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23,598 Article Results

Effect of Public Librairies in the Attainment of Health Millennium Development Goals in Senegal
Papa Gallo Sow , V. Vinekar
This study surveys the roles of Public libraries in the attainment of health Millennium Development Goals in Senegal. It also identifies the health-information needs of the community and information services rendered by the libraries. The role of public libraries in the attainment of health-MDGs has been a daunting task for public libraries as a result of government negligence. The methodology adopted for the study is the survey design in which questionnaires was used for obtaining data. The target population was public library staff/users in Senegal. The result showed that public libraries have played significant role towards the attainment of health-MDGs and library users make significant demand for all categories of health information especially in the area of maternal and childcare. However, majority of the public libraries have no Internet services. The findings makes it imperative for all other relevant agencies to key into the health-MDGs especially in assisting the Public Libraries. The study will bring to the awareness of users, the roles public libraries plays in supporting local and international policies and the provision of information services for library users.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 11-18
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Environmental Influences Cause Stress on the Use of Computer
I Ketut Wijaya
Working with a computer over a period long enough to be done. Computer is the best medium currently in appearance and in the way of working, because the computer can assist in completing the work in a more rapid, efficient and very easy to use. With the convenience offered by the computer, almost all the work can be done with computer. Computers are a necessity in supporting work and communication tool that is quite reliable. The computer is useful in life, but can also cause problems on users, the computer can issue radiation that affects the condition of the user as well as ignorance in using computers can cause Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Besides, the use of computers can lead to stress as a result of incomprehension  in determining the condition of the environment on room. To be able to know the stress resulting from the use of computer, conducted research with a sample of 30 people at Udayana University Computer Science students with a design the same subject. Data analysis was performed with SPSS 13.00 and differences in the data before and after the redesigned (improvement), that do use the test independent sample t-test (t test group), at the level of significance of 5%. After a redesigned (improvement) on the environmental temperature is obtained decrease in the standard cold temperatures of Indonesia work of 28.00 C to 25.83 C, occupational stress decreased from 86% to 42%, and improve learning outcomes from 59.6% to 98.1%.. Thus It can be concluded that due to improvements made agains environmentally ergonomic standards can reduce the stress of work. Keywords: Computers; Stress.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 19-24
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Caesarean Section
Raj Kumar Thapa , Bishrawa Bhandari , Kapil Adhikari , Pramila Katila , Prativa Baral , Gulam Muhammad Khan
To study the use of prophylactic antibiotics in caesarean section (CS), a cross-sectional study was conducted at Western Regional Hospital of Nepal for 3 months period. Non-random purposive sampling was done and data about the women undergoing CS was collected using the data collection form. This study included a total of 188 women undergoing CS. The result showed that 42.6% of the women were of 20-24 years of age followed by 31.9% of 25-29 years. The indications for CS included cephalopelvic disproportion (62.2%), oligohydraminos (20.2%), breech presentation (18.1%) and fetal distress (10.1%). Failed induction, multiple pregnancy, failure to progress, dystocia and preeclampsia/eclampsia were relatively rare indications. Elective and emergency CS was common between the age group20-24 and 25-29 years whereas emergency CS was more common than elective in the age group below 20 and above 39 years. In 99.5% cases metronidazole, 50.5% cases ciprofloxacin and 50.5% cases gentamycin was used for prophylaxis. Of the total women 50% of the women got 3 antibiotics for prophylaxis followed by 47.9% of them who got 2 antibiotics for prophylaxis. The average length of hospital stay was found to be 6.7 days. The results obtained from the study revealed that CS was prevalent in Western region of Nepal and prophylactic antibiotics were commonly used in women undergoing CS. Key Words: Caesarean section, Antibiotic prophylaxis, NepalDOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 1-6
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Study of Oxidative Stress in Relation with Antioxidant Status in Chronic Bronchitis
Anita Madhav Raut , A.N. Suryakar , Dilip Mhaisekar
Lipid peroxide plays an important role in inflammatory lung diseases. Increased epithelial permeability produced by cigarette smoke is likely to be mediated though depletion of the Total Antioxidant Capacity .Oxidative stress has been recognized as a central feature of smoke induced chronic bronchitis. Imbalance between oxidants and Total Anioxidant Capacity is also an established fact in these patients. 60 patients with chronic bronchitis included in the study. Their base line clinical examination, malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide, alpha tochopherol and Total Antioxidant Capacity were measured. 100 healthy non-smokers’ were served as controls. The mean malondialdehyde levels and nitric oxide in the patients at base line were higher than Controls (p<0.001). Plasma alpha-tocopherol and total antioxidant capacity were lower (p<0.001) in the patients compared to controls. The present study shows that initially the plasma lipid peroxide (MDA) levels were high and antioxidants. (alpha- tocopherol, total antioxidant capacity) were low in patients with chronic bronchitis. Our results suggest the presence of oxidative stress and decrease in total antioxidant capacity in chronic bronchitis.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 7-10
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Vehicle Accident Automatic Detection and Remote Alarm Device

Varsha Goud
The Rapid growth of  technology and infrastructure has made our lives more easy . The advent of technology has also increased the traffic hazards and the  road  accident take place frequently which causes huge loss of life and property because of the poor emergency facilities. Our project will provide an optimum solution to this draw back. An accelerometer can be used in a car alarm application so that dangerous driving can be detected . It can be used as a crash or rollover detector of the vehicle during and after a crash. With signals from an accelerometer, a severe accident can be recognized. According to this project when a vehicle meets with an accident immediately Vibration sensor will detect the signal or if a car rolls over, an Micro electro mechanical system(MEMS) sensor will detects the signal and sends it to ARM controller. Microcontroller sends the alert message through the GSM MODEM including the location to police control room or a rescue team. So the police can immediately trace the location through the GPS MODEM, after receiving the information. Then after conforming the location necessary action will be taken. If the person meets with a small accident or if there is no serious threat to anyone`s life, then the alert message can be terminated by the driver by a switch provided in order to avoid wasting the valuable time of the medical rescue team. This paper is useful in detecting the accident precisely by means of both vibration sensor and Micro electro Mechanical system(MEMS) or accelerometer. As there is a scope for improvement and as a future implementation we can add a wireless webcam for capturing the images which will help in providing driver`s assistance. Keywords - Accident ,Automatic Detection, Micro electro Mechanical system , Remote Alarm Device, Vehicle
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 49-54
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Controller for Network Interface Card on FPGA

Suchita Kamble , N. N. Mhala
The continuing advances in the performance of network servers make it essential for network interface cards (NICs) to provide more sophisticated services and data processing. Modern network interfaces provide fixed functionality and are optimized for sending and receiving large packets. Network interface cards allow the operating system to send and receive packets through the main memory to the network. The operating system stores and retrieves data from the main memory and communicates with the NIC over the local interconnect, usually a peripheral component interconnect bus (PCI). Most NICs have a PCI hardware interface to the host server, use a device driver to communicate with the operating system and use local receive and transmit storage buffers. NICs typically have a direct memory access (DMA) engine to transfer data between host memory and the network interface memory. In addition, NICs include a medium access control (MAC) unit to implement the link level protocol for the underlying network such as Ethernet, and use a signal processing hardware to implement the physical (PHY) layer defined in the network. To execute and synchronize the above operations NICs also contents controller whose architecture is customized for network data transfer. In this paper we present the architecture of application specific controller that can be used in NICs.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 55-58
Publish at: 2012-07-01

FPGA Implementation of a 64-Bit RISC Processor Using VHDL

Imran Mohammad , Ramananjaneyulu K
In this paper, the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based 64-bit RISC processor with built-in-self test (BIST) feature implemented using VHDL and was, in turn, verified on Xilinx ISE simulator. The VHDL code supports FPGA, System-On-Chip (SOC), and Spartan 3E kit. This paper also presents the architecture, data path and instruction set (IS) of the RISC processor. The 64-bit processors, on the other hand, can address enormous amounts of memory up to 16 Exabyte’s. The proposed design can find its applications in high configured robotic work-stations such as, portable pong gaming kits, smart phones, ATMs.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 59-66
Publish at: 2012-07-01

AES Encryption Algorithm Hardware Implementation: Throughput and Area Comparison of 128, 192 and 256-bits Key

Samir El Adib , Naoufal Raissouni
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to replace existing Data Encryption Standard (DES), as the most widely used encryption algorithm in many security applications. Up to today, AES standard has key size variants of 128, 192, and 256-bit, where longer bit keys provide more secure ciphered text output. In the hardware perspective, bigger key size also means bigger area and small throughput. Some companies that employ ultra-high security in their systems may look for a key size bigger than 128-bit AES. In this paper, 128, 192 and 256-bit AES hardware are implemented and compared in terms of throughput and area. The target hardware used in this paper is Virtex XC5VLX50 FPGA from Xilinx. Total area and Throughput results are presented and graphically compared.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 67-74
Publish at: 2012-07-01

FPGA Based a PWM Technique for Permanent Magnet AC Motor Drives

Tole Sutikno , Nik Rumzi Nik Idris , Nuryono Satya Widodo , Auzani Jidin
The permanent magnet AC motor trapezoidal (BLDC motor) is not strictly DC motor, which uses a pulsed DC fed to the stator field windings to create a rotating magnetic field. Therefore, the motor needs an electronic commutation to provide the rotating field. A pair of switches must be turned on sequentially in the correct order to energize a pair of windings. If the incorrect order is applied, then the BLDC motor will not operate properly. This paper presents a smart guideline to ensure that the order to energize a pair of windings is correct. To ensure the guideline, FPGA based a simple commutation state machine scheme to control BLDC motor is presented. The experiment results have shown that the guideline is correct. The commutation scheme was successfully realized using Altera's APEX20KE FPGA to control BLDC motor in both of forward/reverse rotations or forward/reverse regenerative braking properly.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 43-48
Publish at: 2012-07-01

Factors Contributing to Physical and Non-Physical Waste Generation in Construction Industry

Sasitharan Nagapan , Ismail Abdul Rahman , Ade Asmi
Construction industry has been developing rapidly around the world. This development increases pressure especially in developing countries to manage construction wastes generated from the industry. The construction wastes can be grouped into physical and non-physical waste and it has impact to environment, economy and social of a country. Before it can be managed well, it is crucial to understand the root causes of the generation. This paper identifies factors that contribute to the generated construction waste. Mapping technique was adopted to extract the physical and non-physical waste factors from 30 research articles around the world. It was found 81 factors exist in construction activities which are directly contributing to waste generation. These factors are grouped into seven categories: Design, Handling, Worker, Management, Site condition, Procurement and External factor. From these factors, 63 contribute to physical waste and 73 contribute to non-physical waste. The highest frequency scored in each category of physical and non-physical waste factor is identified and explained with examples. These findings give awareness to construction stakeholder about the existence of physical and non-physical waste contributory factors.
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 1-10
Publish at: 2012-06-03

Distance: A Moderator Between Walking Activity and Pattern Classification

Ching Yee Yong , Kim Mey Chew , Rubita Sudirman , Nasrul Humaimi Mahmood
The research of this paper is to investigate does distance will affecting the walking activity and the pattern for classification. This paper built a comprehensive picture of the human walking activity, programming language, workflow of the tool, features extraction and patterns classification method and captured the attitudes of the respondents. The subject was performed a range of walking activity in a controlled laboratory setting. The result of this study shows that the moderating effects of walking distance explains 15.80% (Gyroscope), 74.60% (Accelerometer) and 98.60% (Compass) of variance in research output. The result is expected to be beneficial and able to assist researchers and medical officers in analyzing human motion and its pattern classification.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 85-90
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Assessment the Mechanical Properties of Soil Cement Interlocking (SCI) Bricks: A Case Study in Malaysia

Ali A Mohammed
The research assessed and examined the mechanical properties of the Soil Cement Interlocking brick (SCI) to provide the information for the possible and appropriate development and revision of  the (SCI) brick due to the substantial benefits which can be obtained by improving these sorts of bricks .Therefore, drastic efforts and accurate attention were paid precisely on the laboratory tests .Some of the laboratory investigation on (SCI) bricks were conducted in conjunction  with the  use of various masonry standards to evaluate the Compressive Strength , Dimensional Tolerance ,Water Absorption , Initial Rate of Suction and Modulus of Rapture. Results illustrated that the water absorption for (SCI) brick ranged from (13.566% -17.045%) ,the Initial Rate of Suction ranged from (1.746-3.573) kg/m2 ,the compressive strength on the other hand fell in range between (7.733-12.33)N/mm2 for (SCI)bricks without mortar, whereas the compressive strength for (SCI)bricks filled with mortar ranged from (12.406-15.098)N\mm2  and Modulus of  Rapture was found to be to ranged between (0.004-0.023)Pa for (SCI) bricks without mortar ,whereas, Modulus of Rapture for (SCI)bricks filled with mortar was (0.004-0.017) Pa .The study revealed a good quality that can be produced from soil and cement by pressing method whereby contributing to sustainable development .
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 77-84
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Feasibility Analysis of Transport Demand Management Policies through a Bottom-Up Planning Approach

Ali Soltani , Andrew Allan
In order to reduce traffic congestion and the associated problems, various policies have been put forward so far. In this way, it is believed that Transport Demand Management (TDM) offers an effective and economical solution. Since most TDM policies have both positive and negative impacts, public participation is, therefore, an efficient way to achieve better results. This paper attempts to evaluate a set of TDM policies and define their priorities through a Bottom-up Planning (BUP) approach for the metropolitan Shiraz, Iran. In this way, the possibility of developing common principles via the investigation of shared goals within an integrated framework for urban transport policies that are desired for sustainable transport is evaluated. The framework method was utilized through a BUP expert consultation process. A number of experts (n=21) were asked to prioritize the components of each policy package. A set of policy measures as solutions to traffic congestion was provided in three different categories: sustainable transport approach, engineering approach, and traffic restraint approach. Each category included 10 measures which were suggested after a primary survey on the metropolitan's traffic problems. These measures were weighted and rated using the Analytical Hierarchal Process (AHP) technique. Then the Weighted Scoring Method was applied to find performance priorities. Public bus and bicycle infrastructure development were found to be the two most favorite policies. In total, sustainable transport solutions were the most preferred policies in the bottom-up stages. The findings can contribute some insights to future transport planning in order to provide more opportunities for community involvement in planning processes.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 71-76
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Design Thin Film Narrow Band-pass Filters For Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Gaillan H. Abdullah , Bushra R Mhdi , Nahla A.Aljaber
We present tow different design thin film multi-cavity narrow band-pass filter. These filters are most widely used filtration technologies that made possible technical advancement of modern optical communication system. This paper is concerned with a theoretical study on optoelectronics physics to design and analyze this type of filter. A brief introduction to the thin film multi-cavity filter technology will be presented. The recent progress in design thin film multi-cavity technology will be reviewed. These designs consist of two material TiO2 / SiO2 as high / low index. The wavelength range from 600 to 900nm and detecting light at three and four wavelengths' 620,700 and 805 also 625,685,760 and 885nm. The filter is to be coated on Fused Silica having index 1.55 and operates at normal incidence.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 65-70
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Quantitative Structure Property Relationship Modeling for Prediction of Retention Index for a Set of Some Organic Compounds

Mehdi Rahimi , Hossein Farahbakhsh , Nasrin Salehi
One of the most ubiquitous challenges of the scientists is the theoretical evaluation of experimental parameters to validate and improve their ability. Plant essential oils and their extracts have been greatly employed in folk medicine, food flavoring, fragrance and pharmaceutical industries. This work is a part of our comprehensive investigation to correlate the experimental and calculated retention indices (RI) of the some organic compounds from K. Javidnia et al. The structures of all organic compounds were drawn into the HYPERCHEM program and optimized using semi-empirical AM1 method, applying a gradient limit of 0.01 kcal/Å as a stopping criterion for optimized structures prior to geometry optimization step. Then molecular descriptors were calculated for each compound by the DRAGON software on the minimal energy conformations. The Stepwise SPSS was used for the selection of the variables that resulted in the best fitted models. By molecular modeling and calculation of descriptors, four significant descriptors (XMOD, PCD, MATS2e, GATS2e) related to the retention indices values of the essential oils, were identified. After the variables selection, the MLR method used for building the regression models. The statistical figures obtained by the proposed model are R2=0.989, RMSEP=53.08, REP =3.83 and SEP =54.94. In the final step, models generated were used to predict the retention index for a set of test compounds.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 91-100
Publish at: 2012-06-01
Show 1543 of 1574

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