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23,598 Article Results

Analytical Model for Critical Impact Energy of Spalling and Penetration in Concrete Wall

Qadir Bux alias Imran Latif , Ismail Abdul Rahman , Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad Zaidi , Kamran Latif , Aftab Hameed , Sasitharan Nagapan
Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local impact of hard projectile. Conventional, un-conventional, and sensitive structures should have to be designed as self-protective structures in order to resist natural disaster, consciously engendered unpleasant incidents, or/and against accidently occur incidents in nuclear plants, local industries etc.. When hard projectile collides with concrete wall, it is the critical impact energy of the projectile that deforms concrete wall. Critical impact energy is the dominant cause of penetration in concrete structures. Therefore, it is vital to study critical impact energy that causes penetration. An analytical model is developed to predict the required critical impact energy for spalling and tunneling and maximum penetration without rear effects in concrete walls when it is impacted with hard projectile. The newly developed analytical model is examined for CRH =2.0, 3.0. It was found that the predicted results from analytical model are in close relation with experimental data with less than (8%) and (17%) error in case of CRH =2.0 and 3.0. Furthermore, Chen and Li nose shape factor is modified as (Ni), with introduction of empirical frictional factor (Nf). It was found that the predicted results from analytical model with proposed nose shape (Ni) are in close relation with experimental data in all cases as compared to predicted results with traditional Li and Chen nose shape (N*). In general, the analytical model generates encouraging prediction which is consistent and follows a general trend of experimental results. Therefore, it is suggested that the proposed analytical model is conservative.
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 53-64
Publish at: 2012-06-01

A Noble Approach of Process Automation in Galvanized Nut, Bolt Manufacturing Industry
Akash Samanta , Arindam Dutta
Corrosion costs money”, The Columbus battle institute estimates that corrosion costs Americans more than $ 220 billion annually, about 4.3% of the gross natural product [1].Now a days due to increase of pollution, the rate of corrosion is also increasing day-by-day mainly in India, so, to save the steel structures, galvanizing is the best and the simplest solution. Due to this reason galvanizing industries are increasing day-by-day since mid of 1700s.Galvanizing is a controlled metallurgical combination of zinc and steel that can provide a corrosion resistance in a wide variety of environment. In fact, the galvanized metal corrosion resistance factor can be some 70 to 80 times greater that the base metal material. Keeping in mind the importance of this industry, a noble approach of process automation in galvanized nut-bolt  manufacturing plant is presented here as nuts and bolts are the prime ingredient of any structure. In this paper the main objectives of any industry like survival, profit maximization, profit satisfying and sales growth are fulfilled. Furthermore the environmental aspects i.e. pollution control and energy saving are also considered in this paper. The whole automation process is done using programmable logic controller (PLC) which has number of unique advantages like being faster, reliable, requires less maintenance and reprogrammable. The whole system has been designed and tested using GE, FANUC PLC.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 113-124
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Design and Analysis of a Multifingered Robot Hand
Pramod Kumar Parida , Bibhuti Bhusan Biswal
With the advent of new control techniques and development of microactuators, manipulator designers have gained inpetus todevelop manipulators and the related devicesthat is more flexible, responsive, smart and anthropomorphic.Taking cue from the work of a number of researchersover a couple of decades, the present work is a systematic attempt to develop a five fingered anthropomorphic robotic hand with 25 DoFs. The hand closely follows the anatomy of a typical human hand. The paper presents the structure of the proposed hand and its model for kinematic analysis. The kinematic analysis has been carried out using conventional method using MATLab software. The result obtained through the analysis confirmed that the robot hand conforms to the objective.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 69-77
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Kinematic Modeling and Simulation of a 2-R Robot by Using Solid Works and Verification by MATLAB/Simulink
Fernini Brahim
Simulation of robot systems which is getting very popular, especially with the lowering cost of computers, can be used for layout evaluation, feasibility studies, presentations with animation and off-line programming. Object staging modelisation using robots holds, wether for the object or the robot, the following models: The geometric one, the kinematics one and the dynamic one. To do so, the modelisation of a 2-R robot type is being implemented. Comparing between two robot postures with the same trajectory (path) and for the same length of time and establishing a computing code to obtain the kinematic and dynamic parameters are the main tasks. SolidWorks and Matlab/Simulink softwares are used to check the theory and the robot motion simulation. The verification of the obtained results by both softwares allows us to, qualitatively evaluate ,underline the rightness of the chosen model and to get the right conclusions. The results of simulations were discussed. An agreement between the two softwares is certainly Obtained.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 78-93
Publish at: 2012-06-01

GEMMP - A Google Maps Enabled Mobile Mission Planning Tool for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Steven Seeley , Ramprasad Balasubramanian
Many applications for mobile robotics involve operations in remote, outdoor environments. In these environments, it can be difficult to plan missions dynamically due to the lack of portability of existing mission planning software. Mobile platforms allow access to the Web from nearly anywhere while other features, like touch interfaces, simplify user interaction, and GPS integration allows developers and users to take advantage to location-based services. In this paper, we describe a prototype AUV mission planner developed on the Android platform, created to aid and enhance the capability of an existing AUV mission planner, VectorMap, developed and maintained by OceanServer Technology, by taking advantage of the capabilities of existing mobile computing technology.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 94-106
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Advanced Agriculture system
Shrinivas R. Zanwar , R. D. Kokate
This article addresses the advanced system which improves agriculture processes like cultivation on ploughed land, based on robotic platform. We have developed a robotic vehicle having four wheels and steered by DC motor. The advanced autonomous system architecture gives us the opportunity to develop a complete new range of agricultural equipment based on small smart machines. The machine will cultivate the farm by considering particular rows and specific column at fixed distance depending on crop. The obstacle detection problem will also be considered, sensed by infrared sensor. The whole algorithm, calculation, processing, monitoring are designed with motors & sensor interfaced with microcontroller. The result obtained through example activation unit is also presented. The dc motor simulation with feedforward and feedback technique shows precise output. With the help of two examples, a DC motor and a magnetic levitation system, the use of MATLAB and Simulink for modeling, analysis and control is designed.DOI:
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page: 107-112
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Design of Lighting System for Surface Mine Projects

Mangalpady; National Institute of Technology Karnataka Aruna , Sunil M; Govt. Polytechnic Bicholim Jaralikar
 Indian mining illumination standard is based on incident light without mentioning about uniformity ratio, but International Commission on Illumination (CIE), Austria insists uniformity ratio. In a mine with low surface reflectance, the surrounding illumination level is lower than the minimum lighting standard as specified by various regulatory bodies. The surface brightness further reduces in wet surface condition, and results in poor visibility. In the present study, design was made both in mineral and overburden benches based on the minimum acceptable reflected light and the reflected uniformity ratio. For the purpose of comparison of various types of lighting systems, a stretch of 1.0 km long haul road was considered. The design was attempted with five different types of luminaries. Lamp mounting heights were varied at five steps, namely 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 m. Design under wet condition incurs an excess cost 9.4 % for mineral bench and 50 % for overburden bench haul roads. Designing under wet surface condition ensures the minimum light level even under the worst condition of surface reflectivity, with marginal increase in cost.
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 235-244
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Limitation of Small-world Topology for Application in Non-dominated Sorting Differential Evolution

Jun-fang Li; University of Science and Technology Jun-fang Li , Bu-han; University of Science and Technology Zhang
 In the context of complex network theory, the small-world network is famous for the small-world phenomenon, namely six degrees of separation. Different from its wide application in the social, physical and technological network analysis, it can be combined with the mathematical optimization algorithm recently. In this paper, the limitation of small-world network topology for application in multi-objective optimization algorithm is proposed. The optimization algorithm based on small-world network topology may be suitable for solving a few single-objective optimization problems, but has limitation and unobvious effectiveness to deal with many multi-objective optimization problems. This paper takes non-dominated sorting differential evolution algorithm (NSDE) based on small-world topology to solve eight multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs) for example. Compared with early NSDE algorithm, the limitation of the efficiency of small-world topology in NSDE is validated with the Matlab simulation results of eight MOEA test functions of early 2007. The results prove that small-world topology has limitation and unobvious effectiveness to improve a multi-objective optimization algorithm, not as good as to improve a single-objective optimization algorithm.
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 400-408
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Personal Identification Using Ear Recognition

Anam; National University of Sciences and Technology Tariq , M. Usman; National University of Sciences and Technology Akram
 Biometric authentication for personal identification is very popular now a days. Human ear recognition system is a new technology in this field. The change of appearance with the expression was a major problem in face biometrics but in case of ear biometrics the shape and appearance is fixed. That is why it is advantageous to use it for personal identification. In this paper, we have proposed a new approach for an automated system for human ear identification. Our proposed method consists of three stages. In the first stage, preprocessing of ear image is done for its contrast enhancement and size normalization. In the second stage, features are extracted through Haar wavelets followed by ear identification using fast normalized cross correlation in the third stage. The proposed method is applied on USTB ear image database and IIT Delhi. Experimental results show that our proposed system achieves an average accuracy of 97.2% and 95.2% on these databases respectively.
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 321-326
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Characterization of Polymeric Chemiresistors for Gas Sensor

Budi; Universitas Muria Kudus Gunawan , Muhammad; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Rivai , Hendro; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Juwono
Polymer is a non conductive materialthat can be conductive with carbon black filler to form polymer-carbon composite. polymer-carbon composite’s resistance changes with gas. The conductivity of polymer-carbon composite is influenced by several factors,i.e. type of gas, volume of gas, temperature and humidity.. This research characterizes the polymer-carbon composite sensor from 6 types of polymers: PEG6000, PEG20M, PEG200, PEG1540, Silicon and Squelene. The sensors are treated with Aceton, Aceton Nitril, Benzene, Etanol, Methanol, Ethyl Aceton, Chloroform, n-Hexan and Toluene. This characterization are grouped into 4 cluster according to their selectivity, sensitivity, influence of temperature and humidity. sensors are put in an isolated chamber which is connected to data acquisition with the  variations of temperature, humidity, type and volume of gas. Correspondence analysis and regression are used to process the data. Test results found that each sensor showed different sensitivity and selectivity towards particular type of gas. Resistance of sensors increases with rising temperature and humidity environment with  order 2 and order 3 polynomial equation 
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 275-280
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Compact and Wide Upper-Stopband Triple-Mode Broadband Microstrip BPF

Wen Chen; Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Wen Chen , Yongjiu; Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Zhao , ZhouxiaoJun; Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics ZhouxiaoJun
 A broadband microstrip bandpass filter (BPF) with compact size, sharp skirt and wide upper-stopband performance is proposed using the triple-mode stub-loaded resonator. The resonator can generate one odd mode and two even modes in the desired passband. Due to the main path signal counteraction, two transmission zeros Tz1, Tz2 can be created near the passband edge to achieve sharp skirt. Two transmission zeros Tz4, Tz5 are created between two harmonic frequencies hm2, hm3 by the folded open stub and the interdigital coupling feeding lines, respectively. Owing to the source-load coupling, one zero Tz3 is introduced to deepen the stopband. Meanwhile, the zero Tz1 is shifted to the lower cut-off frequency and the other three ones Tz2, Tz4, Tz5 can be slightly turned to suppress three harmonic frequencies hm1, hm2, hm3. One filter prototype with the fractional bandwidth 34% is designed, fabricated and measured.
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 353-358
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Overcoming Challenges of Renewable Energy on Future Smart Grid

J.O. Petinrin; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia J.O. Petinrin , M. Shaaban; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia M. Shaaban
The increasing complexity of the conventional grid due to population growth, advancement in technology, and infrastructures are the factors that contribute immensely to instability, insecurity, and inefficiency of the use of electrical energy. To overcome the problems, the environmental energy sustainability calls for the use of renewable energy for sustainability of power supply. Intermittency and fluctuation of the renewable energy is a great challenge on the smart grid. This paper reveal the potential challenges of renewable energy on the smart grid and proffer solution with the application of high voltage DC (HVDC) and Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices. The functions and advantages of FACTS devices are presented in this paper. Voltage control and stability control with FACTS application are also discussed because FACTS has fast controllability and capability to exchange active and reactive power independently.
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 229-234
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Genetic Optimization of Neural Networks for Person Recognition Based on the Iris

Patricia; Tijuana Institute of Technology Melin , Victor; Tijuana Institute of Technology Herrera , Danniela; Tijuana Institute of Technology Romero , Fevrier; Tijuana Institute of Technology Valdez , Oscar; Tijuana Institute of Technology Castillo
This paper describes the application of modular neural network architectures for person recognition using the human iris image as a biometric measure. The iris database was obtained from the Institute of Automation of the Academy of Sciences China (CASIA). We show simulation results with the modular neural network approach, its optimization using genetic algorithms, and the integration with different methods, such as: the gating network method, type-1 fuzzy integration and optimized fuzzy integration using genetic algorithms. Simulation results show a good identification rate using fuzzy integrators and the best structure found by the genetic algorithm.
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 309-320
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Developing Distributed System with Service Resource Oriented Architecture

Hermawan; Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Hermawan , Riyanarto; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Sarno
 Service oriented architecture (SOA) is a design paradigm in software engineering for an enterprise scale which built in a distributed system environment. This paradigm aims at abstracting of application functionality as a service through a protocol in web service technology, namely simple object access protocol (SOAP). However, SOAP have static characteristic and oriented by the service methode, so have restrictiveness on creating and accessing for big numbers of service. For this reason, this reasearch aims at combining SOA with resource oriented architecture (ROA) that is oriented by the service resource use representational state transfer (REST) protocol in order to expand scalability of service. This combination is namely service resource oriented architecture (SROA). SROA can optimize distributing of applications and integrating of services where is implemented to develop the project management software. To realize this model, the software is developed according with framework of Agile model driven development (AMDD) to reduce complexities on the whole stage processing of software development.
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 389-399
Publish at: 2012-06-01

Computation of Electric Field and Thermal Properties of 3-Phase Cable

K. Rajagopala; National Institute of Technology Karnataka K. Rajagopala , K. Panduranga; National Institute of Technology Karnataka Vittal , Hemsingh; National Institute of Technology Karnataka Lunavath
In this paper the electric field distribution, potential distribution and temperature distribution in a 3-phase underground cable in common ground enclosure is analyzed and presented. Unlike 3-Phase screened cable the stress distribution in a belted cable is not radial. A 3-phase high voltage power cable buried in soil can be used to investigate its electrical and thermal properties. In the present study the voltage distribution of an underground cable of 132 kV is analyzed using FEM and its ampacity and temperature distribution is calculated by analytical method. Further their performance parameter is verified using Comsol Multiphysics software. The results obtained using comsol software is also compared with the results of CSM model which is obtained through literature review.
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Page: 265-274
Publish at: 2012-06-01
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