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23,598 Article Results

Effectual SVPWM Techniques and Implementation of FPGA Based Induction Motor Drive

Saravanan M , Nandakumar R , Veerabalaji G
This paper presents a field programmable gate array(FPGA)-based control integrated  circuits(IC) for controlling the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverter used in power conditioning system for ac-voltage regulation. Space vector pulsewidth modulation(SVPWM) algorithm offers great flexibility to optimise switching waveform. Among them,double edge triggering can be implemented, It consumes less power compare to other PWM techniques. The SVPWM pulses thus generated through Xilinx is given as switching pulses to voltage source inverter(VSI) circuit to trigger the motor. The delay time of PWM output is programmable and SVPWM control IC is reprogrammable.It shows the advantage of lower total harmonic distortion(THD) without increasing the switching losses. Results  are provided along with simulation analysis in terms of THD,output fundamental voltage and voltage transfer ratio to verify the feasibility of operation. The SVPWM switching pattern has been achieved with a fundamental frequency of  50HZ.
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 11-18
Publish at: 2012-03-01

A Novel FPGA based Leading One Anticipation Algorithm for Floating Point Arithmetic Units

Ashwini Suresh Deshmukh
In multimedia Systems-on-Chips, the design of specialized IEEE-754-compliant floating point arithmetic units (FPU) is critical with respect to both operating speed and silicon area demand. Leading one anticipation is a well-known issue in the implementation of high speed FPUs. We investigated a novel leading one anticipation algorithm allowing us to significantly reduce the anticipation failure rate with respect to the state-of the art. We embedded our technique into a complete FPU and compared its performance against existing solutions, definitely showing both area savings and total latency reduction.
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 19-24
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Real-time Optical-flow Computation for Motion Estimation under Varying Illumination Conditions

Julio C. Sosa , Roberto Rodríguez , Víctor H. García Ortega , Rubén Hernández
The optical flow approach has emerged as a major technique for estimating object motion in image sequences. However, the obtained results by most optical flow techniques are poor because they are strongly affected by large illumination changes and by motion discontinuities. On the other hand, there have been two thrusts in the development of optical flow algorithms. One has emphasized higher accuracy; the other faster implementation. These two thrusts have been independently pursed, without addressing the accuracy vs. efficiency trade-offs. The optical flow computation requires high computing resources and is highly affected by changes in the illumination conditions in most of the existing techniques. In this paper, a new strategy for image sequence processing is proposed. The data reduction achieved with this strategy allows a faster optical flow computation. In addition, the proposed architecture is a hardware custom implementation  in EP1S60F1020 FPGA showing the achieved performance.
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 25-36
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Simplified VHDL Coding of Modified Non-Restoring Square Root Calculator

Tole Sutikno , Aiman Zakwan Jidin , Auzani Jidin , Nik Rumzi Nik Idris
Square root calculation is one of the most useful and vital operation in digital signal processing which in recent generations of processors, the operation is performed by the hardware. The hardware implementation of the square root operation can be achieved by different means, but it is very dependent on programmer's sense and ability to write efficient hardware designs. This paper offers universal and shortest VHDL coding of modified non-restoring square root calculator. The main principle of the method is similar with conventional non-restoring algorithm, but it only uses subtract operation and append 01, while add operation and append 11 is not used. The strategy has conducted to implement successfully in FPGA hardware, and offer an efficient in hardware resource, and it is superior.
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 37-42
Publish at: 2012-03-01

A Novel High Speed FPGA Architecture for FIR Filter Design

Sachin B. Jadhav , Nikhil Niwas Mane
This paper presents the details of hardware implementation of linear phase FIR filter using merged MAC architecture. Speed of convolution operation of FIR filter is improved using merged MAC architecture. By exploiting the reduced complexity made possible by the use of sparse powers of two partial products terms coefficients, an FIR filter tap can be implemented with 2B full adders, and 2B latches, where B is intermediate wordlegnth. Word and bit level parallelism allows high sampling rates, limited only by the full adder delay. The proposed architecture is based on binary tree constructed using modified 4:2 and 5:2 compressor circuits. Increasing the speed of operation is achieved by using higher modified compressors in critical path. Our objective of work is, to increase the speed of multiplication and accumulation operation by minimizing the number of combinational gates using higher n: 2 compressors, which is required more for Array multiplier at the time of implementation of array architecture. This novel architecture allows the implementation of high sampling rate filters of significant length on FPGA Spartan-3 device (XC3S400 PQ-208). The simulation result shows convolution output of digital FIR filter which is done using Questa Sim 6.4c Mentor Graphics tool. The experimental test of the proposed digital FIR filter is done using Spartan-3 device (XC3S400 PQ-208)
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Page: 1-10
Publish at: 2012-03-01

Human Identification Based on Electrocardiogram and Palmprint
Sara Zokaee , Karim Faez
In this paper, a new approach in human identification is investigated. For this purpose, we fused ECG and Palm print biometrics to achieve a multimodal biometric system. In the proposed system for fusing biometrics, we used MFCC approach in order to extract features of ECG biometric and PCA to extract features of Palm print. The features undergo a KNN classification. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated against the standard MIT-BIH and POLYU databases. Moreover, in order to achieve more realistic and reliable results, we gathered Holter ECG recordings acquired from 50 male and female subjects in age between 18 and 54. The numerical results indicated that the algorithm achieved 94.7% of the detection rate.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 261-266
Publish at: 2012-02-26

Fetal Electrocardiogram Signal Extraction by ANFIS Trained with PSO Method
Maryam Nasiri , Karim Faez , Ali Motie Nasrabadi
Studies indicate that the primary source of distress in pregnent mothers is their concerns about fetus’s condition and health. One way to know about condition of fetus is non-invasive fetal electrocardiogram signal extraction through which the components of fetal electrocardiogram signal are extracted from a signal recorded at abdominal area of mother which is a combination of fetal and maternal electrocardiogram signal and noise source components. The purpose of this study is to propose an algorithm to boost this extraction. To this end, we decomposed electrocardiogram signal to its Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) thruogh Empirical Mode Decomposition algorithm; then, we removed the last and collected the other IMFs to reconstruct electrocardiogram signal without Baseline. Afterwards, we used Particle Swarm Optimization to train and adjust the parameters of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System to model the path that maternal electrocardiogram signal travel to reach abdominal area. Accordingly, we were able to distinguish and remove maternal electrocardiogram signal components from the recorded signal and hence we obtained a good approximation of fetal electrocardiogram signal. We implemented our algorithm and other algorithms on simulated and real signals and found out that, in most cases, the proposed algorithm improved the extraction of fetal electrocardiogram signal.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 247-260
Publish at: 2012-02-21

Improving Quality of Vehicle Tracking Systems in Hill Stations Using IEEE 802.16 Networks
Roop Singh Takur , E. Ramkumar
IEEE 802.16 standard was designed to support the vehicle tracking system applications with quality of service(QOS). Tracking system is used for tracking the vehicles in hill stations with quality of service(QOS). With the help of subscriber station(SS) can track the vehicles. Subscriber station’s will provide signals to the mobiles and vehicles .In this paper, we propose a scheme, named vehicle tracking system, to track the vehicles without any interrupt in hill stations with quality of service(QOS). The idea of the proposed scheme is to track the vehicles in the roads of the hill stations which is coming in opposite direction and back of the vehicle. Analysis and simulations are used to evaluate the proposed scheme. Simulation and analysis results confirm  that the proposed can track the vehicles with the help of subscriber station by given quality of service(QOS). Scheduling algorithms are proposed to improve the overall throughput. The simulation results show that our proposed algorithm improves the overall throughput by 40% in a steady network.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Page: 136-144
Publish at: 2012-02-01

New Design of Channel Drop Filter by Triangular Photonic Crystal
Mohammad Reza Rakhshani , MohammadAli Mansouri Birjandi
We have designed a new type of optical channel drop filter (CDF) based on two dimensional triangular lattice photonic crystals. CDF operation is based on coupling to the photonic crystal waveguide. The proposed structure is optimized to work as a CDF. For obtaining the CDF characteristics and band structure of the filter, the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method and plane wave expansion (PWE) method are used respectively. Dropping efficiency at 1556nm and quality factor (Q) of our proposed structure are 100% and 260, respectively. The quantities of quality factor and transmission efficiency are suitable for optical applications. The overall size of the proposed add drop filter is 191.97µm2, which is smaller than the filters already reported and it is highly desirable for photonic integrated circuits (PICs).DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Page: 73-77
Publish at: 2012-02-01

Research on OSNR and BER of 40G DWDM system on DRZ
FENG Xiancheng , LI Xiaopeng , SI Qinghua
The signal modulation format is a key issue for 40 G DWDM fiber optical communication system , which determines transmission quality and spectral efficiency. Firstly, 他he scheme of key technologies and modulation format (ODB, CSRZ, DRZ, DPSK, DQPSK) of 40G DWDM system is introduced. Through the Q value with OSNR and BER, the theoretical curve between OSNR and BER is given. And then it proposes optical interface parameters requirements of 40G DWDM system. By way of adopting VOA compensation in experimental system,OTU typical spectrum,eye diagram,BER and OSNR performances have been tested and analyzed. Experiment results show that DRZ code have better transmission performance, are suitable for long or middle distance transmission, meet the demand of commercial application. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 948-953
Publish at: 2012-02-01

One Method of Cloud Computing Bandwidth Allocation Based on Fairness
Yiquan Kong
In order to solve the bandwidth allocation unfairness problem in the cloud computing network, one method uses fairness congestion control algorithm, access control list (ACL) and traffic policing and traffic shaping in the paper. The method can rationally solve the problem after analyzing the reason of cloud computing bandwidth allocation unfairness. For illustration, one network video conference example was utilized to show the method in solving bandwidth allocation unfairness problem.The experimental results show network bandwidths are fairly allocated, packet loss ratio and latency is obvious improvement. The method deals with non-adaptive UDP and TCP adaptive flow congestion and provides the end-to-end quality of service over the differentiated services networks, and the bandwidth allocation problem based on fairness in the cloud computing network is solved well. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Page: 954-959
Publish at: 2012-02-01

AC-RDVT: Acyclic Resource Distance Vector Routing Tables for Dynamic Grid Resource Discovery
Nafiseh Bahrami , Ahmad Habibizad Navin , Mina Alavighi , Ali Asghar Pourhaji Kazem
Since the objective of grid is sharing the numerous and heterogeneous resources, resource discovery is a challenging issue. Recently appeared, Ontosum, is a resource discovery method based on semantically linked organizations and a routing algorithm Resource Distance Vector (RDV), has been presented to forward resource discovery queries into the clusters. Although this framework is efficient for large-scale grids and nodes are clustered automatically based on semantic attributes to constitute a semantically linked overlay network, but the dynamic behavior of grid isn’t considered. In this method, deceptive information is stored in RDV tables (RDVT) which cause some problems in routing process. In this paper, a method is proposed to improve the dynamism of RDV routing algorithm, so the consistency with grid environments is increased. The developed algorithm is assessed by investigating the success probability, number of hops and routing time of resource discovery.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Page: 64-72
Publish at: 2012-02-01

Role-based Trust Management Model in Multi-domain Environment
Xianchen Guo , Jun Zheng , Qikun Zhang , Hongchang Liu
Based on the in-depth analysis of issues in dRBAC model, which include the lack of commission depth control in distributed environment, the inefficiency of cascading revocation of the authorization roles and the incapability of judging whether the commission violates the principles of RBAC model before it is done, this paper proposed MD-dRBAC Model, designed trust management mechanism for MD-dRBAC Model, which was used to control the access, established the credible authority commission tree and finally proposed the detection algorithm for implicit authorities upgrading to avoid violation of the least privilege principle in RBAC model Extensive security and performance analysis show that the proposed schemes are highly efficient and secure. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 417-424
Publish at: 2012-01-10

The Electromagnetic Interference Model Analysis of the Power Switching Devices
Zhang Wei
The switching device turn-on and turn-off process will produce high-frequency electromagnetic interference, based on the finite element method ANSYS software with powerful computing capabilities, has been widely used in complex electromagnetic field calculations. In this paper, ANSYS software to model and analyze the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and quantitative distribution of electromagnetic interference (EMI), and for the staff and scientists doing research in electromagnetic field analysis provides an effective reference program. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 167-172
Publish at: 2012-01-10

Parameter Designing for Heave Compensation Hydraulic System Installed in Deepwater
GU Lei , Tan Jiawan , Zhao Teng
The function diagram of active heave compensation hydraulic system has been given, besides, the mathematics model for the principal hydraulic components of the compensation system has been built, and the input-output relation between components has been made clear. Aimed at compensating work capacity for the system, design and research on parameters as the bearing pressure, the initial state and the maximum flow of hydraulic cylinder, accumulator and other principal components have been made separately, and standardized design has been accomplished in accordance with relevant standards. Furthermore, calculus and verification for the capacity of the hydraulic system in different working stages have been made in order to calculate the pressure lose of the system and provide objective data for the hardware system design of the hydraulic components of the heave compensation system. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 316-321
Publish at: 2012-01-10
Show 1551 of 1574

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