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23,675 Article Results

Restoration of Transient Electromagnetic Signal Based Incremental Wiener Filter
Haiming Yan , Guofu Wang , Faquan Zhang , Jincai Ye
Duo to the effect of receiving antenna, there is a certain deviation between the transient electromagnetic signal and the observation signal outputted from receiving antenna, leading to large blind areas in the shallow exploration of TEM. In order to improve the distortion of the outputted signal, the algorithm of deconvolution based on incremental wiener filter is proposed to recovery the signal in this paper. The influence of receiving antenna to transient electromagnetic signal is eliminated, and the optimum estimated is obtained after the algorithm is applied to realize the deconvolution of observation signal. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that: compared with traditional damping matching method, the recovery signal by the algorithm has a better approximation to the theoretical signal, a higher resolution in shallow exploration, and the damping state of antenna has no influence on the recovery signal. It is of importance for improving transient electromagnetic shallow exploration. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5061-5067
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Effects of the Colored Pump Noise in a Two-Mode Laser
Youlin Xiang , Haiyun Lin , Jianchun Cai , Zucheng Dai , Yujiao Wang
An inhomogeneously broadened two-mode ring laser system with the colored pump noise is considered. The effects of the auto-correlation time t of the colored pump noise on the competition between two modes in the laser system are investigated for the first time by the computer simulation method. The results show that when the laser system works far above threshold, the stationary properties of the laser intensities of two laser modes changes in quite other ways as the value of increases. It is obvious that the effects of the colored pump noise on the mode competition between two laser modes. Here does not exist mode competition for enough small value of t, it increases and then remain unchanged with increasing value of t. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 4973-4979
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators base on RBF Neural Network

Ma Jing; Lishui University Ma Jing , Zhang; Lishui University Wenhui , Zhu; Lishui University Haiping
An adaptive neural network controller is brought forward by the paper to solve trajectory tracking problems of robotic manipulators with uncertainties.  The  first  scheme consists of  a PD feedback  and  a  dynamic  compensator  which is  composed by  neural  network controller and  variable  structure controller.  Neutral network controller is designed to adaptive learn and compensate the unknown uncertainties, variable   structure controller is designed to eliminate approach errors of neutral network. The adaptive weight learning algorithm of neural network is designed to ensure online real-time adjustment, offline learning phase is not need; Global asymptotic stability (GAS) of system base on Lyapunov theory is analysised to ensure the convergence of the algorithm. The simulation results show that the kind of the control scheme is effective and has good robustness.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 521-528
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Multilevel Minimum Cross Entropy Image Thresholding using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Ming-Huwi Horng
The minimum cross entropy thresholding (MCET) has been widely applied in image processing.   In this paper, a new multilevel MCET algorithm based on the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is proposed.  The proposed thresholding algorithm is called ABC-based MCET algorithm. Four different methods including the exhaustive search, the honey bee mating optimization (HBMO), the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the quantum particle swarm optimization (QPSO) methods are also implemented for comparison with the results of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ABC-based MCET algorithm can efficiently search for multiple thresholds that are very close to the optimal ones selected by using the exhaustive search method. Compared with the other three thresholding methods, the segmentation results using the ABC-based MCET algorithm is the best.  It is promising to encourage further research for applying the HBMO algorithm to complex problems of image processing and pattern recognition. DOI:  
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5229-5236
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Wireless Sensor Network for Forest Fire Detection

M. Y. Hariyawan; Politeknik Caltex Riau M. Y. Hariyawan , A. Gunawan; Politeknik Caltex Riau A. Gunawan , E. H. Putra; Politeknik Caltex Riau E. H. Putra
 Forest fires are one of problems that threaten sustainability of the forest. Early prevention system for indications of forest fires is absolutely necessary. The extent of the forest to be one of the problems encountered in the forest condition monitoring. To overcome the problems of forest extent, designed a system of forest fire detection system by adopting the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) using multiple sensor nodes. Each sensor node has a microcontroller, transmitter/receiver and three sensors. Measurement method is performed by measuring the temperature, flame, the levels of methane, hydrocarbons, and CO2 in some forest area and the combustion of peat in a simulator. From results of measurements of temperature, levels of methane, a hydrocarbon gas and CO2 in an open area indicates there are no signs of fires due to the value of the temperature, methane, hydrocarbon gas, and CO2 is below the measurement in the space simulator.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 563-574
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Reduce NOx Emissions by Adsorber-Reduction Catalyst on Lean Burn Engine

Dongpeng; Tianjin University of Technology and Education Yue , Qing; Tianjin University Chang , Lei; Tianjin University Liu , Wen; Tianjin University Zhang , Shaoshu; Tianjin University Chen , Zhijun Li; Tianjin University Zhijun Li
 The effect of a new catalyst system composed of traditional three way catalyst converter and adsorber-reduction catalysis converter on the emission characteristics and BSFC (Breake Specific Fuel Consumption- BSFC)of a lean burn gasoline engine operated were investigated in this paper under different schemes of catalyst converter arrangement and different speeds and loads. The results show that the position of Three Way Catalyst is before the NOx adsorber Catalyst was the best scheme of catalyst converter arrangement. Which has the highest converter efficiency of reduction NOx emission in lean burn gasoline engine. The effects of speed on the exhaust emission and BSFC were also related to the ratio of lean burn time to rich burn time and the absolute value of both time of the adsorber-reduction catalyst converter. The load of the engine was the main influential factor to the exhaust emission characteristics and BSFC of lean burn gasoline engine, and the more load of the engine was, the more NOx emission, the less NOx conversion rate (CNOx) and the better BSFC were.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 481-488
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Equivalent Simplification Method of Micro-Grid
Cai Changchun , Cao Xiangqin
The paper concentrates on the equivalent simplification method for the micro-grid system connection into distributed network. The equivalent simplification method proposed for interaction study between micro-grid and distributed network. Micro-grid network, composite load, gas turbine synchronous generation, wind generation are equivalent simplification and parallel connect into the point of common coupling. A micro-grid system is built and three phase and single phase grounded faults are performed for the test of the equivalent model of micro-grid. The simulation results show that the equivalent model of micro-grid is effective, and the dynamic of equivalent model is similar with the detailed model of micro-grid. The equivalent simplification method for the micro-grid network and distributed components is suitable for the study of micro-grid. DOI:   
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5461-5470
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Research of Signal De-noising Technique Based on Wavelet
Shigang Hu , Yinglu Hu , Xiaofeng Wu , Jin Li , Zaifang Xi , Jin Zhao
During the process of signal testing, often exposed to interference and influence of all kinds of noise signal, such as data collection and transmission and so may introduce noise. So in practical applications, before analysis of the data measured, the need for de-noising processing. The signal de-noising is a method for filtering the high frequency  noise of the signal and makes the signal more precise. This paper deals with the general theory of wavelet transform, the application of wavelet transform in signal de-noising as well as the analysis of the characteristics of noise-polluted signa1. Matlab is used to be carried out the simu1ation where the different wavelet and different threshold of the same wavelet for signal de-noising are applied. An indicator of wavelet de-noising is presented , it is the indicator of smoothness. Through analysis of the experiment , considered MSE , SNR and smoothness , it can be a good way to evaluate the equality of wavelet de-noising. The results show that the wavelet transform can achieve excellent results in signal de-noising. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5141-5149
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulators base on RBF Neural Network

Ma Jing; Lishui University Ma Jing , Zhang; Lishui University Wenhui , Zhu; Lishui University Haiping
An adaptive neural network controller is brought forward by the paper to solve trajectory tracking problems of robotic manipulators with uncertainties.  The  first  scheme consists of  a PD feedback  and  a  dynamic  compensator  which is  composed by  neural  network controller and  variable  structure controller.  Neutral network controller is designed to adaptive learn and compensate the unknown uncertainties, variable   structure controller is designed to eliminate approach errors of neutral network. The adaptive weight learning algorithm of neural network is designed to ensure online real-time adjustment, offline learning phase is not need; Global asymptotic stability (GAS) of system base on Lyapunov theory is analysised to ensure the convergence of the algorithm. The simulation results show that the kind of the control scheme is effective and has good robustness.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 521-528
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Wide Baseline Matching Using Support Vector Regression

Haifeng Xi; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Haifeng Xi , Weihua; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Cui
  In this paper, we newly solve wide baseline matching using support vector regression (SVR). High correct ratio initial matches are used to train SVR relationships, obtained by matching large-scale SIFT features and discarding some mismatches by our improved topological filtering scheme; and new matches are searched near the prediction given by trained SVR relationships. Both indoor and outdoor environments image pairs under wide baseline condition are tested, experiment results show that our algorithm automatically gain large numbers of accurate point correspondences.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 597-602
Publish at: 2013-09-01

A Signal Pre-processing Algorithm Applied for Ultrasonic Flow-Meter
Rang-ding Wang , Qiang Liu , Chen-tou Du , Ling Yao
In order to solve the problem of time difference ultrasonic flow meter’s low accuracy, against the basic characteristics of the sample data, a data-processing algorithm is proposed. First, we use shell sort do a data pre-processing to the samples, then remove the error of the sample space by complex digital filter, and use the error compensation algorithm to get the final sample results. Among them, the complex digital filter is mainly composed by median filtering algorithm, sliding window, Peters algorithm and the weighted average algorithm. This kind of data processing algorithm can effectively filter out the error of the sample space. It can also make a large improvement to the accuracy of ultrasonic flow meter while ensure the stability and real-time. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5293-5298
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Automatic Segmentation Framework of Building Anatomical Mouse Model for Bioluminescence Tomography
Abdullah Alali
Bioluminescence tomography is known as a highly ill-posed inverse problem. To improve the reconstruction performance by introducing anatomical structures as a priori knowledge, an automatic segmentation framework has been proposed in this paper to extract the mouse whole-body organs and tissues, which enables to build up a heterogeneous mouse model for reconstruction of bioluminescence tomography. Finally, an in vivo mouse experiment has been conducted to evaluate this framework by using an X-ray computed tomography system and a multi-view bioluminescence imaging system. The findings suggest that the proposed method can realize fast automatic segmentation of mouse anatomical structures, ultimately enhancing the reconstruction performance of bioluminescence tomography. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 4997-5004
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Research of Driving Circuit in Coaxial Induction Coilgun

Yadong; Wuhan University Zhang , Jiangjun; Wuhan University Ruan , Yuanchao Hu; Wuhan University Yuanchao Hu , Ruohan; Wuhan University Gong , Weijie; Wuhan University Zhang , Kaipei; Wuhan University Liu
Power supply is crucial equipment in coaxial induction coil launcher. Configuration of the driving circuit directly influences the efficiency of the coil launcher.This paper gives a detailed analysis of the properties of the driving circuit construction based on the capacitor source. Three topologies of the driving circuit are compared including oscillation, crowbar and half-wave circuits. It is proved that which circuit has the better efficiency depends on the detailed parameters of the experiment, especially the crowbar resistance. Crowbar resistor regulates not only efficiency of the system, but also temperature rise of the coil. Electromagnetic force (EMF) applied on the armature will be another problem which influences service condition of the driving circuits. Oscillation and crowbar circuits should be applied to both of the synchronous and asynchronous induction coil launchers, respectively. Half-wave circuit is seldom used in the experiment. Although efficiency of the half-wave circuit is very high, the speed of the armature is low. A simple independent half-wave circuit is proposed in this paper. In general, the comprehensive property of crowbar circuit is the most practical in the three typical circuits. Conclusions of the paper could provide guidelines for practice.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 433-440
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Analysis on Issues of Variable Flow Water System
Jinming Yang
Variable flow water system has played an important role in the field of energy saving with the Electronic Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) widely used in practical projects. How to control the frequency converter to work properly is an essential issue which we must first emphatically solve. The control technology of frequency converter is closely related to characteristics of pumps. Based on the mathmatical a model of pumps with or without inverters, the article discusses some issues in detail, such as inverters configuration, flow rate regulation and overload. These are key issues of control technology of variable flow water system. For those multiple-pump water systems, the engineers may select synchronous frequency conversion control technology or Add-Sub pumps control technology to achieve the maximum energy-saving benefits. DOI:  
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5378-5383
Publish at: 2013-09-01

An SVM based Algorithm for Road Disease Detection using Accelerometer
Yanjun Ren , Guanghua Wen , Xiuyun Li
A signal processing algorithm based on the principle of support vector machines as well as the analysis to the characteristics of road surface diseases is proposed to detect pavement disease. Measurements from vehicle-mounted sensors (e.g., accelerometers and Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers) are properly combined to produce higher quality road roughness data for road surface condition monitoring. By using the proposed algorithm to identify the measurements, the test results show that this algorithm is suitable for pavement disease detection and is an efficient algorithm. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5169-5175
Publish at: 2013-09-01
Show 1475 of 1579

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