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23,598 Article Results

Vision Based Self Localization for Humanoid Robot Soccer

Nuryono Satya; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Widodo , Arif; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Rahman
Vision based robot soccer localization system, aiming to create a robot soccer localization system. The implementation of this idea is motivated by the need of the localization system for the robot soccer to play the ball effectively and efficiently. The expected result of this research is to develop the localization system for the robot soccer based on camera vision. Thus the developed robot will be able to play football better. It is because of the localization system that can make the robot able to behave more precisely on certain condition and location. For example, the robot should be able to find the ball in its own area or in the opponent’s. Research conducted on several major parts, consisting: image capture, processing image information and directions to the information about the location of the robot at the time. The experimental results indicate that the localization system in this research work has the ability to perform an approximation of the robot location with respect to the goal.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 637-644
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Securing E-Mail Communication Using Hybrid Cryptosystem on Android-based Mobile Devices

Teddy; University of Budi Luhur (UBL), University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) Mantoro , Andri; University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) Zakariya
One of the most popular internet services is electronic mail (e-mail). By using mobile devices with internet connection, e-mail can be widely used by anyone to exchange information anywhere and anytime whether public or confidential. Unfortunately, there are some security issues with email communication; e-mail is sent in over open networks and e-mail is stored on potentially insecure mail servers. Moreover, e-mail has no integrity protection so the body can be undectected altered in transit or on the e-mail server. E-mail also has no data origin authentication, so people cannot be sure that the emails they receive are from the e-mail address owner. In order to solve this problem, this study proposes a secure method of e-mail communication on Android-based mobile devices using a hybrid cryptosystem which combines symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption and hash function. The experimental results show that the proposed method succeeded in meeting those aspects of information security including confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 807-814
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Improved Bacterial Foraging Algorithm for Optimum Economic Emission Dispatch with Wind Power

Sajjad; University of Sistan and Baluchestan Farajianpour , Ali; University of Sistan and Baluchestan Mohammadi , Saeed; University of Sistan and Baluchestan Tavakoli , S. Masoud; University of Sistan and Baluchestan Barakati
In this paper, an improved bacterial foraging algorithm (IBFA) is employed to solve economic-emission dispatch (EED) problem. Regarding to more interest to renewable energy sources especially wind energy in recent years, it is necessary to use of incorporate wind power plants into EED problem. To consider realistic conditions, EED is included bi-objective of cost and NOx emission. The problems encountered with BFA are ineffective bacteria elimination resulted in poor performance. To overcome this, a modified BFA is proposed in reproduction step termed as Improved Baterial Foraging Algorithm (IBFA). EED is solved, with wind power plant and without it, subjected to couple of constraintsusing BFA an BFA in a comparative manner.Simulation results show enhancement in convergence accuracy with IBFA rather than conventional BFA.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 675-682
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Effects of Puncturing Patterns on Punctured Convolutional Codes

Lydia; Atma Jaya Catholic University Sari
Punctured convolutional codes are known to have low complexity compared to their non-punctured counterpart, while retaining a good performance. Analyzing the performance of punctured convolutional code can be simplified by using non-punctured equivalent code. In this paper new punctured convolutional codes with rates of 3/8, 3/7 and 3/6 are proposed, and their performances are studied by first constructing non-punctured equivalent codes. Simulations results show that different puncturing patterns will affect the code performances. Further investigations show that puncturing adjacent bits is to be avoided as it tends to degrade the code performance, as indicated by a decrease of the free distance by 9% and 33% below average for code rates 3/7 and 3/6 respectively. On the contrary, dispersed punctured bits will yield good code performance as indicated in the increase of the free distance by 27% and 32.45% above average for code rates 3/7 and 3/6 respectively.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 759-770
Publish at: 2012-12-01

An Improved Robot Path Planning Algorithm

Xuesong Yan; China University of Geosciences Xuesong Yan , Qinghua Wu; Wuhan Institute of Technology, Qinghua Wu , Hammin; China University of Geosciences, Wuhan Institute of Shipbuilding Technology Liu
Robot path planning is a NP problem. Traditionaloptimization methods are not very effective to solve it. Traditional genetic algorithm trapped into the local minimum easily. Therefore, based on a simple genetic algorithm and combine the base ideology of orthogonal design method then applied it to the population initialization, using the intergenerational elite mechanism, as well as the introduction of adaptive local search operator to prevent trapped into the local minimum and improvethe convergence speed to form a new genetic algorithm. Through the series of numerical experiments, the new algorithm has been proved to be efficiency.We also use the proposed algorithm to solve the robot path planning problem and the experiment results indicated that the new algorithm is efficiency for solving the robot path planning problems and the best path usually can be found.
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Page: 629-636
Publish at: 2012-12-01

A Study to Compare Major Adverse Cardiac Event in Patient Undergoing PCI with Drug Eluting Stents Vs Bare Metal Stents
Chetan R. Patel , Mandev B. Patel
This study compared Major Adverse Cardiac Event in patient with Acute Coronary Syndromes undergoing PCI with Drug Eluting Stents Vs Bare Metal Stents. A retrospective, observational study was carried out in an inpatient setting of the private tertiary care hospital. Patients with >18 years, diagnosed for Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS), required intervention in coronary artery with implantation of Drug Eluting Stents (DES) or Bare Metal Stents (BMS) were recruited in the study. The data had been collected from file or database of the hospital. All subjects were followed for major adverse cardiac event. Result. A total of 202 patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) were enrolled into DES group (N=101) and BMS group (N=101).  All patients were followed up at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months & 12 months for Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE). Clinical outcomes during 12 months were compared between DES group & BMS group. There was no significant difference in baseline parameters including demographic, risk factors of ACS, diagnosis, angiographic parameters between both groups. Overall MACE rates were reported non-significantly high in BMS group patients (14.85%) compare to DES group patients (8.91%) (P=0.458). However, DES group had lower rates of death (0.99% vs 1.98%, P=0.57), rate of MI (3.96% vs 4.95% P=0.73), rate of revascularization (1.98% vs 3.96% p=0.42) & rate of sub acute thrombosis (1.98% vs 3.96% P=0.42) and higher rate of bleeding (1.98% vs 0.99% p=0.57) compare to cohort-II. Conclusion. The use of DES in the setting of Acute Coronary Syndrome is associated with lower Major Adverse Cardiac Event (MACE) rate compared to BMS without compromising the overall safety over the course of one-year follow-up. The long-term safety of drug-eluting stents needs to be ascertained in large, randomized trials.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 55-60
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Effects of the Occupational Physical Environmental Conditions and the Individual Characteristics of the Workers on Occupational Stress and Fatigue
Birowo Herusasongko , Adi Heru Husodo , H A Sudibyakto
This research was conducted to study the effects of environmental factors i.e. heat stress, thermal comfort, and occupational noise and individual factors of the workers i.e. age, work duration (expressed in months), and nutrition status on occupational fatigue and stress. Occupational fatigue was measured using Reaction Timer L-77 Lakassidaya. Occupational stress was measured using questionnaire adapted from Wambrauw (2010). Heat stress and thermal comfort were measured using Questemp 34 Thermal Environment Meter and Lutron AM-4200 Anemometer. Occupational noise level was measured using Lutron SL-4022 Sound Level Meter. Nutrition status was measured using microtoise and body weight scale. Age and work duration was obtained using a personal profile form filled in by each worker. This research employed Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) consisted of direct and indirect effects of exogenous and endogenous variables on endogenous variables. Data analysis was conducted using AMOS 19 software. Data analysis showed that (1) different level of fatigue was indicated on workers working in different work shifts, (2) there was no direct effects of heat stress and  thermal comfort on occupational fatigue, (3) there was a positive direct effect of occupational noise on workers stress but there was no indication that the stress itself has a direct effect on occupational fatigue, thus preventing the indirect effect of occupational noise on occupational fatigue, (4) there was no direct effect of the age of the workers on occupational fatigue, (5) there was a positive direct effect of the workers age on work duration, but the work duration itself did not exhibit any effect on occupational fatigue so therefore no indirect effect of workers age on occupational fatigue was found in this research, (6) and finally, there was a positive direct effect of nutrition status on occupational fatigue.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 61-68
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Prediction and Decision Making in Health Care using Data Mining
Boris Milovic
Tendency for data mining application in healthcare today is great, because healthcare sector is rich with information, and data mining is becoming a necessity. Healthcare organizations produce and collect large volumes of information on daily basis. Use of information technologies allows automatization of processes for extraction of data that help to get interesting knowledge and regularities, which means the elimination of manual tasks and easier extraction of data directly from electronic records, transferring onto secure electronic system of medical records which will save lives and reduce the cost of the healthcare services, as well and early discovery of contagious diseases with the advanced collection of data. Data mining can enable healthcare organizations to predict trends in the patient conditions and their behaviors, which is accomplished by data analysis from different perspectives and discovering connections and relations from seemingly unrelated information. Raw data from healthcare organizations are voluminous and heterogeneous. They need to be collected and stored in the organized forms, and their integration enables forming of hospital information system. Healthcare data mining provides countless possibilities for hidden pattern investigation from these data sets. These patterns can be used by physicians to determine diagnoses, prognoses and treatments for patients in healthcare organizations.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 69-78
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Relation between Mental Health Status and Psychosocial Stressors among Pregnant and Puerperium Women in Japan: From the Perspective of Working Status
Fumi Takeda , Nanako Tamiya , Haruko Noguchi , Takafumi Monma
Mental health problems during pregnancy and postpartum periods are one of the alarming health issues among women in Japan. This study analyzed data on the Japanese version of the Kessler 6 (K6), specific psychosocial stressors, and working status of pregnant and puerperium women (n=1126) from respondents in the Comprehensive Survey of People’s Living Conditions (CSPLC) conducted in 2007 by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan. Multiple logistic analyses showed the significant associations between mental health and psychosocial stressors: “family relationship,” “pregnancy and birth,” and “incomes/ family budgets/ debts”, regardless of “employed” or “unemployed”. After stratified by working status, whereas “one’s job” stressor had an association with mental health only for employed females, stressors for “one’s disease/long -term care” and “housework” had associations only for unemployed ones. For employed women, the primary factor for mental health was “family relationship” stressor. Although mental health status measured by K6 was not different between employed or unemployed female population, primary stressors related mental health was revealed to differ with working status. Especially, “family relationship” stressor was the highest risk factor of mental health in employed women. More importantly, the results provided evidence on the differences in associations between mental health and specific psychosocial stressors by working status. Psychosocial risk assessments and interventions on working status among pregnant and puerperium women should be imperative to pay attention for social politics.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 37-48
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Type of Birth, Depression and Anxiety as Determinates of Breastfeeding Attitude among Nursing Mothers
Imhonde H. O. , Shaibu H , Imhonde J. E. , Lina Handayani
This study examined Type of Birth, Depression and Anxiety as determinates of Breastfeeding attitude among Nursing Mothers in Edo and Kogi State Nigeria. A total of two hundred (200) currently Breastfeeding mothers participated in the study. This comprises of a hundred and twenty breastfeeding mother drawn from the General Hospital Auchi Edo State and eighty drawn from Ajaokuta Steel Medical Centre Kogi State. A questionnaire was used in collecting data. The questionnaire consisted of four sections. The demographic variables, Breastfeeding attitude scale, Depression and Anxiety sub-scales. Results of the study revealed that mothers who had normal delivery reported positive attitude towards breastfeeding than mothers who gave birth through caesarian section (t=3.38, df 198 P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the reported attitude of mothers scoring high and low on the Zung depression inventory towards breastfeeding. Likewise there were no significant differences in the reported attitude of mothers scoring high or low towards breastfeeding. Results obtained also shows that there was an interaction effect between type of delivery and depression on breastfeeding attitude among nursing mothers. An interaction existed also between type of Delivery and anxiety; Depression and anxiety but surprisingly, type of delivery, depression and anxiety did not have an interaction effect on the prediction of breastfeeding attitude among nursing mothers. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that there is need for counseling and enlightenment campaign embarked upon by government, and non-governmental organization as well as all health professional concerned within Nigeria to eliminate this wrong attitude and belief about Caesarean section birth as well as campaign on the nutritional values of breastfeeding milk to children. The need for mothers who went through CS to be counseled on the need to believe in themselves as well as the benefit of breastfeeding to the child and mother is very important.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 49-54
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Hard Combination Data Fusion for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
Md. Shamim Hossain , Md. Mahabubur Rahman , Md. Ibrahim Abdullah , Mohammad Alamgir Hossain
This paper presents a study of hard combination data fusion for cooperative spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radio (CR). We evaluated the performance of cooperative spectrum sensing with the hard combination OR, AND and MAJORITY rules. Energy detection technique is used to sense the presence of primary user (PU) signal. Simulation result shows that cooperative spectrum sensing with OR rule is the best among hard combination data fusion in Cognitive Radio and gives the better performance than AND and MAJORITY rules.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 6
Page: 811-818
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Optimal Planning of Standalone Solar-Wind-Diesel Hybrid Energy System for a Coastal Area of Bangladesh
Ahmed Zubair , Aman Abdulla Tanvir , Md. Mehedi Hasan
For sustainable development of a country access to electricity in every moment is now the basic need for the current civilization. Power crisis is one of the major barriers for economic development of Bangladesh. Bangladesh lacks in fossil fuel reservation. Abundance of renewable energy sources in the form of solar energy, wind energy provides opportunities of renewable energy based hybrid energy system in the coastal areas of Bnagladesh. Energy generation by hybrid system reduces the generation cost and will help in balancing the cost of energy. Again a standalone renewable enegy incorporated hybrid energy system will reduce load demand from the grid and will be an eco-friendly energy system. This paper proposed a cost effective design of standalone solar-wind-diesel hybrid power system in a coastal area of Bangladesh. Considering different conditions for a coastal area design and simulation of the hybrid power system was performed. Detailed economic analysis and comparison with solar based and diesel based energy system clearly reveals that proposed hybrid power system was found a cost effective solution for coastal areas of bangladesh.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 6
Page: 731-738
Publish at: 2012-12-01

On Stochastic Analysis of the Quantities of Information in Economics
Angli Liu
In this paper, the definition of information and data are presented with examples illustrating the differences between them. To articulate the value of information, the definition of quantities of information, based on information theory, generally considered to be founded by Claude Shannon, has been quoted. In addition, with corresponding mathematical derivations, specific examples are employed to manifest the factors that make information valuable. At last, we have a multifold discussion on the importance of information to economics.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 6
Page: 806-810
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Distributed Generation unit and Capacitor Placement for Loss, Voltage profile and ATC Optimization
Abdolreza Sadighmanesh , Kazem Zare , Mehran Sabahi
Distributed Generation (DG) and capacitors placement and also the tap setting of ULTC transformers can be used individually to improve the voltage profile and loss reduction. In this article the Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to optimize the multi-objective function for of DG and capacitor placement with tap setting of ULTC. The objective function consists the loss reduction, voltage improvement and increasing the available transfer capability (ATC) of the distribution network. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, it is applied to IEEE 41 bus radial distribution network. The results show that this method has a better effect on improving the objective functions.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 6
Page: 774-780
Publish at: 2012-12-01

Direct Torque Control Strategy for Doubly Fed Induction Machine under Low Voltage Dips
Venu Madhav Gopala , Y. P. Obulesh
This paper proposes a control strategy of generating a rotor flux amplitude reference for Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) based wind turbines. In addition to that a Direct Torque Control (DTC) strategy that provides fast dynamic response accompanies the overall control of the wind turbine. It is specially designed to address perturbations, such as voltage dips, keeping controlled the torque of the wind turbine, considerably reducing the stator and rotor over currents during faults. Despite the fact that the proposed control does not totally eliminate the necessity of the typical crowbar protection for this kind of turbines, it eliminates the activation of this protection during low depth voltage dips.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 409-416
Publish at: 2012-12-01
Show 1535 of 1574

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