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23,540 Article Results

Design of IoT-based monitoring system for temperature and dissolved oxygen levels in catfish aquaculture pond water

Nurma Sari , Yuniar Savitri , Sri Cahyo Wahyono , Joko Santoso , Amar Vijai Nasrulloh
One of the fish in Indonesian waters that has been successfully bred and cultivated is the catfish (Pangasius sp.). In catfish farming, there are several water quality factors that need to be considered, such as temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. Based on the existing description, it is very important to pay attention to the water quality of aquaculture ponds, especially temperature and dissolved oxygen levels for fish survival. This study aims to create an internet of things (IoT) based monitoring system for temperature and dissolved oxygen levels in catfish aquaculture pond water based on NodeMCU ESP8266. Monitoring system is using SEN0237 gravity analog dissolved oxygen sensor, DS18B20 sensor module, NodeMCU ESP8266, 20×4-character liquid-crystal display (LCD), micro secure digital (SD) card module, internet modem. Data from measurements of temperature and dissolved oxygen levels are stored online in the database in the .csv format and on a micro secure digital (SD) card in the device in the .txt format. The lowest value of dissolved oxygen levels and temperature are 3.4 mg/L or 3.4 ppm and a temperature of 27.9 °C, respectively. Meanwhile, the highest value of dissolved oxygen levels and temperature are 4.6 mg/L or 4.6 ppm and temperature of 30.9 °C, respectively.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 687-698
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Approximate single precision floating point adder for low power applications

Manjula Narayanappa , Siva Sankar Yellampalli
With an increasing demand for power-hungry data-intensive computing, design methodologies with low power consumption are increasingly gaining prominence in the industry. Most of the systems operate on critical and noncritical data both. An attempt to generate a precision result results in excessive power consumption and results in a slower system. For noncritical data, approximate computing circuits significantly reduce the circuit complexity and hence power consumption. In this paper, a novel approximate single precision floating point adder is proposed with an approximate mantissa adder. The mantissa adder is designed with three 8-bit full adder blocks. In this paper, a detailed mathematical background, and proposed design approach in terms of the circuit configuration and truth tables are discussed. Additionally, a concept of switching between exact computing and approximate computing is analysed considering an approximate carry look-ahead adder. The delay and power consumption for the exact operating mode and approximate operation mode considering varied window sizes is observed. Performance of the approximate computation is compared against exact computation and varied approximate computing approaches.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 650-664
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Electrocardiogram reconstruction based on Hermite interpolating polynomial with Chebyshev nodes

Shashwati Ray , Vandana Chouhan
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals generate massive volume of digital data, so they need to be suitably compressed for efficient transmission and storage. Polynomial approximations and polynomial interpolation have been used for ECG data compression where the data signal is described by polynomial coefficients only. Here, we propose approximation using hermite polynomial interpolation with chebyshev nodes for compressing ECG signals that consequently denoises them too. Recommended algorithm is applied on various ECG signals taken from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database without any additional noise as the signals are already contaminated with noise. Performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using various performance metrics and compared with some recent compression techniques. Experimental results prove that the proposed method efficiently compresses the ECG signals while preserving the minute details of important morphological features of ECG signal required for clinical diagnosis.
Volume: 36
Issue: 2
Page: 837-845
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Leveraging the learning focal point algorithm for emotional intelligence

Salah Eddine Mansour , Abdelhak Sakhi , Larbi Kzaz , Abderrahim Sekkaki
One of the secrets of the success of the education process is taking into account the learner’s feelings. That is, the teacher must be characterized by high emotional intelligence (EI) to understand the student’s feelings in order to facilitate the indoctrination process for him. Within the framework of the project to create a robot teacher, we had to add this feature because of its importance. In this article, we create a computer application that classifies students' emotions based on deep learning and learning focal point (LFP) algorithm by analyzing facial expressions. That is, the robot will be able to know whether the student is happy, excited, or sad in order to deal with him appropriately.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 767-773
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Design of a linear motor-based magnetic levitation train prototype

Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Zaidi , Siti Lailatul Mohd Hassan , Ili Shairah Abdul Halim , Nasri Sulaiman
This study explores the modelling of a magnetic levitation train and its implementation using a microcontroller. Magnetic levitation (maglev) is a technology that enables vehicles to levitate and move without wheels. Maglev research has been conducted globally, but maglev trains haven't received much attention. Due to the sophisticated linear motor technology for contactless transit, building a maglev train requires enormous investments. This paper is crucial for understanding the linear motor technologies necessary for levitation and propulsion. The primary objectives of this study include creating a model of the maglev train using a linear motor circuit, investigating the maglev effect concerning different coil and magnet types, and monitoring the train's propulsion and levitation using a microcontroller. This work constructs a linear motor system for the maglev train, comprising a mechanical structure with a permanent magnet for levitation and electromagnets for propulsion. A microcontroller is employed to sense the magnetic field, produced by the permanent magnet and electromagnets. In summary, this paper successfully designed a maglev train prototype using a linear motor circuit to establish the repulsive mechanism for both levitation and propulsion, with levitation~1 cm from the track and demonstrated the ability to move along a 30 cm track.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 560-567
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Air quality monitoring system based on low power wide area network technology at public transport stops

Ricardo Yauri , Bill Loayza , Alvaro Yauri , Anyela Aquino
Mass migration from rural areas to urban areas has caused problems of traffic congestion, high industrial concentration and inequity in the distribution of housing in the world's capitals, generating a significant threat to sustainable development and public health due to air pollution air. In the Peruvian context, the importance of real-time monitoring of air quality is highlighted according to the standards established by the government. Several studies propose real-time environmental monitoring systems using internet of thing (IoT) technologies, electrochemical and optical sensors to measure pollutants, highlighting the need for data analysis. The objective of the paper is to show the implementation of IoT devices called sensor nodes, with long range wide area network (LoRaWAN) transmission technology for continuous monitoring of polluting gas concentrations. In addition, they are integrated into a central node called gateway to perform real-time monitoring through a web application. As an initial result, IoT devices demonstrated their effectiveness for real-time monitoring. Despite being a prototype-level result, the next stage involves its deployment at public transport stops in Lima. Overcoming the limitations of the solution, this paper establishes the foundation for future research on pollution and public health.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 699-707
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Portable neonatus incubator based on global positioning system

Nur Sultan Salahuddin , Sri Peornomo Sari , Aqilla Rahman Musyaffa
The role of baby incubator is crucial in assisting premature babies to adjust to their new surroundings. However, the current baby incubator causes challenges when used for emergency first aid. The challenge is often because of its cumbersome size, which makes transportation to referral hospitals difficult. To address this issue, portable neonate incubator based on the global positioning system (GPS) was developed. The results of implementation testing showed that the incubator system effectively monitored longitude and latitude coordinates, as well as the temperature and humidity of the incubator room, and the body temperature of neonates. Weighing approximately 5.8 kg, this incubator was versatile, compatible with both AC and DC voltage power sources, and came equipped with a carrying bag for easy transportation by midwives or medical personnel. Consequently, this development marked an innovative advancement in neonate incubator medical equipment, facilitating the swift tracking of the neonate incubator's coordinate position in case of unexpected events on the way to the hospital.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 735-747
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Hybrid logistic regression support vector model to enhance prediction of bipolar disorder

Nisha Agnihotri , Sanjeev Kumar Prasad
Bipolar disorder has become one of the major mental health issues due to stressed life around the world. This is the major reason for suicides these days as these people are unable to convey their feeling and emotions to others. This proposed research shows the logistic regression and support vector machine hybrid model to predict bipolar disorder in patients is to develop an accurate and reliable model that can effectively predict the presence of bipolar disorder in patients based on their clinical and demographic data. The purpose is to make a framework that can help healthcare professionals diagnose bipolar disorder early, thereby enabling timely and appropriate treatment to be provided. The model should take into account various patient-specific features, such as age, gender, family history, medication use, and other medical conditions, in addition to relevant clinical and demographic variables. The aim is to create a model that can accurately classify patients with bipolar disorder and non-bipolar disorder patients while minimizing false-positive and false-negative classifications. The work shows improvement in evaluation detection in performance with hybrid logistic support vector regression (LSVR) to detect disorder and protect them to avoid worse situation.
Volume: 36
Issue: 2
Page: 1294-1300
Publish at: 2024-11-01

An innovative machine learning optimization-based data fusion strategy for distributed wireless sensor networks

Naganna Shankar Sollapure , Poornima Govindaswamy
Self-sufficient sensors scattered over different regions of the world comprise distributed wireless sensor networks (DWSNs), which track a range of environmental and physical factors such as pressure, temperature, vibration, sound, motion, and pollution. The use of data fusion becomes essential for combining information from various sensors and system performance. In this study, we suggested the multi-class support vector machine (SDF-MCSVM) with synthetic minority over-sampling techniques (SMOTE) data fusion for wireless sensor network (WSN) performance. The dataset includes 1,334 instances of hourly averaged answers for 12 variables from an AIR quality chemical multisensor device. To create a balanced dataset, the unbalanced data was first pre-processed using the SMOTE. The grey wolf optimization (GWO) approach is then used to reduce features in an effort to improve the efficacy and efficiency of feature selection procedures. This method is applied to classify the fused feature vectors into multiple categories at once to improve classification performance in WSNs and address unbalance datasets. The result shows the proposed method reaches high precision, accuracy, F1-score, recall, and specificity. The computational complexity and processing time were decreased in the study by using the proposed method. This is great potential for accurate and timely data fusion in dispersed WSNs with the successful integration of data fusion technologies.
Volume: 36
Issue: 2
Page: 1012-1022
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Experimental of information gain and AdaBoost feature for machine learning classifier in media social data

Jasmir Jasmir , Dodo Zaenal Abidin , Fachruddin Fachruddin , Willy Riyadi
In this research, we use several machine learning methods and feature selection to process social media data, namely restaurant reviews. The selection feature used is a combination of information gain (IG) and adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) which is used to see its effect on the classification performance evaluation value of machine learning methods such as Naïve Bayes (NB), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and random forest (RF) which is the aim of this research. NB is very simple and efficient and very sensitive to feature selection. Meanwhile, KNN is known for its weaknesses such as biased k values, overly complex computation, memory limitations, and ignoring irrelevant attributes. Then RF has weaknesses, including that the evaluation value can change significantly with only small data changes. In text classification, feature selection can improve the scalability, efficiency and accuracy of text classification. Based on tests that have been carried out on several machine learning methods and a combination of the two selection features, it was found that the best classifier is the RF algorithm. RF produces a significant increase in value after using the IG and AdaBoost features. Increased accuracy by 10%, precision by 12.43%, recall by 8.14% and F1-score by 10.37%. RF also produces even accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score values after using IG and AdaBoost with an accuracy value of 84.5%; precision of 85.58%; recall was 86.36%; and F1-score was 85.97%.
Volume: 36
Issue: 2
Page: 1172-1181
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Channel reconstruction through improvised deep learning architecture for high-speed networks

Parinitha Jayashanka , Byrappa Nanjundaiah Shobha
Efficient acquisition of channel state information (CSI) is quite complicated process but immensely essential to exploit probable benefits of massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems. Therefore, a deep learningbased model is utilized to estimate channel feedback in a massive MIMO system. The proposed improvised deep learning-based channel estimation (IDLCE) model enhances channel reconstruction efficiency by using multiple convolutional layers and residual blocks. The proposed IDLCE model utilizes encoder network to compress CSI matrices where decoder network is used to downlink reconstruct CSI matrices. Here, an additional quantization block is incorporated to improve feedback reconstruction accuracy by reducing channel errors. A COST 2,100 model is adopted to analyse performance efficiency for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. Further, deep learning-based model is used to train thousands of parameter and correlation coefficients much faster and to minimize computational complexity. The proposed IDLCE model evaluate performance in terms of normalized mean square error (NMSE), correlation efficiency and reconstruction accuracy and compared against varied state-of-art-channel estimation techniques. Excellent performance results are obtained with large improvement in channel reconstruction accuracy
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 786-798
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Smart farming based on IoT to predict conditions using machine learning

Mochammad Haldi Widianto , Yovanka Davincy Setiawan , Bryan Ghilchrist , Gerry Giovan
Smart farming is a type of technology that utilizes the internet of things (IoT) to provide information on agricultural and environmental conditions as well as perform automation. Some of these ecological conditions can be used and analyzed in machine learning (ML) data management. This study focuses on utilizing ML algorithms to find the best prediction; typically used methods include linear regression, decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost). In the application of smart farming, research on IoT and artificial intelligence (AI) is still uncommon since most IoT cannot make predictions like AI. Because basically, some IoT can't make predictions as AI does. In this Study, predictions were made by looking at the regression results in the form of root mean square error (RMSE) and absolute error. The results show a strong and weak correlation between features (positive or negative). The best prediction results are obtained by XGBoost when predicting temperature (RMSE 6.656 and absolute error 3.948) and (soil moisture 17.151 and absolute error 11.269). However, using different parameters (RMSE RF and absolute error DT) on RF and DT resulted in good and distinct results. Linear regression, on the other hand, produced unsatisfactory and poor result.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 595-603
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Internet of things and long range-based bridge slope early detection systems

Nuraeni Umar , Syafruddin Syarif , Dewiani Dewiani , Merna Baharuddin
This research proposes an internet of things and long range (LoRa)-based bridge slope status monitoring and warning system that is wireless, low-cost, and user-friendly, with continuous data sent. Bridge inspection officers can easily obtain bridge slope data via a web browser on a cell phone. The design uses Arduino integrated development environment software and an ITGMPU accelerometer sensors, TTGO ESP32, cellphones, successfully identified tilt angle variations from 0.11° to 15.2° were the research's outputs, and and they were continuously transmitted to the bridge inspection officer's mobile phone. Measurements of throughput, quality of service (QoS), and latency characteristics have been made to assess the internet network's performance. The network system performance statistics show an average measured network delay of 1.2 seconds, a throughput of 85 bps, and a QoS of 0%. Consequently, the system performs well and the internet network performance falls into the very good range.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 674-680
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Moving objects detection based on histogram of oriented gradient algorithm chip for hazy environment

Monika Sharma , Kuldeep Singh Kaswan , Dileep Kumar Yadav
The most important aspects of computer vision are moving object detection (MOD) and tracking. Many signal-processing applications use regional image statistics. Compute-intensive video and image processing with low latency and high throughput is done with field programmable gate array (FPGA) image processing. Local image statistics are used for edge identification and filtering. The histogram of oriented gradients (HoG) algorithm extracts local shape characteristics by equalizing histograms. The objective of the work is to design the hardware chip of the algorithm and perform the simulation in the Xilinx ISE 14.7 simulation environment. The performance of the chip is evaluated in Modelsim 10.0 simulation software to check its feasibility. The performance of the chip design is estimated on Viretx-5 FPGA and compared with the MATLAB-2020 image processing tool-based response time. This form of tracking typically deals with identifying, anchoring, and tracking images and videos. A mask made from a cut-out of the object can then determine the plane's coordinates depending on its position. This type of object tracking is frequently utilized in the field of augmented reality (AR). The algorithm is most suited for object detection using hardware controllers in haze and foggy environments.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 604-615
Publish at: 2024-11-01

Earthquake magnitude prediction in Indonesia using a supervised method based on cloud radon data

Thomas Oka Pratama , Sunarno Sunarno , Agus Budhie Wijatna , Eko Haryono
In the challenging realm of earthquake prediction, the reliability of forecasting systems has remained a persistent obstacle. This study focuses on earthquake magnitude prediction in Indonesia, leveraging supervised machine learning techniques and cloud radon data. We present an analysis of the tele-monitoring system, data collection methods, and the application of regression-based machine learning algorithms. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset spanning 30 training instances and 105 test instances, the study evaluates multiple metrics to ascertain the efficacy of the prediction models. Our findings reveal that the linear regression approach yields the best earthquake magnitude prediction method, with the lowest values across multiple evaluation metrics: standard deviation 0.40, mean absolute error (MAE) 0.30, mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) 6%, root mean square error (RMSE) 0.52, mean squared error (MSE) 0.28, symmetric mean absolute percentage error (SMAPE) 0.06, and conformal normalized mean absolute percentage error (cnSMAPE) 0.97. Additionally, we discuss the implications of the research results and the potential applications in enhancing existing earthquake prediction methodologies.
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
Page: 577-585
Publish at: 2024-11-01
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