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23,598 Article Results

Sitting Posture Recognition based on data fusion on pressure cushion
Junrong Bao , Wenfeng Li , Jian Li , Yanhong Ge , Chongzhi Bao
Sitting postures affect their safety in wheelchair for persons with the disability or the elder people. In this paper, we built the body pressure collection system; it is explored the relationship between the pressure distributions and sitting posture; based on daily sitting posture of disabled and older people , the eight states is summarized that people sit on the wheelchair, and using density-based clustering methods establish the evaluation model of difference sitting postures. The instances verify that the model can accurately predict the relations between pressure distribution and sitting postures. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1769-1775
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Mixed Programming Realization of the EMD-WVD Combined Method
Miaozhong Sun , Hongtao Tang , Yuanli Xu
Winger-Ville Distribution (WVD) possesses high time-frequency concentration and resolutions, but brings serious cross-terms in process of a multi-component signal to distort greatly the result of time-frequency analysis. Because of this the use of the WVD is limited for many applications. In this paper a combined method is proposed: Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is first used to decompose the original signal into a series of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), then false IMFs among them are eliminated according to the correlation coefficients between each IMF and the original signal, WVD is utilized to analyze the remanent IMFs, finally each WVD is added linearly with together to reconstruct the whole WVDs of the original signal. In order to carry out and validate the combined method, a time-frequency analytic system is designed and realized by using MATLAB and Delphi mixed programming based on COM (Component Object Model) module technology. This system is used to perform vibration signal time-frequency analysis of a grinding machine. The analytic results show validity of the combinedl method and success of the mixed programming. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1902-1908
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Printing Detecting Algorithm Basing on Maximum Degree of Recognition
Hu Zhang , Feng Guo
In modern packaging, printing industry, due to effects of the properties of the strip itself and the ambient light, strip background color and the color of the printing line, the low contrast boundaries of the strip on both sides and so on, the traditional digital qualitative detection and control to the correction system does not meet the comprehensive requirements. This paper aims to study the detection of a continuous line, discontinuous line and color dividing line on the strip, and because of low contrast between background color and dividing line, we proposed an innovative solution and implementation. This article discusses a new algorithm basing on maximum degree of recognition and optimal light source search algorithm, and we simulated this in MATLAB, finally, we completed the physical testing of the overall system. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2124-2130
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Semi-implicit Image Denoising Algorithm for Different Boundary Conditions
Yuying Shi , Yonggui Zhu , Jingjing Liu
In this paper, the Crank-Nicolson semi-implicit difference scheme in matrix form is applied to discrete the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi model. We also consider different boundary conditions: Dirichlet boundary conditions, periodic boundary conditions, Neumann boundary conditions, antireflective boundary conditions and mean boundary conditions. By comparing the experimental results of Crank-Nicolson semi-implicit scheme and explicit scheme with the proposed boundary conditions, we can get that the semi-implicit scheme can overcome the instability and the number of iterations of the shortcomings that the explicit discrete scheme has, and its recovery effects are better than the explicit discrete scheme. In addition, the antireflective boundary conditions and Neumann boundary conditions can better maintain the continuity of the boundary in image denoising. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2058-2063
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Single Phase Permanent Magnet Low Speed Synchronous Motor
Gao Lianxue , Sun Diansheng
In order to acquire a better cognition to the single phase permanent magnet low speed synchronous motor and validate the correctness of the motor mathematical model, the performances of the motor are tested with the single phase permanent magnet low speed synchronous motor whose type is 70TDY4, the corresponding simulations are done too. The resistance and the inductance of the single phase permanent magnet low speed synchronous motor are measured. According to the data of experiments and simulations, the static characteristics of the single phase permanent magnet low speed synchronous motor with the changes of the phase shift resistance and the phase shift capacitance are analysed, the results of experiments and simulations prove the correctness of the mathematics model. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2136-2140
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Securing Personal Health Records in the Cloud by Enforcing Sticky Policies
Chunxia Leng , Huiqun Yu , Jingming Wang , Jianhua Huang
The personal health records (PHR) always contain much health-related privacy information in different categories. When storing the PHR data in the cloud, the PHR owner loses control to the sensitive information and is confronted with potential privacy exposure. In this paper, we propose a scheme to enable the protection of the PHR data hosted in the cloud. It not only supports that the data access can be fine-grained and base on the privacy policies specified by the PHR owner, but also affords an effective encryption mechanism and flexible key management approach to enforce the privacy policies sticky to the PHR data. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2200-2208
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Hybrid Feature Selection Based on Improved GA for the Intrusion Detection System
Shu-xin Zhu , Bin Hu
High dimensionality is one of the most troublesome difficulties encountered in intrusion detection system analysis and application. For high dimension data, feature selection not only can improve the accuracy and efficiency of classification, but also discover informative subset. Combining Filter type and Wrapper type characteristics, this paper proposes a hybrid type method for feature selection using a improved genetic algorithm contained reward and punishment mechanism. The mechanism can guarantee this algorithm rapid convergence on approximate global optimal solution. According to the experimental results, this algorithm performs well and it's time complexity is low. Keywords: intrusion detection system; genetic algorithm(GA); Feature selection; Mutual information; hybrid type.DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1725-1730
Publish at: 2013-04-01

The K-Medoids Clustering Algorithm with Membrane Computing
Yuzhen Zhao , Xiyu Liu , Hua Zhang
The K-medoids clustering algorithm is realized by a P system in this paper. Because the membrane system has great parallelism and lower computational time complexity, it is suitable for solving combinatorial problems like the clustering problem. A P system with all the rules to solve the K-medoids algorithm was constructed. The specific P system is associated with the dissimilarity matrix between n objects. This system can get one possible classifications in a non-deterministic way. Through example test, it is appropriate for cluster analysis. This is a new attempt in applications of membrane system and it provides new ideas and methods for cluster analysis. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2050-2057
Publish at: 2013-04-01

A Sweep Coverage Scheme Based on Vehicle Routing Problem
Li Shu , Wei Wang , Feng Lin , Zhonghao Liu , Jiliu Zhou
As an emerging coverage problem in wireless sensor networks, sweep coverage which introducing mobile sensors to cover points of interest within certain time interval can satisfy monitoring request in some particular application scenarios with less number of nodes than the conventional static coverage approach. In this work, aiming to support dynamical POI coverage and data delivery simultaneously, a novel sweep coverage scheme, named VRPSC(Vehicle Routing Problem based Sweep Coverage), is proposed by modeling the minimum number of required sensors problem in sweep coverage as a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). In VRPSC, an insertion algorithm is first introduced to create the initial scanning routes for POIs, and then the Simulated Annealing is employed to optimize these routes. The simulation results show that the VRPSC scheme achieves better performance than existing schemes. DOI: 
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2029-2036
Publish at: 2013-04-01

The Electric Vehicle Lithium Battery Monitoring System
Lei Lin , Yuankai Liu , Wang Ping , Fang Hong
With the global increase in the number of vehicles, environmental protection and energy issues had become increasingly prominent. People paid more and more attention to the electric vehicle as the future direction of the vehicle, but because the battery technology was relatively backward, it had become the bottleneck in the development of electric vehicles. So in the existing conditions, a perfect battery Monitoring technology had become more and more important. This paper firstly analyzed the characteristics of lithium battery residual capacity and effect factors, then put forward to a set of solutions according to the actual situation. The solution of the lithium battery Monitoring system adopted distributed structure, including detection of voltage, current, temperature and measurement module and the realization of monomer battery equalizer module. Using a single bus device DS2438 produced by DALLAS on the battery voltage, current, temperature, power and other parameters, the system controlled DS2438 by the STC89C52 single-chip in data acquisition. Then it used the algorithm to predict state of charge(SOC) and displayed the battery status in the LCD1602. This solution of the lithium battery Monitoring system  was reliable, economy, strong anti-interference ability. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2247-2252
Publish at: 2013-04-01

The Application of the Sub-filters of the Polyphase Filter in Channel Emulator
Chen Chao , Si Lu
This paper first gave a brief introduction of communication channel models, and then describes the characteristics of the channel emulator. According to the characteristics of the channel model, multipath is a difficult problem for hardware implementation. In order to simplify the hardware, the polyphase filter can be used for multi-path delay.Then the paper reviews the polyphase filter in the decimation and interpolation application, and simply introduces the multi-rate system. And then through the simulation experiments, the characteristics of the sub-filter of the polyphase filter were analyzed. Finally, according to the characteristics of the sub-filter, this paper presents an application in multipath delay. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1822-1827
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Novel Design for Direct Torque Control System of PMSM
HUANG Xu-chao , LIN Rong-wen
Nowadays, with the rapid development of high-performance servo system, The conventional permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) Direct Torque Control (DTC) system has large torque ripple in low speed which cannot be well adapted to today`s development. The main reason is because the number of voltage vectors provided by the two-level inverter is only six and the relationship between voltage vector and torque is not clear[1-5.10-12]. In this paper, the basic concept of direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor is investigated in order to emphasize the effects produced by a given voltage vector on stator and torque variations in this paper. Modified the voltage sector switching table, a novel DTC scheme for the permanent magnet synchronous motor is proposed which is using a novel three-level inverter. An improvement of the drive performance can be obtained by using the novel DTC scheme. The simulation results showed that the scheme could reduce the torque ripple in low speed and improved the stability of the motor under the condition of keeping the system dynamic performance. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 2102-2109
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Modeling of a New High Voltage Power Supplyfor Microwave Generators with Three Magnetrons
Bahani Boubker , A. Bouzit , M. Chraygane , M. Ferfra , N. El Ghazal , A. Belhaiba
This original work treats the modeling of a new type of HV power supply with several magnetrons (treated case   N=3 magnetrons).The design of this new power supply uses a new single-phase high voltage transformer with magnetic shunts supplying three doublers voltage cells, each one composed of a capacitor and a diode. Each cell supplies in its turn one magnetron. The π equivalent model of the transformer is developed taking account the saturation phenomena and the stabilization process of each magnetron current. The model of the transformer is based on the determination of the analytical expressions of the non linear inductances that can be stored from the fitting of the magnetization curve B (H) of material used. The resulting model will be implemented under Matlab-Simulink code. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental measurement for one magnetron, thus provides, relative to the current device, gainsof volume, weight and cost of all power supply with respecting the conditions recommended by the constructor of magnetron current: Ipeak<1.2 A, Imean≈ 300 mA.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Page: 164-170
Publish at: 2013-04-01

An Approach to Determining the Optimal Cell Number of Manufacturing Cell Formation
Jianwei Wang
An approach to determining the optimal cell number of manufacturing cell formation is presented. Firstly, the difference of weighting exponent, cluster center and metrics how to have an impact upon the clustering results and membership function are studied. Secondly, a method to determine the optimal m value is given. Two-order partial derivative of the objective function for FCM is calculated, and the variational weighting exponent m is obtained that can prevent the parameter from being the unique value and play an important role in the process of fuzzy clustering. Moreover, in order to avoid a single validity index can not assess correctly, partition coefficient (PC), classification entropy (CE), Fukuyama and Sugeno (FS) and Xie and Beni (XB) are considered as multi-performance indexes to evaluate the cluster validity, and then an optimal number c is chosen based on these validity measures. Finally, test exampls are given to illustrate the validity of the proposed approach. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 4
Page: 1781-1786
Publish at: 2013-04-01

Indonesian Vowel Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network Based On the Wavelet Features
Nadya Amalia , Arfan E. Fahrudi , Amar V. Nasrulloh
There are six vowels in Indonesian language, i.e. /a/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /ə/ and /o/. This paper presents Indonesian vowel recognition using artificial neural network (ANN) based on the wavelet features. The wavelet features were the wavelet coefficients of vowel signal which were extracted by using discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Vowel samples were recorded from native Indonesian speakers, 10 males and 10 females. Db4 and sym4 were used as the mother wavelet, and decomposition level 2, 4 and 6 were implemented for each vowel sample. Minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation value of the wavelet coefficients then were used as input vectors of ANN with 2 hidden layers. Backpropagation algorithm was used to training the ANN. From the experimental results, an overall recognition rate of 70.83% could be achieved. In case of male speakers the highest recognition rate is 90% and in case of female speakers the highest recognition rate is 80%.DOI:
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Page: 260-269
Publish at: 2013-04-01
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