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23,598 Article Results

A Nonlinear Directional Derivative Scheme for Edge Detection
Muammer Catak
In this paper, a new one-stage nonlinear directional derivative scheme has been proposed for edge detection. The directional edge detection method was applied to gray and color images. The results were compared to three well-known conventional edge detectors namely Canny, Prewitt, and Sobel. The directional derivative method is an efficient edge detection tool especially in capturing details.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 563-570
Publish at: 2012-08-18

Multilevel Signal Analyzer Tool for Optical Communication System
M.F.L Abdullah , Rahmat Talib
This paper presents an educational software interface tool to analyze multilevel signal at the receiver of an optical communication system. This tool provides visualization in terms of eye-diagram and bit/symbol error rate along the symbol duration using Gaussian approximation method. Besides that, maximum Q-factors, minimum BER and corresponding threshold level are also displayed. This tool is developed using Matlab as an interface programming tool. The developed analyzer has been used to analyze 2, 4 and 8-PAM signal for an optical communication system. A commercial software known as OptiSystem™ has been used to develop and simulate the multilevel optical system. The performance of the develop analyzer has been validated with the build in analyzer of OptiSystem.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 529-536
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Evaluation of Flashover Voltage on Hydrophobic Polymer Insulators with Artificial Neural Network
L. S. Nasrat , Saleh Aly
This paper presents an experimental measurement of ac 50 Hz flashover voltage (kV) of hydrophobic polymer insulators. Hundred thirty five different testing conditions were used to evaluate the electrical performance of hydrophobic surfaces of composite polymer insulators. The study of flashover voltages depend on the silicone rubber (SiR) content (%) in Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber, water conductivity (µS/cm), volume of water droplet (ml) and number of water droplets on the surface of polymer insulators. Artificial neural network (ANN) is used successfully to model nonlinear functions which are difficult to model using classical methods. ANN can estimate the values of flashover voltage (kV) for different polymer insulators. The proposed network is trained using different environmental wet condition such as; water conductivity, volume of water droplet and number of water droplets on the surfaces of composite different polymer. After training, the network can estimate the flashover voltage for different inputs. A comparison between the laboratory measurements of flashover voltages and computational results of ANN were convergent. The results obtained from applying ANN show that it can be used to model the data with accuracy of 96%. These results prove that ANN can be considered a successful model to evaluate the electrical performance of hydrophobic polymer insulators and predicts the best hydrophobic composite surface that withstands higher flashover voltage under wet contaminated weather condition.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 487-494
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Ferranti Effect in Transmission Line
Gagari Deb
A temporary overvoltage is an oscillatory phase to ground or phase to phase over voltage that is relatively long duration and is undamped or only weakly damped.Temporary over voltages usually originate from faults, sudden charge of load, Ferranti effect, linear resonance, ferroresonance, open conductor, induced resonance from coupled circuits and so forth.The steady voltage at the open end of an uncompensated transmission line is always higher than the voltage at the sending end.This phenomenon is known as the Ferranti effect. This paper presents a study of Ferranti effect in electrical transmission line.The study is based on both software and hardware.The MATLAB program gives the locus of sending end voltage with line length which shows that receiving end voltage is greater than sending end voltage.From the experiment with transmission line simulator the values of three phase voltages at  sending end and receiving end were found which proves the Ferranti effect.These two methods were used to give the idea about the Ferranti effect.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 447-451
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Fingerprint Authentication by Wavelet-based Digital Watermarking
Rajlaxmi Chouhan , Agya Mishra , Pritee Khanna
In this manuscript, a wavelet-based blind watermarking scheme has been proposed as a means to provide protection against false matching of a possibly tampered fingerprint by embedding a binary name label of the fingerprint owner in the fingerprint itself. Embedding watermarks in the detail regions allow us to increase the robustness of our watermark, at little to no additional impact on image quality. It has been experimentally shown that when a binary watermark is embedded into detail coefficients of an indexed fingerprint image in a spread spectrum fashion, the perceptual invisibility and robustness have anticlinal response to change in amplification factor “K” and smaller watermarks have better transparency than the larger ones. The DWT-based technique has been found to give better robustness against noises, geometrical distortions, filtering and JPEG compression attack than other frequency domain watermarking techniques.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 519-528
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Variable Sign-Sign Wilcoxon Algorithm: A Novel Approach for System Identification
Mihir Narayan Mohanty , Sidhartha Dash
Behavioral study of a system is an important task. It is mostly used in real world environments and became an emergent research area. Various approaches have been proposed since last two decades. In this paper, we have proposed a Variable Step-Size Sign-Sign Wilcoxon Approach, that is robust against outliers in the desired data and also convergence speed is faster than Wilcoxon norm based approach. In initial stage, Sign-Sign Wilcoxon norm based approach has been verified. Next to it, the proposed approach is verified and compared for the application in Linear and Non-linear system identification problems in presence of outliers.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 481-486
Publish at: 2012-08-01

On-line Signature Verification based on Pen Inclination and Pressure Information
Jungpil Shin , Tetsuya Takanashi
In this paper, the features that have personal characteristic using pen inclination and pressure information are discussed. Forging a pen inclination and pressure information is difficult because it is not visible. Four features using invisible information are proposed and their characteristics are discussed. Proposed features calculated by physical vector analysis are verified by SVC2004 database using DP matching algorithm. As a result, the new feature named Down improves the recognition rate and reliability. Average of correct verification rate is 94.57 % and variance is 0.667.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 441-446
Publish at: 2012-08-01

The Modify Version of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to solve Real Optimization problems
B. Asady , Parvaneh Mansouri , N. Gupta
The Artificial Bee Colony(ABC) algorithm is one of the best applicableoptimization algorithm. In this work, we make some modifications toimprove the ABC algorithm based on convergence speed of solution. Inorder to, we add some conditions to selected food sources by bees. So, ifsolution have been enough near to optimal solution, then further search existaround the food sources. That, this is near to optimal solution because, wecan replace lower and upper bounds of food sources with smaller valuesrelate to last search. Therefore, the new search is near to optimal solution and after some iteration, optimal solution achieves. Finally, we illustrateconvergence speed of the MABC algorithm that is faster than ABCalgorithm. There are some examples.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 473-480
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Power Transfer Capability & Reliability Improvement in a Transmission Line using Distributed Power- Flow Controller
P. Ramesh , M. Damodara Reddy
The Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC) is derived from the Unified power-flow controller (UPFC).The DPFC is a solution to control the power flow in a single transmission line. By eliminating the common DC link and distributing the three phase series converters of the UPFC, a new concept of the Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC) is achieved. The active power exchange between the two converters, which is through the common dc link in the UPFC, is now through the transmission lines at the third-harmonic frequency in the DPFC. It inherits the advantages of the UPFC and the DFACTS concept, which allow power flow control for multi-line systems with relatively low cost and high reliability without additional cost. This paper presents two types of DPFCs; one is one three phase shunt converter and four three phase series converters. Another model is one three phase shunt converter and nine single phase series converters. By using three phase series converters, no common dc link between shunt and series converters but cost will increases. By using single phase series converters, no common dc link between shunt and series converters and cost also decreases. Detailed simulations are carried out on two- machine systems to illustrate the control features of these devices and their influence to increase power transfer capability and every series converter consists of D-FACTS concept so Reliability also improves because failure of series converters does not effect.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 553-562
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Demand side management potential at the bharati hospital and research centre
Kripachariya Singh Sagolsem , Swati S More
The present paper has the main aim of illustrating some main results obtained from a walk through preliminary energy audit performed on The Bharati Hospitals and Research centre, Pune, India. These results are analyzed in order to determine an optimum consumption pattern and potential of saving in terms of expenditure towards energy cost.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 511-518
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Automatic Segmentation of Glottal Space from Video Images Based on Mathematical Morphology and the hough Transform
Davod Aghlmandi , Karim Faez
Vocal disorders directly arise from the physical shape of the vocal cords. Videostroboscopic imaging provides doctors with valuable information about the physical shape of the vocal cords and about the way these cords move. Segmentation of the glottal space is necessary in order to characterize morphological disorders of vocal folds. One of the main problems with the methods presented is their low level of accuracy. To solve this problem, an automatic method based on Mathematical Morphology edge detection and the Hough transformation is presented in this article to extract the glottal space from the videostroboscopic images presented. This method and two other popular algorithms, histogram and active contour, are performed on 10 sets of videostroboscopy data from excised larynx experiments to compare their performances in analyzing videostroboscopy images. The accuracy in computing glottal area of these methods are investigated. The results show that our proposed method provides the most accurate and efficient detection, and is applicable when processing low-resolution images. In this paper we used edge detection based on geometric morphology to detecting the edges of vocal cords. Then in the next step the edges that were extracted, using Hough transform change to some lines. After that through using proposed algorithm, we omit the extra lines and extract the glottis.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 463-472
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Determination of Fault Location and Type in Distribution Systems using Clark Transformation and Neural Network

Mohammad Sarvi , S. M. Torabi
In this paper, an accurate method for determination of fault location and fault type in power distribution systems by neural network is proposed. This method uses neural network to classify and locate normal and composite types of faults as phase to earth, two phases to earth, phase to phase. Also this method can distinguish three phase short circuit from normal network position. In the presented method, neural network is trained by αβ space vector parameters. These parameters are obtained using clarke transformation. Simulation results are presented in the MATLAB software. Two neural networks (MLP and RBF) are investigated and their results are compared with each other. The accuracy and benefit of the proposed method for determination of fault type and location in distribution power systems has been shown in simulation results.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 75-86
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Design and Development of Power Electronic Controller for Grid-connected PV Array

T. Shanthi
Design and simulation of a simple power electronic interface for grid-connected PV array has been proposed using boost converter and line-commutated inverter with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller. The output of PV array varies with irradiation, and hence the duty cycle of the PI controller is adjusted automatically to supply a constant DC voltage to the inverter circuit, the output of which is directly connected to the grid. The MPPT controller extracts maximum power from the solar array and feeds it to the single-phase utility grid. The proposed scheme has been modeled in the MATLAB 7.1 software and the complete system has been simulated for open loop and closed loop configurations. The active power fed to the grid is taken for different firing angles in open loop mode and the firing angle for maximum power has been determined. This is compared with the firing angle obtained from the closed loop mode and found that both results agree with each other.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 87-92
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Impact of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor Insertion on Short-circuit Calculation in Presence Phase to Earth Fault

Mohamed Zellagui , Abdelaziz Chaghi
This research paper presents a study on phase to earth fault short-circuit calculation with fault resistance on a single transmission line 400 kV in eastern Algerian transmission networks at Algerian Company of Electricity and Gas (Sonelgaz Group) compensated by series Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) i.e. Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) installed in midline. The facts are used for controlling transmission voltage, power flow, reactive power, and damping of power system oscillations at high power transfer levels. The direct impacts of TCSC insertion on the total impedance, active power and reactive power a electrical transmission line and also parameters of short-circuit : symmetrical currents, line currents, symmetrical voltages and line voltages are carried out. More the effects of injected voltage by TCSC for three case studies are presented.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 93-104
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Dynamic Modeling of Autonomous Wind–diesel system with Fixed-speed Wind Turbine

Najafi Hamid Reza , Dastyar Farshad
Wind turbines have often connected to small power systems, operating in parallel to diesel generators, as is typically the case in autonomous wind–diesel installations or small island systems with high wind potential. Hence, the modeling and analysis of the dynamic behavior of wind–diesel power systems in presence of wind power will be important. In this paper, the system under study is modeled by a set of dynamic and algebraic equations (DAE). Dynamic behavior of a wind-diesel system is investigated by the proposed dynamic model. Wind-diesel system consists of wind turbines that are connected to synchronous diesel generator via short transmission line with local load. Dynamic stability of autonomous wind–diesel systems are discussed with emphasis on the eigenvalue analysis and the effective parameters on system stability. In this regards, saddle node bifurcation and hopf bifurcation are also investigated.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 47-64
Publish at: 2012-08-01
Show 1541 of 1574

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