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24,883 Article Results

A Review of Current Control Strategy for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters

Peng Mao , Mao Zhang , Weiping Zhang , Bong-Hwan Kwon
This paper gives an overview of the main current control strategy for single-phase grid-connected inverters. The model of the power circuit is first discussed. Then, a classification of current control strategy in stationary reference frame follows. This is continued by a discussion of current control structures for single phase grid-connected inverters and the possibilities of implementation in stationary reference frames. The other non-mainstream regulators were also introduced. Further on, both the model of the power circuit and current control strategy in rotating reference frame were focused on as well. The overview of control strategy for single-phase grid-connected inverters and their advantages and disadvantages were concluded in this paper.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7143-7159
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Local Standard Deviation Based Image Quality Metrics for JPEG Compressed Images

Akshay Gore , H.K. Kansal , Savita Gupta
In this paper, we address the Full-Reference (FR) Image Quality Metric (IQM) to assess the quality of JPEG-coded images and we present a new effective and efficient IQA model, called Local Standard Deviation Based Image Quality (LSDBIQ). The approach is based on the comparison of the local standard deviation of two images. The proposed metrics is tested on four well-known databases available in the literature (TID2013, TID2008, LIVE and CSIQ). Experimental results show that the proposed metrics outperforms other models for the assessment of image quality and have very low computational complexity.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7280-7286
Publish at: 2014-10-01

An Elastic Data Intensive Computing Cluster on Cloud
Zhaolei Duan
In order to meet the increasing processing demand of data intensive computing, an elastic data intensive computing cluster EDICC is presented. Using local resource and cloud resource at the same time,EDICC has high availability and reliability, especially when flash crowd happens. EDICC could acquire resource from cloud when system is overloaded and release unnecessary cloud resource after load down. Experimental results show, comparing with traditional data intensive computing system, EDICC could achieve outstanding performance and higher resource efficiency. 
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7430-7437
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Performance Evaluation of Rain Attenuation Models in a Tropical Station
Abayomi Isiaka Yussuff , Nor Hisham Bin Haji Khamis , Azli Yahya
The non-uniformity of rainfall in both the horizontal and vertical directions makes the estimation of slant path attenuation complex. At frequencies above 10 GHz, the effects of attenuation and noise induced by rain are quite significant. One year satellite attenuation data were sourced from Malaysia East Asia Satellite at Ku frequency band; using ASTRO beacon signals to monitor and measure the slant path rain rate and attenuation at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. Four years’ one minute rain rate ground data at 0.01% of time exceeded were collected using rain gauge. The attenuation exceeded for other percentages of the time was obtained using statistical methods. Different rain attenuation prediction models were investigated and their performances compared. The validation results clearly suggested that the Breakpoint attenuation prediction model produced better results when compared with other models of interest.DOI:
Volume: 4
Issue: 5
Page: 782-789
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Optimization of Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks by Improved Ant Colony and Particle Swarm Algorithm

Tianshun Huang
This paper mainly discusses the analysis and evaluation of routing protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. Particle swarm algorithm has been proven to be very good solve many global optimization problems. Ant colony algorithm not only uses the positive feedback principle, the evolution process of speeding up to a certain extent, but also can be implemented in parallel in nature and different individuals through continuous information exchange and transmission. The paper presents optimization of routing protocol in wireless sensor networks based on improved ant colony and particle swarm algorithm. Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness of the improved algorithm, and improve the search for optimal routing.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7486-7494
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Research on the Web-based On-line Monitoring Technology of the Smart Substation Primary Equipments

Xinbo Huang , Chen Tao , Shuliang Ji , Haitao Zhu , Zhouxiong Zhang , Xiaokuan Wang
Smart substation primary equipment on-line monitoring technology is an important part of the realization of substation intelligentizes monitoring. In order to meet the requirements of smart substation on high-speed, efficient, steady on-line monitoring system, the sharing of online monitoring data of the power station and to improve interoperability of on-line monitoring device, the primary equipment on-line monitoring technology of smart substation based on the network is proposed by this paper. Based on the analysis of the substation primary equipment monitoring parameters, according to the three levels and two network structure, the author designed primary equipment monitoring terminal (process level), primary equipment on-line monitoring IED (bay level), the monitoring center (station level)respectively, and between each level there are communication network structures. The scene practical operation analysis shows that, on-line monitoring system for substation which based on the network is stable and reliable, and the change of the equipment running status can be monitored accurately and timely.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7176-7185
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Design of ECC Controller and its Validation Based on FPGA

Cao Yan , Du Lixia , Wang Zhengyu
ECC is an advanced technology for memory error detection and correction, which is used to support high reliability of computers. It is widely used in sever memory while it can detect 2-bit error and correct 1-bit error. This paper introduces the ECC algorithm, then discusses the more general correction coding mathematics, realizing it by programming with VHDL. After finishing these parts, a debug experiment is executed on the Altera Stratix IV family FPGA. Finally, the paper analyzes the simulation results and gives some suggestions for improving the performance of ECC controllers.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7253-7261
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Underwater Acoustic Communication Based on Hyperbolic Frequency Modulated M-ary Binary Orthogonal Keying

Yuan Fei , Lin Xiao-Yang , Wei Qian , Cheng En
In this  paper, we propose the HFM-MBOK modulation thecnology based on the frequency bands allocation which is suitable for underwater acoustic communication. The solution have characteristic of constant envelope. Under the guidace of the theory, we test the practicability of the system throuth Matlab simulation. And the sistem used MFSK-MBOK cascaded technology and reduced calculation amount significantly. Finally, the underwater acoustic communication system we proposed has been tested in the pool. The experiment results show that the system is able to achieve a robust and reliable communcation under the condicaions of low signal-to noise ratio and strong multipath envirement.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7311-7317
Publish at: 2014-10-01

One Kind of Routing Algorithm Modified in Wireless Sensor Network

Nini Wei , Yi Song
The wireless sensor networks are the emerging next generation sensor networks, Routing technology is the wireless sensor network communication layer of the core technology. To build reliable paths in wireless sensor networks, we can consider two ways: providing multiple paths utilizing the redundancy to assure the communication reliability or constructing transmission reliability mechanism to assure the reliability of every hop. Braid multipath algorithm and ReInforM routing algorithm are the realizations of these two mechanisms. After the analysis of these two algorithms, this paper proposes a ReInforM routing algorithm based braid multipath routing algorithm.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7495-7500
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from the Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI) Thermal Data

Hailei Liu , Shenglan Zhang
A single channel land surface temperature (LST) retrieval algorithm named Single Channel Water Vapor Dependent (SCWVD) method was presented for Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI) thermal infrared band aboard FengYun-3A (FY-3A) satellite. Water Vapor Content (WVC) is the only input parameter in the algorithm assuming the surface emissivity is known. NCEP reanalysis monthly mean datasets are used to develop the SCWVD algorithm. Some tests, including global numerical simulations and validations with both in-situ measurements and MODIS LST product at Lake Tahoe, USA, were carried out to evaluate the algorithm performance. Compared with NCEP data and U.S. standard mid-latitude summer atmosphere model, the retrieved LST from simulated MERSI brightness temperature with MODTRAN had a RMSE about 0.8 K. In the validation, MERSI Level 2 water vapor product was employed, and the MERSI band emissivity was evaluated using the MODIS band 31 and 32 emissivity with an empirical expression. The results show that the difference between the retrieved MERSI LST and the in-situ measurements is less than 1 K in most situations. The comparison with the MODIS LST products (V5) shows that the RMSE is about 2.3 K.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7287-7298
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Higher Efficiency Switching Mode Power Amplifier Design using the Third-Harmonic Peaking Turning Mode

NSHU. Victor , Z. WenBiao , M.R. Anjum
This paper provides the design approach of one stage switching-mode based class F power amplifier (PA).The device’s nonlinear behavior was analyzed to reduce the dissipated power over the active device and therefore the PA efficiency was increase without having to compromise the power amplifier’s size. The load harmonics were controlled so that the drain voltage and the drain current do rarely coincide with each other, thus greatly increase the power performance of the device. Taking the device size and cost parameters into consideration, the design of load harmonic trap circuit was reduced only to the 2nd and 3rd harmonics. The GaN HEMT transistor, for its high-speed switching ability, is used in our design to maximize the output power and the optimized circuit operating at 5.8GHz with output power of 50.98W was simulated. A power added efficiency of 60% with the power gain of 14dB was obtained.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7160-7166
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Main Pump Seal’s Characteristics Affected by Cone Angle and Clearance

Wang Heshun , Zhu Weibing , Huang Zepei , Zhang Chening
Aimed at the face film characteristics of Main Pump Seal (MPS), related theoretical calculation formulas were deduced based on the Reynolds equation. A case with a certain NPPS is carried out, it is take the leakage as the basic constraint conditions, the calculation focusing on leakage, stiffness and opening force, the end cone angle and clearance change been the main changed parameters. The results show that: (1) Leakage is direct ratio with clearance of three powers;(2) Overall amount of leakage increases with the end cone angle synchronously, and in the smaller cone angle changes significantly while larger slightly; (3) film stiffness increased with clearance (cone angle) first and then decreased, and the maximum value is obtained in a certain clearance (cone angle). Finally, the preferred clearance is preferably in the range of 6~7µm, and the cone angle preferably value is 0.4~2.5'. It is provide a reliable theoretical support for MPS design and key parameter optimization, and conducive to any research related to experiment and application.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7233-7241
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Perfect Forward Secure ID-based Key Agreement Protocol in Group Communication

Pengshuai Qiao
Several identity-based key agreement protocols using bilinear pairing have been proposed in recent years and none of them has achieved all required security properties. In this paper, we firstly propose an ID-based one round authenticated group key agreement protocol with bilinear pairings, where all participants can generate the group session key in one round. Based on the intractability of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, every user’s private key can be proved to be secure. Also an extended version of one round authenticated group key agreement protocol is given, it provide perfect forward secrecy and avoid key escrow by the Key Generation Center.  Finally, a comprehensive security analysis and a comprehensive security analysis are provided. By comparing with other protocols, the proposed protocol requires lower computation cost.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7471-7477
Publish at: 2014-10-01

Issues towards Efficient Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

Abdul Waheed Khan , Abdul Hanan Abdullah , Javed Iqbal Bangash
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is considered as the enabling technology to increase coordination between the physical and virtual worlds. A typical WSN is composed of a large number of computing devices known as nodes which are responsible for sensing and reporting some phenomenon to a sink or base-station where some useful conclusions are drawn from the reported data. Most of the times, the sensed data is of limited usage if not accompanied with timestamp and position information. In addition, several other basic operations in WSNs are based on efficient time synchronization such as duplicate detection, data aggregation/fusion, energy management, transmission scheduling, and cryptography etc; therefore time synchronization plays a pivotal role in operational activities of the network. In this paper, we discuss all the related issues and challenges that revolve around time synchronization in WSNs. Our purpose in writing this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the clock synchronization problem in WSNs so that the application designers can fine tune their applications in accordance with the underlined constraints and complexities involved.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7509-7522
Publish at: 2014-10-01

On the Security of a Dynamic and Secure Key Management Model for Hierarchical Heterogeneous Sensor Networks

Pengshuai Qiao
With the development of the wireless communication technology and the sensor technology, the wireless sensor network (WSN) has been used in many applications. However, WSNs suffer from some inherent weaknesses because of restricted communication and hardware capabilities. To achieve essentially secure communication in WSNs, a few of key management models have been proposed since it is the crucial important building block for all security goals in WSNs. Recently, Alagheband and Aref proposed a signcryption scheme and used it to construct a dynamic key management model for hierarchical heterogeneous sensor networks. They also proved that their signcryption scheme is provably secure if the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem is infeasible. Unfortunately, by giving concrete attacks, we indicate that Alagheband and Aref’s signcryption scheme is not secure in their secure model. The analysis also shows that their key management model is not secure. To solve those weaknesses, we also proposed an improved signcryption scheme.
Volume: 12
Issue: 10
Page: 7459-7462
Publish at: 2014-10-01
Show 1440 of 1659

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