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23,540 Article Results

Generator Contribution Based Congestion Management using Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm

Sawan; Techno India Sen , Priyanka; Techno India Roy , Abhijit; Bengal Engineering and Science University Chakrabarti , Samarjit; Applied Physics Sengupta
 Congestion management is one of the key functions of system operator in the restructured power industry during unexpected contingency. This paper proposes a method for generator contribution based congestion management using multiobjective genetic algorithm. In the algorithm, both real and reactive losses have been optimised using optimal power flow model and the contributions of the generators with those optimised losses are calculated. On second level, the congested lines are identified by the proposed overloading index (OI) during contingency and those lines are relieved with the new contribution of generators, which is the outcome of the developed algorithm. The planned method depicts the information related to congestion management to minimize the investment cost, without installing any external devices and to maximise the consumer welfare by avoiding any load curtailment without affecting the voltage profile of the system as well as the optimised total system loss. IEEE 30 bus system is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Page: 1-8
Publish at: 2011-04-01

Formal Specification for Spatial Information Databases Integration Framework (SIDIF)

Mustafa; Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Man , Julaily Aida; Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Jusuh , Mohd Shafry; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mohd Rahim , Mohammad Zaidi; Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Zakaria
This paper discusses the formal validation for spatial information databases integration framework (SIDIF). A SIDIF database is a large, organized body of persistent data, usually associated with computerized software designed to update, query, and retrieve components of the data stored within the system. One of the common difficulties faced by the developer is in designing a robust database system. Even so, in order to solve this matter, developers have to focus their efforts on the formal specifications. The formal specification is supposed to reduce the overall development time. Formal specifications can be used to provide an unambiguous and precise supplement to natural language descriptions. Besides, it can be rigorously validated and verified leading to the early detection of specification errors. Consequently, to validate this problem formally, we specify the SIDIF database framework using Z language and prove by using Z/EVES theorem proven tool. By using this kind of tools, it may help to reduce time, energy and mistake compared to manual theorem proving which can be error task and tedious.
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Page: 81-88
Publish at: 2011-04-01

Augmented Reality Prototype for Visualising Large Sensors’ Datasets

Folorunso; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Olufemi A. , Mohd Shahrizal S.; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mohd Shahrizal S. , Ikotun; Yaba College of Technology Abiodun M.
This paper addressed the development of an augmented reality (AR) based scientific visualization system prototype that supports identification, localisation, and 3D visualisation of oil leakages sensors datasets. Sensors generates significant amount of multivariate datasets during normal and leak situations which made data exploration and visualisation daunting tasks. Therefore a model to manage such data and enhance computational support needed for effective explorations are developed in this paper. A challenge of this approach is to reduce the data inefficiency. This paper presented a model for computing information gain for each data attributes and determine a lead attribute.The computed lead attribute is then used for the development of an AR-based scientific visualization interface which automatically identifies, localises and visualizes all necessary data relevant to a particularly selected region of interest (ROI) on the network. Necessary architectural system supports and the interface requirements for such visualizations are also presented.
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Page: 161-170
Publish at: 2011-04-01

A Fuzzy Topsis Multiple-Attribute Decision Making for Scholarship Selection

Shofwatul; University of Sunan Kalijaga ‘Uyun , Imam; University of Ahmad Dahlan Riadi
As the education fees are becoming more expensive, more students apply for scholarships. Consequently, hundreds and even thousands of applications need to be handled by the sponsor. To solve the problems, some alternatives based on several attributes (criteria) need to be selected. In order to make a decision on such fuzzy problems, Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMDAM) can be applied. In this study, Unified Modeling Language (UML) in FMADM with TOPSIS and Weighted Product (WP) methods is applied to select the candidates for academic and non-academic scholarships at Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga. Data used were a crisp and fuzzy data. The results show that TOPSIS and  Weighted Product FMADM methods can be used to select the most suitable candidates to receive the scholarships since the preference values applied in this method can show applicants with the highest eligibility.        
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Page: 37-46
Publish at: 2011-04-01

Intelligent Avatar on E-Learning using Facial Expression and Haptic

Ahmad Hoirul; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Basori , Andi; Universitas Haluoleo Tenriawaru , Andi Besse Firdausiah; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mansur
 The process of introducing emotion can be improved through three-dimensional (3D) tutoring system. The problem that still not solved is how to provide realistic tutor (avatar) in virtual environment. This paper  propose an approach to teach children on understanding emotion sensation through facial expression and sense of touch (haptic).The algorithm is created by calculating constant factor (f) based on maximum value of RGB and magnitude force then magnitude force range will be associated into particular colour. The Integration process will be started from rendering the facial expression then followed by adjusting the vibration power to emotion value. The result that achieved on experiment, it show around 71% students agree with the classification of magnitude force into emotion representation. Respondents commented that high magnitude force create similar sensation when respondents feel anger, while low magnitude force is more relaxing to respondents. Respondents also said that haptic and facial expression is very interactive and realistic.
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Page: 115-124
Publish at: 2011-04-01

Design of Artificial Intelligent Controller for Automatic Generation Control of Two Area Hydrothermal System
Coppisetty Srinivasa Rao
This paper presents the design of controller based on the principles of Neural networks. The concept of artificial intelligent techniques greatly helps in overcoming the disadvantages posed by the conventional controllers. A hierarchical architecture of three layer feed forward neural network (NN) is proposed for controller design based on back propagation algorithm (BPA). Area Control Error (ACE) is considered as input to the neural network controller and the output of the controller is provided to the governor in each area. The proposed controllers are tested for a two area hydrothermal system. Simulation results show that the limitations of conventional controller can be overcome by including Neural concept and thereby the dynamic response of the system with respect to peak time, overshoot and settling time can be improved drastically. Keywords: Automatic Generation Control, Hydrothermal system, Neural network, Back propagation algorithm, Area control errorDOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 183-190
Publish at: 2011-03-29

Rural Electrification in the Changing paradigm of Power Sector Reforms in India
Gopalkrishna D Kamalapur , Udaykumar R Y
Rural electrification is an integral component of poverty alleviation and rural growth of a nation. In India, electricity has not played effective role in the socio-economic growth of village. GDP is increasing with 8 percent where as contribution of agriculture sector is 1.9 percent. Government of India has ambitious target of providing electricity to all villages by 2008 and all rural households by 2012. Steps are already initiated with Rural Electric Corporation, Rural Electricity Supply Technology mission, State Electricity Boards, Reforms in Power Sector. An attempt has been made in this paper to assess the features of rural electrification in India and the problems faced by State Electricity Boards. Challenges of rural electrification in the changing scenario of power sector reforms are identified.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 147-154
Publish at: 2011-03-02

Bridging XML and Relational Databases: An Effective Mapping Scheme based on Persistent
Samini Subramaniam , Su-Cheng Haw , Poo Kuan Hoong
XML has emerged as the leading medium for data transfer over the World Wide Web. At the present days, relational database is still widely used as the back-end database in most organizations. Since there is mismatch in these two structures, an effective mapping scheme is definitely essential that provides seamless integration with relational databases. On the other hand, an immutable labeling scheme is certainly significant to dentify the XML nodes uniquely as well as supports dynamic update without having the existing labels to be re-labeled when there is an occurance of dynamic update. As such, in this paper, we propose s-XML by adopting the Persistent Labeling scheme as the annotation scheme to ensure seamless integration with relational database and able to support updates without the need to re-construct the existing labels. We conduct experiments to show that s-XML performs better in terms of mapping the XML nodes to relational databases, query retrieval and dynamic update compared to the existing approaches.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Page: 239-246
Publish at: 2011-03-02

Congestion Relief of Contingent Power Network with Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm

Sandip; Department of Electrical Engineering Techno India Chanda , Abhinandan De; Bengal Engineering and Science University Abhinandan De
This paper presents a differential evolution optimization technique based methodology for congestion management cost optimization of contingent power networks. In Deregulated systems, line congestion apart from causing stability problems can increase the cost of electricity. Restraining line flow to a particular level of congestion is quite imperative from stability as well as economy point of view. Employing ‘Congestion Sensitivity Index’ proposed in this paper, the algorithm proposed can be adopted for selecting the congested lines in a power networks and then to search for a congestion constrained optimal generation schedule at the cost of a minimum ‘congestion management charge’ without any load curtailment and installation of FACTS devices. It has been depicted that the methodology on application can provide better operating conditions in terms of improvement of bus voltage and loss profile of the system. The efficiency of the proposed methodology has been tested on an IEEE 30 bus benchmark system and the results look promising.
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Page: 1-8
Publish at: 2011-03-01

Hybrid Methods in Designing Sierpinski Gasket Antennas

Mudrik; University of Mercu Buana Alaydrus
 Sierpinki gasket antennas as example of fractal antennas show multiband characteristics. The computer simulation of Sierpinksi gasket monopole with finite ground needs prohibitively large computer memory and computational time. Hybrid methods consist of surface integral equation method and physical optics or uniform geometrical theory of diffraction is expected to alleviate this computational burdens. The full hybridization of the different methods with modifying the incoming electromagnetic waves in case of hybrid method surface integral equation method and physical optics and modification of the Greens function for hybrid method surface integral equation method and uniform geometrical theory of diffraction plays the central role in the observation. A comparison of simulation results of these different methods and are given measurements of a groups of three Sierpinksi gasket antennas are presented. The multiband characteristics of the antennas are observed with some reduction and enhancement of resonances.
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Page: 225-234
Publish at: 2010-12-01

High Performance Palmprint Identification System Based On Two Dimensional Gabor

I Ketut Gede Darma; Udayana University Putra , Erdiawan; Udayana University Erdiawan
The palmprint is a new recognition method in physiological biometrics. In palmprint region of interest (ROI), the segmentation and feature extraction are two important issues. The main problem in palmprint recognition system is how to extract the region of interest (ROI) and the features of palmprint. This paper introduces two steps in center of mass moment and the application of method for ROI segmentation and then to apply the Gabor two dimensional (2D) filters to obtain palm code as palmprint feature vector. Normalized Hamming distance is used to measure the similarity degrees of two feature vectors of palmprint. The system has been tested by using database 1000 palmprint images which was generated from 5 groups of samples from 200 persons selected randomly. Experiment results show that this system can achieve a high performance with success rate about 98.7% (FRR=1.1667%, FAR=0.1111%, T=0.376).
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Page: 309-318
Publish at: 2010-12-01

A Simple Instrumentation System for Large Structure Vibration Monitoring

Didik; Brawijaya University R. Santoso
A conventional instrumentation systems in monitoring vibration of large-scale infrastructure building such as bridges, railway, and others structural building, generally has a complex design. Makes it simple would be very useful both in terms of low-cost and easy maintenance. To make system become simple, low cost, and easy in maintenance, this paper proposes a distributed network for implementation system. The system consists of field bus topology, using single-master multi-slave architecture. Master is a control unit, built based on a PC equipped with RS-485 interface. Slave is a sensing unit; each slave is built by integrating a 3-axis vibration sensor within a microcontroller based data acquisition system. Vibration sensor is designed using the main components of a MEMS accelerometer. The software is developed for two functions; a control system hardware and a data processing. To verify performance of the developed instrumentation system, several laboratory tests have been performed. The result shows that the system has good performance.
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Page: 265-274
Publish at: 2010-12-01

Satellite Imagery and In-situ Data Overlay Approach for Fishery Zonation

Khairul; Syiah Kuala University Munadi , Fardhi; Syiah Kuala University Adria
Remote sensing technology is useful to give a better understanding about the earth’s characteristics. SeaWiFS (sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor) is one of remote sensors used to observe global ocean phenomena. Previous studies showed that the distribution of chlorophyll-a in the ocean indicates the presence of fish. However, only a few studies tried to directly relate the chlorophyll-a distribution obtained through interpretation of satellite imagery to in-situ data of fish distribution. This paper investigates the relation between chlorophyll-a distribution and fish-capturing points in Aceh Province sea waters using overlay image analysis. The results are useful to identify the potential fishing ground in Aceh. The profile of chlorophyll-a concentration was derived from SeaWIFS satellite imagery and fish-capturing points data was obtained from the fisherman communities of Banda Aceh, starting from June to November 2008. The results show that the chlorophyll-a profile derived from satellite imagery has a positive relationship to fish-capturing point data. The most potential fish-capturing zone in Aceh sea waters is identified at 5-8º north latitude (N) and 96-99º east longitude (E).
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Page: 217-224
Publish at: 2010-12-01

Chaos on Phase Noise of Van Der Pol Oscillator

Gang Feng; University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Yan , Xian He; University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Huang
 Phase noise is the most important parameter in many oscillators. The proposed method in this paper is based on nonlinear stochastic differential equation for phase noise analysis approach. The influences of two different sources of noise in the Van Der Pol oscillator adopted this method are compared. The source of noise is a white noise process which is a genuinely stochastic process and the other is actually a deterministic system, which exhibits chaotic behavior in some regions. The behavior of the oscillator under different conditions is investigated numerically. It is shown that the phase noise of the oscillator is affected by a noise arising from chaos than a noise arising from the genuine stochastic process at the same noise intensity.
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Page: 301-308
Publish at: 2010-12-01

An Automatic Identification System of Human Skin Irritation

Abdul; Ahmad Dahlan University Fadlil
Quantitative characterization of human skin irritation is important but it is difficult task to be done. Recently, an identification of human skin is still doing manually. Indeed, the identification of the human skin irritation sample can be very subjective. The analysis of the skin irritation could be conducted using biochemical test, but it is not simple. In this research, a new approach of an automatic human skin identification system based on image pattern recognition is developed to obtain a decision of sample test (whether it has irritation or not). This system design was developed using the following features extraction: gray level histogram (GLH) feature and texture gray level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM). Meanwhile, for a classification  process, using the following distance metric: Manhattan distance and Euclidean distance, or learning vector quantization neural network (LVQ-NN). The combination between feature extractor and classifier methods proposed was used to evaluate the performance system. The experimental results show that the best accuracy for 83.33% was obtained when design system was implementated using GLH or GLCM features through LVQ-NN classifier.     
Volume: 8
Issue: 3
Page: 255-264
Publish at: 2010-12-01
Show 1558 of 1570

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