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23,598 Article Results

Transmission Loss Allocation Based on Lines Current Flow

Rahmat Aazami , Ali mansori , NosratAllah Mohammad Baigi , Amin Omidian , Ehsan Mohammadian
In this paper, the transmission loss allocation problem has been studied and a new method for loss allocation in pool electricity markets has been proposed. To do that, at first using a transmission line loss equations respect to bus injected currents, the share of each bus from the mentioned transmission line losses has been determined. Then, this method has been applied to the total network transmission lines and the share of each bus from the total losses has been acquired. The proposed method is based on the main network relations and no any simplifying suppose has been used. Finally, the proposed method is studied on a typical network.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 65-74
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Automatic Generation Control for Interconnected Hydro-thermal System with the help of Conventional Controllers
Vikram Kumar Kamboj , Krishan Arora , Preeti Khurana
The Problem of Automatic Generation Control of large interconnected multi-area system is necessitated by the importance of maintenance of frequency and tie-line flows at their scheduled values. Disturbance in any part of the power system network has its effect on the frequency and tie-line power flows of the entire network. Thus, It is the responsibility of the Power system engineers to ensure that adequate power is delivered to the load reliably and economically so that nominal condition will be re-established. This Research paper aims to represents how nominal value can be achieved by close loop control of real and reactive powers generated in the controllable source of the system with the help of conventional controllers.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 547-552
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Technical and Economic Assessment for using Ground-Source Heat Pumps in Commercial and Institutional Buildings
Hossein Shahinzadeh , Hajar Ghotb
One of the most important methods proposed for reduction of consumed energy in facility and ventilation systems in a building is application of ground source heat pumps (GSHPs). With regard to the enhanced use of such pumps in providing heat and cold demands in homes, commercial centers, institutions and industrial buildings analysis of their performance as well as their benefits and deficiencies compared to common ventilation systems have gained interest of many researchers. Such systems apply ground as a thermal well in summer and as a heat source in winter. They can be used in various climatic conditions in different regions. They have no combustion and they only transfer heat. In the present article first, performance conditions of ground source heat pumps (in two modes of heating and cooling) are analyzed. Then in order to assess the performance of proposed model economically, its application in Iran will be studied. Finally after introducing the proposed plan and by concluding the overall results the return time for investment will be estimated. The obtained results from graph analysis would indicate the superiority of proposed model over other plans and also it provides an appropriate general context for the researchers for a better understanding and examining this system in comparison to other systems.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 502-510
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Battery Control Strategy for Hybrid Power Generation Systems
Junaidi Junaidi , Ayong Hiendro , Yohannes M. Simanjuntak
Standalone diesel generators (DGs) are widely utilized in remote areas in Indonesia. Some areas use microhydro (MH) systems with DGs backup.  However, highly diesel fuel price makes such systems become uneconomical. This paper introduces hybrid photovoltaic (PV)/MH/ DG/battery systems with a variable charging strategy method to minimize the diesel fuel consumption. The method is applied to control the state of charge (SOC) level of the battery based on its previous level and the demand load condition to optimize the DG operation. The optimal operation shows that the hybrid PV/MH/DG/battery with the variable charging strategy needs less fuel consumption than PV/MH/DG and MH/DG systems.DOI: 
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 456-462
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Design and Development of a Litho-code ID based electronic entry-control system
Umma Hany , Forhad Ebn Anwar , Nadiya Mahjabin , Sheesh Islam , Farzana Alam
Different card operated entry control systems have been developed. However, it is desired that the system is reliable, easy to implement and available at market. In this paper, we design and develop an electronic entry control system which is based on an ID card and ID card reader. In our system, the ID card contains encoded Litho-code ID and the card reader is used to read the encoded ID. We develop offline Software to collect user information, save data and to print the ID card. We design and develop the electronic card reader to capture the ID using infra-red (IR) sensors and for computer interfacing. We develop online software to process the signals exchanged between the card reader and CPU. In this paper, first we present the system layout and design outline. Then we explain the development and implementation methodology. Finally, we test the system and present the results.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 537-546
Publish at: 2012-08-01

A Protoype System for Transmitting Power through Radio Frequency Signal for Powering Handheld Devices
Olakanmi O.Oladayo
Miniature devices development has been greatly complementing the technology developmental trend in telecommunication. This makes the new communication technology to sail smoothly into the society and creating unexpected market for both the telecommunication providers and embedded system manufactures. However power has been the major problem in the usage of some of these devices most especially in third world countries where power is epileptically supplied. This paper proposes a prototype system which wirelessly generates DC for charging and powering power-critical handheld and remotely located devices. The design captures 900MHz radio frequency signal with a dipole antenna, which is converted into DC and stores the power in the device’s battery or use it to power it. The major aim of this paper is to provide a prototypical system which provides a cheap, constant and environmental friendly system for powering and charging power critical handheld and remote devices thereby prevents systems failure due to power loss.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 495-501
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Fundamental Metrics for Wireless Sensor Networks localization
Javad Rezazadeh , Marjan Moradi , Abdul Samad Ismail
During the last decade, Localization in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a broad topic that has received considerable attention from the research community. The approaches suggested to estimate location are implemented with different concepts, functionalities, scopes and technologies. This paper introduces a methodological approach to the evaluation of localization algorithms and contains a discussion of evaluation criteria and performance metrics followed by statistical/ empirical simulation models and metrics that affect the performance of the algorithms and hence their assessment. The major contribution of this paper is to analyze and identify relevant metrics to compare different approaches on the evaluation of localization schemes.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Page: 452-455
Publish at: 2012-08-01

Learner-Friendly Kanji Learning System with Radical Analysis
Jungpil SHIN , Yusuke Shimizu
This paper presents a novel friendly Kanji learning system using Radical Analysis to enable foreign people and elementary school students to learn Kanji by an interesting and efficient way. This way is for characters to analyze for each radical, to divide into some parts, and to correct strokes for each divided part. Here, the Radical Analysis Database (RAD) is used for dividing characters. RAD is a database to analyze characters for each radical and divide into some parts. On the other hand, characters are corrected by using a threshold. The threshold is a judgment value in the correction and learners can set it freely by handling threshold bars put on the interface. Then, the novel system is improved so that learners can set thresholds for each divided part. Since each bar corresponds to each part, the system judges whether each part is corrected or not according to set thresholds. Hence, since learners can freely determine radicals or parts in which they want to be instructed intensively, they can practice only their radicals not good or part of the character and easily master difficult characters, too. In addition, an animation helps learners understand the order of strokes virtually. Since each stroke used in this animation is displayed with different colors, learners can also understand virtually where the same strokes are from and to at once.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 17-24
Publish at: 2012-07-01

A Study of Job Satisfaction among Teachers, Higher Secondary School of Nepal
Deepak P. Kayastha , Rabindra Kayastha
This article investigates the job satisfaction among teachers with particular reference to corporate, Higher Secondary level School in Nepal. The job satisfactions that have been examined under this study include, work, pay, co-workers, supervision, promotion, job in general. The sample consists of a Government, Private and Public Higher Secondary level School teacher from Kathmandu and Latitpur District of Nepal. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey. The results show there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction facets.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 41-44
Publish at: 2012-07-01

The Impact of ICT on Career Counseling Services: A case Study of Nigerian Secondary Schools
Obi M. C. , Oye N. D. , Mohd T. N. , Bernice A.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) will need to be fully integrated into the delivery of careers services as the world is now in the global era. Such integration would not only have the potential to achieve more but would also increase the flexibility of services and enhance their quality. Career choice is an  important  decision  a  person  needs  to  make  in  his  life  time.  Unfortunately, many young people find it uneasy to make appropriate career choice. The  paper  focused  on  the  usage  of  career  counseling  services  in  selected public secondary schools in Nigeria. It sought to find out how students and teachers utilize  career  counseling  services,  students’  expectations  in  career  counseling services  and  how  school  principals  support  career  counseling  services.  Simple random  sampling  was  used  to  select  380  from 34  public  secondary  schools  from  the  sample  population.  Four-point Likert scale questionnaires were used to obtain data for the study. The findings revealed that the students use career counseling services to take career decision and aspiration, gather career information and select and take subjects that match their career interest. Secondary school teachers use career counseling services to guide students to make appropriate subject choice that match their career interest and help them with their career challenges and plans. This paper recommends that career counselors should integrate use of ICT, through the use of chat rooms, email and social networking. In other words several choice of career could be show to the students on DVD and CD Video. They should also be exposed to TV and radio Chat on Career choice.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 1-16
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Hybrid Methodology Involving Scrum and Waterfall Model towards the Software Project Development in Academic Knowledge Centers
Sonali Pathak , Pallavi Saxena
Software project development in academia has the core objective to provide the student with an effective space to work in a team, interact with users, develop prototype, develop documentation, and improve presentation skills. An academic survey was done and it was found that the major challenge being faced by the institutes is the slack in controlling and tracking the project development activities. This results in poor quality software product which is in no way comparable with the industrial projects. Also, the ineffective use of tools and technologies are of great concern. The lack of proper and effective communication among the team members as well as with their project supervisor is also a major problem. Factors like, lack of enthusiasm, commitment, and financial support invite unwarranted risks. Such unstructured and uncontrolled way of working often leads to unsuccessful projects. All these factors show that academia is lacking more on the managerial issues rather than technological issues.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 25-32
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Teaching Java Programming using CABLE in a Collaborative Online Environment
Nigel McKelvey , Kevin Curran
With the emergence and evolution of computer hardware, software and networks - virtual classrooms now exist which enable teachers and students to experience learning activities and to work together at a distance either directly or on a part-time basis. We are increasingly confronted with a need for ‘lifelong training’ and it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to attend physical classrooms on a full-time basis. Research to date has highlighted an area of interest with regard to teaching computer programming in an online environment. We investigate here the use of a Cognitive Apprenticeship-Based Learning Environment (CABLE) in the teaching of Java programming in an attempt to validate its effectiveness. This paper outlines the result of using a pedagogical model which employed a combination of instructional strategies including directive support, responsive cognitive apprenticeship, collaborative learning, stimulating metacognition (organising, motivating (through a “spark”, modifying one’s own skills), and using various technologies via the use of online discussion through Blackboard.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 33-40
Publish at: 2012-07-01

A Novel Prediction Algorithm of DR Position Error Based on Bayesian Regularization Back-propagation Neural Network
Li Honglian , Fang Hong , Tang Ju , Zhang Jun , Zhang Jing
It is difficult to accurately reckon vehicle position for vehicle navigation system (VNS) during GPS outages, a novel prediction algorithm of dead reckon (DR) position error is put forward, which based on Bayesian regularization back-propagation (BRBP) neural network. DR, GPS position data are first de-noised and compared at different stationary wavelet transformation (SWT) decomposition level, and DR position error data are acquired after the SWT coefficients differences are reconstructed. A neural network to mimic position error property is trained with back-propagation algorithm, and the algorithm is improved for improving its generalization by Bayesian regularization theory. During GPS outages, the established prediction algorithm predictes DR position errors, and provides precise position for VNS through DR position error data updating DR position data. The simulation results show the positioning precision of the BRBP algorithm is best among the presented prediction algorithms such as simple DR and adaptive linear network, and a precise mathematical model of navigation sensors isn’t established. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 7
Page: 4004-4011
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Mobile Camera as a Human Vision in Augmented Reality
Edmund Ng Gaip Weng , Rehman Ullah Khan , Shahren Ahmad Zaidi Adruce , Oon Yin Bee
The real world objects can be recognized by using marker based and marker-less augmented reality systems. Mostly, the previous developers used markers based augmented reality systems. However, those systems actually hide the reality and it was also difficult to keep the markers everywhere. Furthermore, the previous marker-less approaches use client-server architecture, which is drastically affected by network latency. Smartphone camera is matured enough that it can recognize real world objects without markers. It can guide users about their location and the direction in a convenient way. The use of Smartphone is best suited for outdoor mobile augmented-reality applications. Therefore, a marker-less natural features based tracking system in mobile augmented reality was formulated. In the adapted framework, the state-of-the-art algorithm (speed up robust features) was modified for computing image features from live mobile camera image and compares with locally stored images features for recognition. Moreover, the local static database of location tagged image features using SQLite was implemented to bypass the server. The proposed system was tested in a mobile AR-prototype application using iPhone called UNIMAS Guide. It was found from the results that the adapted marker-less system could recognize the real world objects in speedy, easy and convenient way. This technology can be applied in tourism industry, surgery and educational fields. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 7
Page: 3568-3575
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Aftermath of ICT Literacy on Prevalence of Malaria Parasite among HIV/AIDS Patients
Vivian N , Nathaniel Oye
The role of ICT in the prevention and mitigation efforts for HIV/AIDS cannot be over emphasized. The greatest advantage of ICTs is that they can reach out to remotest areas.  So through the innovative use of ICTs youths and even adults can have access to HIV/AIDS programmes that can meet their needs. The paper focuses on the aftermath of ICT literacy on malaria parasite among HIV/AIDS patients. Therefore, to achieve positive results in the fight against HIV/AIDS ICTs should be taken on board. HIV/AIDS information should be found everywhere i.e. radio, cell phone, TV and internet. ICTs make HIV/AIDS information easily accessible, confidential and user friendly. The study has shown the possibility of co-infection of HIV positive or negative patients with malaria and HBsAg. This phenomenon could increase the severity of HIV infection and facilitate the progression of HIV to AIDS. The practices of universal screening of blood should be implemented to improve the safety of blood supply so as to reduce the risk of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).  More malaria enlightenment programmes by the Local Community, the government and nongovernmental organization should be implemented.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 25-36
Publish at: 2012-07-01
Show 1542 of 1574

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