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24,883 Article Results

A New Low-Costing QC-LDPC Decoder for FPGA

Zhao Han , M.R. Anjum
Based on the Generalized Distributive Law and the features of FPGAs, this paper proposes a new strategy for implementation of Low-Costing QC-LDPC Decoder on FPGA platform. We get this new strategy from the Generalized Distributive Law, which is proposed to describe the belief propagation on graphs. And using this new strategy a low-costing (2560, 1024) LDPC decoder is implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA. Results show that this new strategy can make good use of the performance of LDPC codes, even though it needs less resource.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7721-7727
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Time Varying Autoregressive Model Parameters Estimation using Discrete Energy Separation Algorithm

G.Ravi Shankar Reddy , Rameshwar Rao
Time Varying Autoregressive (TVAR) model for the Amplitude and Frequency modulated (AM-FM) signal is presented   In this paper. TVAR parameters of AM-FM signal are estimated using Discrete Energy Separation (DESA) Algorithm. The performance of DESA method is shown to be comparable to the existing basis function method for AM, FM, AM-FM signal models. The proposed method is simpler to execute in hardware and consumes considerably less computational resources compared to the method using Adaptive and the Basis function methods. .It is demonstrated that the proposed technique based on DESA has certain distinct advantages over the conventional method employing basis functions. Another advantage is that the present method works well with quickly varying signals
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7785-7797
Publish at: 2014-11-01

The Influence of Aspect Ratio and Orientation to Scattering Properties of Ellipsoid Ice Particles

Jinhu Wang , Junxiang Ge , Ming Wei
The influence of aspect ratio and orientation to scattering properties of ellipsoid ice particles at 94GHz is studied by Discrete-Dipole Approximation (DDA) method. Absorption efficiency, scattering efficiency, asymmetry factor and backscattering efficiency are computed with aspect ratios vary from 0.2 to 1.0, whose size parameter range are selected from 0 to 5. It is found that the values of scattering properties are increasing if the particle size increases, but if the size is larger than the limit value, oscillation occur, and the oscillation phenomenon will be smoothed by random orientation compared with that of horizontal orientation because scattering properties computed by random orientation method have more average frequency than that of horizontal orientation. In non-oscillating region, the scattering efficiency is larger than the absorption efficiency due to small imaginary part of the complex refractive of ice at 94 GHz, and scattering properties increase if the aspect ratio increases with the same size parameter but this feature is apparent only in the case of horizontal orientation. The asymmetric degree of forward scattering and backscattering increases when particle size increases when size parameter of particle is not exceeding 1.5.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7543-7548
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Speed Sensorless Fault-Tolerant Drive System of 3-Phase Induction Motor Using Switching Extended Kalman Filter

M. Jannati , N. R. N. Idris , M. J. A. Aziz
Speed sensorless vector control of 3-phase induction motor under open-phase fault (faulty 3-phase induction motor) ased on Indirect Rotor Field-Oriented Control (RFOC) is proposed in this paper. To ensure high performance FOC of induction motor drives, the estimation of the rotor speed is necessary. However, the algorithm used to estimate the rotor speed for a 3-phase induction motor cannot be used directly for a faulty 3-phase induction motor. This is because the faulty induction motor model is different from the healthy 3-phase induction motor. To overcome this problem, in this paper a new switching Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) s proposed to update online the rotor speed. The proposed algorithm can be used for estimation of rotor speed in both healthy and faulty conditions. MATLAB simulation results are carried out to show the capability of the proposed drive system. The results show the activity of the proposed method at wide range speed operation.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7640-7649
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Design and Analysis of Parallel MapReduce based KNN-join Algorithm for Big Data Classification

Xuesong Yan
In data mining applications, multi-label classification is highly required in many modern applications. Meanwhile, a useful data mining approach is the k-nearest neighbour join, which has high accuracy but time-consuming process. With recent explosion of big data, conventional serial KNN join based multi-label classification algorithm needs to spend a lot of time to handle high volumn of data.  To address this problem, we first design a parallel MapReduce based KNN join algorithm for big data classification. We further implement the algorithm using Hadoop in a cluster with 9 vitual machines. Experiment results show that our MapReduce based KNN join exhibits much higher performance than the serial one. Several interesting phenomenon are observed from the experiment results.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7927-7934
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Review of the Urban Traffic Modeling
Zhu Song , Zhiguang Qin
Nowadays, the urban traffic modeling, which is helpful in planning and controlling the traffic system, has becoming a research hotspot of traffic engineering.  After decades of research and development, there now exists hundreds of models choosing different modeling methods to simulate the traffic flow. It is important for us to understand these models by classifying them and analyzing their features. The features of traffic models, including the scalability, accuracy and computability, are becoming important indicators to measure their performance. In this paper, we introduce and compare some grounded models. In particular, we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of existing models, and classify them into three categories according their granularity: macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic models. 
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7738-7757
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Load Reduction Pitch Control for Large Scale Wind Turbines based on Sliding Mode

Han Yaozhen , Xiao Hairong , Zhang Haifeng
With the wind turbines being produced toward to large scale and light weight, the flexibility of blade, drive mechanism and tower increase apparently. Loads suffered by wind turbines during operation become increasingly intricate. Some control approaches could be used to cut down these loads in orde to expand life cycle of generating sets. Aiming at the full load operation zone above rated wind speed, conventional control target is only considering rotating speed of wind turbine and without considering the loads, such that these loads could not be restrained effectively. This paper proposes a multi-objective sliding mode pitch control approach based on a new double-power reaching law. It can control rotating speed of wind turbine and decrease balanced loads of tower, blade and drive mechanism. Simulation is implemented under Matlab/Simulink and the results verified effectiveness of the designed control scheme.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7564-7570
Publish at: 2014-11-01

A Clean Economic Dispatch of PV Energy Storage Connected to Grid Based on LHS-SR-GAMS Technology

Liu Jiang-Tao , Wang Hai-Yun , Luo Jian-Chun , Luo Qing , Chen Xing
PV output uncertainty, the PV scheduling problem has become urgent. The combined energy storage and PV can solve effectively the problem. We established the joint energy-saving economic scheduling model on PV- Storage generation, which mainly included the penalty model about PV positive deviation output and the penalty model about PV negative deviation output and "overflowing negative revenue" model. Considering the uncertainty of the PV output, this paper analyzed the prediction error distribution characteristics about PV output by the probability density estimate method. Based on the LHS (Latin hypercube sampling) –SR (scenes reduce) technology, PV uncertain output is converted into a finite PV output scenes under different probability conditions. Finally, we used the PV output scenarios as the input data, and we solved the proposed Model based on GAMS (General Algebraic Model System) software, which the optimization goal is the joint expectation maximum power generation benefit. Results show that the proposed method is effective, and had good engineering application value.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7613-7621
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Detailed Analysis of Extrinsic Plagiarism Detection System Using Machine Learning Approach (Naive Bayes and SVM)

Zakiy Firdaus Alfikri , Ayu Purwarianti
In this report we proposed a detailed analysis method of plagiarism detection system using machine learning approach. We used Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM) as learning algorithms. Learning features used in the method are words similarity, fingerprints similarity, latent semantic analysis (LSA) similarity, and word pair. The purpose in selecting those features is to retrieve information from the state-of-the-art detailed analysis methods (words similarity, fingerprinting, and LSA) in order to integrate the strength of each method in detecting plagiarism. Several experiments were conducted to test the performance of the proposed method in detecting many cases of plagiarism. The experiments used data test that contains cases of literal plagiarism, partial literal plagiarism, paraphrased plagiarism, plagiarism with changed sentence structure, and translated plagiarism. The data test also contains cases of non-plagiarism of different topics and non-plagiarism of the same topic. The results obtained in experiments using SVM showed an average accuracy of 92.86% (reaching 95.71% without using words similarity feature). While the result obtained using Naive Bayes showed an average accuracy of 54.29% (reaching 84.29% without using the word pair features).
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7884-7894
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Audio and Video Communication Software Design Based on SIP

Shanshan Peng
This paper makes a design which implements the audio and video communication based on SIP over the Win2K platform. The oSIP and eXosip were used to exchange the Signals, and the jrtp was for packing the audio and video data. In the end, the multithreading was adopted to make the software perform well.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7946-7951
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Research on Protein Thermal Condensation Detection Based on Phase Modulation SPR Imaging

Yang Zi Kang
The existing of labeling methods can not completely meet the requirements of protein detection. It is currently in urgent need of sensitive, labeless, real-time and high throughput protein detection methods. A novel SPR imaging biomolecular interatction detection method based on time domain phase modulation is presented in this thesis. Experimental apparatus of SPR imaging biomolecular interaction detection based on TDPM is established. Biomolecular interaction is detected. 2×2 lysozyme array chip is prepared and lysozyme thermal condensation is detected by the experimental apparatus. SPR curves of the interaction are obtained and kinetic parameters are calculated. It can sensitively acquire real-time phase change caused by biomolecular interaction based on interference imaging, and resolve related bioinformation, which is a potential tool for proteomics research.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7808-7815
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Evaluation of Speed and Torque Estimations for the EKF-based Direct Torque Control in Induction Machines

Ibrahim Mohd Alsofyani , Nik Rumzi Nik Idris , Y.A. Alamri , Low Wen Yao , Sajjad A. Anbaran
Accurate estimations of unmeasurable variables are required for increasing the performance of sensorless induction motor drives. This can be achieved if the required variables are accurately estimated with a well-established observer.  The paper presents an extended Kalman filter- based direct torque control to investigate the estimations of speed and torque under challenging rotor and stator resistor and load variations at low and high speed regions. In all investigated scenarios, the speed and torque estimation showed good robustness against perturbations and their errors have remained within acceptable error bands.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7659-7667
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Crack Detection of Power Line Based on Metal Magnetic Memory Non-destructive

Fenglian Niu
Visual inspection method using helicopter equipped with infrared and ultraviolet camera is often employed to check the transmission status of power line, but it is so expensive and unsafe relative to using power line robot to implement crack detection of power line. In this paper a new measuring method is proposed using metal magnetic memory non-destructive (MMMNDT) to to automatically detect defects or abnormal conditions based on a completely autonomous mobile platform capable of a meaningful payload for signal data processing. In this work one kind of brand-new mechanical structure has been designed for inspection robot, and some important parts of the mechanical structure have been fully explained. At the same time, a detection system of the robot has been designed based on MMMNDT. The results of experiments about the crack detection of power line show that the robot can satisfactorily span obstacles automatically and fulfill the specified inspection tasks, experiment results of the detection system verified that this diagnosis system is feasible and can be applied to power line detection.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7764-7771
Publish at: 2014-11-01

An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Mesh-Based NoC Application Mapping

Frank Wang , Zhibiao Zhang
Application mapping is one of the key problems of Network-on-Chip (NoC) design. It maps the cores of application to the processing elements of the NoC topology. This paper presents a novel approach for NoC application mapping, which uses adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA) in the mapping. The proposed approach adaptively varies the probabilities of crossover and mutation operators in genetic algorithm, aiming to reduce the overall communication cost of NoC. Experimental results show that the proposed approach decreases the communication cost by 3% to 7% on average, compared to the existing approach using Standard Genetic Algorithm (SGA).
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7869-7875
Publish at: 2014-11-01

Research of the Communication Model of Botnet Based on P2P

Gao Jian , Yang Ming , Guo Chengqing
The communication mechanism for P2P botnet existing is classified into two models: the Send communication model and the Request communication model. We propose an evaluation index including concealment, effectiveness, efficiency and robustness and its calculation method. At the same time we using these evaluation index to simulate, evaluate and analysis the two kinds of models, and study the relationship between them and the botnet basic characteristics.
Volume: 12
Issue: 11
Page: 7963-7969
Publish at: 2014-11-01
Show 1433 of 1659

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