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23,598 Article Results

Design of Image Processing System Based on Charge Coupled Device
Xu Guosheng , Wang Yumei
To speed up the image acquisition and make full use of effective information, a design method of CCD partial image scanning system is presented. The system achieves to functions of the high -speed data collection, the high -speed video data compression the real time video data Network Transmission and the real time compression picture data storage. the data processed was transferred to PC through USB2.0 real-time to reconstruct defects microscopic images. The experimental results demonstrated that defects within 50μm~1000μm were inspected effectively by the CCD scanning defects inspection instrument, that this method has a repetition error no more than 2.24 pixels, with high precision and good anti-noise ability. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1258-1265
Publish at: 2013-03-01

The Most Possible Scheme of Joint Service Detection for the Next Wireless Communication Technologies

Hendra; University Islam Indonesia Setiawan , Firdaus; University Islam Indonesia Firdaus
 The era of beyond third generation wireless communication is highly heterogeneous in that it comprises several radio access technologies that need to be joined into a single multimode terminal. In this respect, this paper introduces a common service recognition system for the next wireless communication technologies i.e. Long Term Evolution (LTE), WiMAX or IEEE 802.16, and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) or IEEE 802.11.It is done in physical layer as one of multimode terminal ability regardless network cooperation existence. We investigation the preamble and synchronization signals as indicators of the available services instead of carrier frequency detection. To detect these signals, we proposed a time domain detection system consisting of auto-correlation, cross-correlation, and a peak period detection. Based on complexity analysis, this paper proposes the most possible scheme with lower complexity than cross-correlation implementation. Moreover, the fixed point simulation results show that the proposed system satisfies the minimum receiver sensitivity requirements that specified in the standards.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 155-166
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Chaotification of Quasi-Zero Stiffness System via Direct Time-delay Feedback Control

Qing-chao; Naval Univ. Yang , Jing-jun; Naval Univ. Lou , Shu-yong; Naval Univ. Liu , Ai-min; Naval Univ. Diao
This paper presents a chaotification method based on direct time-delay feedback control for a quasi-zero-stiffness isolation system. An analytical function of time-delay feedback control is derived based on differential-geometry control theory. Furthermore, the feasibility and effectiveness of this method was verified by numerical simulations. Numerical simulations show that this method holds the favorable aspects including the advantage of using tiny control gain, the capability of chaotifying across a large range of parametric domain and the high feasibility of the control implement.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 63-70
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Mine-Tunnel Design & Monitoring Analysis for Major Faults and Complex Geological Conditions
Xiang-dong ZHANG , Shi-xing FAN , Hu-wei ZHANG , Yu ZHANG
Mining operations at Nanyang-Slope Coal Mine are considerably challenging. The Nanyang- Slope Coal Field has a complex tectonic structure; having major faults, large fissures and fracture- zones, and great changes in coal-seam thickness. Mine tunnel-way 301 traverses multiple complex faults with developed fractures, broken surrounding rock, and high tectonic stresses. The original rectangular-section tunnel design using anchor-bolt-mesh retainment was prone to rib-spalling, and the problem could not be controlled by use of additional encryption anchors on the tunnel sides. The mud-rock above the tunnel-ceiling is soft and argillized, which expands and softens on contact with water. This caused problems with the epoxy bonding agent failing to effectively secure bolt-anchors to the rock, resulting in anchor-bolt-mesh failure. In consideration of the complex geological conditions, a tunnel construction utilizing a curved wall arch-section and anchor-bolt- mesh-concrete spray was proposed. MJ-40 anchor-rod dynamometers were used to measure the forces in the tunnel rock-anchor bolts; and tunnel-rock deformation and surface displacement was monitored over the course of several weeks using a measuring station. Results show that the construction design effectively lowers the effects of the tectonic stresses on any one part of the tunnel, and demonstrates the safety and reliability of the tunnel-retainment and support design. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1531-1539
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Gamelan Music Onset Detection based on Spectral Features

Diah; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya P. Wulandari , Aris; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Tjahyanto , Yoyon; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya K. Suprapto
This research detects onsets of percussive instruments by examining the performance on the sound signals of gamelan instruments as one of  traditional music instruments in Indonesia. Onset plays important role in determining musical rythmic structure, like beat, tempo, measure, and is highly required in many applications of music information retrieval. Four onset detection methods that employ spectral features, such as magnitude, phase, and the combination of both are compared in this paper. They are phase slope (PS), weighted phase deviation (WPD), spectral flux (SF), and rectified complex domain (RCD). Features are extracted by representing the sound signals into time-frequency domain using overlapped Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) and by varying the window length. Onset detection functions are processed through peak-picking using dynamic threshold. The results showed that by using suitable window length and parameter setting of dynamic threshold, F-measure which is greater than 0.80 can be obtained for certain methods.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 107-118
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Electrical Tracking Formation on Silane Epoxy Resin under Various Contaminants

Abdul; Gadjah Mada University, Diponegoro University Syakur , Hamzah; Gadjah Mada University Berahim , Tumiran; Gadjah Mada University Tumiran , Rochmadi; Gadjah Mada University Rochmadi
Contamination at the surface of the insulator becomes a serious problem. Especially for the tropical area, humidity and rainfall play an important role in wetness by the water at the insulator surface, which result in the presence of contaminant and leakage current flowing at the surface. This leakage current will generate heat which occurs at the surface of an insulator. This ultimately leads to flashover. This paper presents the influence of contaminants to leakage current and formation of electrical tracking at the surface of epoxy resin compound wit silicon rubber. The test was based on IPT method with NH4Cl as contaminants. The industrial and coastal contaminants are used to explain the effect of contaminant at surface tracking process. The flow rate of contaminant was 0.3 ml/min. The 3.5 kV AC high voltage 50 Hz was applied to the top electrodes. It is found that industrial contamination resulting in the smallest surface leakage current is 327.6 mA. Also it is found that coastal contaminant showed the severest damage at surface of test sample. Therefore, special treatment of the sample is needed under these conditions so that the material performance can be improved, especially against the electrical tracking.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 17-28
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Quadratic Programming Thrust Allocation and Management for Dynamic Positioning Ships
Yushi Wei , Mingyu Fu , Jipeng Ning , Xingyan Sun
To solve the complex thrust allocation problems of dynamic positioning ship with azimuth thrusters, the quadratic programming thrust allocation and management system was built. The power optimal thrust allocation was formulated as a quadratic programming problem by the linear treatments of inequality constraints and the optimal solution could be found in a finite amount of time. And some influence factors of thruster allocation were separated from algorithms and treated as a superstratum management module. In this system, online adjustment of input constraints and singularity avoidance could be realized, and the reliability and adaptability of thrust allocation were improved consequently. Finally, the validity and excellent performance of this method was proved by the simulation. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1632-1638
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Digital Control of Bonding Force for Gold Wire Bonding Machine
Xiaochu Wang , Zhongjun Zhu , Jian Gao , Xin Chen , Yonggang Wu
In order to digitally control the bonding force of a wire bonder precisely, this paper uses a DC solenoid as a force source, and by controlling the solenoid’s current, which causes the electromagnetic force, we can control the bonding force that capillary applies. The bonding force control system in this paper is composed of PC (Personal Computer) and hypogyny MCU (Micro Controller Unit), which communicate using a RS485 interface. The digital value of a given bonding force is given by the PC to the MCU. By comparing the sampling current of the solenoid, and through PID regulation, D/A converter of the digital potentiometer and the solenoid driver circuit, the half-closed loop control system of bonding force is accomplished. Tuning of the PID parameters is accomplished with fuzzy adaptive control theory and simulated by Matlab simulink. The control system is tested by comparing the desired bonding force and the force actually applied and examming the relationship between bonding quality and bonding force. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1568-1578
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Spectral-based Features Ranking for Gamelan Instruments Identification using Filter Techniques

Aris; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Tjahyanto , Yoyon K; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Suprapto , Diah P; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Wulandari
 In this paper, we describe an approach of spectral-based features ranking for Javanese gamelan instruments identification using filter techniques. The model extracted spectral-based features set of the signal using Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). The rank of the features was determined using the five algorithms; namely ReliefF, Chi-Squared, Information Gain, Gain Ratio, and Symmetric Uncertainty. Then, we tested the ranked features by cross validation using Support Vector Machine (SVM). The experiment showed that Gain Ratio algorithm gave the best result, it yielded accuracy of 98.93%.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 95-106
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Fast and Accurate Motion Control Based on Good Gain Method
GAO Qingji , LI Zheng
There are some drawbacks exist in multi-method intelligence control algorithms which are popular researched in motion control. Many of the most significant ones are high algorithm complexity, long time-consuming and not easily applied in industrial production. According to the disadvantages mentioned above, and also take the conflicts between control accuracy and response speed into consideration, a “Good Gain” PID tuning method is studied on motion control. Firstly this PID tuning method is described and the processes of finding proper PID gains by analyzing the outputs of PID controller are designed. Secondly the method is simulated on a DC motor model and finally acquires a proper balance between response speed and control accuracy. Finally the method is tested on real DC motor and control devices. After software simulation and real experiments, the effectiveness of this PID tuning method is proved. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1236-1244
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Neural Network Aided Kalman Filtering For Integrated GPS/INS Navigation System
Haidong GUO
Kalman filter (KF) uses measurement updates to correct system states error and to limit the errors in navigation solutions. However, only when the system dynamic and measurement models are correctly defined, and the noise statistics for the process are completely known, KF can optimally estimate a system’s states. Without measurement updates, Kalman filter’s prediction diverges; therefore the performance of an integrated GPS/INS navigation system may degrade rapidly when GPS signals are unavailable. This paper presents a neural network (NN) aided Kalman filtering method to improve navigation solutions of integrated GPS/INS navigation system. In the proposed loosely coupled GPS/INS navigation system, extended KF (EKF) estimates the INS measurement errors, plus position, velocity and attitude errors, and provides precise navigation solutions while GPS signals are available. At the same time, multi-layer NN is trained to map the vehicle manoeuvre with INS prediction errors during each GPS epoch, which is the input of the EKF. During GPS signal blockages, the NN can be used to predict the INS errors for EKF measurement updates, and in this way to improve navigation solutions. The principle of this hybrid method and the NN design are presented. Land vehicle based field test data are processed to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1221-1226
Publish at: 2013-03-01

A Novel DWT-Based Watermarking for Image with The SIFT

Yuan Xu; Dalian university Yuan Xu , Qiang; Dalian university Zhang , Changjun; Dalian university Zhou
A kind of scale invariant features transformation (SIFT for short) operators on DWT domain are proposed for watermarking algorithm. Firstly, the low frequency of the image is obtained by DWT. And then the SIFT transformation is used to calculate the key feature points for the low frequency sub-image. Based on the chosen space’s key points with moderate scale, a circular area as watermark embedding area is constructed. According to the research and final results, the novel digital watermark algorithm is proposed benefiting from the characteristics of SIFT’s key points and local time-frequency of DWT. The algorithm not only has good robustness to resist on such operations as compression, shearing, noise addition, median filtering and scaling, but also has good inhibition to possible watermark fake verification.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 191-198
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Improved Hysteretic Noisy Chaotic Neural Network for Broadcast Scheduling Problem in WMNs
Ming Sun , Yanjun Zhao , Zhengliang Liu , Hui Zhang
It has been proven that the noise-tuning-based hysteretic noisy chaotic neural network (NHNCNN) can use the noise tuning factor to improve the optimization performance obviously at lower initial noise levels while can not at initial higher noise levels. In order to improve the optimization performance of the NHNCNN at initial higher noise levels, we introduce a new noise tuning factor into the activation function and propose an improved hysteretic noisy chaotic neural network (IHNCNN) model. By regulating the value of the newly introduced noise tuning factor, both noise levels of the activation function and hysteretic dynamics in the IHNCNN can be adjusted to help to improve the global optimization ability as the initial noise amplitude is higher. As a result, the IHNCNN can exhibit better optimization performance at initial higher noise levels. In order to demonstrate the advantage of the IHNCNN over the NHNCNN, the IHNCNN combined with gradual expansion scheme (GES) is applied to solve broadcast scheduling problem (BSP) in wireless multihop networks (WMNs). The aim of BSP is to design an optimal time-division multiple-access (TDMA) frame structure with minimal frame length and maximal channel utilization. Simulation results in BSP show the superiority of the IHNCNN. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1489-1496
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Automatic Detection and Assessment System of Water Turbidity based on Image Processing
CHENG En , ZHANG Rong-Xin , YUAN Fei
The realization of automatic control system of releasing flocculating agent is one of the bottlenecks in the automation process of waterworks. For various reasons, most of waterworks in China decide the dosing amount just by artificial methods, which may lead to great subjectivity. It can result in direct economic losses and threaten residents’ drinking water safety. To solve the problem, based on digital image processing and pattern recognition technology, the paper presents an advanced and practical automation scheme, trying to control the releasing of flocculating agent. According to the characteristics of alum images captured from waterworks, by comparing the effects of many vision algorithms, the paper selects a suitable combination and tries to implement it with EmguCV. On next step, the paper implements feature selection and classification with LibSVM. The experiments show that, the system designed in this paper is reasonable and feasible. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 1506-1513
Publish at: 2013-03-01

Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Film Sensor and Ethanol Gas-Sensing Properties

Dongzhi; China University of Petroleum (East China) Zhang , Kai; China University of Petroleum (East China) Wang , Bokai; China University of Petroleum (East China) Xia
Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) film-based sensor on the substrate of printed circuit board (PCB) with inter digital electrodes (IDE) were fabricated using layer-by-layer self-assembly, and the electrical properties of MWNTs film sensor were investigated through establishing models involved with number of self-assembled layers and IDE finger gap, and also its ethanol gas-sensing properties with varying gas concentration are characterized at room temperature. Through comparing with the thermal evaporation method, the experiment results shown that the layer-by-layer self-assembled MWNTs film sensor have a faster response and more sensitive resistance change when exposed to ethanol gas, indicated a prospective application for ethanol gas detection with high performance and low-cost.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 55-62
Publish at: 2013-03-01
Show 1518 of 1574

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