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23,598 Article Results

Cooperation Mechanism of Wide-area Protection System Based on Multi-Agents
Mingzhu Zhang , Zhenxing Li
With the rapid growth of power system, it is becoming increasingly difficult to realize reach and time coordination for conventional backup protection. To cope with those problems, wide-area protection is widely researched. In this paper, a novel dynamic cooperation mechanism of wide-area protection is proposed, which can operate better than distributed and centralized systems with respect to reliability, section selectivity, and so on. The multi-agents technology is used to enhance adaptability and decrease communication traffic of wide-area protection system. The improvement of backup protection performance to overcome some specific conditions, such as communication bit error, protection failure, and breaker failure, is also illustrated by utilizing communication networks and distributed protection agents which enables an easy and flexible construction and operation of the proposed wide-area protection system. The example analysis on IEEE 5 nodes system shows the concrete cooperation processing among agents in the cases of typical faults. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 195-202
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Research on Train Visualization of Different Resolution in TCS Simulation
Ye Deng , Qianxiang Zhou , Weining Fang
Train control system is to control the velocity and the distance between trains in the railway and to protect the safe and high efficiency of train running. An ideal train control system testing and simulation platform should simulate the real railway operating environment and the train running. There are different requirements for the train visualization in the train control system testing and simulation platform. According to the specific analysis of the train running behavior and multiresolution theory, this paper raised the train visualization modeling of different resolution. Meanwhile the aggregation and disaggregation process between different resolution models were analyzed in detail. After all, the availability of this method was certified by 3D train simulation cases. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 383-391
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Image Reconstruction Based on ERT Technique in Microchannel
Yonghong Liu , Xiantao Wang , Masahiro Takei
Monitoring the flow behaviour on the micro-scale is very important in many industrial and biochemical process, the multiphase coexistence in microchannel provides many attractive characteristics compared to a single-phase flow. The precise flow rate control and well-defined channel geometries make it possible for us to make detailed investigation on multiphase flow phenomena on micro scale. This paper aims at the solid-liquid two phase flow visualization in the cross-sections of a novel microchannel based on the electrical resistance tomography (ERT) technique. Experimental results reveal that ERT image reconstruction technique base on Agilent data acquisition system can effectively detect the particle distribution in the microchannel. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 173-180
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Application of Fractal Dimensions and Fuzzy Clustering to Tool Wear Monitoring
Weilin Li , Pan Fu , Erqin Zhang
Monitoring of metal cutting tool wear states is a key technology for automatic, unmanned and adaptive machining. As tool wear increases, the vibration signals of cutting tool become more and more irregular in the turning processes. The degree of tool wear can be indirectly monitored according to these changes of vibration signals. In order to quantitatively describe these changes, fractal theory and fuzzy clustering method were introduced into the cutting tool wear monitoring area. Firstly, wavelet de-noising method was used to reduce the noise of original signals, and eliminate the effect of noise on fractal dimensions. Secondly, the fractal dimensions based on fractal theory were got from the de-noised signals, including box dimension, information dimension, and correlation dimension. Finally, the relationship between the fractal dimensions and tool wear states was studied; the affinities between the known and unknown states can be obtained through fuzzy c-mean clustering algorithm; tool wear states can be recognized by those affinities based on fractal dimensions. The experiment results demonstrate that wavelet de-noising method can efficiently eliminate the effect of noise on fractal dimensions, and tool wear states can be real-timely and accurately recognized through the fuzzy clustering analysis on fractal dimensions. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 187-194
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Single Image Haze Removal Method for Inland River
Zhongyi Hu , Qiu Liu
Due to environmental pollution, the climate is worsening. The fog days up to 60% of the year in inland certain segments, which it has seriously affected the marine electronic cruise normal operation and navigation safety. According to the inland video image becomes gray and lack of visibility in foggy weather conditions, and in order to remove the haze to get a clear image color and contour, this paper presents a method based on Jones Extension Matrix and the Dark Channel Prior. First, we obtain the light intensity in the atmosphere and the estimated concentration of the haze by using Dark Channel Prior, and via using the Jones Extension Matrix and the parameters of Stokes' Law to eliminate part of the scattered light. At last, we have completed the function of image dehazing by brightness adjustment factor based on N pixels in the field of step brightness and improve the brightness based on Retinex Principle for the recovered image. Experimental results show this algorithm improves scenery visual effect in condition of haze. It is provided a clear video image for the marine electronic cruise in the foggy day. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 362-370
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Multi-Agent Competition Simulation of Integrated Transportation System
Jiashun Zhang , Rongjie Lv
Transportation networks have been developed during the recent decades with the rapid growth of economy. At the same time, the conflicts between different transportation modes were getting more and more intense. To describe the competition relationship in integrated transportation system, a multi-agent competition model was presented. It is important to provide decision support for regulators to lead more reasonable distribution of resources for planning and operating the integrated transportation network. Thus, a simulation program was developed to implement the proposed model and provide computer-aid decision support. Finally, several experiments were conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of this technique. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 345-350
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Panoramic technique in the video monitoring system and Implementation
Yun Liu , Jiru Zhang , Jian Gao
Video surveillance technology plays an important role in the security field, with its intuitive, convenient and abundant information and is widely used in city traffic, civil security and other various fields especially in the important safety departments or major events. In this paper, according to the video surveillance system features and functional requirements, we use embedded system ,OMAP4460 and Android operating system on the basis of the panoramic technology to realize vertical 180 degrees horizontal 360-degree panoramic video surveillance. In the paper we profoundly analyze and discuss the embedded panoramic video surveillance system mainly from the hardware platform structures, the design of the peripheral circuit and the panorama function implement. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 91-96
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Hardware-in-the-loop and Parallel Simulation Architecture for Wireless Sensor Network
Shihong Duan , Yadong Wan , Peng Meng , Qin Wang
Discrete event-based simulation is commonly used to evaluate research on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). However, highly accurate simulation models are required in recent advances on wireless communication technology, which results in a steep increase in simulation complexity and runtime. The contributions of this paper for the are twofold, one is to present a general layer structure for hardware-in-the-loop emulation and WSN simulation embedded with implementation of models, such as energy model and link mode, to introduce the distributed nodes into the simulation framework; the other is to build a parallelized simulation based on multi-processor computers as the de-facto default hardware platform and powerful private computing clusters to mirror the real WSN more closely. The work in this paper is realized and used to simulate industrial WSNs for describing and verifying the detail and methodology of WSNs. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 103-114
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Study on Fault Diagnosis of Circuit-breaker Based on Rough-Set Theory
Chu Yan , Wang Haiguang , Chen Liang
High voltage circuit-breaker is an important equipment in electric system. The study on fault diagnosis of high voltage circuit-breaker would not only strengthens the security and stability of power system but also increases the economic benefit of it. Obtaining the diagnosis rules is the hardest part in building fault diagnosis expert system. This article analyses the fault samples data of high voltage circuit-breaker by rough set theory, and get diagnosis rules from it. The case shows the method is practical and feasible. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 296-301
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Investigation of practical representation and parameterization of the rational cubic conic sections
Houjun Hang , Ru Chou
This paper presents a practical representation containing a parameter of rational cubic conic sections and researchs deeply the inner properties. Firstly,The parameter how to affect the control points, inner weights and shoulder point is discussed. Secondly,the inner relation between the parameter and the weights of the nonstandard-form quadratic rational conic sections is analysed in detail. Change in the parameter value actually corresponds to a rational linear parameter transformation. Finally, we discuss the inverse calculation of the cubic rational conic sections and obtain the inverse calculation methods suitable for engineering applications. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 9-18
Publish at: 2013-01-10

The electrostatic field networking in three isolated thunderstorms
Zhenhui Wang , Qingfeng Zeng , Fengxia Guo , Dongpu Xu , Hao Wang
A method for networking atmospheric electrostatic field by a quasi-normal charge distribution model based on radar and sounding data in isolated storm cells has been proposed. The charge distribution parameters of thundercloud are first estimated and inversed, and then the network of atmospheric electrostatic field can be calculated with the obtained parameters. The method was used to analyze three isolated thunderstorms that passed through the experiment site in 2009. It was shown that the electrostatic field networking and the charge distribution were concordant with the location of lightning and radar echo. It is revealed that the model and obtained parameters are reasonable to some extent and the method for networking electrostatic field using radar and sounding data is feasible. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 63-72
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Design Based the δ Operator of the Minimum Beat System
Zhou Shiqun , Wang Ping
Digital controller simulation using MATLAB the minimum beat deviation system z domain, and transformed it in δ domain. Using  the δ transformation’s nature of approximating the continuous domain in small sampling period, we simulated the controller. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 253-257
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Simulation models for MIMO wireless channels
Hua Li , Jing Bai , Shujian Liao , Juanping Wu
In recent years, with the excellence performance in the system spectrum efficiency, MIMO technology has become the concerned topic in the mobile communication technology development process. In order to make better use of MIMO technology, the characteristics of MIMO channel had to be studied, and it is inevitable to accurately model and simulate MIMO wireless channels in different conditions. Wireless communication environment is very complex, so it is difficult to modeling of MIMO channel. In this paper, carrier wave frequency, the maximum Doppler frequency shift, AOA (Angle of Arrival) distribution, power azimuth spectrum and adjacent antenna spacing were token into account integrating. Expressions of the spatial correlation coefficient for different power azimuth spectrum (PAS) distributions were studied. A MIMO channel model was brought forward which has spatial selectivity, frequency selectivity, and time correlation. Simulation shows this related channel capacity is consistent with theoretical channel capacity. Thereby the rationality of this modeling was validated. This model provides powerful implement for simulation of MIMO capability, analysis of system capacity and evaluation of performance. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 158-166
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Research on a New Type of Energy Feedback Cascade Multilevel Inverter System
Wang Pan , Liu Fei , Zha Xiaoming , Yu Jianhua , Wang Xiangbing
Traditional cascade multilevel inverter can only transmit one-direction of energy. This paper proposes a new cascade multilevel inverter topology and control strategy based on part units to realize the energy feedback. By using PWM converter to replace uncontrollable converter in part units of the traditional inverter, and combining the inverter with H-bridge inverter, the two-direction running of the cascade inverter is realized. A double closed loop control strategy is used to obtain fine control characteristic of input current. The carrier phase-shifted SPWM technology is adopted in the cascade inverter to reduce harmonious wave of output voltage and current, meanwhile, a new type of bypass control method is proposed to collect all the feedback energy and restore it into the energy feedback units. According to the simulation of a three-phase and five-unit cascaded inverter with three energy feedback units, the results demonstrate that the proposed inverter can be input near sinusoidal current , and realize two-way flow of energy automatically with simplified phase shifting transformer structure, and show its feasibility and effectiveness. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 494-502
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Estimation of Distribution Immune Genetic Algorithm and Convergence Analysis
LIU Zhen , HU Yun-an , SHI Jian-guo
In the traditional immune genetic algorithm, crossover and mutation can disrupt the superior chromosome, so make the algorithm took a long time to converge to the best solution. The way of crossover and mutation based on marginal product model which can make the algorithm converge quickly was proposed in order to avoid the disruption of the superior chromosome. The pseudo parallel evolution mechanism was also brought into the proposed algorithm in order to enhance the diversity of the population. The convergence character of the algorithm is analyzed. The model theorem of estimation of distribution immune genetic algorithm was given and the convergence rule was also given. Simulation results of several benchmark functions show that the proposed algorithm is superior than genetic algorithm immune genetic algorithm. So the proposed algorithm is correct and feasible. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 123-129
Publish at: 2013-01-10
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