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23,598 Article Results

Research on Fault Controlling Petroleum Accumulation in Nanpu Sag
Yumin Liu , Yingying Zhang
This paper analyzed the factors controlling hydrocarbon accumulation associated with fault evolution, and pointed out favorable exploration directions by establishing pattern of fault controlling petroleum accumulation. Research showed that positive local structural belts were favorable positions for hydrocarbon accumulation; While the juxtaposition thickness of Ed2 caprock was less than 90-95 m, hydrocarbon could penetrate the caprock and accumulate in middle-shallow layers; mode Ⅴ and Ⅵ fractures were oil source faults, intersected faults are the preponderant pathways of hydrocarbon vertical migration, hydrocarbon flowed to reservoirs with sand content of more than 20%; Strong fault sealing ability was necessary for hydrocarbons of injecting into fault trap to accumulate and be preserved; Positive local structural belts, which are related to mode Ⅴ and Ⅵ fractures, with caprock juxtaposition thickness of less than 90-95 m, high sand content and good fault lateral sealing ability, were oil exploration targets and directions of middle-shallow layers. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2231-2238
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Knowledge Interchange in Task-Oriented Architecture: For Space Robot Application
Cen Yu , WeiJia Zhou
Behaviors of multi-robot system based on task-oriented architecture are intuitional according to the flow of task processing that is obvious to plan and monitor. This paper tables a novel task-oriented architecture for space robot application, which consists of task description, task completion analysis, task compromise. For this architecture, author designed a knowledge interchange mechanism base on KIF (Knowledge Interchange Format) and OKBC (Open Knowledge Base Connectivity). Using this knowledge interchange mechanism, knowledge bases designed by different languages comprehend information transmitted form each other. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1857-1867
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Multivariable Predictive Control of the Main Steam Temperature in Power Plant
Wang Ting , Feng Xiaolu , Chen Jiangtao , Zhang Rong , Xu Wei
This paper aims at the problems existing in the cascade Proportional Integration Differential (PID) control of the main steam temperature system in power plants nowadays, such as large dynamic deviation, poor load adaptability. etc. The two multivariable model predictive controllers are designed and applied to control the second stage desuperheater inlet temperature and the main steam temperature, respectively, which is aimed by the simulation platform for 200 MW unit. The controlled object of the main steam temperature is simulated, and both predictive control and cascade PID control strategies are designed to control the object. The results of the stimulation experiments have shown that the predictive controller is superior to the traditional cascade PID controller in dynamic deviation and load adaptability of main steam temperature in power plant. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2008-2012
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Remote Control Techniques to the Digital Storage Oscilloscope by GPIB and VISA
Faquan Zhang , Guofu Wang , Jincai Ye , Qingning Zeng
Some techniques of controlling remotely the digital storage oscilloscope were proposed including VISA, VXIplug&play drivers, TVC and IVI-COM drivers. By means of GPIB and VISA, several application development environments could be used to develop remote control techniques to the digital storage oscilloscope. The programming language of Visual C++ was used to develop software. With the help of VISA and the dynamic link library, remote control to the digital storage oscilloscope through network was completed. All operations to the digital storage oscilloscope including parameters setup, data acquisition, waveform acquisition and storage, data processing were implemented in a remote place. The results show that the techniques of remote control are convenient and efficient and fit for experiments of scientific research and practical projects. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1835-1840
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Game Model on Income Distribution for Expressway Network Tolling
Yinggui Zhang , Mengjun Wang , Dingyou Lei , Hanfen Hu
Reasonable income distribution for expressway network tolling plays a positive role in attracting investors and social funds to accelerate expressway construction and development. Influence factors of the income distribution problem for expressway network tolling were analyzed and the income distribution process of expressway network tolling was further viewed as a bargaining game in the paper. Then, an income distribution model based on bargaining game for expressway network tolling was proposed to increase the return rates for expressway investors and further mobilize their enthusiasm for expressway investment. Finally, we proposed one numerical example for the income distribution problem with the help of such game model. Also, The results demonstrated that the precedence investors with much more optimistic attitudes to expressway investment could share much more from expressway network tolling, and also the traffic volume distribution compensation from the government in an opened or hidden way further could enhance investors’ enthusiasm for the expressway investment with certain low discount rates. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2214-2220
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Research and Design of Embedded uC/OS-II Network Storage System
Xiaowei Zhang , Fensu Shi
This article describes a network storage system, which is developed on the embedded system platform. It uses the open-source embedded real-time operating system kernel uCOS-II. Because the kernel is far from complete, such as the lack of a file system, device management, network protocol stack, graphical user interface, but it is small and open source.We extended its functions, such as to add LwIP network protocol stack, IDE hard drive, DM9000 NIC driver, NOR FALSH drive and a file system that supports large-capacity memory and etc, making it an embedded network storage system based on uCOS-II. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1990-1995
Publish at: 2013-04-01


Nuryono Satya; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Widodo , Balza; Universitas Gadjah Mada Achmad , Darmawan; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Sutanto
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pertama, merancang prototip mobil robot anti menabrak, baik perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunaknya. Kedua, menentukan kesalahan perjalanan mobil robot anti menabrak dalam menghindari dinding khusus atau dinding yang memenuhi kriteria tertentu. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mobil robot anti menabrak berbasis mikrokontroler 68HC11. Transdusernya adalah sensor inframerah dengan fototransistor menggunakan penguat operasional LM 324. Bagian-bagian yang dirancang adalah untai penguat instrumen  sebagai penguat tegangan, rangkaian penguatan sensor inframerah, badan (body) mobil, tombol pemilih dan program untuk mengatur kerja rangkaian. Alat yang diperlukan untuk mengumpulkan data  adalah perangkat mobil yang telah jadi dengan sensor inframerah sebagai transduser, penggaris untuk mengukur jarak respon mobil  mulai membelok, berbagai macam bentuk benda penghalang yang dibuat dari karton dengan warna yang berbeda. Data diperoleh dengan melihat perbedaan jarak pada saat mobil mulai membelok ketika didepan mobil diberi benda penghalang yang bermacam-macam bentuk dan warna berbeda, juga respon sensor inframerah pada mobil robot terhadap penghalang dengan sudut yang berbeda-beda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, telah dapat dirancang mobil robot anti menabrak berbasis mikrokontroler  68HC11, baik perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunaknya, dengan sensor inframerah sebagai pendeteksi dinding penghalang. Mobil robot dapat menghindari penghalang dengan baik pada posisi sudut 35 terhadap  penghalang dengan  0% kegagalan, mulai menunjukkan kesalahan pada sudut 30  terhadap penghalang dengan 10% kegagalan dan mulai gagal 100% pada sudut 20terhadap penghalang. Bentuk penghalang yang paling sensitif dideteksi oleh sensor inframerah adalah bentuk balok dan segitiga sama sisi, sedangkan yang paling tidak sensitif adalah bentuk tabung dan prisma sama sisi. Warna penghalang yang paling sensitif dideteksi oleh sensor inframerah adalah warna perak, kemudian diikuti warna putih dan hitam.
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Page: 55-64
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Combination of Fault Tree and Neural Networks in Excavator Diagnosis
Li Guoping , Zhang Qingwei , Ma Xiao
By using the theory of artificial intelligence fault diagnosis of hydraulic excavator of several basic problems are discussed in this paper, the artificial intelligence neural network model is established for the fault diagnosis of hydraulic system; the combined application of fault diagnosis analysis (FTA) and artificial neural network is evaluated. In view of the hydraulic excavator failure symptom of dispersion and fuzziness, the fault diagnosis method was presented based on the fault tree and fuzzy neural network. On the basis of analysis of the hydraulic excavator system works, the fault tree model of hydraulic excavator was built by using fault diagnosis tree. And then, utilizing the example of hydraulic excavator fault diagnosis, the method of building neural network, obtaining training samples and neural network learning in the process of intelligent fault diagnosis are expounded. And the status monitoring data of hydraulic excavator was used as the sample data source. Using fuzzy logic methods the samples were blurred. The fault diagnosis of hydraulic excavator was achieved with BP neural network. The experimental result demonstrated that the information of sign failure was fully used through the algorithm. The algorithm was feasible and effective to fault diagnosis of hydraulic excavator. A new diagnosis method was proposed for fault diagnosis of other similar device. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1787-1796
Publish at: 2013-04-01


Lina; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Handayani , Tole; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Sutikno
Studi empiris telah membuktikan bahwa para ahli medis tidak selalu menghasilkan keputusan diagnosis medis yang optimal, karena banyaknya informasi yang harus diolah untuk membuat diagnosis yang optimal. Otak manusia memiliki kemampuan untuk menerima informasi, menganalisis, menggambarkan, menciptakan, berkonsentrasi dan berpikir, namun sangat terbatas jika digunakan untuk menyimpan fakta-fakta yang banyak secara permanen, memanggil fakta-fakta tersebut kembali dengan cepat dan tepat, serta menangani variabel-variabel yang berbeda pada saat yang bersamaan. E2gLite memberikan kemudahan dalam hal pembangunan sistem pakar serta pelaksanaan konsultasi oleh pengguna. Pada desain sistem pakar berbasis web dengan shell e2gLite harus dibuat 2 buah file, yaitu file halaman web yang berisi applet e2gLite dan file basis pengetahuan. Kedua file tersebut harus ditulis dengan format yang telah ditentukan oleh pembuat e2gLite.. Paper ini akan menjelaskan desain dan penggunaan sistem pakar untuk diagnosis penyakit THT berbasis web dengan shell e2gLite. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, sistem pakar yang didesain dengan shell e2gLite untuk diagnosis penyakit THT, dapat bekerja sesuai yang diharapkan. Sistem dapat mengindentifikasikan 23 jenis penyakit THT berdasarkan variasi input 38 gejala yang diberikan. Sistem juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang memungkinkan Pengguna memiliki kesempatan untuk mengetahui mengapa sebuah pertanyaan diajukan dan meminta penjelasan bagaimana sebuah kesimpulan diambil oleh sistem.
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Page: 13-20
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Quadratic Inverse Function Tsallis Entropy Multi-modulus Blind Equalization Algorithm
Guo Yecai , Gong Xiuli , Chen Qu , Gong Xi
In underwater acoustic communication systems, inter-symbol interference (ISI) caused by communication channel distortion is the main factor affecting the quality of communication. Aiming at the shortcomings of computational complexity, slow convergence rate, and poor stability of Multi-Modulus Algorithm (MMA), a quadratic inverse function Tsallis entropy of Cascade Multi-Modulus blind equalization Algorithm (TCMMA) was proposed. In the proposed algorithm, quadratic inverse function Tsallis entropy is fused with Parzen window probability density estimation method, and directly used as the cost function in cascade  blind equalizer to reduce the residual mean square error, and the normalized wavelet transform is used to speed up the convergence speed. The simulation results with underwater acoustic channel show the superiority of the proposed algorithm. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1973-1982
Publish at: 2013-04-01

A Novel Routing Protocol for VANETS
Wang Ying , Xu Hui-bin , Cha Dai-feng
An effective routing protocol to the vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETS) should have good performance whether status of the network. And the mobile AD hoc working group on network (MANETS), VANETS have special requirements of node mobility and extremely dependent on the application, and geographic routing protocol is one of the most suitable VANETS.GPSR is the most well known positioning agreement. In this study, we analyzed the  blind void detouring  problem, will appear devious perimeter for GPSR routing protocol when network contains routing void area, a node priority forward strategy method to solve this problem.The NS2 simulation results show that the proposed strategy can better realize packet forwarding and enhance package transportation efficiency. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2195-2199
Publish at: 2013-04-01

The Medium and Long Term Load Forecasting Combined Model Considering Weight Scale Method
Fan Li , Zhou Buxiang , Chen Shi , Li Zuo , Yang Changyu
A combined model which adopted thought of weight scale method in load forecasting to remedy such defect was proposed according to the shortcomings of traditional load forecasting combined model. Adopting the logarithmic least square algorithm to get the weight of single forecasting model by using the relationship between scale judgment matrix and weight matrix, the new model could give out forecasting result through creating such scale judgment matrix and weight matrix. The theory and implementation details of new model are presented, calculating and application in practice power grid proves the model has the ability to improve load forecasting precision effectively compared with single forecasting model and traditional combined model. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2181-2186
Publish at: 2013-04-01

A Low-Cost Remote Healthcare Monitor System Based on Embedded Server
He Liu , Yadong Wang , Lei Wang
In the paper, we propose a scheme about a low-cost remote healthcare monitor system based on embedded server between home and hospital. In the scheme, we design an embedded server based on an ARM9 microprocessor. The embedded server supplies all kinds of interfaces such as GPIO interfaces, serial interfaces. These interfaces can acquire all kinds of physiology signals such as Electrocardiograph, heart rate, respiration wave, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, body temperature and so on through connecting the sensor modules. The network is based on local area network and adopts the Browser/Server model. Each home with an embedded server is as a server endpoint and the hospital is as a Browser endpoint. Every embedded server owns an independent static internet protocol address. The doctors can easily acquire patients’ physiology information through writing patients’ internet protocol address on any computer browser. The embedded server can store patients’ physiology information using database in an 8 GB SD card. The doctor can download the database information into the local computers. The system can conveniently upgrade all software in the embedded server only on a remote hospital computer. The remote healthcare monitor system based on embedded server has advantages of low-cost, convenience and feasibility. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1750-1756
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Sitting Posture Recognition based on data fusion on pressure cushion
Junrong Bao , Wenfeng Li , Jian Li , Yanhong Ge , Chongzhi Bao
Sitting postures affect their safety in wheelchair for persons with the disability or the elder people. In this paper, we built the body pressure collection system; it is explored the relationship between the pressure distributions and sitting posture; based on daily sitting posture of disabled and older people , the eight states is summarized that people sit on the wheelchair, and using density-based clustering methods establish the evaluation model of difference sitting postures. The instances verify that the model can accurately predict the relations between pressure distribution and sitting postures. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1769-1775
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Mixed Programming Realization of the EMD-WVD Combined Method
Miaozhong Sun , Hongtao Tang , Yuanli Xu
Winger-Ville Distribution (WVD) possesses high time-frequency concentration and resolutions, but brings serious cross-terms in process of a multi-component signal to distort greatly the result of time-frequency analysis. Because of this the use of the WVD is limited for many applications. In this paper a combined method is proposed: Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is first used to decompose the original signal into a series of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), then false IMFs among them are eliminated according to the correlation coefficients between each IMF and the original signal, WVD is utilized to analyze the remanent IMFs, finally each WVD is added linearly with together to reconstruct the whole WVDs of the original signal. In order to carry out and validate the combined method, a time-frequency analytic system is designed and realized by using MATLAB and Delphi mixed programming based on COM (Component Object Model) module technology. This system is used to perform vibration signal time-frequency analysis of a grinding machine. The analytic results show validity of the combinedl method and success of the mixed programming. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1902-1908
Publish at: 2013-04-01
Show 1509 of 1574

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