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24,883 Article Results

Study on Commitment Schemes of Secure Multi-party Computation

Xiaoqiang Guo , Yan Yan , Lihong Li , Hong Wang
The problem of secure multi-party computation(SMPC) is one of the most fundamental problems in information security. First, we introduce the basic concept of SMPC and four SMPC basic agreement: key distribution,oblivious transfer, bit commitment and zero knowledge proof. Secondly, we separately illustrate commitment schemes  commitment transfer protocol, commitment sharing protocol and commitment multiplication protocol. Finally, we present unconditionally secure multi-party computation with a passive adversary, an active adversary, general adversary structures.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7523-7532
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Lithium-ion Battery Charging System using Constant-Current Method with Fuzzy Logic Based ATmega16
Rossi Passarella , Ahmad Fali Oklilas , Tarida Mathilda
In this charging system, constant-current charging technique keeps the current flow into the battery on its maximum range of 2A. The use of fuzzy logic control of this charging system is to control the value of PWM. PWM is controlling the value of current flowing to the battery during the charging process. The current value into the battery depends on the value of battery voltage and also its temperature. The cutoff system will occur if the temperature of the battery reaches its maximum range.DOI:
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Page: 166-175
Publish at: 2014-10-01

A Geometric Invariants Approach for Molecular Docking

He Jinao , Fu Hongguang , Long Huan
Molecular docking usually suffers from high computational costs. Here we present a novel and efficient approach based on geometric invariants to explore the possible conformations of an atom chain and thus gain new insights into the molecular docking problem. The proposed method is capable of handling atom chains consisting of six or more rotatable dihedral angles, and has several advantages over other existing approaches. The efficiency of our approach is illustrated using real examples, which have never been sufficiently addressed before. In summary, the geometric invariants method is an efficient and useful method for exploring molecular conformational spaces and has a great potential in address the molecular docking problem.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7369-7380
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Strength Analysis for Surface-mounted Permanent Magnet Rotor in High-Speed Motor

Liangliang Chen , Changsheng Zhu
In the surface-mounted high-speed permanent magnet motor, the magnets are not mechanically strong enough to bear the centrifugal stress resulted from the high speed rotating, thus a sleeve composed of the carbon-fiber bandage is usually employed to retain the permanent magnets on the rotor surface. According to the surface-mounted high-speed permanent magnet rotor retained by a carbon-fiber bandage, in this paper, an analytical model for calculating rotor strength was presented based on the theory of elastic mechanics. Then the results of analytical model were compared with the calculations of finite-element method. It was shown that the analytical model proposed in this paper could accurately predict the stress distribution of the surface-mounted high-speed permanent magnet rotor fixed by a carbon-fiber bandage. Finally, the influence of the bandage thickness and shrink range between the permanent magnets and the bandage on rotor stress was investigated based on this analytical model of rotor strength.  
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7131-7142
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Operation and Control of Grid Connected Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid using various RES
Kodanda Ram R B P U S B , Venu Gopala Rao Mannam
This paper proposes a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid in alliance with Photo Voltaic (PV) energy, Wind Energy and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel cells. Microgrids are becoming increasingly attractive to the researchers because of the less greenhouse gases, low running cost, and flexibility to operate in connection with utility grid. The Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid constitutes independent AC and DC subgrids, where all the corresponding sources and loads are connected to their respective buses and these buses are interfaced using an interfacing converter. The Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid increases system efficiency by reducing the multiple reverse conversions involved in conventional RES integration to grid. A Small Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid in grid connected mode was modeled and simulated in MATLAB-SIMULINK environment. The simulation results proves the stable operation considering the uncertainty of generations and loads.DOI:
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Page: 195-202
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Indirect Flux-Oriented Control of Faulty Single-Phase Induction Motors

M. Jannati , N. R. N. Idris , M. J. A. Aziz
Most types of electrical machines such as Induction Motors (IMs) can be modeled by an equivalent 2-phase machine (d-q model). For instance a single-phase IM with two main and auxiliary windings can be modeled as an equivalent 2-phase IM. Also a faulty single-phase IM (single-phase IM under open-phase fault) can be modeled as an unbalanced 2-phase IM. This study confirms this concept by modeling a single-phase IM with one of its stator phases, open. In addition the study shows that the vector control of this faulty IM can be performed by some modifications in the vector control of healthy IM (the proposed vector control in this paper is based on Indirect Flux-Oriented Control (IFOC)). MATLAB simulation results show the good performance of the proposed technique.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7167-7175
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Modelling and Simulation of Variable Frequency Synchronous DC-DC Buck Converter
Jeya Selvan Renius , K. Vinoth Kumar , Arnold Fredderics , Raja Guru , Sree Lakshmi Nair
In this paper, novel small-signal averaged models for dc–dc converter operating at variable switching frequency are derived. This is achieved by separately considering the on-time and the off-time of the switching period. The derivation is shown in detail for a synchronous buck converter. The Enhanced Small Signal (ESSA) Model is derived for the synchronous buck converter. The equivalent series inductance (ESL) is also considered in this modelling. The buck converter model is also simulated in MATLAB and the result is also presented.DOI:
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Page: 237-243
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Direct Torque Control of Four Switch Three Phase Inverter fed Induction Motor Sensorless Speed Drive
Mohamed K Metwally
This paper presents sensorless speed control of induction motor (IM) using four switch three phase inverter (FSTPI) with direct torque and flux control (DTFC). The proposed sensorless DTFC system consists of an adaptive observer of rotor flux to accurately estimate stator resistance and speed simultaneously, without affecting drive performances. The switching technique for DTFC of IM using FSTPI in low power application is based on the principle of similarity between FSTPI and SSTPI (six switch three phase inverter), where the αβ plan is divided into 6 sectors and the formation of the voltage space vector is done in the same way as for SSTPI by using effective (mean) vectors. This approach allows using the well-known established switching table of SSTPI for FSTPI. The simulation results indicates that the sensorless speed control of FSTPI fed IM with DTFC and adaptive observer provides accurate estimate, good trajectory tracking with different dynamics performance. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method at different operating points.DOI:
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Page: 153-165
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Necessary Conditions of the Wave Packet Frames with Several Generators

Tao Zhao , Xiaoyu Zhou
The main goal of this paper is to consider the necessary conditions of wave packet systems to be frames in higher dimensions. The necessary conditions of wave packet frames in higher dimensions with several generators are established, which include the corresponding results of wavelet analysis and Gabor theory as the special cases. The existing results are generalized to the case of several generators and general lattices.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7059-7069
Publish at: 2014-10-01

A Security Enhanced Password Authentication and Update Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Hang Tu
As two fundamental requirements to ensure secure communications over an insecure public network channel, password authentication and update of password have received considerable attention. To satisfy the above two requirements, Islam et al. proposed a password authentication and update scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography. They claimed that their scheme could withstand various attacks. Unfortunately, He et al. found Islam et al.’s scheme is still vulnerable to off-line password guessing attack and stolen-verifier attack. In this paper, a security enhanced scheme is developed to eliminate the identified weaknesses. The analysis shows that our scheme can not only overcome the security vulnerability in Islam et al.’s scheme, but also has better performance than their scheme. Then our scheme is more suitable for practical applications.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7353-7360
Publish at: 2014-10-01

The Research of DV-HOP Positioning Algorithm Based on RSSI Calibration

Jie Cao , Mu Chen
Because of the DV-HOP algorithm in wireless sensor network (WSN), the first jump range error, which affect the positioning error of the whole node network problems. This paper puts forward an improved algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is mainly using the RSSI ranging technology, in the process of DV-HOP first jump range through correction of RSSI ranging technology, to reduce the distance measuring error, in order to improve positioning accuracy. The simulation results show that compared with traditional DV - HOP algorithm. The improved algorithm can without additional hardware and computation under the premise of improving positioning accuracy.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7452-7458
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Implementation of phase imbalance scheme for stabilizing torsional oscillations
Rachananjali Kunamneni , Suman S , Rambabu M , Ashok Kumar K
This paper implements the phase imbalance scheme for damping torsional oscillations of a series capacitor compensated power system. The IEEE Second Benchmark Model, system-1, wherein two turbine generator model and two system model connected to an infinite bus is employed as a standard system model to study the concept of subsynchronous resonance. The turbine generator models have a common torsional mode. The Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) is employed to simulate the damping effects provided by the phase imbalance scheme. The simulation results also show that parallel phase imbalance scheme gives the better damping characteristics when compared to that of series phase imbalance scheme.DOI:
Volume: 4
Issue: 5
Page: 697-702
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Local Standard Deviation Based Image Quality Metrics for JPEG Compressed Images

Akshay Gore , H.K. Kansal , Savita Gupta
In this paper, we address the Full-Reference (FR) Image Quality Metric (IQM) to assess the quality of JPEG-coded images and we present a new effective and efficient IQA model, called Local Standard Deviation Based Image Quality (LSDBIQ). The approach is based on the comparison of the local standard deviation of two images. The proposed metrics is tested on four well-known databases available in the literature (TID2013, TID2008, LIVE and CSIQ). Experimental results show that the proposed metrics outperforms other models for the assessment of image quality and have very low computational complexity.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7280-7286
Publish at: 2014-10-01

A Tracking Algorithm of Moving Target in Sports Video

Zhang Hai Tao
Moving target tracking is a core subject in the field of computer vision, its core idea is comprehensive utilization of image processing, video analysis technology, quickly and accurately capture the moving targets. In order to obtain all kinds of technical parameters in the training of athletes, the traditional way is through various sensors used in the athletes. The shortcomings of this method is not put the influence of sensor techniques for athletes in consideration, so it is urgent to have a new technical means to get better movement parameters of the athletes, the traditional target tracking algorithm is difficult to achieve good results, in this study, based on the characteristics of sports video, and it makes some transform to the traditional tracking algorithm, and it proposes a new hybrid tracking algorithm. This algorithm not only can solve the difficult problems of sports video target tracking, and but also can reduce the complexity of the algorithm, through the related analysis and experiments in sports video software, the algorithm can achieve good effect.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7463-7470
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Study on Cooperation between Traffic Control and Route Guidance Based on Real-time Speed

Cao Jie , Wang Chuan
Aiming at minimizing the total travel time of the road network, a cooperation model of traffic control and route guidance is built based on real-time speed obtained from cooperative vehicle infrastructure system. Genetic algorithm is used to solve the cooperation model to get the optimal green ratio and guidance rate of flow through transforming genetic algorithm with constraints into unconstrained genetic algorithm by penalty function. The simulation results of an experimental simulation on a small network show that this method can effectively balance the network flow, reduce total travel time and improve the efficiency of road network.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7242-7248
Publish at: 2014-10-01
Show 1439 of 1659

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