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23,598 Article Results

Tunable Channel Drop Filter using Hexagonal Photonic Crystal Ring Resonators
Mohammad Reza Rakhshani , MohammadAli MansouriBirjandi
In this paper, we have proposed a tunable two dimensional (2D) photonic crystal (PhC) channel drop filter (CDF) using ring resonators with suitable quality factor (Q) and transmission efficiency; we investigate parameters which have an effect on resonant wavelength in this CDF, such as dielectric constant of inner, coupling, adjacent and whole rods of the structure. Dropping efficiency at the resonance and quality factor of single ring are 90% and 1046, respectively. The footprint of the proposed structure is about 125.6μm2; therefore this structure can be used in the future photonic integrated circuits. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 513-516
Publish at: 2012-11-28

Thermal Analysis in Gas Insulated Transmission Lines Using an Improved Finite-Element Model
Xiaowen WU , Naiqiu SHU , Hongtao LI , Ling LI
In this paper, an improved finite element (FE) model is proposed to investigate the temperature distribution in gas insulated transmission lines (GILs). The solution of joule losses in eddy current field analysis is indirectly coupled into fluid and thermal fields. As is different from the traditional methods, the surrounding air of the GIL is involved in the model to avoid constant convective heat transfer coefficient, thus multiple species transport technique is employed to deal with the problem of two fluid types in a single model. In addition, the temperature dependent electrical and thermal properties of the materials are considered. The steady-state and transient thermal analysis of the GIL are performed separately with the improved model. The corresponding temperature distributions are compared with experimental results reported in the literature. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 458-467
Publish at: 2012-11-28

Measurement Algorithm of Two-Dimensional Wind Vector using Ultrasonic Transducers
Ding Xi-bo , Liang Jia-yi , Liu Jian , Guo Chao , Wang Tong
Ultrasonic wind speed measurement technique obtains more and more extensive use in the field of Meteorology and Environmental Protection etc. When designing an ultrasound wind vector instrument, synthesizing wind vector information, containing wind velocity vector and wind angle, is of prime importance to accomplish accurate measurement. This paper presents synthesis algorithm of ultrasonic 2D (two-dimensional) wind vector based on phase difference wind detection method, establishes mathematical model of wind speed, ultrasonic speed and phase difference, focuses on the analysis of the quadrant critical problem in the process of synthesizing wind angle.  And the ultrasonic phase difference wind speed and detection method proposed in this paper overcomes most disadvantages, e.g. complex circuit, troublesome signal processing etc., which exist in traditional time difference ultrasonic wind detection method. Through software emulation, the mathematical model established in this paper could calculate wind speed and direction precisely, based on 2D wind speed component. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 517-524
Publish at: 2012-11-28

Performance Evaluation of Unscented Kalman Filter for Gaussian and non-Gaussian Tracking Application
Leela Kumari. B , Padma Raju. K
State estimation theory is one of the best mathematical approaches to analyze variants in the states of the system or process. The state of the system is defined by a set of variables that provide a complete representation of the internal condition at any given instant of time. Filtering of Random processes is referred to as Estimation, and is a well defined statistical technique. There are two types of state estimation processes, Linear and Nonlinear. Linear estimation of a system can easily be analyzed by using Kalman Filter (KF) but  is optimal only when the model is linear .But  Most of the state estimation problems are nonlinear, thereby limiting the practical applications of the KF and EKF. Unscented Kalman filter and Particle filter are best known for nonlinear estimates. The approach in this paper is to analyze the algorithm for maneuvering target tracking using   bearing only measurements for both Gaussian /Nongaussian distributions where UKF provides better probability of state estimation.  Montecarlo computer simulations are used to analyse the performance .The simulations results showed that UKF provides better performance for Gaussian distributed models compared to the nongaussian models.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Page: 93-101
Publish at: 2012-11-26

Coordinated Control of SVC and PSS for Transient Stability Enhancement of Multi-Machine Power System
Lin Xu
The coordinated control for SVC and generic/multi-band PSS for power swing damping is presented for the multimachine power system. The background and the mathematical models of the generic PSS, the multi-band PSS and the SVC are presented. The V-I characteristics as well as the dynamic properties of the static var compensator (SVC) are presented. The multi-machine power system is simulated using MATLAB and the effect of PSS and SVC on dynamic response of the system under single-phase fault and three-phase fault are simulated. The simulation results reveal that the coordinated control of the SVC and the generic/multi-band PSS is an effective solution to damp low frequency oscillation for multimachine power system and enhance global stability of the large inter-connected power system. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 1054-1062
Publish at: 2012-11-09

Digital Control of Static Var Compensator with Field Programmable Gate Array

Ram Shankarrao Dhekekar , N. V. Srikanth
This paper is about real time simulation and implementation of FPGA Digital Control of Static VAR compensator for 750km lab model of artificial transmission line. In this paper, a new method of controlling SVC using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is suggested. FPGA controller is used to generate the firing pulses required to for Static Var Compensator. Pulses are synchronized with AC input; the delay of pulses determines the firing angle to driver circuit. The proposed control scheme has been realized using XILINX FPGA SPARTAN 2 XC2S200 and tested actual testing proves that these devices when installed, they keep the bus voltage same as reference voltage (sending-end voltage). The results are prominent and give a way for real-time implementation of the proposed control schemes. These control schemes are simulated for the real-time control along with real-time modeling and simulations.The results are prominent and give a way for real-time implementation
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 87-94
Publish at: 2012-11-01

VHDL Implementation of H.264 Video Coding Standard

Haresh A. Suthar
This Paper contains VHDL implementation of H.264 video coding standard, which is new video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. The main goal of the H.264/AVC standardization effort is to enhance compression performance and provision of a “network-friendly” video representation addressing “conversational” (video telephony) and “no conversational” (storage, broadcast, or streaming) applications.H.264 video coder standard is having fundamental blocks like transform and quantization, Intra prediction, Inter prediction and Context Adaptive Variable Length Coding (CAVLC). Each block is designed and integrated to one top module in VHDL.
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 95-102
Publish at: 2012-11-01

Attendance Logging In Webserver Using Multi Node Embedded System Connected Through Wi-Fi

Mohammed Bilal
In the present age, we are in need of fully automated attendance logging system. The design of Remote Attendance Logging System and its control is a challenging part.  RFID reader reads the RFID tag, and the details of the tag is logged in the embedded system. The Web based distributed measurement and control is slowly replacing parallel architectures due to its non-crate architecture which reduces complexities. A new kind  of expandable, distributed large attendance logging system based on ARM Cortex M3  boards has been investigated and developed in this paper, whose hardware boards use 32-bit RISC processor with wifi dongle attached to its USB port, and software platform use Keil MDK-ARM for firmware and   HTML for man machine interface.  This system can display date and time of log in and log out of a person. The data can be displayed on web pages at different geographical locations, and at the same time can be transmitted to a Remote Data Acquisition System by using HTTP protocol.  The embedded board can act as a central CPU to communicate between web servers automatically.
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 103-107
Publish at: 2012-11-01

Design and Development of Texture Filtering Architecture for GPU Application Using Reconfigurable Computing

Sanket Suresh Naik Dessai
Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) have become an integral part of today’s mainstream computing systems. They are also being used as reprogrammable General Purpose GPUs (GP-GPUs) to perform complex scientific computations. Reconfigurability is an attractive approach to embedded systems allowing hardware level modification.  Hence, there is a high demand for GPU designs based on reconfigurable hardware. The texture filter unit is designed to process geometric data like vertices and convert these into pixels on the screen. This process involves number of operations, like circle and cube generation, rotator, and scaling. The texture filter unit is designed with all necessary hardware to deal with all the different filtering operations. The designed texture filtering units are modelled in Verilog on Altera Quartus II and simulated using ModelSim tools. The functionality of the modelled blocks is verified using test inputs in the simulator.Circle and cube coordinates are generated for circle and cube generation. The work can form the basis for designing a complete reconfigurable GPU.
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 108-122
Publish at: 2012-11-01

Queued-Stack Dataflow Processing Element for a Cognitive Sensor Platform

Mark McDermott
This paper describes a Queued-Stack (QS) Dataflow Processing Element (DPE) that is used in a cognitive sensor platform. The queued-stack is used for buffering input data to the DPE and for storage of variables and results. The queuing mechanism and dataflow protocol provides the capability to compose multi-node computational systems where communication between elements is via non-blocking FIFO channels. System composition is achieved using synchronous dataflow tools such as SDF3 or Ptolemy. The dataflow-processing element is implemented using single cycle micro-coded engine where the ratio of datapath transistors to control logic is optimized for programmable energy-performance sensitive applications.
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Page: 75-86
Publish at: 2012-11-01

Research on the AVC Testing Platform for the Regional Grid based on Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS)
Lin Xu , Yang Han
The automatic voltage control (AVC) relay provides real-time automatic control for the on-load transformer tap changer (OLTC), which is widely used for power system voltage monitoring and control purposes throughout the world. However, there are no uniform testing standards for the AVC system, and the lack of on-site inspection means has stimulated the introduction of the real-time digital simulator (RTDS)-based testing platform. This paper introduces the testing platform of the AVC controller based on the RTDS. The circuit model of the regional power grid is established, and the OLTC and the reactive power compensation devices are also incorporated. The intermediate data conversion device is utilized for bi-directional data exchange of the remote meter and control signals between the RTDS and the AVC system. The principle of the AVC voltage regulation and the RTDS-based AVC testing platform are introduced, followed by the data flow of the OLTC and capacitor/inductor banks, which formulates the foundation for closed-loop testing of the AVC control system for the electric power system. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 476-483
Publish at: 2012-10-30

Evaluation of the Reference Current Generation Methods for Harmonic Compensation Applications using Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory (IRPT)
Lin Xu , Yang Han
This paper presents a critical survey of the reference current generation (RCG) methods for harmonic and reactive power compensation for the electrical distribution systems. A critical review of the p-q method, the d-q(id-iq) method, the p-q-r method, the UPF method and the FBD method are presented for the sake of comparison. In order to mitigate the deficiencies of these existing methods, the modified d-q method, the modified p-q-r method, and the modified p-q method are also presented. The MATLAB simulation of these algorithms is carried out for different grid voltage and load conditions scenarios. It is found that, all these algorithms show similar performance in case of ideal grid voltage scenario. In case of grid voltage unbalance or harmonics, the difference in steady state compensation accuracy among these algorithms is presented. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 484-493
Publish at: 2012-10-29

GSM Based Smart Distribution System
Muhammad Ilyas Afridi , Shah Faisal , Hikman Ud Din Bangash , Qazi Waqar Ali , Arsalan Arif
Nontechnical losses (NTL) during transmission of electrical energy are a main problem in developing countries. It is so complicated for the utility companies to detect and fight the people responsible for the theft. Electricity theft forms a main chunk of non technical losses (NTL). These losses affect the quality of supply, increase load on the generating station, and affect tariff forced on actual consumers. This paper shows some common methods used by consumers for electricity theft and also proposes an architectural distribution system for theft detection using GSM based smart energy meter. The Inspiration of this work is to detect illegal consumers, preserve and successfully utilize energy. As well as smart meters are proposed to provide automatic readings/data of dissimilar parameters related to instantaneous power consumption via GSM. It will reduce the laborious task and financial expenditure by adopting the automatic meter reading instead of the manual meter reading process and bill data entry process.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 5
Page: 589-596
Publish at: 2012-10-17

Improved Optimization of the Nominal Functioning of a New Global High Voltage Power Supply N=2 Magnetrons for Microwaves Generator
Belhaiba Abderrahim , N. Elghazal , M. Chraygane , M. Ferfra , B. Bahani , M.Ould Ahmedou
This work deals with the energetic validation of a new optimized high voltage power supply for micro-waves generators with N=2 magnetrons that are used as an energy source in industrial applications. In this article, we will apply an optimization strategy that aims at improving the nominal functioning of the optimized power supply with N=2 magnetrons. Unlike research work already done an this topic, this article treats the correct energetic functioning of the two magnetrons. An equivalent scheme in π of the transformer model is presented with the geometrical parameters taken as reference. This model has been tested with the help of the simulation software Matlab-Simulink close to nominal operation. The theorical results compared to the experimental measures are in good conformity. Following that, we will validate the functioning of the new optimized power supply by calculating the average power and then comparing it with that which was found for the power supply with geometricals parameters taken as reference.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 5
Page: 708-716
Publish at: 2012-10-11

Modified March C - Algorithm for Embedded Memory Testing
Muddapu Parvathi , N. Vasantha , K.Satya Parasad
March algorithms are known for memory testing because March-based tests are all simple and possess good fault coverage hence they are the dominant test algorithms implemented in most modern memory BIST. The proposed march algorithm is modified march c- algorithm which uses concurrent technique. Using this modified march c- algorithm the complexity is reduced to 8n as well as the test time is reduced greatly. Because of concurrency in testing the sequences the test results were observed in less time than the traditional March tests. This technique is applied for a memory of size   256x8 and can be extended to any memory size.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 5
Page: 571-576
Publish at: 2012-10-11
Show 1536 of 1574

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