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23,598 Article Results

Control of a stair climbing wheelchair
Nor Maniha Abdul Ghani , M.O. Tokhi , A.N.K Nasir , S. Ahmad
This paper presents investigations into the control of a stair climbing wheelchair particularly for indoor usage. A virtual wheelchair model is developed using Visual Nastran software and linked with Matlab/Simulink for control purposes. The goals are to have a simple, compact and stable stairs climbing wheelchair in order to complete the ascending and descending tasks. The challenges are to ensure the wheelchair seat always stay at the upright position and to control both the front and rear wheel motors while climbing. PID control is used to provide appropriate torque to both front and rear wheels as well as at to the wheelchair seat during climbing. Results show that the wheelchair movement can be controlled smoothly and the seat maintained at the desired position with the adapted approach.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 4
Page: 203-213
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Voltage Stability Based Formation of Voltage Control Areas Considering Impact of Contingencies

Tarun Martolia , M.K. Verma
Voltage instability has been considered as a major threat to power system networks since last three decades. Frequent incidences of grid failures caused by voltage instability have been observed in different parts of the world. Fast voltage stability assessment of power system may be done by formation of voltage control areas, clubbing group of buses in geographically compact region having similar voltage instability problem. This paper presents a new approach for formation of voltage control areas (VCAs) based on sensitivity of reactive power generations with respect to reactive power demands, together with bus voltage variations under voltage stability based critical contingencies. The load buses in geographically compact region showing similar sensitivity of reactive power demand to reactive generations have been clubbed together to form voltage control areas. Since, voltage control areas formed should remain valid under change in operating conditions and network topology, the areas formed based on reactive power sensitivitieshave been modified considering voltage variations at different loadings points under voltage stability based critical contingencies. Voltage stability based Critical contingencies have been selected based on maximum loadability criterion. Case studies have been performed on IEEE 14-bus system. Simulation results performed on IEEE 14-bus system validate VCAs formed even under change in network topology caused by line outages and change in operating conditions caused by variations in real and reactive power demands. The VCAs formed by proposed method have been compared with VCAs formed by few existing approaches. The superiority of proposed approach of voltage control areas formation over few existing approaches has been established on the test system considered.
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 115-122
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Analytical Evaluation of College Learning Experiences on Students’Problem-Solving Efficacy among Technical and Scientific Areas
Minh-Quang Duong
Problem-solving is important for students to become effective problem solvers in their profession, and for later career success. This study was conducted to explore how learning experiences affect problem-solving efficacy of Vietnamese college students within technical and scientific areas. The study used a questionnaire survey with 430 students’ technical and scientific areas from three member universities at Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City. Results of this study indicated that students’ problem-solving efficacy was within the range of “average” to “high” response. There existed significant differences of problem-solving efficacy of students among the three universities. Various learning experiences of teaching approach, and learning engagement influenced as significant factors affecting students’ problem-solving efficacy.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 67-72
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems: Market Trends In The United States

Joshua Krautmann , Jinwen Zhu
The world today uses more energy than ever before. As a global society we must find more renewable and efficient sources to obtain our energy. One of these sources might come in the form of something that we interact with everyday, the sun. Photovoltaic solar cells are a growing market in the renewable energy sector. Basic PV cell materials are discussed and the PV market in the United States is analyzed; are PV solar energy systems the answer to our current and future energy needs?
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 123-128
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Compensation of Single-Phase and Three-Phase Voltage Sag and Swell Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer

Haniyeh Marefatjou , Mohammad Sarvi
DVR is a equipment which was connected in series and adjusting the  loading  voltage  by  feeding  the  voltage  in  system. The  first  installation  was  in 1996. usually DVR  installed  between  sensitive loads feeder and  source in distribution system .The  main  duty, fast support load voltage  (by  fast  detection  algorithm)  during  disturbance  to  avoid  any  disconnection. in this paper approaches to compensate for voltage sag and swell as a common disturbance in voltage transmission and distribution networks is presented. A dynamic voltage restorer based on the dq0 algorithm for three-phase and dynamic voltage restorer based on the average detection method for single-phase are discussed, also in this paper we compare the two methods used to compensate the single-phase and three-phase process. result  of   three-phase and single-phase voltage sag and swell  simulation  has  been  presented  by  MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 129-144
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Investigation and Comparison of the Effect of Facts Devices, Capacitors and Lines Reactance Variations on Voltage Stability Improvement and Loadability Enhancement in Two Area Power System

Navid Ghaffarzadeh , Haniyeh Marefatjo , Iman Soltani
This paper studies the important power system phenomenon and voltage stability by using continuation power flow method. Voltage collapse scenario is presented which can be a serious result of voltage instability and also the parameters that affected by voltage collapse are discussed. In analyzing power system voltage stability, continuation power flow method is utilized which consists of successive load flows. In this paper steady-state modeling of Static VAR Compensator (SVC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) and effect of compensator and variation of line reactance on the voltage stability have been studied and Comparison between performance of UPFC and SVC and installation shunt capacitor and variation of line reactance for improve voltage stability has been done.Case studies are carried on 11 bus network in two areas. Simulation is done with PSAT in MATLAB. Continuation Power Flow was implemented using Newton Raphson method. Simulation results show the proper performance of UPFC, SVC, installation shunt capacitor and variation of line reactance to improve voltage control and significantly increase the loadability margin of power systems.
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 145-158
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Comparative Study on the Performance of A Coherency-based Simple Dynamic Equivalent with the New Inertial Aggregation

Abdul Malek Miah
Earlier, a simple dynamic equivalent for a power system external area containing a group of coherent generators was proposed in the literature. This equivalent is based on a new concept of decomposition of generators and a two-level generator aggregation. With the knowledge of only the passive network model of the external area and the total inertia constant of all the generators in this area, the parameters of this equivalent are determinable from a set of measurement data taken solely at a set of boundary buses which separates this area from the rest of the system. The proposed equivalent, therefore, does not require any measurement data at the external area generators. This is an important feature of this equivalent. In this paper, the results of a comparative study on the performance of this dynamic equivalent aggregation with the new inertial aggregation in terms of accuracy are presented. The three test systems that were considered in this comparative investigation are the New England 39-bus 10-generator system, the IEEE 162-bus 17-generator system and the IEEE 145-bus 50-generator system.
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 105-114
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Optimum Design of a Five-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Underwater Vehicles by use of Particle Swarm Optimization

Reza; Babol University of Technology Ilka , S. Asghar; Babol University of Technology Gholamian
Permanent magnet synchronous motors are efficient motors which have widespread applications in electric industry due to their noticeable features. One of the interesting applications of such motors is in underwater vehicles. In these cases, reaching to minimum volume and high torque of the motor are the major concern. Design optimization can enhance their merits considerably, thus reduce volume and improve performance of motors. In this paper, a new method for optimum design of a five-phase surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor is presented to achieve minimum loss and magnet volume with an increased torque. A multi-objective optimization is performed in search for optimum dimensions of the motor and its permanent magnets using particle swarm optimization. The design optimization results in a motor with great improvement regarding the original motor. Finally, finite element analysis is utilized to validate the accuracy of the design.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 715-724
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Particle Filter with Gaussian Weighting for Human Tracking

Indah Agustien; University of Trunojoyo Madura Siradjuddin , M. Rahmat; University of Trunojoyo Madura Widyanto , T. Basaruddin; University of Trunojoyo Madura T. Basaruddin
Particle filter for object tracking could achieve high tracking accuracy. To track the object, this method generates a number of particles which is the representation of the candidate target object. The location of target object is determined by particles and each weight. The disadvantage of conventional particle filter is the computational time especially on the computation of particle’s weight. Particle filter with Gaussian weighting is proposed to accomplish the computational problem. There are two main stages in this method, i.e. prediction and update. The difference between the conventional particle filter and particle filter with Gaussian weighting is in the update Stage. In the conventional particle filter method, the weight is calculated in each particle, meanwhile in the proposed method, only certain particle’s weight is calculated, and the remain particle’s weight is calculated using the Gaussian weighting. Experiment is done using artificial dataset. The average accuracy is 80,862%. The high accuracy that is achieved by this method could use for the real-time system tracking
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 801-806
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Performance and Comparative Analysis of the Two Contrary Approaches for Detecting Near Duplicate Web Documents in Web Crawling
VA Narayana , P Premchand , A Govardhan
Recent years have witnessed the drastic development of World Wide Web (WWW). Information is being accessible at the finger tip anytime anywhere through the massive web repository. The performance and reliability of web engines thus face huge problems due to the presence of enormous amount of web data. The voluminous amount of web documents has resulted in problems for search engines leading to the fact that the search results are of less relevance to the user. In addition to this, the presence of duplicate and near-duplicate web documents has created an additional overhead for the search engines critically affecting their performance. The demand for integrating data from heterogeneous sources leads to the problem of near-duplicate web pages. The detection of near duplicate documents within a collection has recently become an area of great interest. In this research, we have presented an efficient approach for the detection of near duplicate web pages in web crawling which uses keywords and the distance measure. Besides that, G.S. Manku et al.’s fingerprint based approach proposed in 2007 was considered as one of the “state-of-the-art" algorithms for finding near-duplicate web pages. Then we have implemented both the approaches and conducted an extensive comparative study between our similarity score based approach and G.S. Manku et al.’s fingerprint based approach. We have analyzed our results in terms of time complexity, space complexity, Memory usage and the confusion matrix parameters. After taking into account the above mentioned performance factors for the two approaches, the comparison study clearly portrays our approach the better (less complex) of the two based on the factors considered.DOI: 
Volume: 2
Issue: 6
Page: 819-830
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Implementation of Electricity Competition Framework with Economic Dispatch Direct Method

Hermagasantos; State Polytechnic of Bandung (POLBAN) Zein , Yusra; Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB) Sabri , Ali; State Polytechnic of Bandung (POLBAN) Mashar
Technically, electricity business under competition structure is more complex than that of vertically integrated one. A competition framework has to be designed to implement bidding strategies with electrical calculations as quickly as possible (not more than 15 minets). This paper proposes a competition framework with the electric calculations, where a bilateral contract has been accommodated. Optimal energy price in the paper is calculated based on direct method of economic dispatch to obtain the result very quickly. The proposed method has been simulated to a 4-bus system. The simulation results show that the method works well and complies with the expectation. Therefore, electric power business under competition structure can be well realized by the proposed method.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 667-674
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Neural Network for Electronic Nose using Field Programmable Analog Arrays
Helmy Widyantara , Muhammad Rivai , Djoko Purwanto
Electronic nose is a device detecting odors which is designed to resemblethe ability of the human nose, usually applied to the robot. The process ofidentification of the electronic nose will run into a problem when the gaswhich is detected has the same chemical element. Misidentification due tothe similarity of chemical properties of gases is possible; it can be solvedusing neural network algorithms. The attendance of Field ProgrammableAnalog Array (FPAA) enables the design and implementation of ananalog neural network, while the advantage of analog neural networkwhich is an input signal from the sensor can be processed directly by theFPAA without having to be converted into a digital signal. Direct analogsignal process can reduce errors due to conversion and speed up thecomputing process. The small size and low power usage of FPAA are verysuitable when it is used for the implementation of the electronic nose thatwill be applied to the robot. From this study, it was shown that theimplementation of analog neural network in FPAA can support theperformance of electronic nose in terms of flexibility (resource componentrequired), speed, and power consumption. To build an analog neuralnetwork with three input nodes and two output nodes only need twopieces of Configurable Analog Block (CAB), of the four provided by theFPAA. Analog neural network construction has a speed of the process0.375 μs, and requires only 59 ± 18mW resources.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 6
Page: 739-747
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Design Of Intelligent Stick Based On Microcontroller With GPS Using Speech IC
Naseer Muhammad , Qazi Waqar Ali
For visually impaired persons the endeavors and researchers have spent the decades to develop an intelligent and smart stick to protect and alert them from obstacles. This paper proposes a new thought developing an intelligent stick equipped with GPS navigation system, which detect the obstacles in path and gives information about their location using GPS coordinates. The combination of ultrasonic sensors and GPS will detect the obstacles and determine the position and will gives information about location through Bluetooth.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 6
Page: 781-784
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Early Model of Traffic Sign Reminder Based on Neural Network

Budi; STMIK Banjarbaru Rahmani , Supriyadi; STMIK Banjarbaru Supriyadi
Recognizing the traffic signs installed on the streets is one of the requirements of driving on the road. Laxity in driving may result in traffic accident. This paper describes a real-time reminder model, by utilizing a camera that can be installed in a car to capture image of traffic signs, and is processed and later to inform the driver. The extracting feature harnessing the morphological elements (strel) is used in this paper. Artificial Neural Networks is used to train the system and to produce a final decision. The result shows that the accuracy in detecting and recognizing the ten types of traffic signs in real-time is 80%.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 749-758
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Teleautonomous Control on Rescue Robot Prototype

Handy; Petra Christian University Wicaksono , Handry; Petra Christian University Khoswanto , Son; Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya Kuswadi
Robot application in disaster area can help responder team to save victims. In order to finish task, robot must have flexible movement mechanism so it can pass through uncluttered area. Passive linkage can be used on robot chassis so it can give robot flexibility. On physical experiments, robot is succeeded to move through gravels and 5 cm obstacle. Rescue robot also has specialized control needs. Robot must able to be controlled remotely. It also must have ability to move autonomously. Teleautonomous control method is combination between those methods. It can be concluded from experiments that on teleoperation mode, operator must get used to see environment through robot’s camera. While on autonomous mode, robot is succeeded to avoid obstacle and search target based on sensor reading and controller program. On teleautonomous mode, robot can change control mode by using bluetooth communication for data transfer, so robot control will be more flexible.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 621-628
Publish at: 2012-12-01
Show 1533 of 1574

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