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23,598 Article Results

Development of a Simulated Environment for Human-Robot Interaction

Jochen; University of Kaiserslautern Hirth , Syed Atif; University of Kaiserslautern Mehdi , Norbert; University of Kaiserslautern Schmitz , Karsten; University of Kaiserslautern Berns
Human-robot interaction scenarios are extremely complicated and require precise definition of the environment variables for rigorously testing different aspects of robotic behavior. The environmental setup affects the behaviors of both the humans and the robots, as they respond differently under varying accoustic or lightning conditions. Moreover, conducting several experiments repeatedly with the humans as test subjects also causes behavioral changes in them and eventually the responses remain no longer similar to the already conducted experiments. Thus making it is impossible to perform interaction scenarios in a repeatable manner. Developing and using 3D simulations, where different parameters can be adjusted, is the most beneficial solution in such cases. This requires not only the development of different simulated robots but also the simulation of dynamic surroundings including the interaction partner. In this paper, we present a simulation framework that allows the simulation of human-robot interaction including the simulated interaction partner and its dynamics.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 465-472
Publish at: 2011-12-01

A Simplfied Voltage Vector Selection Strategy for Direct Torque Control

Li Yaohua; Chang’an University Li Yaohua , Liu; Chang’an University Jingyu , Ma Jian; Chang’an University Ma Jian , Yu Qiang; Chang’an University Yu Qiang
The direct torque control (DTC) for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) under the control of switching table suffers from high torque ripple and variable switching frequency. For PMSM DTC system, voltage vector selection strategy as the hysteresis control principle determines the system’s performance. The angle (a) between stator flux vector and the applying voltage vector determines effect of the voltage vector on the amplitude of stator flux and torque angle. The effect of the voltage vector on toque is dependent on a, torque angle and parameters of PMSM. A voltage vector selection strategy based on the technology of space vector modulation (SVM) is proposed to control stator flux, torque angle and torque. Experimental results for a 15-kW interior PMSM show it can decrease stator current and torque ripples and fix the switching frequency.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 539-546
Publish at: 2011-12-01

Improving Output Voltage of the Three Phase Six-Switch Inverters

Ebrahim; University of Tabriz Babaei , Mehdi; Islamic Azad University Mahaei
 In this paper, a simple method for selecting the best conductive angle based on power factor of load in three phase six-switch inverters is proposed. Conductive angle from 120º to 180º, and power factor from 0 to 1 are changed for lead and lag loads. Then RMS and THD values of the output voltage are studied. Simulation results show that a special conductive angle for each specific power factor has to be used to improve the mentioned indices and applying conventional conductive angles 120º, 180º and 150º in some power factors increases THD and decreases RMS of output voltage.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 497-502
Publish at: 2011-12-01

Steady-State Stability Assessment Using Neural Network Based on Network Equivalent

Indar Chaerah; Universitas Hasanuddin Gunadin , Muhammad; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Abdillah , Adi; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Soeprijanto , Ontoseno; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Penangsang
Power systems in all over the world have increased in size and complexity due to rapid growth of widespread interconnection. This situation will make power system operated closer to steady-state stability limit (SSSL) resulting in higher probability voltage instability or voltage collapse. This paper presents SSSL assessment in power system using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model based on REI-Dimo method. The equivalent REI-Dimo is used to determine SSSL index of the power systems. Then, the result of REI-Dimo will be taught on ANN method via online. Studies were carried out on a Java-Bali 500kV system. The simulation showed that the proposed method could accurately predict the proximity to SSSL in power system. The method was computationally efficient and suitable for online monitoring of steady-state stability condition in the power systems.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 411-422
Publish at: 2011-12-01

Potential of Wind Speed for Wind Power Generation In Perlis, Northern Malaysia

I. Daut; Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) I. Daut , M. Irwanto; Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) M. Irwanto , Suwarno; Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) Suwarno , Y.M. Irwan; Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) Y.M. Irwan , N. Gomesh; Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) N. Gomesh , N. S. Ahmad; Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) N. S. Ahmad
 This paper presents an analysis of the wind speed characteristics in Perlis, Northern Malaysia for the year of 2006. The characteristics consist of daily, monthly and annual mean wind speed. The Weibull distribution function is applied to analyze the wind speed characteristics and used to calculate the wind power generation potential. Potential of wind power generation is observed and analyzed during 24 hours (9th March 2011). The analysis result of monthly mean wind power and energy density show that the early (January to march) and the end (December) of year have a high wind power and energy potential, but the middle of year they are very low, it is necessary to develop  a special wind power generation capable of harnessing the little wind resource available in Perlis. Observation during 24 hours (9th March 2011), for a 24 V wind power generation gives 10% of its total output voltage.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 575-582
Publish at: 2011-12-01

A New Classification Technique in Mobile Robot Navigation

Siti; Sriwijaya University Nurmaini , Bambang; Sriwijaya University Tutuko
This paper presents a novel pattern recognition algorithm that use weightless neural network (WNNs) technique.This technique plays a role of situation classifier to judge the situation around the mobile robot environment and makes control decision in mobile robot navigation. The WNNs technique is choosen due to significant advantages over conventional neural network, such as they can be easily implemented in hardware using standard RAM, faster in training phase and work with small resources. Using a simple classification algorithm, the similar data will be grouped with each other and it will be possible to attach similar data classes to specific local areas in the mobile robot environment. This strategy is demonstrated in simple mobile robot powered by low cost microcontrollers with 512 bytes of RAM and low cost sensors. Experimental result shows, when number of neuron increases the average environmental recognition ratehas risen from 87.6% to 98.5%.The WNNs technique allows the mobile robot to recognize many and different environmental patterns and avoid obstacles in real time. Moreover, by using proposed WNNstechnique mobile robot has successfully reached the goal in dynamic environment compare to fuzzy logic technique and logic function, capable of dealing with uncertainty in sensor reading, achieving good performance in performing control actions with 0.56% error rate in mobile robot speed.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 453-464
Publish at: 2011-12-01

Frequency Control by Decentralized Controllable Heating Loads with H∞ controller

Yoshihisa; University of the Ryukyus Kinjyo , Kosuke; University of the Ryukyus Uchida , TomonobuSenjyu; University of the Ryukyus TomonobuSenjyu
Many isolated small power systems are powered by diesel generators, which results in greater operating costs than interconnected large grids. It is therefore desirable to integrate renewable energy sources such as wind power into these small grids. However, due to the fluctuating power generation from renewable energy sources, frequency deviations of power systems become problematic. Distributed intelligent load control can be used to significantly increase renewable energy penetration and cut diesel fuel consumption. This paper presents a methodology for grid frequency control by electric water heaters as controllable loads. This system consists of diesel generator, wind farm, and loads. By applying a power consumption controller adopted from H∞control theory, grid frequency deviation is maintained around rated value. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system, MATLAB/Simulink is used for simulations.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 531-538
Publish at: 2011-12-01

Focused Crawler Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm

Banu Wirawan; Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Yohanes , Handoko; Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Handoko , Hartanto Kusuma; Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Wardana
As the size of the Web continues to grow, searching it for useful information has become more difficult. Focused crawler intends to explore the Web conform to a specific topic. This paper discusses the problems caused by local searching algorithms. Crawler can be trapped within a limited Web community and overlook suitable Web pages outside its track. A genetic algorithm as a global searching algorithm is modified to address the problems. The genetic algorithm is used to optimize Web crawling and to select more suitable Web pages to be fetched by the crawler. Several evaluation experiments are conducted to examine the effectiveness of the approach. The crawler delivers collections consist of 3396 Web pages from 5390 links which had been visited, or filtering rate of Roulette-Wheel selection at 63% and precision level at 93% in 5 different categories. The result showed that the utilization of genetic algorithm had empowered focused crawler to traverse the Web comprehensively, despite it relatively small collections. Furthermore, it brought up a great potential for building an exemplary collections compared to traditional focused crawling methods.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 403-410
Publish at: 2011-12-01

Virtual View Image over Wireless Visual Sensor Network

Nyoman Putra; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Udayana Sastra , Wirawan; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Wirawan , Gamantyo; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Hendrantoro
In general, visual sensors are applied to build virtual view images. When number of visual sensors increases then quantity and quality of  the information improves. However, the view images generation is a challenging task in Wireless Visual Sensor Network environment due to energy restriction, computation complexity, and bandwidth limitation. Hence this paper presents a new method of virtual view images generation from selected cameras on Wireless Visual Sensor Network. The aim of the paper is to meet  bandwidth and energy limitations without reducing information quality. The experiment results showed that this method could minimize number of transmitted imageries with sufficient information..
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 489-496
Publish at: 2011-12-01

The Digital Microscope and Its Image Processing Utility

Sri; Universitas Gadjah Mada Hartati , Agus; Universitas Gadjah Mada Harjoko , Tri Wahyu; Universitas Gadjah Mada Supardi
Many institutions, including high schools, own a large number of analog or ordinary microscopes. These microscopes are used to observe small objects. Unfortunately, object observations on the ordinary microscope require precision and visual acuity of the user. This paper discusses the development of a high-resolution digital microscope from an analog microscope, including the image processing utility, which allows the digital microscope users to capture, store and process the digital images of the object being observed. The proposed microscope is constructed from hardware components that can be easily found in Indonesia. The image processing software is capable of performing brightness adjustment, contrast enhancement, histogram equalization, scaling and cropping. The proposed digital microscope has a maximum magnification of 1600x, and image resolution can be varied from 320x240 pixels up to 2592x1944 pixels. The microscope was tested with various objects with a variety of magnification, and image processing was carried out on the image of the object. The results showed that the digital microscope and its image processing system were capable of enhancing the observed object and other operations in accordance with the user need. The digital microscope has eliminated the need for direct observation by human eye as with the traditional microscope.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 565-574
Publish at: 2011-12-01

Automated Navigation System based on Weapon-Target Assignment

Gayuh Titis; Telkom Institute of Technology Permana , Maman; Telkom Institute of Technology Abdurohman , Mohammad; Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Khairudin , Mohammad; Telkom Institute of Technology Lutfi
Operating of weapon on the tank is mostly by manually. It is not desired performance for a critical operation. An automatic control system is required to operate the weapon with the target while maintaining the accuracy. In this paper has designed an automatic weapon control system using object image proccessing. Various an image processing methods used to improve the weapon accuracy to obtain the intended target. The method used in digital image processing is the Camshift motion tracking method. This method is compared with the Lucas Canade motion tracking method. This comparison is conducted to found more precise results between the two methods. Results of object image processing are used to control the direction of the weapon that towards the desired goal. The results show that the implementation of the Lucas Canade motion tracking method using fire simulation tools have been successful. The performance of the Lucas Canade motion tracking methods is better than the CamShift method. Using Lucas Canade method for weapon controller is accordance with the purposes.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 445-452
Publish at: 2011-12-01

FPGA for Robotic Applications: from Android/Humanoid Robots to Artificial Men

Tole; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Sutikno
Researches on home robots have been increasing enormously. There has always existed a continuous research effort on problems of anthropomorphic robots which is now called humanoid robots. Currently, robotics has evolved to the point that different branches have reached a remarkable level of maturity, that neural network and fuzzy logic are the main artificial intelligence as intelligent control on the robotics. Despite all this progress, while aiming at accomplishing work-tasks originally charged only to humans, robotic science has perhaps quite naturally turned into the attempt to create artificial men. It is true that artificial men or android humanoid robots open certainly very broad prospects. This “robot” may be viewed as a personal helper, and it will be called a home-robot, or personal robot.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 401-402
Publish at: 2011-12-01

A Thermoelectric Generator Replacing Radiator for Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles

Nyambayar; Chungbuk National University Baatar , Shiho; School of Integrated Technology and Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology Kim
 We have proposed and developed a low temperature thermoelectric generator (TEG) using engine water coolant of light-duty vehicles. Experimental results from test vehicle, of which engine size is about 2.0 liters, show that fabricated prototype Thermoelectric Generator generates more than 75W for driving condition of 80 km/hour, and output power is about 28W during idle condition. The proposed TEG can replace conventional radiator without additional water pumps or mechanical devices except for basic components of legacy water cooling system of radiator.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 523-530
Publish at: 2011-12-01

A Remote Power Management Strategy for the Solar Energy Powered Bicycle

Chung-Hsing; Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology Chao
In this paper, a solar energy powered bicycle by a wireless sensor network (WSN) far-end network monitoring solar energy to transfer the electrical energy storage and the effectiveness analysis is proposed. In order to achieve this goal, an embarked ZigBee by a solar-powered bicycle the far-end wireless network supervisory system is setup. Experimental results prove that our prototype, the solar energy powered bicycle, can manage the solar energy for charging two Lead-Acid batteries pack. As a result, the user by the wireless network in parking period knows the data on the amount of immediate solar radiation, the degree of illumination, the ambient temperature, and electrical energy storage capacity information by the internet interface.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Page: 483-488
Publish at: 2011-12-01

Optimium Planning of Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using HOMER
J. B. Fulzele , Subroto Dutt
A hybrid renewable energy system may be used to reduce dependency on either conventional energy or renewable system. Optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems looks into the process of selecting the best components and its sizing with appropriate operation strategy to provide cheap, efficient, reliable and cost effective alternative energy. In this paper a methodology has been develop for optimum planning of hybrid PV-Wind system with some battergy backup. The local solar radiation, wind data and components database from different manufactures are analyzed and simulated in HOMER to assess the technical and economic viability of the integrated system. Performance of each component will be evaluated and finally sensitivity analysis will be performed to optimize the system at different conditions. Keywords:Optimization, Hybrid system,Renewable system, HOMER, Cost of energy.DOI:
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Page: 68-74
Publish at: 2011-11-17
Show 1554 of 1574

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