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23,598 Article Results

Finite element analysis on double-telescopic prop of hydraulic support
WANG Xuewen , YANG Zhaojian , Liu Hunju
According to Chinese coal industry standard MT313-1992 and European standard EN 1804-2-2001, using the modern CAE technology, based on the coupling meshing technology of structured grids and unstructured grids, the finite element strength analysis on 360-type double-telescopic prop is carried out under axial 1.5 times, axial 2.0 times rated load and off-center 0.3R 1.1 times rated load. The stability of the prop is studied using the buckling analysis. The results show that without regard to the dynamic load, the prop can bear 2.0 times axial pressure and 1.1 times off-center 0.3R pressure, and the stress distribution is even. Except the guide sleeve-I and the middle cylinder, other parts have high safety coefficient and can be optimized. The critical buckling load coefficient of the prop is 2.764, and the buckling instability of the type of prop will not happen if used under the rated working condition set by Chinese coal industry standard MT313-1992 and European standard EN 1804-2-2001. The paper can provide the basis for setting new related technology standard. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 270-278
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Research on High Frequency Amplitude Attenuation of Electric Fast Transient Generator
Wu Zhu , Qi Ding , Weiya Ma , Yuan Gui , Huafu Zhang
In order to solve the amplitude attenuation of electric fast transient (EFT) generator operating in high frequency, the charging and discharging process of energy storage capacitor in EFT generator are analyzed, the main circuit voltage variation mathematical model is established, the parameters of main loop circuit and the parameters of switch driving waveform which affect burst amplitude are discussed. Through the simulation, this paper puts forward effective methods to overcome burst amplitude attenuation in high frequency. The simulation results show that when the frequency is low, the duty ratio of drive signal have little effect on energy storage capacitor voltage amplitude attenuation. when the charging resistance is less than 500 Ω, the duty ratio of drive signal is less than 0.125, the repetition frequency of burst reaches 1.2 MHz, the amplitude attenuation of energy storage capacitor voltage is less than 9%, the amplitude of burst satisfies IEC61000-4-4 standards. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 97-102
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Index Selection Preference and Weighting for Uncertain Network Sentiment Emergency
Qiansheng Zhang , Fuchun Liu , Bailin Xie , Yirong Huang
To more effectively cope with the network public sentiment emergency involved many interval-valued warning indexes, we present a new method of early warning index selection and weight assignment for uncertain network public sentiment emergency decision-making. By using a new interval fuzzy AHP, the interval weight of each early warning index of network public sentiment emergency can be obtained. Then by means of the weighted aggregation values of all the emergency warning indexes, we can rank the severity of every network public sentiment emergency and select the most severe one. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the application of the proposed method of warning index selecting and weighting to uncertain network public sentiment emergency decision. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 287-295
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Digital Medical Image Enhanced by wavelet Illumination-Reflection Model
Xiong Jie
When a digital medical image is enhanced, the useful details of the image should be strengthened, but the details can not be strengthened by these algorithms based on traditional illumination-reflection model. According to the imaging principle and medical requirement, wavelet illumination-reflection model and a new algorithm based on the model are proposed. The image is decomposed into illumination and reflection by wavelet illumination-reflection model. The details of the reflection are strengthened. The dynamic range of the illumination is reduced in order to enhance the image. Experiments and analysis show that the method is obviously better than Histogram Equalization, Homomorphic Filtering and multi-scales Retinex. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 19-27
Publish at: 2013-01-10

A new Graph To Represent Complex Plan Resolution Domain
Ping LIU , HaiFeng YU , BoYi XU , Jin LI , Qi JIN , Hong TANG
Taking the botnet incident response plan decision-making as an example, we construct a new graph model to represent complex plan resolution domain by using action decomposition. In this model we introduced action layer, relation between subactions and decompose the complex incident response plan into many layers. This graphic model provides a powerful representing framework on the complex plan domain. By analyzing the decomposing method and the action node structure, we prove that the store space size of this graphic representation is not increased exponentially when the action node added. We present a quantitatively analyzing algorithm on the plan resolution domain. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 48-56
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Liquid Metal Strain Gage To Test Cervical Facet Capsule Strain
Haibin CHEN , Yi WANG , Liying ZHANG , Guangyu YANG , Xin NING , Xuemei CHENG , Zhengguo WANG
A broad range of investigations has been carried out to suggest that the facet joint capsule is a source of neck pain and the pain may arise from large strain in the joint capsule that will cause pain receptors to fire. To in vivo measuring cervical facet capsule strain, a special liquid metal was selected as a sensing element to develop a high-range miniature wire strain gage. The calibration tests and a sled rear-end impact experiment were carried out to examine the technical behavior of this strain gage. It is shown that: This strain gage has a relatively high strain range and a relatively high degree of linearity. Due to a miniature wire structure and a relatively high degree of flexibility of use as well as a minimal external adhesive force, this strain gage has the capability of in vivo testing cervical facet capsule strain. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 448-457
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Independent Number and Dominating Number of (n,k)-Star Graphs
Yunchao Wei , Fuguang Chen , Hongxian Zhu
In Graph Theory, independent number and, dominating number are three of the important parameters to measure the resilience of graphs, respectively denoted by  and  for a graph . But predecessors have proved that computing them are very hard. So computing  and of some particular known graphs is extremely valuable. In this paper, we determine  and of -star graphs, denoted by , followed by some relative conclusions of -star, denoted by  as the isomorphism of . In addition, our method giving dominating set of  is more easily understood than [7], which presented a broadcast algorithm to determine dominating set of. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 310-315
Publish at: 2013-01-10

HABs monitor: A tool for detecting HABs in East China Sea
Chen Zeng , Huiping Xu , Hexia Zhang
This paper designs and develops a tool for detecting HABS from ENVI+IDL+ArcEngine.  With a friendly and artistic interface offered by third party control, this tool provides a function of HABs monitoring in East China Sea via Remote Sensing Images inversion.  Through rows of buttons on the menu bar, this tool allows calculating spectrum reflectance, browsing field work data, interpolating in situ measurement data, retrieving water property parameters, and detecting HABs position by the threshold of chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature.  Data management module programmed in Structured Query Language (SQL) in our tool simplifies the data process and stores a large amount of information.  This paper elaborates the original design, functional modules, and multi data sources that gives a general view toward this tool. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 144-150
Publish at: 2013-01-10

A Ship Cargo Hold Inspection Approach Using Laser Vision Systems
MI Chao , LIU Haiwei , ZHAO Ning , SHEN Yang
Our paper represents a vision system based on the laser measurement system (LMS) for bulk ship inspection. The LMS scanner with 2-axis servo system is installed on the ship loader to build the shape of the ship. Then, a group of real-time image processing algorithms are implemented to compute the shape of the cargo hold, the inclination angle of the ship and the relative position between the ship loader and the cargo hold. Based on those computed inspection data of the ship, the ship loader can accomplish the bulk cargo loading operation automatically. Finally, our paper describes and analyzes the experiment of the Laser Vision System in Coal Terminal of Tianjin Port. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 330-337
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Research on Topology Property for Wireless Multi-hop Communication Network
QIN Danyang , WANG Huiwu , MA Lin , DING Qun
The random movement of nodes makes the topology structure be one of the most important characteristics in wireless multi-hop communication network, which makes the description and quantization of the dynamic property the very foundation of the design, simulation and measurement for this kind of network. Wireless Ad hoc network as a typical multi-hop network will be focused on in this paper. The distributions of the link duration and the topology duration will be derived and verified by simulations. Then, the topology flapping sensing method has been put forward based on TTL. Finally, the probability model of the topology stability in the measurement time has been established and calculated based on network tomography for wireless ad hoc network in this paper. Simulating results verify the correctness and efficiency of the approach, which will provide the technique basis of research on the dynamic property and end-to-end measurement for wireless multi-hop communication network. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 351-361
Publish at: 2013-01-10

E-commerce System Security Assessment based on Bayesian Network Algorithm Research
Xin Li , Ting Li
Evaluation of e-commerce network security is based on assessment method Bayesian networks, and it first defines the vulnerability status of e-commerce system evaluation index and the vulnerability of the state model of e-commerce systems, and after the principle of the Bayesian network reliability of e-commerce system and the criticality of the vulnerabilities were analyzed, experiments show that the change method is a good evaluation of the security of e-commerce systems. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 338-344
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Measured Data Processing Method For Relative Motions Between Two Side-by-side Ships
Ping-an Shi , Jia-wei Ye
In order to design and implement a wave compensation system to reduce the relative motion between two side-by-side ships in waves, a new method to process measured data of ship model test with contact measurement to study the characteristics of relative motion was presented. The reference co-ordinate systems and relative motions were defined, and the scheme of the model test was described. Then the Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) adaptive filter were designed, the frequency domain integration transform method based upon Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) were established. The procedure to transform acceleration signal into displacement was proposed and verified, and the processing results with and without EMD adaptive filter were compared. Finally, the relative motions consistent with reality were acquired, which indicates this method is effective for measured data processing. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 73-82
Publish at: 2013-01-10

An Improved Twin Support Vector Regression with Automatic Margin Determination
LIANG Jun , SHA Zhi-qiang , REN Ying-wen , LI Ao-xue , CHEN Long
In this paper, a novel regression algorithm named ν-twin support vector regression (ν-TSVR) is presented, improving upon the recently proposed twin support vector regression (TSVR). It also tries to seek two nonparallel down- and up-bounds for the unknown function. By treating the size of one-sided -insensitive tube as optimization variables with corresponding parameters s, we reformulate the original TSVR as a more sensible model. To this end, ν-TSVR has the advantage that s are learned simultaneously with regressor. Meantime, we give a theoretical result concerning the meaning of s. Moreover, by introducing structural risk minimization principle, the over-fitting phenomenon in TSVR can be avoided. We analyze the algorithm theoretically and demonstrate its effectiveness via the experimental results on several artificial and benchmark datasets. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 258-269
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Rotor Speed and Stator Resistance Identification Scheme for Sensorless Induction Motor Drives
Zicheng Li , Zhouping Yin , Youlun Xiong , Xinzhi Liu
This paper proposes a rotor speed identification method for sensorless induction motor drives based on a model reference adaptive system (MRAS). In this scheme, the error between estimated stator current and real stator current is regarded as the system error to estimate the rotor speed. Adaptive full-order flux observers for estimating the rotor speed are developed using Lyapunov’s stability theory. The stator resistance identification algorithm is developed with rotor speed estimating method in a systematic manner. Because of the stator resistance varies with inner temperature of the motor, the influence of motor speed estimation due to stator resistance identification error is analyzed. The error compensation method for stator resistance estimation is also proposed. Simulation and experimental results show the good performance for the proposed scheme in speed and robustness for sensorless induction motor drives. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 503-512
Publish at: 2013-01-10

Dynamical Characteristics of the Linear Rolling Guide with Numerical Simulation and Experiment
Xiaopeng Li , Hao Guo , Jingnian Liu , Yali Liu
Research results will be different when the boundary condition is changed. In this work, the finite element model of the linear rolling guide of the NC machine tool is established. Then the natural frequencies and the corresponding vibration modals of the linear rolling guide model are obtained with two different boundary conditions. One boundary condition is that the movable joint surface of the linear rolling guide is considered, and regardless of the influence of the bolt joint surface of the guide. And another boundary condition is that the movable joint surface of the linear rolling guide and the influence of bolt joint surface of the guide are all considered. By comparing the modal characters of the two states, it is proved that the movable joint and bolted interfaces of the guide have certain effects on the dynamic performance of the linear rolling guide. For the experiment, the linear rolling guide also has been tested in two ways, the slider excited and the sliding guide excited respectively. Comparing the results obtained from numerical simulation and experiment, the validity of finite element model and the influence of the boundary conditions on the interface of the linear rolling guide are verified. This will help the dynamic analysis on the linear rolling guide and other research objects. DOI:
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Page: 436-442
Publish at: 2013-01-10
Show 1527 of 1574

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