Fuzzy Petri-Net

Haiying; Lanzhou Jiaotong University Dong , Xiaonan; Lanzhou Jiaotong University Li
Due to timing inconsistency, dual protection configuration and uncertainty diagnosis result characteristics of 750kV substation, fault diagnosis method of substation with redundant protection configuration which based on time sequence fuzzy Petri nets is proposed. In this method, redundant knowledge about fault component is represented by using two sets of protected information. On that basis, component redundant diagnosis-model based on time sequence fuzzy Petri net is constructed, which can be decomposed into main and redundant subnet-model. In this model, initial-information credibility is determined using information-entropy, timing constraint is checked, and initial-information credibility is corrected using the relationship between acted protection and breaker. Compared with fuzzy Petri net diagnosis method take no account of timing constraint, this method can not only identify the malfunction information, but also obtain a certain result.
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 231-240
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Wearable Conformal Antennas for 2.4 GHz Wireless Body Area Networks

Emad Shehab; University of Technology Baghdad Ahmed
 Microstrip fed inset patch antennas embedded in planar and cylindrically curved surfaces are introduced to be used in Body Area Networks (BANs) presented. These antennas are designed as wearable antennas for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band wireless communication networking. The proposed antennas consist of 50 Ω microstrip line feeding inset patch printed on the front face of dielectric substrate and a rectangular ground plane on the bottom face. The proposed planar antenna is conformed on finite cylindrical substrates of radii 2.5, 5 and 7.5 cm corresponding approximately to the typical size of human wrist, humerus and shoulder of a human body respectively. Modeling and performance evaluation of the cylindrical structures has been carried out using the commercially available electromagnetic software CST Studio Suite2009. Simulation results, obtained for the return losses, current distribution, and radiation pattern of the antennas are presented. Furthermore, results show that the designed conformal antennas are resonating at the designed frequency with reasonable gain and field pattern characteristics.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 175-180
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Abstract Model Study of Sensor Network Complexity Analysis Method
Hu Ruo
Sensor Network Composition is a new area involving important technological need. Some of the main difficulties are to correctly describe Interaction Framework and Complexity of Sensor Network Systems. Abstract interaction logic can be seen as a new technique for representing fuzzy Complexity mechanism. In this paper, we have presented a solution to use Complexity of Sensor Network Systems in Sensor Network analysis. We have proposed methods for analyzing Sensor Network based on an abstract interaction definition. The user’s logics are formalized as abstract concepts. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1119-1124
Publish at: 2013-03-01

RFID Spatio-Temporal Data Management
WANG Yonghui , XU Jingke , WANG Shoujin
Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) technology promises to revolutionize the way we track items in supply chain, retail store, and asset management applications. The size and different characteristics of RFID data pose many interesting challenges in the current data management systems. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of RFID technology and highlight a few of the spatio-temporal data management challenges that we believe are suitable topics for exploratory research. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1348-1354
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Research on Mixed Data Rate and Format Transmission in WDM Networks

Li Li; Anyang Institute of Technology/Anyang Li Li , Wei; Anyang Institute of Technology/Anyang Jian-yi , Zhang; Anyang Institute of Technology/Anyang Xiu-tai , Li Hong-an; Anyang Institute of Technology/Anyang Li Hong-an
To meet the growing data traffic demands in the telecommunication applications, the number of wavelengths is to be increased in a fiber-optic backbone of the telecommunication network. The exponential growth of internet services, transmission capacity is a tremendous challenge to networks.   Nowadays, 10 Gb/s transmission systems are being used for commercial applications.  At the same time, the non-linear effects such as FWM, SRS, XPM, SPM, and Dispersion are also increased, when the number of wavelengths passing through the single fiber is increased. The analysis of efficient modulation formats for   DWDM system and    long-haul transmission system, we go for various modulations for DWDM system. The maximum data rate for NRZ-OOK modulation format is 10 Gb/s. For RZ-OOK the maximum rate is 50 Gb/s.  Since RZ-OOK modulation uses twice the band width when compared to NRZ-OOK modulation. The modulation format is partially upgraded from OOK to PSK, the influence of OOK signals on the updated PSK signals must be considered when using multi-channel wavelength conversion. The PSK modulation is also analyzed.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 127-136
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Evaluation and Improvement of Shipbuilding Capability of China
Ye Feng , Zeng Guang-wu , Wang Yu
There are many thorny problems in our country, such as the security of sea lanes. To deal with these problems, China needs to develop sophisticated naval force, and warship industry is the key factor to improve Chinese navy. Chinese warship industrial capacity is evaluated by using the assessment system. According to the results and existing researches, strategies for improving Chinese shipbuilding industry capability is built from five aspects. It is the reference to strengthen Chinese warship industrial capacity, improve navy’s core competence, thus secure Chinese territory and marine economy. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1371-1376
Publish at: 2013-03-01
Show 1516 of 1574

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