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23,675 Article Results

Analysis on Issues of Variable Flow Water System
Jinming Yang
Variable flow water system has played an important role in the field of energy saving with the Electronic Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) widely used in practical projects. How to control the frequency converter to work properly is an essential issue which we must first emphatically solve. The control technology of frequency converter is closely related to characteristics of pumps. Based on the mathmatical a model of pumps with or without inverters, the article discusses some issues in detail, such as inverters configuration, flow rate regulation and overload. These are key issues of control technology of variable flow water system. For those multiple-pump water systems, the engineers may select synchronous frequency conversion control technology or Add-Sub pumps control technology to achieve the maximum energy-saving benefits. DOI:  
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5378-5383
Publish at: 2013-09-01

An SVM based Algorithm for Road Disease Detection using Accelerometer
Yanjun Ren , Guanghua Wen , Xiuyun Li
A signal processing algorithm based on the principle of support vector machines as well as the analysis to the characteristics of road surface diseases is proposed to detect pavement disease. Measurements from vehicle-mounted sensors (e.g., accelerometers and Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers) are properly combined to produce higher quality road roughness data for road surface condition monitoring. By using the proposed algorithm to identify the measurements, the test results show that this algorithm is suitable for pavement disease detection and is an efficient algorithm. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5169-5175
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Adaptive Neural Network Robust Control for Space Robot with Uncertainty

Zhang; Lishui University Wenhui , Fang; Lishui University Yamin , Ye Xiaoping; Lishui University Ye Xiaoping
The trajectory tracking problems of a class of space robot manipulators with parameters and non-parameters uncertainty are considered. An adaptive robust control algorithm based on neural network is proposed by the paper. Neutral network is used to adaptive learn and compensate the unknown system for parameters uncertainties, the weight adaptive laws are designed by the paper, System stability base on Lyapunov theory is analysised to ensure the convergence of the algorithm. Non-parameters uncertainties are estimated and compensated by robust controller. It is proven that the designed controller can guarantee the asymptotic convergence of tracking error. The controller could guarantee good robust and the stability of closed-loop system. The simulation results show that the presented method is effective.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 513-520
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Temperature Control of Evaporative Cooler (EC) for Converter Dry Dedusting
Li Fangwei , Wang Zhenqing
The converter dry dedusting is more complicated with higher requirements in automatic control than the wet dust extraction. The key difficult point is the EC temperature control. This paper puts forth a method to effectively deal with the fluctuated-drastically temperature caused by control lagging at the EC outlet in the traditional converter dry dedusting. The EC outlet temperature can be under control of technological requirement by combining controls of proportion, empirical value, fuzziness and PID. The intelligent system is available with parameter auto tuning, which facilitates the on-site debugging greatly for operators. The result of the on-site application suggests that this method can be used to well handle some technological difficulties in the EC temperature control. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5402-5408
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Reconstruction of Planar Multilayered Structures using Multiplicative-Regularized Contrast Source Inversion

Mudrik; Universitas Mercu Buana Alaydrus , Said; Universitas Mercu Buana Attamimi
 There is an increasing interest to have an access to hidden objects without making any destructive action. Such non-destructive method is able to give a picture of the inner part of the structure by measuring some external entities. The problem of reconstructing planar multilayered structures based on given scattering data is an inverse problem. Inverse problems are ill-posed, beside matrix inversion tools, a regularization procedure must be applied additionally. Multiplicative regularization was considered as an appropriate penalty method to solve this problem. The Gauss-Newton inversion method as an optimization procedure was used to find the permittivity values, which minimized some cost functions. Several dielectric layers with different thickness and profiles were observed. Some layers needed more discretization elements and more iteration steps to give the correct profiles. 
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 555-562
Publish at: 2013-09-01

The Formation of Optimal Portfolio of Mutual Shares Funds using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm

Yandra; Bogor Agricultural University Arkeman , Akhmad; Lambung Mangkurat University Yusuf , Mushthofa; Bogor Agricultural University Mushthofa , Gibtha; Bogor Agricultural University FitriLaxmi , Kudang Boro; Bogor Agricultural University Seminar
 Investments in financial assets have become a trend in the globalization era, especially the investment in mutual fund shares. Investors who want to invest in stock mutual funds can set up an investment portfolio in order to generate a minimal risk and maximum return. In this study the authors used the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Non-dominated Sorting II (MOGA NSGA-II) technique with the Markowitz portfolio principle to find the best portfolio from several mutual funds. The data used are 10 company stock mutual funds with a period of 12 months, 24 months and 36 months. The genetic algorithm parameters used are crossover probability of 0.65, mutation probability of 0.05, Generation 400 and a population numbering 20 individuals. The study produced a combination of the best portfolios for the period of 24 months with a computing time of 63,289 seconds.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 625-636
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Development of Blumlein Line Generator and Reactor for Wastewater Treatment

Zainuddin; Universitas Sriwijaya Nawawi , Muhammad Abu Bakar; Universitas Sriwijaya, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Sidik , Zolkafle; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Buntat , S. M. Zafar; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Iqbal , Hashem; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Ahmadi , Muhammadjavad; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mobarra
There are several wastewater treatment methods and techniques which have been introduced such as by using biological, chemical, and physical process. However, it is found that there are some shortcomings in the current available methods and techniques. For instance, the application of chlorine can cause bacterial disinfection but produce secondary harmful carcinogenic disinfection. In order to acquire a better understanding in wastewater treatment process, a study of wastewater treatment system and hybrid discharge reactor to acquire gas liquid phase corona like discharge is carried out. In addition to the laboratory experiment, designing and development of the Blumlein pulse power circuit and modification of reactor for wastewater treatment are accomplished as well. The Blumlein pulse power circuit generates nanosecond high voltage pulses. The Hybrid Discharge reactor can produce both spark discharge in gas phase and liquid phase (spark-spark discharge). Analysis of the emission spectrum of the occurring discharge found the existence of various chemicals such as OH radicals. In addition, a drastic improvement in terms of oxygen content and conductivity level of the wastewater sample is also observed. 
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 473-480
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Local Memory Search Bat Algorithm for Grey Economic Dynamic System
Mo Yuanbin , Zhao Xinquan , Xiang Shujian
Control system is a pattern for describing microeconomic performance, so it can provide theory basis for policy-making to make economic performance well and continuously by analyzing and solving the model of economic control system. After analyzing the characteristics of Bat Algorithm (BA), the method to adjust each step of BA is proposed. In the method, each bat took advantage of the optimal location that it had found to guide the direction of search. The result of the case study showed that the proposed algorithm was efficient, then the proposed algorithm was used to solve the grey economic dynamic system, and the results further showed that the method was valid for solving economic control problems. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 4925-4934
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Singularity Detection of Magnetic Memory Signal of Steel-Cord Conveyor Belt
Qiao Tiezhu , Li Xiaolu , Zhang Xueying
Metal magnetic memory technology was an important method for detecting the steel-cord conveyor belt early fault, characteristics of magnetic memory signal extraction is critical for judging of the conveyor belt failure. Generally using of magnetic memory signal maximum gradient value can quickly judge the stress concentration zone, but the magnetic memory signal is susceptible to effected by environmental and noise; In view of the weak and non-stationary characteristics of magnetic memory signal, this paper has proposed the singularity detection method based on wavelet transform modulus maximum for metal magnetic memory signal, the method could exactly judged the stress concentration zone of joints and located the fault points of the steel-cord belt, the characteristic gradient of magnetic memory signal and the Lipschitz exponent were extracted. The result of simulation indicated the technology was effectively for judging the stress concentration zone and fault point. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 4904-4910
Publish at: 2013-09-01

The Blanket Fractal Dimension Based on the Directed Pattern Plate
Wang Yan , Cui Zeyan
Blanket fractal dimension is a kind of fractal dimension,which is usually used in image processing , and doesn't have a direction. This paper will propose to introduce the direction of pixel into the calculation of the Blanket fractal dimension, and use it to detect the edge of image. This algorithm will calculate the new blanket fractal dimension of the image at first, and then detect the edge with the method of the edge segmentation algorithm based on the traditional Blanket fractal dimension. After this, it will eliminate a part of pixels based on the IFS and Collage Theorem. Experiments will show that this algorithm is able to overcome the issue of double-border in the edge segmentation algorithm base on traditional Blanket fractal dimension, and extract the precision edges with the different directions. DOI:  
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5126-5132
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Adaptive Neural Network Robust Control for Space Robot with Uncertainty

Zhang; Lishui University Wenhui , Fang; Lishui University Yamin , Ye Xiaoping; Lishui University Ye Xiaoping
The trajectory tracking problems of a class of space robot manipulators with parameters and non-parameters uncertainty are considered. An adaptive robust control algorithm based on neural network is proposed by the paper. Neutral network is used to adaptive learn and compensate the unknown system for parameters uncertainties, the weight adaptive laws are designed by the paper, System stability base on Lyapunov theory is analysised to ensure the convergence of the algorithm. Non-parameters uncertainties are estimated and compensated by robust controller. It is proven that the designed controller can guarantee the asymptotic convergence of tracking error. The controller could guarantee good robust and the stability of closed-loop system. The simulation results show that the presented method is effective.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 513-520
Publish at: 2013-09-01

A Novel Survey Based on Multiethnic Facial Semantic Web
LI Zedong , DUAN Xiaodong , ZHANG Qingling
The face includes a number of facial features which are various in minorities. Firstly, according to the correlations of the face parts shape semantics, multiethnic facial semantic web is proposed. It represents the relationship which belongs to the same minority and the difference of that belongs to the different minorities. Secondly, multiethnic facial semantic web is reduced by the correlations between the parts of the face. The semantic web which is reduced can maintains most available information which is belong to original semantic web, reduces the complexity and indirectly analysis the national facial features. Lastly, the effectiveness of our experiment is demonstrated by some real-word data sets. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5076-5083
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Design of Spot Welding Robot
Zelun Li , Zhicheng Huang , Youjun Huang
Welding robot has played an extremely important role in the welding production of high-quality, high-efficiency. The paper designed the hardware structure and software of spot welding robot. The hardware design mainly includes the major modules of arm and base; the hardware design includes two parts: manual mode and automatic mode. Manual mode is generally used for the robot system installation, commissioning and troubleshooting, and the major modules are controlled by the start of the corresponding button; automatic mode is mainly used for production stage. The welding robot uses PLC for controlling; the system runs faster and has a short production cycle. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 11
Page: 6267-6273
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Application of Potential Type Electronic Tongue on Milk Discrimination
Jinguo Zhang , Chun Pan , Honghui Gao , Hong Men , Yitong Li
Four brands of milk based on the potential type electronic tongue are tested by using the principal component analysis (PCA), fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) algorithm for clustering analysis. Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is used to forecast category for any brand of milk data, which are extracted from all the data randomly. The results show that potential type electronic tongue can distinguish four brands of milk perfectly, and the forecasting accuracy rate can reach to 100%. Potential type electronic tongue has potential application value in the identification of milk. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Page: 5365-5370
Publish at: 2013-09-01

Comparative Study of Bankruptcy Prediction Models

Isye; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Arieshanti , Yudhi; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Purwananto , Ariestia; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Ramadhani , Mohamat Ulin; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Nuha , Nurissaidah; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Ulinnuha
 Early indication of Bankruptcy is important for a company. If companies aware of potency of their Bankruptcy, they can take a preventive action to anticipate the Bankruptcy. In order to detect the potency of a Bankruptcy, a company can utilize a model of Bankruptcy prediction. The prediction model can be built using a machine learning methods. However, the choice of machine learning methods should be performed carefully because the suitability of a model depends on the problem specifically. Therefore, in this paper we perform a comparative study of several machine leaning methods for Bankruptcy prediction. It is expected that the comparison result will provide insight about the robust method for further research. According to the comparative study, the performance of several models that based on machine learning methods (k-NN, fuzzy k-NN, SVM, Bagging Nearest Neighbour SVM, Multilayer Perceptron(MLP), Hybrid of MLP + Multiple Linear Regression), it can be concluded that fuzzy k-NN method achieve the best performance with accuracy 77.5%. The result suggests that the enhanced development of bankruptcy prediction model could use the improvement or modification of fuzzy k-NN.
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Page: 591-596
Publish at: 2013-09-01
Show 1476 of 1579

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