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23,598 Article Results

Study of high indium InXGa1-XN alloys with synchrotron radiation
Wei Zheng , Zhe Chuan Feng , Rui Sheng Zheng , Hao-Hsiung Lin , Xin Qiang Wang , Ting-Shan Chan , Ling-Yun Jang , Chee Wee Liu
InGaN thin films with near entire indium composition range have been successfully grown on GaN/sapphire (0001) by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). X-ray absorption fine structure  have been used to study the local structure of some typical InxGa1-xN alloys with high indium (In) composition of x=0.78 and 0.86. A detailed analysis of the extended x-ray absorption fine structure of In K-edge by using the IFEFFIT program, and the chemical bonds of In-N are obtained. The x-ray absorption near-edge structure of In K- and L-edge and N K-edge are investigated, and the electronic structure of InxGa1-xN are determined with these high In content InxGa1-xN ternary compounds. The calculated XANES spectra of N K-edge, based on first principle method, are consistent with the observed spectra. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 906-912
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Deviation Control Theory and Strategy in Aluminum Hot Rolling
Fu Zhuo , Liu Yilun , Ma Liyong
Real-time detection and tracking of moving pedestrians in image sequences is a fundamental task in many computation vision applications such as automated visual surveillance system. In this paper we propose a human detection method based on foreground segmentation, and the detection speed is satisfying for the application of video surveillance. During detection, unlike the exhaustive scan typically used in general human detection systems, in order to avoid scanning regions like the sky, the foreground segmentation stage is firstly implemented in the video surveillance sequences by utilizing Gaussian mixture model algorithm, and then, human detection stage is executed on the regions of interest (ROI) extracted from the video surveillance sequence frame. In contrast with the exhaustive scan without explicit segmentation, our proposed approach can meet the real-time requirement. Carefully designed experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 918-925
Publish at: 2013-02-01

An approach for Briefest Rules Extraction Based On Compact Dependencies
Yang Kai , Jin Yong-long , He Zhi-jun , Ma Yuan
Concept lattice is an effective tool for knowledge representation and data analysis. It have been successfully applied to many fields. This paper illustrates the theory of compact dependencies in concept lattice, then study an approach for briefest rules extraction based on compact dependencies, including briefest decision rules and briefest association rules with confidence of 1. Finally, the method is applied to the example and the relationship between many process parameters and aim parameters,as well as process parameters and other process parameters, are discussed. It provides a useful decision support tool for advanced production management and increases the ability of the decision, which accomplished the validity of the enterprises. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 941-947
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Building Structured Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing Platform Using Object Encapsulation Approach
Shufang ZHANG , Jun HAN
This paper designed and built a distributed hash table based computing resource sharing platform named OE-P2RSP. By employing Peer-to-Peer services, OE-P2RSP allowed users to submit jobs to be run in the system and to run jobs submitted by other users on any resources available over the Internet, essentially allowing a group of users to form an Ad hoc set of shared resources. OE-P2RSP is based on structured peer on network share, improves the communication mode of system by encapsulated object, object group, and physical proximity principle, and the use of physical proximity principle, and gathers computing resources better in the same research institution or enterprise within local area network. The experimental results obtained via simulations show that the system can reliably execute scientific applications on a widely distributed set of resources with good load balancing and low matchmaking cost and that OE-P2RSP has good efficiency, load balancing and scalability. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 935-940
Publish at: 2013-02-01

A Model of FPGA-based Direct Torque Controller
Tole Sutikno , Nik Rumzi Nik Idris , Aiman Zakwan Jidin , Auzani Jidin
This paper presents a generic model of a fully FPGA-based direct torque controller. This model is developed using two’s-complement fixed-point format approaches, in register-transfer-level (RTL) VHDL abstraction for minimizing calculation errors and consuming hardware resource usage. Therefore, the model is universal and can be implemented for all FPGA types. The model is prepared for fast computation, without using of CORDIC algorithm, a soft-core CPU, a transformation from Cartesian-to-polar coordinates, and without the help of third-party applications. To get simpler implementation and fast computation, several methods were introduced: i) the backward-Euler approach to calculate the discrete-integration operation of stator flux, ii) the modified non-restoring method to calculate complicated square-root operation of stator flux, iii) a new sector analysis method. The design, which was coded in synthesizable VHDL in RTL abstraction for implementation on Altera DE2-board has produced very-precise calculations, with minimal error when being compared to MATLAB/Simulink double-precision calculation. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 747-753
Publish at: 2013-02-01

A Kind of Visual Speech Feature with the Geometric and Local Inner Texture Description
Xibin Jia , Yanfeng Sun
In this paper, we propose a type of joint feature with geometric parameters and color moments to represent the speaking-mouth frames for image-based visual speech synthesis systems. Based on FDP around the mouth area, the geometric feature is obtained by computing Euclidean distances to describe the width of the speaking mouth, the height of the outer and inner lips and the distances between them. The color moment component in the joint feature is obtained by calculating the texture between the upper and lower inner lips to describe the visibility state of the teeth. Through analyzing the accordance between the teeth visibility and the components of RGB and HSV color space based on the samples separately, we discovered that green and blue components are good at describing the change of teeth visibility. The experiments show that the proposed joint feature can effectively provide the basis for categorizing the different speaking states especially at the sense of lip shapes and tooth visibility. The evaluation of clustering results is done by analyzing the derived parameters of the silhouette function.  The analyzing results prove that comparing with the geometric only and PCA, our proposed feature together with the shape and the local inner lip texture clues has better performance in improving the similarity between samples within the clusters. In the future, more expressive features with the shape and local texture information should be explored to increase the proportion of similar samples within the clusters to improve the descriptive ability of speaking mouths. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 877-889
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Network Coding-Based Communications via the Controlled Quantum Teleportation
Dazu Huang , Shaoping Zhu , Dan Song , Ying Guo
Inspired by the structure of the network coding over the butterfly network, a framework of quantum network coding scheme is investigated, which transmits two unknown quantum states crossly over the butterfly quantum system with the multi-photon non-maximally entangled GHZ states. In this scheme, it contains certain number of entanglement-qubit source nodes that teleport unknown quantum states to other nodes on the small-scale network where each intermediate node can pass on its received quantum states to others via superdense coding. In order to transmit the unknown states in a deterministic way, the controlled quantum teleportation is adopted on the intermediate node. It makes legal nodes more convenient than any other previous teleportation schemes to transmit unknown quantum states to unknown participants in applications. It shows that the intrinsic efficiency of transmissions approaches 100% in principle. This scheme is secure based on the securely-shared quantum channels between all nodes and the quantum mechanical impossibility of local unitary transformations between non-maximally entangled GHZ states. Moreover, the generalized scheme is proposed for transmitting two multipartite entangled states. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 827-838
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Application of MCTS in Tsumego of Computer Go
Fang Wang , Ying Peng
The Tsumego problem in Go was a basic and essential problem to be overcome in implementing a computer Go program. This paper proposed a reality of Monte-Carlo tree search in Tsumego of computer Go which using Monte-Carlo evaluation as an alternative for a positional evaluation function. The advantage of this technique was that it requires few domain knowledge or expert input. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 667-673
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Mechanical Fault Diagnosis Based on LMD-Approximate Entropy and LSSVM
Zengshou Dong , Xueqin Tian , Jianchao Zeng
Mechanical fault diagnosis is a feature extraction and pattern recognition process. The feature extraction is related to the accuracy of fault diagnosis and the reliability of the prediction. How to extract fault features effectively and build an accurate model to recognize fault is the key of diagnosis technology. Accordingly, a feature extraction method based on LMD-approximate entropy was proposed, and combined it with LSSVM to diagnose mechanical fault. Firstly, the decomposition of fault feature by LMD, and then the approximate entropy of product function were taken to extract fault features accurately. Finally, the eigenvectors were input to LS-SVM for fault recognition. Compared with EMD and wavelet decomposition, the results show that it can extract fault features effectively and can improve the accuracy and speed of fault diagnosis. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 803-808
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Diagnosis of Stator Turn-to-Turn Fault and Stator Voltage Unbalance Fault Using ANFIS
Sk Moin Ahmed , Haitham Abu-Rub , Shady S. Refaat , Atif Iqbal
An induction machine is a highly non-linear system that poses a great challenge because of its fault diagnosis due to the processing of large and complex data. The fault in an induction machine can lead to excessive downtimes that can lead to huge losses in terms of maintenance and production. This paper discusses the diagnosis of stator winding faults, which is one of the common faults in an induction machine. Several diagnostics techniques have been presented in the literature. Fault detection using traditional analytical methods are not always possible as this requires prior knowledge of the exact motor model. The motor models are also susceptible to inaccuracy due to parameter variations. This paper presents Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference system (ANFIS) based fault diagnosis of induction motors. The distinction between the stator winding fault and supply unbalance is addressed in this paper. Experimental data is collected by shorting the turns of a health motor as well as creating unbalance in the stator voltage. The data is processed and fed to an ANFIS classifier that accurately identifies the faulted condition and unbalanced supply voltage conditions. The ANFIS provides almost 99% accurate and computationally efficient output in diagnosing the faults and unbalance conditions.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Page: 129-135
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Analysis of Electromagnetic Properties of Doubly-fed Turbine Generator
Ding Shuye , Zhang Ning
For the sake of studying the electromagnetic properties of doubly-fed turbine generator. This paper proposed a method which adds an equivalent impedance to simulate the doubly-fed turbine generator’s rated state in Maxwell Circuit Editor. Time–stepping finite element was adopted to calculate. Transfer radial air-gap flux density as FFT, getting harmonic content and the influence of harmonic wave on loss. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 783-788
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Evaluation on Decomposition granularity of Manufacturing Task in Manufacturing Grid
Yong Yin , Chaoyong Zhang , Jihong Wang
Task decomposition is on of the most important activities for manufacturing task planning in Manufacturing Grid. Many achievements in the methods to decompose manufacturing tasks have been obtained. But as for the decomposition granularity, the study and research are rare. Referring to the principle of “strong cohesion and weak coupling” in the software engineering field, the decomposition model of manufacturing task is built up, in which a manufacturing task is decomposed into different subtasks, and each subtask is composed of various processing events. On the basis of the model, the constraint among processing events within the subtasks is analyzed. Then the evaluation index on decomposition granularity of manufacturing task is put forward based on several definitions and evaluation steps for the decomposition granularity of manufacturing task are listed. Finally, examples to illustrate the idea of the paper are given. We hope the work of the paper can promote the study and application for Manufacturing Grid further. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 1024-1032
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Fractals on IPv6 Network Topology
Jun Zhang , Hai Zhao , Bo Yang , Si-yuan Jia
The coarse-grained renormalization and the fractal analysis of the Internet macroscopic topology can help people better understand the relationship between the part and whole of the Internet, and it is significant for people to understand the essence of the research object through a small amount of information. Aiming at the complexity of Internet IPv6 IP-level topology, we put forward a method of core-threshold coarse-grained to renormalize its topology. By analyzing the degree distribution and degree correlation characteristics in each k-core network topology, the scale invariance of the networks of coarse-grained renormalization was illustrated. The fractal dimension of Internet IPv6 IP-level topology was further computed which shows that the Internet IPv6 IP-level topology has got fractals. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 577-582
Publish at: 2013-02-01

A Self-Learning Network Reconfiguration Using Fuzzy Preferences Multi-Objective Approach
Hongbin Sun , Chunjun Zhou
The paper proposes a self-learning evolutionary multi-agent system for distribution network reconfiguration. The network reconfiguration is modeled as a multi-objective combinational optimization. An autonomous agent-entity cognizes the physical aspects as operational states of the local substation, the agent-entities establish relationship network based on the interactions to provide service. Multiple objectives are considered for load balancing among the feeders, minimum deviation of the nodes voltage, minimize the power loss and branch current constraint violation. These objectives are modeled with fuzzy sets to evaluate their imprecise nature and one can provide the anticipated value of each objective. The method completes the network reconfiguration based on the negotiation of autonomous agent-entities. Simulation results demonstrated that the proposed method is effective in improving performance. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 710-716
Publish at: 2013-02-01

Path Planning Optimization for Teaching and Playback Welding Robot
Yuehai Wang , Ning Chi
Path planning for the industrial robot plays an important role in the intelligent control of robot. Tradition strategies, including model-based methods and human taught based methods, find it is difficult to control manipulator intelligently and optically. Thus, it is hard to ensure the better performance and lower energy consumption even if the same welding task was executed repeatedly. A path planning optimization method was proposed to add learning ability to teaching and playback welding robot. The optimization was divided into the welding points sequence improvement and trajectory improvement, which was done both on-line and off-line. Points sequence optimization was modeled as TSP and was continuously improved by genetic algorithm based strategy, while the trajectory between two welding points was on-line improved by an try-and-error strategy where the robot try different trajectory from time to time so as to search a better plan. Simulation results verified that this control strategy reduced the time and energy cost as compared with the man-made fix-order sequence. Our method prevents the robot from the computation-intensive model-based control, and offers a convenient way for self-improvement on the basis of human teaching. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 960-968
Publish at: 2013-02-01
Show 1523 of 1574

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